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Historic Documents, Legends in Loreroot.

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Your clarifications are appreciated, MRD, but unnecessary - I do not feel anyone should be scrutinised in this fashion, and merely used Golemus Golemicarum as an [i]ad hoc[/i] example. I mean no reflection on your or your men whatsoever.

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I felt it was necessary because you have the wrong impression on a lot of things. Like the treaty, Lady I is not why i did not sign the treaty. MR's dont work with GG in any way. MR's were fighting because its our job, not because Yrth asked us to. So yes, me correcting you was necessary.

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You are meant to defend Golemus Golemicarum, not invade other lands. Clarify further: your involvement in the "war" makes no sense according to your stated role.

[quote]MR's were fighting because its our job, not because Yrth asked us to.[/quote]
Yrth's bellicose behaviour and unilateral declaration of war effectively "asked you to" fight, whether or not he asked you in so many words. To assert otherwise is absurd on its face.

The point is simple, and it stands: there is co-operation, though by your own admission scattered, between Guerrilla Golemicarum and the MR Fraternity. You lose no face by admitting what is plain to the meanest intellect.

Edited by Tarquinus
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I found out he declared war when he gave me the forum topic. My role is to protect GG, in any war, outgoing or incoming, just as your role is to talk really stupid so nobody can understand you. It might not make sense but its how it is. I certainly am not going to defend Loreroot in a war between Golemus and Loreroot. I am going to defend Golemus. That has been my role since LONG before you came into these lands and will be my role LONG after you leave. If there is a war its my job, plain and simple. Quit trying to make things into what they are not. I am no more allied or sharing with GG then i am with Loreroot or even Necro for that matter.

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You tread a dangerous road to deny you share interest with Guerrilla Golemicarum, or that you co-ordinate with it. Whether you choose to continue to undermine your own credibility in that fashion is immaterial to me, since my point in this context is that we of Loreroot strive to avoid the kind of pick-and-choose "diplomacy" practised by your organisation, which is quite simply that you welcome warfare but not peaceful co-existence.

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the privilege of the stronger^^

MRD and MR's F can afford to have a 'pick-and-choose' style of diplomacy, imagine it that way: MR's F are the US, Lorerootian-allies are... uhm... Switzerland, or maybe Italy...

now, you can try and have a treaty [EU-treaty, if you wish to stick with the metaphor] amongst the LR-allies and try to become a stronger plolitical force in the realms, but when you break it down to force, the States still have a bunch of nuclear weapons [MRD, THO, Wander] and a few good friends with nuclear weapons who might come and help if they want to do so, while the EU has what? Luke and Amo?

don't be offended, but after all you are not strong enough to 'pick-and-choose' whom you want to have a treaty with and whom not, while MRD can do so...

at least in my opinion it works that way^^

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I am not at all offended, particularly when you do not try to belittle me. I see the truth in what you say; still, whether we band together from necessity or ideology, it is pertinent to Akasha's train of inquiry to explain how we co-ordinate and why, and to compare, and in some cases, contrast ourselves to other entities.

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Ok right. I think that history is a valuable source of wisdom and example.
When the former Soviet Union moved from Communisum to Democracy what happened?
Well, all of a sudden some people got very very rich and powerful. The state resources were bought up and suddenly things were very bleak for the commoner. People couldn't get paid, while others became billionaires overnight.
The truth is that Loreroot has been a land divided for a long time now. Every time that is seems to have started to heal something has happened to reopen old wounds.
Like Russia, Loreroot sought to rebuild for a better future through democracy. Unfortunately, democracy isn't perfect. Mistakes have been made and will continue to be made.
However, there is hope if people will work to resolve differences and respect each other. Throwing threats and insults at each other wont solve anything.
It has been established that there is now a council in Loreroot. However, this council has only met once and is still not complete. While a council member may speak and voice an opinion, that does not mean that their opinion is that of the council as a whole. I would like people to consider that fact. Even anything I am saying here can be poo poo-ed by anyone in Loreroot. I have the right to ask questions or disagree. So does anyone else. Doing so in public should not be considered as an attack either. It is voicing my opinion. I believe that this is a cornerstone of democracy; the freedom of speech.
There are a lot of ideas and opinions on what is wrong here, but not a lot on what can be done to improve things or what is right. Perhaps people should put down their stones and start throwing suggestions and ideas instead. Close mouths and open ears. Hearing and listening are not the same thing.

Edited by Firsanthalas
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[quote name='Akasha' post='30906' date='May 13 2009, 01:26 PM']The main reason the forum was invisible, was to see when someone is actually realizing that the official MD Loreroot forum is not existing anymore.a lorerootian.
You all act like Loreroot is a private land, not part of MagicDuel. Well, as long as it is from MagicDuel, it is not private but public.

