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Historic Documents, Legends in Loreroot.

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ok, that's kinda belated by now, but i was just asking out of curiosity, Glor....

neither Necro nor we made a mystery of us being dictatorships, but if the lorerootians want to brag with their democratic elections AND choose to make it public and give us opportunity to ask them about it, i might as well do so, can't i?^^

as for deleting the LR-part... the loss is not that great, and the new activity is very interesting :lol:

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i dont know why you are taking this so personally but think of this for a moment

if you ask why .Peace. is the leader of necro she can answer you fully no secrets ...

if you ask yrth why he is the leader of gg same thing

it is a simple question
why are the LR council members the LR council members ?

and you seem to be more upset about this than anyone
do you have a secret alt on the council ? or something you are worried about if simple facts are told

i answered much more personal info about my business trades in the forums on the auction.... why .... because it helped it be an open and successful event ... loreroot to many is not open in many ways too many secrets like too many spices will ruin the pot (soup.. for you people who think wrongly)

factions are about to start and when they do think as a new guy for a second you want to join something you understand ... not something that is secret and if you get into an inner circle you may get to know...

so im going to ask you to please let this stay on the topic of loreroot and not take things personal you dont need to defend anyone who has not done anything wrong but forget to talk


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Does uncertainty persist in how the High Council was elected, what it does, and why?

The High Council is the governing body of the Guardians of the Root [b]Alliance[/b], which includes the Children of the Eclipse, the Savelite Church, and the Guardians of the Root [b]guild[/b]. The Crafters are invited to participate in our general elections, and to select a member for the office of Tribune.

The Council has seven (7) seats, four of which are elected, three of which are appointed by the Council itself.

The elected positions were chosen by a general election of the members of all the alliance guilds, and though our censors worked very hard to tally all the members of the electorate, I fear the Savelites and the Crafters were inadvertently passed over. They are invited to vote in all successive general elections, however, including the one for Speaker of the Law, which shall be held in the next day or so.*

Of the appointed positions, two of the current seats were appointed by the previous Council, though one (Captain-General) has since been vacated, and the other (President of Council) has been appointed by the sitting Council.

Karak, as President of Council, is the leader of the Guardians of the Root [b]Alliance[/b]. He had been elected to the post of Speaker of the Law, which is now up for election once more.

The wherefores of this arrangement should be self-apparent to any of those of you who understand the.... questionable**... practise of Republicanism.

*Contact Mya Celestia, Gremlin, or any of the members of the High Council (Amoran, Firsanthalas, Ibruzu, Karak, or Tarquinus) if you belong to a Guardians of the Root Alliance guild and wish to cast a vote in the election. We shall be happy to tell you more about the position and the current nominees.

**As one who has been a king and tyrant, and understands the efficiency of despotism, I find the practise distasteful in the extreme: an exchange of the efficient tyranny of one for the inefficient tyranny of a few, with the added burden of increased corruption. Sadly, the people in the Guardians of the Root Alliance seem to favour this practise, and as I swore to NelyaSetesh and promised BlackThorn many times, mine order, the Children of the Eclipse, owes fealty to the Guardians of the Root Alliance. We therefore abide by it for the purposes of our role in that alliance. With respect to our internal matters, the Eclipse is ruled by the Sibyl and her edicts carried out by me.

Edited by Tarquinus
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[quote name='Akasha' post='30984' date='May 13 2009, 03:22 PM']:crazy: 'Guardians of the Root Alliance, which includes the Children of the Eclipse, the Savelite Church, and the Guardians of the Root guild.' :shok:[/quote]

I know last I checked the Guardians of the Root is/was a fighting allance(this is supported by the number of members allowed) not a guild though admitly it has been a long time since I left the the Guardians of the Root maybe things changed while I wasn't looking

Edited by stormrunner
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again ... : :crazy: :shok:

Question: Is there a big change..DRASTIC one in Loreroot THE LAND AND ITS PEOPLE (with a public vote AKA MAGICDUEL OFFICIAL FORUM THIS ONE) OR

THE LOREROOT does not know how to use its alliances anymore?

are all alliances merging into one?

