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The Children of the Eclipse


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Over four months ago, four people met in secret to share a dream: a new alliance devoted to the worship and lore of the Moon. Since that time, their leader, Penelope LightMoon, has left the game... but the other three have continued her work.

Penelope spoke to the God Muratus and informed us that we were on the verge of being approved as a new alliance, that all we lacked was our badges. So we waited. And we waited. We took our astronomical ideas to Bootes and worked out a consensus with him. We took our need for a home to Loreroot, and agreed to become a guild of the Guardians of the Root alliance. Penelope and I swore allegiance to Lady NelyaSetesh, to the Loreroot High Council, and to Loreroot itself, and I was given a seat on the High Council.

A month passed. Penelope encountered RL difficulties that kept her from MagicDuel for a protracted period, and ultimately left the game. I, Tarquinus, went to the Demented Path in Necrovion to mourn her loss. But I waited, hoping for her return, hoping for our official sanction to come. I tire of waiting, and I tire of being attacked by characters from my homeland and characters in alliances with treaties with my homeland. [i]If you know of us and what we represent, [b]please post here[/b] to show your support.[/i]

We, the Children of the Eclipse, will come out of the shadows now. We are:

[*]Tarquinus [featured in the AL]
[*][unnamed spymaster, featured in the AL]
[*]Blind God
[*]Strong Willed Legna
[*]meru chi
[*]Dark Mystic
[*]Priestess Aia
And departed comrades, forever welcome should they return:
[*]Penelope LightMoon
At one time or another, I have recruited some of the most exalted characters in the game, including the now-adopted son of Khalazdad. You know us. You respect us. We are all around you. We are the [url="http://lorerootmd.forumactif.net/sermons-f29/the-heart-of-the-order-t249.htm"][b]Children of the Eclipse[/b][/url]. Keep your eyes skyward!

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I have always been, and still is, aware of the Children of the Eclipse =)
I used to send Penelope(who was a good friend of mine) things I found during my researches that might relate to the moon and the night. I haven't touched the subject of the moon and night much after Penny's departure though..

It also puzzles me that the CoE hasn't been granted the badge yet, given that Mur seemed like he liked the idea behind the CoE, and both Penny and Tarq already got their titles since quite a while (the festival). Well, maybe Mur just forgot, he is busy after all..

I won't say much more.
The Children of Eclipse have, and always will, have my support.

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Lady Isolda is proud to count Tarquinus among her closest friends in these lands, and one of the reasons is his devotion to his heart's desire to restore the Moon's presence in this world. He and the Order can count on my support and friendship.

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I whole heartedly support Tarquinus' idea here. Not only is it one of the more thought out alliances, but it has a purpose. So many of our current alliances don't, sadly enough, and it'll be great to see one more.

So, I pack in my vote, and I hope to see them running around quite soon.

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I was a friend of Tarquinus and Mieche before Meiche even create Penny. I remember fondly when Penny and Tarquinus found each other and the time when their shared dream became the Children of the Eclipse. During the festival Penny became PWR and was promised spells to control the phase of the moon. Shortly after festival, about the time Penny lost access to the Internet, the current story chapter [i]The Inner Sun[/i] began. Between the promised powers, the new story chapter, and other events I knew Penny and Tarquinus' dream was to become a reality.

Even before Penny was forced to leave I knew she and Tarquinus had been promised an alliance. The promise has not been forgotten. It is time to honor it.

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So that is why I haven't seen Penelope around, I was wondering why I never see her anymore. Its sad to see her go :P I remember even recommending her to Manu after he made me PWR, too bad nothing will come of that now.

I also thought that the Children of the Eclipse was going to be a sure thing but from what I have heard recently Manu doesn't want to make any new alliances right now at all so its not just you he is ignoring. I can't really talk more about that topic here (and if I did Chewett would probably just censor it anyway) but for those that have access to the Lonely Tree forum (dedicated to Bob at the Path of Loneliness) you can find out more there if you have access that is (it is a private forum).

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I understand, Aqune, and have heard much the same report. However, I was told at one time that my alliance would be recognised, and I intend to press the matter. More contemporary concerns about whether or not there should be new alliances do not much move me: this is an old story, and as Calyx says, the time to honour this old promise is long overdue.

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I support this with all of my being he has recently become a good friend to me and i know him to be true in his ways and beliefs, the idea for the alliance is thought out and members have pledged to join when it gets made.

i know Mur has a lot on his plate of things to do, so hopefully it is just that he has other things to do first

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You know you will ever have my blades...

this is a guild i have wanted to see for a long time, i always thought highly of Lucius and The Children of the Eclipse. I want this to happen of you more than i want it to happen to me. You'll do a great job.


