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RPC Meeting 6/14/09-Unedited(except for emotocons) for the sake of impartiality


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Since my words were twisted from a Yahoo chat.. I will post ALL of what I said, the [b]REASON[/b] and the point of the chat.

Not just that, but to point out who exactly said what:

[size=4] [b]Note: The names in this conversation have been edited out. I did not post anything up without the player's or person's permission.[/b][/size]

Edit: Because Akasha is editing my posts, I have fixed it so it is in a download - word file.
Edit #2: A player changed their mind about being put into the log.

Edited by Amoran Kalamanira Kol
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[quote]I am not sincere now, Fenrir. I was sincere when I sent Mur that IM but I will not apologize now.

This post has been edited by Akasha: Jun 17 2009, 12:10 AM[/quote]

Akasha I would like you to stop editing my posts and changing words.
If you have a problem with the way things are worded, make a reply stating that there is something incorrect with the wording.
Or please state a a proper reason.
These are my opinions and I would appreciate it if you would not edit or change them.

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don't you think that Mur jsut wants you to be more creative?
there are a lot of ideas hanging in thin air all the time, and Mur can't adopt them all anyway...
(I'm not saying that he adopts the best or most creativ, in fact, i'm living under the impression that he IS adopting those that suit him best, but i'll come back to that in a minute)

Specially ideas of new players often fall through the grid because some people, and me defintely amongst those, discourage them to a certain point with a 'the simpsons already did it' sort of argument

but neither such arguments nor Murs picking of stories and ideas are in place to make people sad or angry or discourage them, we do it (yeah, i dare to speak for Mur... shame on me, and correct me if you wish =P) to stimulate the idea-flow so people don't get stuck on what they have, but go ON and ON and ON with the same idea or with a new one, simple most important thing is to go ON with ideas instead of running in place or on known ways!

so, when Mur decides that ancient lore is not a part of the game anymore and stories based on it are null, then he might have seen too many people using it and stopping to proceed, so he took a measure to kick their backsides and get them going again, just like he did with all Golemus-based stories by opening the land to everyone, all of those who were trying to research and stopped at the Gates are now given a chance to go further, or with festivals, which are designed not for gathering new RPCs, but for making people get better stories...
obviously, you could go on forever, and include implementation of angiens, opening of inner necro, closing of loreroot, to use an older topic, too, etc.etc...

he COULD defintely do all of those changes at once, and i'm almost sure that he has more creatures on his personal hd, more places to be discovered which are missing nothing but an arrow and a lot more, but then he would have no more means left to make people create new stories or improve their old ones

to finish this and get back to work [already took way too long to write this post], it'd be a shame to see you leave just becasue you had a bad beat with your current ideas... about 99% of all players out there never get one of their ideas or stories implemented as far as you got with Amo and Kala ;)

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  • Root Admin

Burns put it better than i could, its all about evolution, ancient lore kept people ignore the present and hide in the past, the present builds the future, the past is the foundation, but in this md world, the past was invented not experienced.

Amoran was not demoted to "keep things going" however, but because i won't allow a purson in wich i put trust and authority over others to speak against the world she has to protect and help to grow. Its not about a difference of opinion, is about direct accusations.

If she or logan said those things on private it has no importance because it was said to players and in a way targeted to believe that bullshit.

And yes, MD is tottaly not at the end of the bag, the stuff i have on standby are at least that big as the entire current MD, probably more, and i will never stop as long as i can go on.
..but some things you are simply not ready for, i am talking for example about the sphere in the AL, the point where the story just stopped for a while..i will continue it when i feel its right. I have many creatures not used yet, but its not time for them because i want different abilities and i will not add them untill the current abilities are not fine tuned. The map is bigger too, and i am not only talking about the things only a few see, but about the things nobody ever saw *except who saw the artworks*
I am working on a tottaly different concept of fightng system, factions is also one thing put on standby that when it will be up wil change quite much, and so on.

MD has to have a ideology and at the same time respect all opinions, its a dificult task, but without it it will be chaos. Its a big big difference from judging someone for his OPINIONS and juding someone after he ATTACKS you or the things you care for.

And on top of all, things are simpler that any explenation, i made you rpc, i demote you from rpc. period. You should be happy i am allways thinking things and dont react by first impulse...because if i did i would have cut this and other bullshit that happens in the realm directly just because i can without reasoning it.

