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now totally unfair outcome of feb/march head contest


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reviving the old topic:

well then, now we have exactly that outcome we predicted:
Unknown Entity, Clock Master, Priestess Aia and Kamate are about to get places in the HC again... and Aia is going to be 1st once more!
want to tell me that's fair?

NOOO way =(

as much as Lighty and V have cheated in the last contest, that's not fair at all... and you can't tell me that 10k score comes without cheating and abusing... nope, you can't even try telling me that...

not that i'm not glad that some really good players can win the contest a second time, but other really good players don't get more than one shot...

PS: it's not about the rewards for me, it's the fun of HC...
i would love to be amongst the best 3 just for the fun of it, without any rewards, but nooo... veterans may not participate... others may do it twice [with rewards...] :)

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Cry me a river? So I can float on it on my awesome boat to candy land and eat myself full until I explode from sugary goodness?

Seriously, it's just HC and yes it's unfair... But dude, life is unfair...
And.. well.. uh.. I lost my point, but I am certain it had something to do with, /I ain't getting any sugah, you ain't getting any HC, so stop whining!/ ... I think... not really sure.. mmmh ¬_¬

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[quote name='Burns' post='28020' date='Apr 1 2009, 03:02 PM']as much as Lighty and V have cheated in the last contest, that's not fair at all... and you can't tell me that 10k score comes without cheating and abusing... nope, you can't even try telling me that...[/quote]

i haven't said much about this matter, because, frankly, the outcome (some of my buddies getting another win at HC) is perfectly fine with me.

as to getting 10k without cheating and abusing (i assume that was irony, but if not....)
1. mp3 and 4 of this months contest already have 10k (thats even a bit faster than LS and me were last month ;P you wouldn't want to accuse them of cheating, would you?)
2. [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3086&st=180&#entry27998"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.p...amp;#entry27998[/url] post 191

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okies mp3 would be faster if in second day 2k heads havent vanished.... :mellow: why i even got in hc? i wouldnt do it with my alt, but lets face it i couldnt let winners win again, and since i was trying on 2 mp levels, for now i only succeeded on mp3, mp5 idk since those who won last month arent in list for this one, well except for kamate... but i cant stop him to get in first 4, i could only stop him to finish first and this time i dont need to

as for mp4, i had no luck, why? hmm when priestess aia started losing, guess what, she quickly got some heads and she "seduced" grido or was just lucky so he gave them to her, and then she had 3k heads went back to wasps and logged out, WHEN COUNT WAS ABOUT TO HAPPEN SHE LOGGED IN AND OUT AND GOT SCORE, oh and then her friends and alts brought her more heads so then she had like 6k of them, i was 2 times too slow, and 3 times i caught her but her def beat me, and last time i was lucky got her heads, and now what? i am not able to keep them or to get place, and good that i am not visible on score board and she is far in the lead becoz of this, so how are other players about to get chance if she is logged in only for 15 seconds to get count?

but thing is she knew when count happened, i have few more witnesses who noticed her doing so, and some even said she did same last time, well i pmed mur about this, he havent read my pm, he doesnt care as it seams, if he let her win last time and give her right to participate, while he didnt do same with mrv and lightsage, its simple that means she will win

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yes, yes,the reason aia won last time was freinds and is the same this time, she isn't hiding it hell look in her papers she even says it and has a list, the question is way do you care, don't say you don't you wouldn't be ranting if you didn't, the head hunt is UNFAIR it said every time it comes up. we all know it about who you know not what you can do. thats why I'm never in it

if you want a test of who the best fighter is have mur do another war test, which even though I probably wouldn't win I would try because I'd have a shot

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I've been watching things a bit, and I see nothing wrong with Priestess Aia.

There are no rules about who can or can not give you heads, and the use of a friend has been used as long as I've been here.

As for her being able to predict the count... if she can predict it, then she deserves to win. That's not cheating, it's just being smart.


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the heads descision last time was bogus, what should have happened was that those under MRV and Lightsage got bumped up one, as well as awarding MRV and lightsage, this is complete crap that they get double rewards when cheating has happened in other heads constantly. Heads isn't fair, you guys keep saying that, and i agree, but still there were rewards for others because of it... what holds in one case should hold in another... that is my opinion, and i'm done with the rant because i think this is total bull...

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First up, I like Aia.
Now that I got that out of the way I can go on.
I can understand Mur's decision to allow people to enter the HC again on the basis that they may have been cheated out of a chance to win by other people's behaviour or whatever.
However, I dont understand why Aia gets to reenter, when she has already won? This isnt meant to be an attack on Aia or anyone or a whine (I didnt even bother to do heads this month and Im not MP4), but I dont see any logic in this at all.
Ok, the heads is not fair, but are we now in the business of letting people win multiple times?

