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Messaging system problems


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This minor loophole involves two MDShop bought features.
[spoiler]When the only messages you have in your inbox are ones hidden by this feature, the game thinks you have no messages available and accidentally locks you out of your own inbox saying you don't have any new messages- leaving you with no way to access the cloud and the messages inside, nor any way to access outgoing messages from that other feature either.[/spoiler]

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I have outgoing message control and various mail-list sorting features. Suddenly I'm seeing this picture of a desk and can't look at my old mail. I can send a message off the friends list and there is a "view list" button after you send -- it takes me to the desk picture too.

11:22 EST USA, 3/21/2010

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If you have no messages in your inbox, then you will see the picture of the desk, if you want to fix this, get someone to send you a message. (and dont delete it).

If you're saying that you actually do have messages in your inbox and cant actually see them, please confirm.

Note, i'm referring to messages in the inbox, not outbox, outbox cant be accessed (last i knew) unless you have access to inbox, refer to the first part.

Edited by Grido
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Now 8 hours later with a new message, I can access everything. I have lots of old mail, but it was all stored in the "cloud" storage device. However I have been in this configureation before without losing acess to it. BTW - the cloud storage device sometimes becomes blind to my selections and won't let me move more mail into catagories, insisting I select a message when I have already done so.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

No confirmation, but meh, if it's not actually fixed message a moderator with a link to this thread so they can open it, or open a new one.

closed and moved

LE: or it would be if Chewie had made me a mod again after the upgrade...
(no lol's etc in reply to this please)

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