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Wanna know what i think?

I think NOTHING. lol Empty head. (thats me saying im out of this so NOBODY blame me for any of this. Dont steal MY creatures, dont declair war on MY men. I had nothing in this and thats my imput)

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[quote name='Akasha' post='30984' date='May 13 2009, 03:22 PM']:crazy:'Guardians of the Root Alliance, which includes the Children of the Eclipse, the Savelite Church, and the Guardians of the Root guild.' :shok:[/quote]
It is the legacy of BlackThorn. I have no further comment, other than to say that a consistent attempt has been made to unify the organised bodies in Loreroot, so that situations do not occur such as were seen not long ago in Golemus Golemicarum, where a treaty was adopted by one alliance (Guerrilla Golemicarum) but rejected by another (the MR Fraternity). I shall say nothing of the inefficacy of that arrangement, which I hold to be self-evident, nor of the tendency of certain organisations to disregard diplomacy wholesale as whimsy strikes them.

As to the nomenclature of guilds and alliances, I do not care. There is a Tree-badged Guardians of the Root organisation, which exists to defend loreroot. It is supported by The Children of the Eclipse, and in the past, by the Savelite Church.

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[quote name='Akasha' post='30988' date='May 13 2009, 03:35 PM']again ... : :crazy: :shok:

Question: Is there a big change..DRASTIC one in Loreroot THE LAND AND ITS PEOPLE (with a public vote AKA MAGICDUEL OFFICIAL FORUM THIS ONE) OR

THE LOREROOT does not know how to use its alliances anymore?

are all alliances merging into one?[/quote]
This is not news. The organisations in Loreroot try to work together. Do not pretend to be shocked: it is unseemly. You saw us acting in concert during the "war", and you saw me responding to you over and over again. Do you think it only now appopriate to ask whence I received the authority to speak for the forces of Loreroot?

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I Asked something else:

Quote: 'Guardians of the Root Alliance, which includes the Children of the Eclipse, the Savelite Church, and the Guardians of the Root guild.' :crazy:


'Is there a big change..DRASTIC one in Loreroot THE LAND AND ITS PEOPLE (with a public vote AKA MAGICDUEL OFFICIAL FORUM THIS ONE) OR

THE LOREROOT does not know how to use its alliances anymore?

are all alliances merging into one?' :shok:

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And I responded. Guerrilla Golemicarum displayed an inability to coordinate its diplomatic dealings with the MR Fraternity, making Golemus appear fractured and inefficient. I note that, when it came time to cease talking and thinking, but to start killing, the MRs suddenly were all loyalty and subservience to Yrthilian.

No one commented on that [b]drastic[/b] change. Perhaps you will speak to it now?

We in Loreroot wish for something better - we want a land that is not only well defended, but organised and justly governed. The elements of the big alliance - our alliances, as you call them - manage their own affairs internally. Go on, suggest LunarGoddess and I do not know how to run our alliance again. See who believes you.

As to coordinating three separate alliances, or guilds, or whatever you call them, it is a complex and demanding task. No, we are not merging, for many reason, systemic as well as philosophical. Yes, we are attempting to cooperate in an organised fashion. You do know what cooperation is, I assume?

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Yes, i comment..

Who says it is something official and that it must be reffered to like that? AGAIN, GUARDIANS OF THE ROOT IS A FIGHTING ALLY FROM LOREROOT, LIKE Savel, Krafters and Childern of the Eclipse.

The other allys can't be reffered like they are from another alliance since they are at theyr own another alliance. CHeck in ur capital..every ally has it's own page..SEPARATE you can't refer to an alliance as a guilt since it is not, nor about allianes in alliances that are not.

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Yes. It is. And it has its own internal structure, which I believe is not the topic of the current discussion. The Guardians of the Root are symbolically/systemically led by Amoran, as you know well. How that fighting alliance conducts its own affairs is as of little concern to me as how the MR Fraternity conducts its affairs: I assume the MRs know what they're doing, and I leave MRD and the others alone about their business.