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[quote name='King Manu' post='33924' date='Jun 19 2009, 07:09 AM']Amoran was not demoted to "keep things going" however, but because i won't allow a purson in wich i put trust and authority over others to speak against the world she has to protect and help to grow. Its not about a difference of opinion, is about direct accusations.

If she or logan said those things on private it has no importance because it was said to players and in a way targeted to believe that bullshit.
And on top of all, things are simpler that any explenation, i made you rpc, i demote you from rpc. period. You should be happy i am allways thinking things and dont react by first impulse...because if i did i would have cut this and other bullshit that happens in the realm directly just because i can without reasoning it.[/quote]

Did you not even once consider that there are those who care so much about the evolution of YOUR game, that they would go as far as to voice any and all concerns about the happenings of it?

Simply because a person does not agree with the happenings and certain content of the game does not mean they do not STILL support it in some way shape or form. Whether it be player base, or otherwise.

You jumped away from the true problems with your game, the problems that MANY speak about- and instead focused on what would hurt not only your feelings but your reputation the most.

I ask for truth, I ask for [b]proof[/b], I ask that it be [b]PLAIN[/b] for [b]ALL[/b] to see.
Most of all I ask to be treated as a [b]PERSON[/b] who not only cares about [b]YOUR GAME[/b] but the [b]PEOPLE IN IT[/b].

It has been this way for me since day one of playing it.

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  • Root Admin

you seek for truth? funny.... thats why you tlked things behind my back and refused to say "the truth" when i demanded so in public?

My reputation is immune, my reputation is the game, if my reputation gets a certain 'color' the game will get that color too. Like your actions represent you , people judge you as a person YOU ARE, not as a general theoreticaly perfect person as you claim... the same way , i am judged by my work and action ... and so far you are here arguing because of me, in a world initiated by me, arguing against the very things you claim you fight for .. is that just wrong or what?

All the peole in MD have their own ideas, MD is built from all sorts of beliefs and all sorts of people, they actively represent the "player base" of md. My ideas can;t be fitting all of their opinions and i do not aim to please anyone with what i think. My opinions and beliefs shape the game but in return players respond to it wich makes me learn something. For me MD is a "living" thing that helps me learn from you and you from me, consider it a ballance. And in case you do not know the meaning of the word LEARN, its not about convincing anyone that you are right, but to complete your ideas with the things missing or to give you clues to improve your theories and continue to evolve.

You did not presented it to me as a conflict of ideas, i would have allways discussed that without any hate or bad reaction, ..what you did was to act cowardly in your own favor and to use the power of scandal and fantasy conspiracy theories to attract attention and to convince players of things you and logan imagined. YOU LIED that you have proof and opinions from former players that would support those theories, you lied about speaking with valy about it, you allways lied just to make your point and get people believe what you wanted ... and you speak to me about truth?

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I could sit here and post how you continue to berate another over their views and opinions, but why? I would merely be playing into your hand. Instead, I will simply say this...

Take a long hard look Mur, the Coder and Creator of the site, at what has happened with the site (I dare not use the term game any longer as for MANY it is no longer a game). You, not myself nor Amoran nor ANY OTHER PEOPLE, have players, RPCs especially, who are leaving. You, as Creator and the Almighty Muratas, can choose to look at that in many ways, but I sincerely hope you view that, as you so wonderfully put it, as a reflection upon yourself.

It is YOUR site. Not mine. Not Amoran's. Not anyone else's. So you can pander around the issues all day, and continue to watch your players drop like flies, or YOU can choose to address their concerns and maybe, just maybe, salvage what remains of a site that has the potential to be something quite astonishing.

The choice isn't the players. They can't resolve the issues that have been brought up time and time again. You can though. And Mur, the Coder and Creator of the site, I'm not hiding. I'm here, out in the open.

May those who wish to find truth, find it.

EDIT: Reason for edit -- I changed the real name of the Creator Muratas to his character name in MD. I had not read the other thread regarding that, so I decided I'd do it to clear up any confusion. My apologies in advance. It was obviously not meant wrongly, I just didn't know about the other thread, etc.

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LE: Disclaimer: What is started as an answer to Logan ended up in a series of things I had to say and it seems that I just found the opportunity. Again: sorry for the off-topic that will occur after a paragraph or 2.