Fair enough, the HC doesnt have to be perfectly balanced, but if it swings way off into madness what is the point of it? If people can start calculating and manipultating it, it starts to become less of a contest and more of a syndicated tool to be used and abused.

One more point. I love the way people say that life isnt fair. This is a game. Games have rules and the general point of rules in games is to create some sort of level playing field for those involved. What is the point in having a game, where regardless of skill or devotion, the cards will always be stacked against you?
We play games, read books, watch movies etc to get away from the harsh realities and unfairness of real life. Do people honestly want to play and enjoy games where they can be screwed over and cheated all the time, or never have a fair crack at winning?

Games arent all about winning, but there is no fun if you know that you can never win either. Games are not real life. You should be able to win and they should be fair.

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i have to admit that I personally, being the evil and gleeful person i am, straightout LOVE how clock master cheated aia down to second place, that seems a bit fairer imo, at least she's not getting two wins, but only one win and a 2nd place *hehe*

and, being the suspicious person i am, i wonder if aia will get a third shot at HC... :mellow:

oh, and again i'm not accusing anyone of real cheating... that's the same as 15k score and 15k head balls, it's using game mechanics, not cheating :lol:

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Can we all know NOW how MRV and Lightsage cheated last month? Cause I don't know but I have the feeling that they did what others have done since I first won MD.

Why the mystery behind that? If you want a "fair" contest then be honest. Don't hide behind things like: few know and Mur knows and bla bla bla bla.

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i don't mind revealing what i know [and i know it from ls himself, so my source is quite good^^]:
Light and V took all the heads they could get (quite a lot, as light took all 5 heads, V all 3 heads and almost every 4 head was taken by some mp4-ally member and then by light) heads to the next-to-unbeatable acc of V by jumping into an ally (most probably MRs, but might also be GG, he has nex in there) and then retiring again for safe-keeping.
Once V had enough points, Light took the heads and held the bunch for some counts, and then the contest was done for those two^^

admittedly, not the first to do that, but V really was unbeatable, no matter how many heads he held, good critters make fights on mp3, not good stats, we all know that, and he had some VERY good creatures at hand...
and obviously he only stayed in ally for mere seconds to grab the heads, and then retired, all done in a remote place where nobody could disturb them... [original idea might be really old, the first time i witnessed someone doing that trick that efficiently was during oct-nov contest last year with the MRs helping Liberty]

all in all, exactly what people call 'usage of mechanics' when they cheat themselves and what they call 'heavy cheating' when they are not invited to the party XD

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Let's be honest: 80% of HC winners did it with help of others and occasionally bugs( remember the offline attack?). What happened this time? Someone (one or several) "big" complained?
Remember Renavoid won while he was not supposed to? (RPC were able to compete but were not allowed to win). And this is just one example. When "small" people complained nobody took them serious.
I am starting to get sick of this thing. You STATE that it's an unfair game but then YOU complain that is unfair? Isn't that a bit hypocritical? I say it's a LOT.
Anyhow...HC starts to stink. Big time. Glad I am done with it.

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Burns, you should critically evaluate [i]any[/i] source before you claim it to be "quite good."

You spoke with someone who was accused of cheating by not only other players, but by King Manu himself, and asked him how he won a contest where everyone else [i]except[/i] him and MRV -- who was also accused of cheating by none other than King Manu himself -- has been allowed to participate again because, as far as anyone knows, they did [b]not[/b] cheat (though, of course, that is up to debate, as well.)

Believing anything that comes from Lightsage concerning his alleged cheating and abuse of bugs is akin to believing your cat when it tells you it does not know where your canary is when the cat clearly has blood and feathers on its mouth.
Is that to say that Lightsage is lying or not telling the truth? Of course not. However, it would be folly to present his perspective on events as truth or as matter-of-factly as you have. There are many who know, I among them, that it was not 'a simple case of passing heads from one mind power level to another, holding them, and then passing them to a nigh-unbeatable character.'
Lightsage was penalized during the previous contest for using a bugged ritual to obtain the score he had acquired. He dropped out, by moving on to MP6, when it was made clear that he would be unable to regain the number one slot.

Again, as has been stated, [i]ad nauseum[/i]: this contest is unfair. Many understand this. However, it seems that there needs to be a working definition of what "unfair" actually means. As King Manu himself has stated, "Everybody knows the Head Contest is unfair, but why should it be unfair just in the favor of cheaters and abusers?"
I doubt he made a statement like that without knowing he was talking about.

In the end, thinking that Lightsage is the innocent victim of slander, lies, or rumors seems so remote as to be an impossibility.

This event has passed. King Manu has made a decision.
There are those who have agreed, those who have disagreed, and those who have benefitted from it.