We have created a super-structure for Loreroot, again according to the wishes of BlackThorn. We wish to cooperate with each other - Guardians, Eclipse, Savelites, and (if they want to) Crafters. This cooperation gives Loreroot as a land the seeming of being united, rather than just another place on the map.

I wonder why the relationship between MRD and Yrthilian is not under scrutiny - it is EXACTLY the same sort of thing as this "super alliance", but simpler.

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If you must know, the Loreian High Council, the old one was run by Nelya in the same fashion as we are running ours.

It consisted of members from each alliance in the land and guess what? It worked just fine until she left MD.

It is working fine now, so what reason do you or anyone else have to pick it apart and tear it in twine?

What, because we did not make our election process open to everyone in MD?
Well I don't see Yrthilian's leadership being put in the hands of all of MD, nor do I see Khalazdad's leadership and passing his leadership being put in the hands of all of MD.

We are trying to do something GOOD for the site, something GOOD for the land of Loreroot.

If that is a crime, then shoot me in the face while I smile at you and know you are wrong.

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uhm... i might be wrong person to comment that, but from an insiders (though not highranked members) point of view, MRD and Yrth have been cooperating all along, but unlike the Root-super-ally, both GG and MR's F are free to make their very own diplomatic decisions, and MRD never felt it necessary to cooperate with any other Ally than GG...
which might be due to the fact that Wodin was desinging a defence pact with Nelya, which was obsolete by the time MRD got his own ally implemented ;-)

disclaimer: none of my words are the universal truth and i have not talked to any of my superiors before posting [and i don't intend to ask for permission anyway, for that matter...], so everything i wrote might as well be wrong [which i doubt...]

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Burns - I am referring to the treaty of non-aggression, which MRD refused to recognise because he hated the [b]Guerrilla Golemicarum[/b] ambassador, Lady Isolda, and no other reason.

He admits it freely - MRD is very forthright about such things.

We want to avoid such a situation. That's all. It's easily said, but not so easily done.

Edited by Tarquinus
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Um.. No we are not stealing his training grounds and I have made that very clear to MRWander as I currently cannot reach MRD.
Currently we are testing different methods of training via suggestions by various people.

So Akasha, why don't you say.. give suggestions rather than pick apart everything Loreroot and it's various guilds do to cause trouble and create unneeded drama?

Or does the term 'cooperation' and 'working together' not exist to you?

Edited by Amoran Kalamanira Kol
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Because i simply saw when u said last night 'non-damage rituals like the MR training Ground ' also because calyx came to Gazebo and announce that the dojo from Defensive Quartes is like the MR training ground but with a different purpose at the end ? =)) or that is not steal? I take ur ideea and name it mine and change the purpose/reason?

I cooperate with people that do not hide behind the curtains, don't come from nowhere and say that they decided and not to be like that. I cooperate with persons that DO NOT STEAL?"TESTING" OTHER IDEAS. And that are aware of what they say or state or affirm and know what fantasy is and what reality is. what a WISH or DREAM is and what FACTS are.

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I will say it like this, the system of non harmful attacks is useful in many ways. We tried it with the alliance and Calyx has told me that she wishes this system to be in the "Loreroot Dojo".

I am having a meeting with her tonight to discuss a different way of doing

So before you explode like you seem to enjoy doing, take a moment and use your brain. Do you truly believe that the members and High council of Loreroot are going to allow any amount of ideas to be stolen and used?

Let us find our own way to train, and please do give suggestions.
Also, remember.. suggestions are not LAW they are... suggestions, things to be considered.

Edit: It is evident that you are only intent on creating unnecessary and unneeded problems. Therefore Akasha, I have nothing more to say to YOU.