[quote name='Logan Marquis' post='34038' date='Jun 20 2009, 07:41 AM']You [...] have players, RPCs especially, who are leaving.[/quote]

I will respond to this (the other issue is not really my business and what I think is irrelevant).
RPCs leaving? Of course they are! Everything has a start and an end. It's normal behavior. Most of the RPCs that left are the old ones.
The game has its limits and after you play for a while you reach a point where you have nothing left to do, especially if you are an RPC. Being an RPC is the highest position a player can get. And after that what? I'll tell you: nothing. You have great responsibilities and a lot of the fun is lost. It becomes a burden and you lose interest. I don't think I need to throw in some examples cause we all know them.
So I expect especially RPCs to leave. And that is really not a bad thing. I may say that it is the best thing possible. New players come, new ideas are born, fun begins.

Players leaving? Of course they are. This is one of the hardest games I ever played (and I am constantly playing something since I was 15). And you don't need every single player to stay. We need filters.
Until few weeks back I played an online adventure. It was fun, thrilling but I quit. One of the reasons was that the players sucked (ok, maybe I was used to the players in MD and after a while you do have some expectations). I don't even want to remember the mountains of stupidity I encountered there...
Only the good players stay (or the ones that are stubborn enough :(). Mur had a stoke of genius (no! I''m not a** kissing - he has his flaws so don't you get started!) when he made those filters. At one point he lowered the difficulty. We got more players but...

Also, scandals like this (and others - only I have a couple in my portfolio) are to be expected. I am not surprised. Players with big egos haunt the realm and eventually they collide. Unfortunately the world is not big enough...yet :). And the hunger for power is another big factor (hey! I generalize here so again: don't anyone get started!). The more someone has the more it wants. And that someone doesn't want to let it go ( I like to believe that it's not the case where the player doesn't know when to stop). I am sorry to say but even if MD is played by a lot of smart players, 90% of them are cowards.
They are afraid to speak their minds or takes sides cause of the fear that they might lose what they have or what they might get.
Stop hiding your heads in the sand and speak! You're willing to "do pretty" for a drachorn or a RPC job? If that's so then I must reconsider my opinion about you. What is the worst thing that can happen? Mur bans you (although I have no knowledge of him doing so without the most strongest of the proofs; hell! I caused enough trouble for him to ban me 10 times -and I intend to cause more but that is another story :) - but he didn't; it's better to treat the source of the disease -no! I am not considering myself one! - then to treat the symptoms ).So? The world doesn't end. I know at one point the game gets really addictive but every vice has a cure. Even if that cure is another vice.

MD is a small community so we ended up knowing each other pretty well. Of course you make friends and enemies(he he..this is my specialty). Of course that there will be fights (no! not the ones using the crits even if sometime those fights are used to punish players or just to harm them). Of course there will be players that get pissed and leave. But as I said: that's the normal flow. You cannot get stuck with a GAME (cause in the end this is what it is) forever unless...you are the creator :).

I heard so many times that public fights are not good for the new players. I agree but how do you want to handle a conflict without being accused of hiding evidences and bla bla (you all know what I am talking about). Maybe doing the laundry in public (does this expression exists in English?[color="purple"]*[/color] ) is not the prettiest sight but it would be the best IF (hmmm...I'm starting to repeat myself) you drop your cowardliness and TALK! (ok, write cause it's kind of hard to talk on a forum :P or in game).

Well...it seems I started with something and I ended up saying completely different things so...sorry for the off topic but once I hot started it was hard to stop. Also I wanted to say many of those things long ago but I did not have the chance and again...no need for another "drama" cause it seems certain players are "sensible" to drama (and I mean it when I say players cause there are several).

[color="purple"]*expression does exist in English :) - Grido[/color]

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  • Root Admin

- i refer to MD as a GAME because i used too from since i started it. Its ment in a warm and "mysterious" way, more like "the game", like you could call life a "game". I am not considering it just a game. I think i consider it anything but a game more than any of you.

