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Option to delete unwanted token that mess up ur crit


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I haven't bought any tokens yet, but since you're gathering support here's my two cents:

The problem is caused by counter intuitive behavior of the martyrism ability. If martyrism where changed to work on a percentage base, like steal life does, it would be a lot more intuitive and the problem would be solved.

Taking one token from a creature and randomly placing it on another creature implies the randomness of the whole process is gone, since you should be able to keep this up indefinitely. (there is always the chance it would gimp the next creature it appears on, so limiting the amount of redistributions doesn't work). How about a button that strips all tokens from all creatures and randomly redistributes them? The chances of getting all of them on the "right" creatures should be incredibly low.

If everybody thinks the above two are silly and nothing else that solves the problem at its roots is implemented, then yes I vote for the option of deleting a token, since that still seems better than being stuck with an "expensive" useless creature.

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Some like the randomness of distribution while some are againts it.

I am definitely againts it. (maybe I am anal about my crits being perfect. LOL)

I too have not bought any tokens as I do not want a token on any of my crits that I am going to sacc.

I have a few crits aging for saccs in the future.

To have a token there would spoil my plans.

I might try the tokens when there is an option to delete (I would prefer the option of choosing the right crit for the token) but until then, I dare not waste my credits on it. =P

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[quote name='CrazyMike' post='35130' date='Jun 27 2009, 02:17 PM']Some like the randomness of distribution while some are againts it.

I am definitely againts it. (maybe I am anal about my crits being perfect. LOL)

I too have not bought any tokens as I do not want a token on any of my crits that I am going to sacc.

I have a few crits aging for saccs in the future.

To have a token there would spoil my plans.

I might try the tokens when there is an option to delete (I would prefer the option of choosing the right crit for the token) but until then, I dare not waste my credits on it. =P[/quote]

The fact of the randomness isnt going to change. can you not see how much easier it would be to get uber creatures? To Balance the tokens you have to make this random.

The issue on this topic is whether we should be able to remove tokens we dont like.

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yeah i fully support the fact of teh randomness. it should stay random. the only thing i dont like, like many, is the fact that something u spend money on can hurt ur creatures. if it does hurt them or even makes them useless u should at least have an option to undo that damage. disabling would be a possibility too but that gives u too much power and influence over the token. they are supposed to be distributed randomly so that rich players dont get all the advantages and at least have to count in a certain degree of something they cant influence. players who are able to buy credits already have a lot of advantages: better crits, more crits, silver, gold, more features ect. there needs to be at least some degree of balance left between rich and poor players and that is the luck factor when it comes to the token distribution. a rich player might not get his token on the crit he wants because he has 40 maxed crits in his profile. a poor player with only 16 has a higher chance and can then trade it with the rich player. its just fair. giving rich players a lot of influence on how the token work wouldnt be good. i fully understand that it would be great if u can chose if tokens are used in the fight or not it would be great, i would really like that but it would break the concept behind the token. i am very sure that adding an option to delete tokens would give mur a hard time already just because it gives players some degree of influence over the token. that influence was probably never intended. but the fact that something u spend money on end up hurting, limiting u or even make one of the crits u invested much time in useless is something i think should at least be able to be removed. completely delete that token so its gone forever and the credit u spend on it is lost too. thats straightforward and would fix teh problem. in my opinion it doesnt give to much influence over token and is therefore a possible new feature. as much as i like a lot of ideas in this thread i am afraid that they simply go too much against the concept behind token.

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i support this idea.. only if its easier for mur to do this... for its easy for us to ask this and that.. but programing could be harder than we think. (if sum1 has already said something on this then sorry couldn't read through hall 3 pages hehe )

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ok ok.... the randomness stays
but lets have the option to delete the tokens

I dun like the idea of any of my creatures getting stuck with a token that is useless
if its useless, no point in trading as nobody would want it
wat do i do? will the token give better rewards if i sacrifice the crit?

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I have a number of tokens that are "useless" but I still love them because they make my creatures different and look fearsome. The more I think about it I start to wonder if there might even be a way to use "harmful" tokens in a useful way. *goes off to think of some possibilities*

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i oppose the idea of deleting or even enabling/disabling the token effect. like always, most suggestion only because of own benefit, so i say, let those screwed up crit stays with all the tokens it has. there are ways to go around with it, and the ways tokens are distributed is good enough. it open a door to creatures trading and some other things that can be useful in general for MD itself. OR, we can have limit of how many token can effect each crit, lets say a max of 3-4 tokens for a crit, then like it or not, we'll have to live with it, and try our luck on other crit.

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i am really amazed i only sent pms to older players who are already long in the game and most likely understand the game mechanics well and i still managed to get almost 60 supporters. i never expected that. i finally have some holidays for 8 days and am going to travel to remote areas in china so i will probably not even have internet access at all. before i go on my holidays i want to thank all supporters. oh and if u arent on the list but support this idea feel free to post here and i will add u once i return :D

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