Edited by Amoran Kalamanira Kol
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I USE my brain.and i don't harm ppl with words, like you did and i do not take it good...anyway thank you for the advice ..
The council is not high since is taking personal and is suggesting to use someone else ideas, You suggested that 'stolen' idea indeed...what rank do you have in your Council? :)

I think it is necessary since you start to create another ideea of alliances outside MD and come to MD with them and ask to be respected, i think it is very necessary when it comes to DREAMS and REAL facts that ARE NOT like that..never saw or heard that Loreroot has a guilt and no more allys, just one :) and also the votes for that...never saw. Now, i start to 'USE my brain' and think you started to create you little desired world but never thought that to bring it inside you need to justify and especialy to it's people...the insiders and the MD ones.

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Asserting a thing does not make it so.

The Children of the Eclipse conduct our own disciplinary reviews - no one else does. We have our own codes of conduct, by which no others are expected to abide. We choose to submit to the Guardians of the Root's leadership in terms of diplomacy and war, since part of our stated alliance role is to defend Loreroot and cooperate with the Guardians. We choose to coordinate our training efforts with the Guardians, and our religious services with the Savelites, so that redundancies can be avoided.

In all other respects, our affairs are conducted like any other alliance, with jumping to leader, alliance chat, and so forth.

The Savelites are approached for purposes of cooperation. We of the Eclipse have nothing to say about their internal affairs.

How the Guardians conduct their internal affairs is up to them. They choose to involve other alliances in their affairs - very nice of them. They look around for help and leadership, and they get it, from us (the Eclipse) and others.

I do not see where the line between wishes and realities has been crossed. These are the simple realities. Where is the problem?

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Kragel, I believe you misunderstand me. I'm not emotionally attached to this subject at all. Really, I'm sticking my nose where it likely doesn't belong, but then that's largely what this whole subject is about anyway, isn't it?

My point is, and has been, that the business of the Loreroot Alliances (a treaty organization, like NATO, if you will) should be the business of the Loreroot Alliances. Also, while I agree with Akasha that it would be a positive thing to see more transparency and more information posted on the forum, I don't think the issue should have been forced in this manner. Thank you Lucius for clearing up much of the misunderstanding of the organization of the Loreroot Alliances.

As a solution to this, I propose that the Loreroot public forums be reinstated fully if they have not been already, that Loreroot post information about its elections here if they are willing, and that this topic be closed before it breaks out into a flame war.

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Its always been our ROLE and PURPOSE to be the army of Golemus. If Yrth declairs war we have a job to do. No matter who against. Many many of my friends were in the alliances that we were at war with. It was not easy but its my job and role. GG and MR's in fact do not share information nor do we work together as allies. MR's have a job to do, plain and simple.

[quote name='Tarquinus' post='30995' date='May 13 2009, 03:50 PM']And I responded. Guerrilla Golemicarum displayed an inability to coordinate its diplomatic dealings with the MR Fraternity, making Golemus appear fractured and inefficient. I note that, when it came time to cease talking and thinking, but to start killing, the MRs suddenly were all loyalty and subservience to Yrthilian.

No one commented on that [b]drastic[/b] change. Perhaps you will speak to it now?[/quote]

Actually, me and Yrth dont talk much, once or twice a month at most. MR's are the MR's and GG is GG. We dont mix the 2 in any way. Yrth said war so i gathered MY men and we prepared for war. Simple as that

[quote name='Tarquinus' post='30997' date='May 13 2009, 04:00 PM']I wonder why the relationship between MRD and Yrthilian is not under scrutiny - it is EXACTLY the same sort of thing as this "super alliance", but simpler.[/quote]

Actually, i turned it down the day it was made, long before she came along. I did not feel we should sign something that says we need permission to attack, and ALWAYS felt that way. My men have always agreed on this as well. That is why the ONE treaty i DID think about making involved non of that "dont attack me without filling out 4673474790 forms and showing 9 proofs of id"

[quote name='Tarquinus' post='31003' date='May 13 2009, 04:11 PM']Burns - I am referring to the treaty of non-aggression, which MRD refused to recognise because he hated the [b]Guerrilla Golemicarum[/b] ambassador, Lady Isolda, and no other reason.

He admits it freely - MRD is very forthright about such things.

We want to avoid such a situation. That's all. It's easily said, but not so easily done.[/quote]

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