- Players come and go, i call it "player life", the reasons are countless, from personal to caused. I allways say this, everybody leaves eventualy, EVERYBODY, sadly... I am the only that stays, consider it a ballance

- Regarding the cowardliness filter of "the game", think about the first days of a noob, getting smashed by all... I don't think cowards are allowed in unless they have a certain passion that ballances that cowardliness. Its not good like it is and even if i dont believe 90% are cowards at all, i hope people will take more action and stand for their ideas (not kill for them) but at the same time imagine a MD world full of ppl like akasha...i don't think you could stick 2 of them within 3 scenes distance or the lines of the scenes will start to melt just because they so wish to :(

I am still analyzing if the demotion of Logan and Amoran is caused by my fault of judgement when i selected them or not. It might be than when i select a RPC i consider all features and problems alltogether and see if one of them stands out and i do not consider that one of the problems could cause bigger issues later than all the features combined. On the other hand, i have no way of knowing each one so good because a character is usualy mirroring a PART of his owner not the entire complexity behind it.

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A noob has nothing to lose. If (s)he doesn't like the game or gets killed over and over and over again (s)he leaves. But a veteran (I consider a veteran someone who has more than 50 active days) who has seen how things are and who achieved something (even entering LR as mp3) will want more and will not be willing to let things go. That's when that person becomes a coward :(.
I have seen players accepting to be bullied by an RPC (yes, RPC) just to stay in an alliance or just cause (s)he was afraid of what the RPC might do to her/him.

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[quote]Take a long hard look Mur, the Coder and Creator of the site, at what has happened with the site (I dare not use the term game any longer as for MANY it is no longer a game). You, not myself nor Amoran nor ANY OTHER PEOPLE, have players, RPCs especially, who are leaving. You, as Creator and the Almighty Muratas, can choose to look at that in many ways, but I sincerely hope you view that, as you so wonderfully put it, as a reflection upon yourself.[/quote]

I say this not in defence of Mur, he can defend himself, Logan:

YOU are the cause of a lot of people leaving the game...

You had a disgruntled ex RPC who had grown very paranoid filling your head with things like 'Mur, Shoeps and others were logging into my account and moving me to mess with my head'(which they hadn't), 'I wasn't paid for work I had done'(which he was), 'Mur didn't approve of a quest I wrote' etc etc

Then you decided to be subversive and create a secret forum and start to tell players secretly that Mur was using MD to brainwash people, the he, Akasha, Fenix and a couple of others made the game to experiment on people. You referred to this group as the 'illuminati'. That there was some kind of negative meaning in the position of the pyramids at Mount K which meant that Mur doesn't want us to use our imagination.

Players were told either by you or Amoran that you wanted to keep Loreroot to be the land which 'manipulates the manipulators'. YOU created so much paranoia and drama that players were falling out with each other, getting upset and even leaving the game.

You blame Akasha's arguments for this? Well in my opinion, if you have something to say, say it out in the open. This is what she did and you didn't.

[quote]Also I wanted to say many of those things long ago but I did not have the chance and again...no need for another "drama" cause it seems certain players are "sensible" to drama (and I mean it when I say players cause there are several).[/quote]

dst is absolutely right, some people ARE sensitive to drama.. they do not wish to spend their time on MD arguing about petty things. There are some people who want to cause nothing BUT drama, like you Logan, and you know the truth? People may listen and nod their heads at you, but they get very, very sick of it quickly. What they say to your face may not be what they say to others. I know, I have had lots of things said to me about a few people in relation to this kind of thing.

[quote]May those who wish to find truth, find it.[/quote]

You want the truth?
Mur is the creator and developer of MD.. he is allowed to change the direction of the story.
People get upset when they think they 'own' part of the game that they did work on and realise they don't.
Players do work on MD and get upset when Mur asks them to change something because it doesn't fit in with the fundamental story at the time.
The only people I see being manipulated in a bad way are the ones you have manipulated, including Amoran.

"May those who wish to find truth, find it" Logan.... are you planning on starting a cult or something? Because that's what this sentence makes me think of for some reason..

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I have decided that I am going to seek out and destroy the creators of Monopoly. Its become clear to me that they are evil people that are trying to manipulate me and everyone else into becoming venture capitalists or something equally terrible.
Some eejit suggested that I just get rid of the game and not play it anymore. Nonsense I say! I must eradicate the creators of the infernal game and every copy ever made lest the world turn into a giant golf course populated by venture capatilists selling time shares in the arctic.

Down with capitalism!
Viva la revolution!!


I am creating a secret society called PRAM People's Revoultion Against Monopoly.
To join, meet me at the toilets in the archives.

Beware Toilet Lion, he is one of THEM. They want to charge us to use the loo. The horror!


If you are one of THEM, don't bother coming!