This event was a learning experience for all involved, but few seem to want to put this episode behind them and that is the saddest thing about this whole debacle.
This topic is old and the outrage is wearing thin. This topic needs to be closed so that people can get over it, and themselves, and begin to move forward.

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i haven't ever claimed that lightsage has not done more than what i know for sure, but i trust him blindly when he says so...

he wouldn't gain anything from lieing at that point, so why would he lie?

plus, i said good source, not perfect source... although i really don't think he held things back, as i've said, he wouldn't have gained from lieing, and he's only thinking about personal gain, that's one thing i can tell for sure, i've known him long enough LOL

and another plus, if they had been caught with their hands in the code they wouldn't have got the rewards for being first, but punishments, so i actually don't think they did things that can't be done with the normal gaming interface...

EDIT: i admit that i might lack a natural sense of supisciousness because it hasn't proved itself to be good for me to be suspicious on everything and anyone, up to now i've always done well with believing what people tell me til i have any proof that they are not being true...

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although my sentiment is not ~exactly~ the same i think dst is pretty close... well i s'pose there's nothing that can be done... i walked away from the game for a day so i didn't have to watch it, the whole thing frustrates the hell out of me, but as the Beatles so aptly put it "Let it be"


"...and you know that it's a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder..." -Hey Jude

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I would like to say, the reason MRV and LS were in trouble was also done by Lib31, with proof, so LKib31 as well cheated and therefore if everything went as it should the winners this time would get to win again and so on. Lib, by doing what you did "to keep the past winners from winning again" may have caused a snowball effect. What is unfair for one is unfair for all, you did the exact same things that MRV and LS did, so you should be punished the same.

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i would kinda agree on everything said except, burns, that month mrs wasnt helping me, at least you was there, who took my heads? mrd did :( i had no idea what was going on in there, i noticed heads, got in there, stole them, and with my ritual i managed to keep them long enough to score 4k, in there came LOTS of people and nobody could steal them from me some even attacked twice so i was holding those heads at least 50 minutes, guys in there said to me that i need to get this heads back, that mrd is pissed off, i wasnt sure, no mrs around, few steps away i think there was some but idle, so i didnt know should i trust them, and then mrd by himself came and took them :D i wont go more in details and about what happened afterwards, but thing is mrs wasnt helping me

and this topic wont be closed, everyone has right to say what he wants to, as long as "limit" isnt crossed this will be opened, since every month will be same story, another topic would be opened just becoz of that, so why have a numerous topics when one is enough

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It's a good chance the heads contest won't even matter in a few months...so ya know what? let it go. I hate to say it, but...bug abusers need to be held accountable, and they will be. Maybe not on our timeframe as we desire, but they WILL be held accountable.

Be patient and deal with the interim effects. Eventually, the realm will balance itself in the right way...and many will wish they had thought twice about abusing the bugs they abused for personal gain.

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people get too caught up in this head contest. If anything its more a small window of time where everyone can be a little more free with attacks. I personally like it even though I don't partake in the contest. When you have MP3s who have 100 active days makes it hard for the lower people. Same with MP4 I think the real head contest is more MP5 area. Like I said its pretty fun time even if there are people who take unfair advantages of whatever.

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what happened in this headcontest just had to happen. everybody who loves the headcontest and cant particpate again got really punished by last winners being able to win again.
of course mp3 and mp4 winner would surely win again. and seeing that, old winners would for sure try to stop aia from winning again.
i mean now seriously i would happily give up all stats, credits and even the gold medal i gained from winning hc to be just able to participate again not even to win again. and i am sure there are more players who think that way.
many people dont seem to understand that for some people the head contest is one of the peek game events. those won the hc before in which all this cheating/abusing whatever u might call it happen already and even worse. people even got permanetly movelocked in previous headcontests. and now all of teh sudden somebody who placed first is said to have suffered under abuses and is allowed to win again?

winners are allowed to win again because heads got transfered over all mplevels and simply disappeared. if u compare that to a case where the current first place gets threatened with permanent movelocks until teh hc is finished which is more unfair? in my opinion its the case of somebody who would place first for sure but gets smashed by a mp6 with movelocks. anyway my point is that even more unfair things have happened and people who suffered from that never got any reward or anything. so these people would for sure get angry about others being able to win again and try to stop them from winning again.
and to wrap this up i wouldnt be suprised if this continues until all those who are allowed to win again didnt manage to place first. meaning that previous winners will fight hard to stop winners that are allowed to win again from placing first because for them all their work was ruined and their medal became worthless.

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Lifeline, i would give up my medal and rewards to be able to play again too, mate, and i would have done my part to prevent a repeat winner, but our days are gone for doing these things... sometimes good things end... i miss heads.


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