3. Wanted to click the link from CoE ally statement.Went to a private forum, unknown, free to download and not a MD official one. They do not exist in MD?I can't look for more details because i am not registered to a private forum?that is not part of MD? :blink:
Why? Errr..do you see the ally page in the MD official Loreroot forum? I don't.

5. When was Loreroot declared not part of MagicDuel and a PRIVATE land?
why? you act like Loreroot (not the ally guardians which is part of Loreroot, the LAND) is a private thingy and come to throw some infos that we, the humans need to accept them.

6. What happens to the ones that have access to Loreroot but they are not observed by the actual Group. Is it like..there are 2 separated Loreroot lands? Is this part of you constitution or just an unfortunate event?[/quote]

I hate to be disrespectful, but Loreroot is not at all a private land.

i believe that loreroot is one of the most accesible lands. you just have to complete a chicken's mind quest, and to beat some silly weak guardians. that means you can access it by yourself. in comparison with necro and GG: why can't a normal player get there????? i mean, honestly. even the dumbest scum can get into LR but you still complain about us managing our internal affairs secretly. I would like you to consider what i said. anyone can get into LR, it is not a private land. Necro and GG are private, very few can get there. I for instance cannot.
I repeat, i am speaking ONLY FOR MYSELF. this is my opinion.

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If you have read every post and understood the Questions, you would have realized that i am NOT SPEAKING ABOUT THE ENTERING TO LOREROOT BUT ABOUT THE HISTORY OF THE LOREROOT THAT DOES NOT EXISTS, still GG and Necro have a LOT MORE history then Loreroot/..Why?

they exist everywere..what they do they do it in public and let ppl know not in a secret way..OF COURSE every land with it's secrets...but still there are somethings that need to be answered and cleared..not for me but for all.

Again, read the questions and you will see that it i snot about entering the land..but entering the land informations that need to be public in order for the land to have a history and a name...

[b]Should i add that you can develop an ideea in secret, and after 1 year someone finds out and ask the right person about it and BANG ! Flushed away all the work..why? because it can't be done like that or that was never the purpose.. and i can give examples, but that is not my job to do.. BUT TO TAKE THE HEADS FROM THE CLOUDS AND STICK THEM TO THE BODY FROM THE EARTH.that i swhat i would like to do with this and make the history public for all ppl to know when they reaserch what is right and what is wrong.[/b]

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[b]Guerrilla Golemicarum displayed an inability to coordinate its diplomatic dealings with the MR Fraternity, making Golemus appear fractured and inefficient. I note that, when it came time to cease talking and thinking, but to start killing, the MRs suddenly were all loyalty and subservience to Yrthilian.[/b]

LOL i find this funny. When did i or even the MR's state we were working together? I beleve we never did. I stated a long time back when asked about the MR's and the GG allaince, The we are not one, we will defend Golemus together and that MRD runs his own allaince. I DO NOT INTERFEAR with his allaince or in how he runs it and the same in return. Through this sort of working we have a understanding.

Now with regards you questioning how i run Golemus, Well look at how Golemus works now we are alble to talk and work out ideas and any other working's we wish with each other. But we can also work seperatly from each other. WE DO NOT SPEAK FOR EACH OTHER.

Unlike LR you all say you work together and that this is better. Funny you say that since you land is devided. Rulership of Golemus is done by ME i state the LAND rules to the allaince withing the land and thoes rules are followed while in that land. I have never had any issue with how the MR's work or what they do and i dont need to know.

Between myself and MRD we have agreed that is something big and really important comes up we will talk about it. Just like the WAR when it was about to happen. we spoke in regards to it i pointed MRD to the subject when i declared war and he responded that he will defend Golemus and goto war. This is fitting to his allaince and what his job is.

If you wish to know things about Golemus i have already stated to other just ask and i will do my best to answer, this is how i have always worked. If an allaince want to be baised withing Golemus they come to me and ask. I dont mind allainces beeing withing Golemus as long as they abide by the land rules. (this is not an invitation for you to start an allaince in Golemus as they are only so many allwed)

I beleve the question was raised to LR was someone looking for information and explaining why they were asking as they could not locate the info. All that was needed was a responce to that person about the subject matter and that some of the information is beeing gathered and will be posted.

Not a very difficult thing to do from what i have seen. I also have had to do this in responce to Calyx's question about Golemus land marks and have made my responce to this and as such i will collect the info i can and post it in the history of Golemus section when i can. Althoug most of the information is in my papers.

I feel that things are getting out of hand and the the people of LR are responing without thinking first. You were asked a simple question and the answer still has not been given fully. This in its self shows that LR is still not organised and the people in charge are still not helping the land any better.