Edited by Firsanthalas
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I really couldn't agree more with what Ailith has just so aptly worded.

People go on about the player base of the game, pick on Mur about how people are "dropping like flies" or how people are "Bored" well frankly it's nobody's fault but our own if we feel that way. Don't try to blame Mur for it. It's his world yes - but all that world is, is a platform for us to work with. He then chips in and adds things to that platform to increase the ease of how we work with it or to increase material gain for us, which is great. One of the amazing things about MD is how open it is to your creativity, and it LIVES on it. It isn't just about being in game and role playing, it's also about what comes from the game into your bones. For me, it acts like a muse, it makes me want to draw, to play music, to role play and to do things to let all of the other players feel that feeling I feel. Like when you meet a really cool person, and they light a fire in you. Having said that, that does NOT mean you should mess about with the atual basic structure of the game at hand, Mur controls that basic structure so that that feeling doesn't stop existing. And you sit there moaning on about how he stifles you. It makes me sick the level you are going to to try to break something and someone who has done something great. If you don't like it just go away, but you can't can you, because the fact is it still pulls you in and you can't stand that it does.

Mur gave us THAT. He has handed us something absolutely phenomenal, and to sit there and moan on about how oh no he's losing people or oh no he's causing people to do this that and the other. Grow up. Now I hate telling people to Grow up, i'd prefer they grow down but when your comments are embryonic it's just ridiculous. First making up little conspiracy theories, then spreading them everywhere you can possibly put them, then when you actually have a chance to ask the man face to face about your "concerns" you run away and hide until it's too late and then you come back crying to mummy and causing a fuss.

Just stop it. It's dull. I'm not swallowing it, I doubt many others are. This little game is ridiculous, have you opinions, thats not a problem, but don't try to spread them about a fundamentalist knocking on my door. You go on and on and on about how he's trying to stifle you, but he's letting you spout this rubbish for all to see on HIS game, how is that stifling you in the slightest? Logic does not fit here. It's plain to see, and you, Logan, act so pious, but I know from personal experience how unpleasant you can really be, and this pre-meditated speech of yours you so happily lay out in public doesn't fool me.


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does Akasha against Amo stop now, and we start Logan against the World to keep ourselves busy? *sighs*

you know, i joyfully join such arguments if they seem to enhance something, but this seems to be going nowhere... in fact, to an even less interesting place than Amoran vs. Akasha, which had some point concerning the game at some starting point... whilst this is not concerning the game at all, it's just a guy who is really unhappy with Mur and acts out his frustration...

maybe someone could at least mention some point that's game-related in any way, else this might turn to a really boring flame-thread...

don't get me wrong, i love flaming, but there's gotta be some limit to it... somewhere... :lol:

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  • Root Admin

Its a lot game-related. All logan actions and amorans brought attention BECAUSE they were game related. It concernes the enitre MD and me personaly when the rumors they spread are paranoid and make people run away. THis issue had to be talked through and public to stop the nonsense that was going on behind the curtains, because that was realy affecting the game.

The scandal caused is a small price to pay for clearing out the paranoid opinions that many were brainwashed into believing.

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[quote name='Burns' post='34071' date='Jun 20 2009, 01:28 PM']does Akasha against Amo stop now, and we start Logan against the World to keep ourselves busy? *sighs*

you know, i joyfully join such arguments if they seem to enhance something, but this seems to be going nowhere... in fact, to an even less interesting place than Amoran vs. Akasha, which had some point concerning the game at some starting point... whilst this is not concerning the game at all, it's just a guy who is really unhappy with Mur and acts out his frustration...

maybe someone could at least mention some point that's game-related in any way, else this might turn to a really boring flame-thread...

don't get me wrong, i love flaming, but there's gotta be some limit to it... somewhere... :lol:[/quote]

Akasha was responding to Amoran not because ti was "Akasha Vs Amoran" as everyone likes to say, but in actuality because it was Amoran doing somethng that Akasha felt was/is against MD as a whole and so needed someone to stand up for it. It was not an I don't like Amoran attack.

Logan is specifically being derrogatory both about MD and about Mur....and anyone else that doesn't agree with him actually which seems rather hypocritical.

I'm going to say this once. This is not "unimportant" nor "silly" as certain people like to state. It's very important. It's the decision whether you stand by and let someone bad mouth something you love, or not.


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I still remember the first day that I have played the game.

I was confused and lost.