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I'm sorry to say that I only had the honor of speaking with Penelope once, I wish that I could have gotten to know her better; I've heard only good things about her. But I am very happy to see so many people supporting the Children of the Eclipse; I believe that Tarquinus's and Penelope's shared dream can only grow stronger and I am honored to be apart of it.

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Has the moon ever even appeared in MD? I'm not up-to-date on the AL or MD lore, but if it's not mentioned I'm not exactly sure how your lovely characters know about such an object. Although, I suppose you could just say a myth has been passed down from generation to generation about some legendary celestial body from an origin unknown... Or, maybe your characters just feel something amiss and create a vision in which things just happened to be termed "moon" and "stars" or so on. If you can make your story fit with MD's world, a moon cult sounds fine. It might be helpful to post your story if you want support (from more than those who already know and support you, anyway).

Uh, did meiche make Penny? Or was that a typo? n__n;

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[quote name='Glaistig' post='23141' date='Dec 30 2008, 01:44 PM']Has the moon ever even appeared in MD?[/quote]
[spoiler]Yes. It can be seen in a certain place in Story Mode.[/spoiler]

[quote]I'm not up-to-date on the AL or MD lore...[/quote]
See the AL, pp. 343-4.

[quote]...but if it's not mentioned I'm not exactly sure how your lovely characters know about such an object.[/quote]
Many of us suppose our characters had lives in other worlds, before they came to the world of MagicDuel.

[quote]Although, I suppose you could just say a myth has been passed down from generation to generation about some legendary celestial body from an origin unknown...[/quote]
[spoiler]Marind speaks about it in a certain branch of Story Mode.[/spoiler]

[quote]If you can make your story fit with MD's world, a moon cult sounds fine. It might be helpful to post your story if you want support (from more than those who already know and support you, anyway).[/quote]
Long story short: we can. We have been working on a moon myth for months; suffice to say it cannot become canonical without support from Muratus. You will find, if you get to know me, that I am one of the more dogmatic players with regard to using the setting as a basis for creativity.

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How stiff you are! How uncomfortable it is to see my lovely composition dissected in your response! You really ought to lighten up your language, Tarquinius, if only for cheer of those who receive. It's an affront!

But, I get carried away. I applaud dogmatic adherence to setting constraints. Though the manner in which you retort is disconcerting, I suppose it is putting a mantle on for the occasion. You have support from me! I'm sure you're very appreciative.

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The time has come for the Children of the Eclipse to have their day. And their Night. They have the benefit of a dedicated and fierce Leader in Tarquinus. He has shown extreme patience and an unswerving dedication to his followers, and has been resolute in his path to become a recognized alliance.

The Children of the Eclipse offer a unique opportunity to players and the existing game, alike. MD has become stagnant and dormant. [b]We need something to shake this land.[/b] That something is the Children of the Eclipse.

Please do not deny those who clamor for the emergence of the Children of the Eclipse and what they have to offer us.

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You know I support you Moon Worshipers. Our Long Winded discussions (Mostly My Fault) in the Hall of the Sun Balcony shall Forever mark a Period of my Life here in this Land.

It was Indeed a Shame to See Penelope go before her Dreams were Realized, she was Ever so Passionate about the Moon... I recall a Time when I did not believe there was a Moon in MD (for I had never Seen Evidence for one), Penelope was Quick to Silence me when I told her as Much....

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Could the children of the Eclipse somehow tie in with Boots current storyline? I know so far Boots has only taken measurements, and the discussion on the forums has not yet struck a final decision. But I get the impression that the story will enable a new and momentous shift in the MD world. With *possibly* the emergence of a form of night which would be the perfect opportunity in which to launch this alliance and provide an excellent tie in to MD's history thus securing the alliances place as a core component of MD

However Boots I wouldn't want to take away from any path you have already chosen, or for that matter any path the Children of the Eclipse have decided to take to launch their new alliance.

Its just my thoughts.

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I too am gratified to see the support for the Children. Since that fateful day that Lucius and Penny entered my life here in MD I gave my heart to their cause unreservedly and count Lucius as my close brother not only here but in the lives to come and those before.

My heart goes out to those who know us and support us. My thanks.

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I would think Bootes' storyline critical to the Children of the Eclipse. It is through that which we hear we may see the pale shimmer of the Moon once more.

It is crucial, then, that Bootes and NelyaSetesh find the significance of the Pillars. Perhaps it is through these pillars that the Children of the Moon were once able to descend from the Moon?

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