Now i have had my rant and i am sure i will get flamed even more but hey that is the fun of it all :blink:


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[quote name='Yrthilian' post='31066' date='May 14 2009, 08:36 AM']LOL i find this funny. When did i or even the MR's state we were working together? I beleve we never did.[/quote]
You did not, and indeed you have not shown any evidence of doing so... except when it came time to go to war, when your so-called 'defense force' sprang to life, seeming highly interested in imperialism and espionage (which they will, of course, deny). Their "defense" of Golemus Golemicarum seems to have been a plan for shock tactics and assault. Let us not rehash the discussion of the Savelites' fate, or indulge in finger-pointing or laughable protests of innocence.

You find it funny that you do not work together, that you sign a non-aggression agreement with which your "military arm" will not comply. I find it pitiable. We aim to do otherwise.

[quote]If you wish to know things about Golemus i have already stated to other just ask and i will do my best to answer, this is how i have always worked.[/quote]
Very well. Why did you choose to annul the Treaty of Land Balance? I suppose Renavoid's signature achievement was 'kept secret' from you? Or perhaps you feel you do not need to explain yourself. You do not.

Nor do we. We have chosen to do so from courtesy, but between the shrill posting in capitals and puerile insults from people who ought to be able to manage at least a show of maturity, my patience is quite exhausted.

Edited by Tarquinus
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There are some important questions about Loreroot and its people, The ALLIANCES (guild never existed and never exists) I am telling that you might work for nothing if you do not ask and do not think if it fits or not AND YOU ASK MRD WHY HE IS PLAYING HIS RPC ROLE????????? Am i stupid? or what? Loreroot is almost gone from Magic ..no recent events recorded nothing and you start on picking some other lands that HAVE that history that Loreroot is missing...PLS! stop making shame of Loreroot. Start pointing the history that does not exist in MD lands only outside in ur little group of ppl.

Start and THINK if it is possible to implement things in MagicDuel like you like. If i start digging i will get out from dust some posts where it is very clear stated that MD has nothing to do with religion and it does not have that . Do you develop your role in a religious way? for how long? have you saw those topics? Are you update with the disscusions from the MD oficial forum? where new things are stated and discused/appoved and so on? IF NOT START DOING THAT AND STOP LOSING TIME FOR A small Group of ppl on an outside forum that does not exist in MD.

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God, precisely. The volume of shrillness only increases.

Have you heard of the Savelite Church? It is something like, oh, I don't know, a religion.

The Children of the Eclipse are a religious and military order, as is a matter of public record. Rescind my RPC status, as it is evidently a mistake. Everyone in MD knows what I was doing with the Eclipse, with the Sibyl, with Penelope Lightmoon. For months.

Not possible in MD, you say?

But it has happened.

Stop it if you can.

Ban me. Revoke my powers. Delete my posts.

[i]There is still religion in MagicDuel, and there is nothing you can do to change that.[/i]

[b]Edit: As it seems to be unclear, this is not a surrender of any kind; to the contrary, it is defiance. I am saying that if you believe my role to be inappropriate, take away my RPC status and powers, ban me, etc, you will still have failed to change my conviction. I intend to carry on leading the Eclipse and holding religious services as we have done from the outset. I will not stop. I will not discard service liturgy, some of which is original work and some of which has been used by another RPC (Khalazdad).[/b]

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You just show that you are weak as a leader. Savels is another religion...what i refer..is ...about your prayers brought from RL religions in MD . That is not the way it is supposed to be. And again, if you look for some posts you will find that in the end you work for nothing and need to start again.

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Again, [b]ON TOPIC: [/b]

Here is a more civilized way of attracting your attention about what is going on, Questions:

[b]1.I do not recall the elections. They never took place.
Why? : There is no record about them in Loreroot Historic documents.(just Metal Bunny post from 2008)

2. I do not admite that Council ever was born.
why? : There is no record about it in Loreroot Historic documents.(just Metal Bunny post from 2008)

3. Wanted to click the link from CoE ally statement.Went to a private forum, unknown, free to download and not a MD official one. They do not exist in MD?I can't look for more details because i am not registered to a private forum?that is not part of MD? blink.gif
Why? Errr..do you see the ally page in the MD official Loreroot forum? I don't.

4.Who made the council?
why? There is no record about it in Loreroot Historic documents.(just Metal Bunny post from 2008)

5. When was Loreroot declared not part of MagicDuel and a PRIVATE land?
why? you act like Loreroot (not the ally guardians which is part of Loreroot, the LAND) is a private thingy and come to throw some infos that we, the humans need to accept them.
[b]6. What happens to the ones that have access to Loreroot but they are not observed by the actual Group. Is it like..there are 2 separated Loreroot lands? Is this part of you constitution or just an unfortunate event?[/b]

We all would like to have some answers to these questions...there are not answered......

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Having read the many and empassioned arguments I surmise that indeed Loreroot has fallen behind in keeping the public informed of the goings on.

This leaves new players wondering how to find out about the land and its people and this needs to be addressed and we as the community of Loreroot shall pull out all the stops to redress this.

It is lamentable that such a dramatic action was required to highlight the issue, which Yrth has also acknowledged other alliances have fallen victim to as well. But at the same time it is rewarding to see that it has sparked such debate and passion, which inidcates that there is a vibrant life in Loreroot and other alliances and a desire to see Loreroot rise from the ashes, reborn as the pheonix anew.

Yes there is important information that has been decided independently by the community of those directly involved in Loreroot affiliated alliances that needs to be made public. Some this has been done already and more will continue to be put into the public arena over the coming weeks.

One of the things we as a community of Loreroot alliances have sought to do is to work together as a cohesive whole in relation to certain concerns relating to the lands of Loreroot. We have sought out a council of leaders that will hopefully be able to represent the hopes and aspirations of those who have taken on formal alliance with the land of Loreroot as well as those looking for a home. To that end the High Council was formed from root stock of all of the alliances members (prior to the war that wasn't). Nominations to fill positions on the council were opened to all members of the alliances and formal voting overseen by a representative of the archives.

As you can accept there has been much turmoil in the lands since the departure of noted leaders such as Nelya Setesh, Blackthorn, Raven and Knator Commander, to name a few. We are rebuilding and will take a little time to find our feet and ask your forebearance as we do so.

We are as passionate about Loreroot, the land and its people, as you all are about the realm of MD and wish to enhance its flavour to all comers, new and old alike. We are happy to bear your judgement but hope you will understand that we may not adopt every idea thrown at us or modify our behaviour in response to every criticism.

But in one thing we will be more assidious, giving people a reason to find a home in Loreroot amongst its people of passion, culture and good will.

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We work for NOTHING.... thats not even cool to say... once a nation falls apart or starts to crumble it takes ALOT of TIME to get things back up and running... that takes ALOT of WORK to do, bringing a nation together again as one is no easy task

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Ok, that's it.
This is a GAME. ok?? a GAME!!! it is meant mainly for kids. that gives adults absolutely NO right to add politics in it. it was supposed to be fun. now it's no fun anymore. you're just like politicians.
i have absolutely no words to describe adults which believe are above children.
guess what? you're not above us. i suggest you remove politics from this game. make it fun. not continuous wars and quarrels. :blink:

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[b]Kragel [/b]: '[b]umm ... who was allowed to vote fot the positions on the council seats[/b], and who has say on appointing the top 3 spots as I understand they are handled in separate ways can you explain here so all can see?'

[b]Amoran[/b]: '[b]All of loreroot was allowed to vote on council seat positions. [/b]It was Loreroot and Loreroot's guilds decision on who lead what. '

[b]Burns[/b]: 'may i further ask who 'all of loreroot' are?
like, only members of lorerootian guilds and the GotR before they dissolved, or also all players who claimed that their role was connected with LR?'

[b]Amoroan[/b]: 'The members of lorerootian guilds and the guardian of the root alliance before they were dissolved.'

[b]Tarq: [/b]'We have created [b]a super-structure for Loreroot,[/b] again according to the wishes of BlackThorn. We wish to cooperate with each other - Guardians, Eclipse, Savelites, and (if they want to) Crafters. This [b]cooperation gives Loreroot[/b] as a land the seeming of being united, rather than just another place on the map.'

[b]Amoran:[/b] '[b]Appointed by elected council:[/b]

[b]Council President - Karak[/b]
High Mystic - .Amoran.
General of War - None appointed currently.

Elected by those in the Loreroot alliance:

[b]Speaker of Root - Firsanthalas[/b]
Sheriff of Root - *IBRUZU*
Warden of Root - .Tarquinus.
Speaker of the Law - None currently, Lorerootian elections are open.'

[b]Firsanthalas : 'QUOTE
Karak, as President of Council, is the leader of the Guardians of the Root Alliance.

This is the first that I have heard of this blink.gif When was this decided? '[/b]

I think you all need to look over the statements and tell me are they contradicting themself or not? ? [/b]

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Bottom Line...We're here! We were voted into office and we're trying to do our jobs and figure out how to run things smoothly so we don't run into tons of problems down the road. Several things have been delayed because of user issues from all of us and time contrasts. One of the things we didn't do was to take the time to post here with the results of the elections and recent events. Whoops!! We screwed up! Nothing more to say....We're going to fix it just like all the other problems we are destined to face. Give us a chance.

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