I didnt have a mentor that will help me learn the game.

Thats right.... it is a game.

Just like when we work. If we have a boss that is a total ahole, we have the choice of looking for another job. Normally people dont because of comfort zone and the fear of not finding something better.

I do not know whether the rumors are true or not, but what difference will it make?

If it offences you sensitivities, you have the choice to leave.

Some players have left, and maybe even more will follow suit.

MD does belong to Mur, and he has every right to make decisions about it whether we agree or not.

Like what I tell my staff, if you dont like your boss, and you cant act like a staff, go start your own company and be your own boss.

Nobody can make a decison that will satisfy everyone.

There will always be some who is unhappy.

Mur makes a decision, if anyone is not happy, too bad.

If Mur makes the game his personal playground and screws it royally, its his game.

If Mur wanna play politics and go after those that he is unhappy about, again, its his game.

Its true that we are just pawns in this game.

We are just players who are at the mercy of his whims and fancy.

But its our choice when we choose to continue playing it.

If we are no longer happy, we need to look for another game.

There is no point in trying to make a point.

It achieves nothing.

Amoran, I have pledge my loyalty to you when you became the leader of Loreroot.

It pains me that you are still trying to fight the system.

Let sleeping dogs lie.

If you have done no wrong, your friends will know.

Those that do not believe you are not your friends, therefore their opinions means nothing.

Lets move on my friend, life is too precious to be fighting a lost cause.


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  • 2 weeks later...

You know.. I have been thinking about the reasons why I was punished. Nothing I say can change the fact that I actually was punished, but I feel very much that I was punished without proper proof and punished unfairly.
It was claimed that I made the accusations, but it was not supported by fact. It was supported by a mass twisting of my own words to make it seem as though I said exactly what Logan said. When in fact, I did not.

Perhaps I spoke to people whom I considered friends about the things I had heard, but ultimately it was up to them as a person to decide whether or not they believed it. I did not expect my opinions or the things I had spoken outside of YIM chats and in regular IM windows to be spread around like butter.
I have an opinion, based off of some of what Logan said – yes, but the point is… it is an opinion. I spoke of my opinion outside of game and spoke to people that I thought very much that I could trust to know my views. I feel as though I have been betrayed, mistreated, and quite literally kicked for another person’s words.

Mur, you claim to be fair. Every bit of what has happened thus far has proved otherwise. You allowed Akasha to rampage and go wild. You allowed her to treat other players like pardon my term but sh*t….and for what reason?

So far many have only come up with the conclusion that she is your wife outside of game and that it is understandable that she should get a different kind of treatment. Which is…fine, but to say that you treat everyone with equal respect when you so obviously do not is basically lying to your players.

I have to wonder if she says the things that you cannot, does the things in the game that you cannot – and whether or not you are giving her a sort of special treatment because of this. It is fine, I can’t change any of this and ultimately what you do in your game is up to you.

I can respect that it is your game.
But that does not mean I have to sit by and endure being mistreated as a person.

I have done a lot for the community and for the game. I’ve tried my damndest to unite the people and the community, even though I did so outside of game. You cannot sit by and say that my opinion overshadows what I have done for you and your creation.

I drew artwork for your birthday because I appreciated what you had done to support everyone’s opinions, in reference to the MD chats of course.

I have drawn at least 20-30 avatars for the players to use, some of which will now not be used out of…fear? Fear of what exactly? That you could possibly be wrong?

I do not believe you or Akasha truly value the artists like you claim you do. The game would merely be a concept if it were not for those who poured their time and effort into making it something more than just a bunch of words on a messy forum.

If it is true that what you and Akasha do is separate in game then you should make it so and do what is right. She is not officially game manager, and yet she acts as if she is. Did you not specifically say that you wanted more than one single GM?

Now, over the past 7-8 months I have grown to care about some of the members just as much as I care about my own family. It not only disgusts me that the game has taken such a massive unfortunate turn, but sickens me in that it is much more than a simple, harmless game now… It is very much a political game. From the way those in the game have acted recently, I do not see how anyone can say otherwise on this.

For those who are new to MD, know to watch what you think and say. Because apparently if you think against what Muratus Del Mur may want, you will be crucified and shunned for speaking your mind. MD is not a democracy, it is a dictatorship in the disguise of a democracy. Democratic ideals are said to be true but another thing entirely is done.

This is what part of MD is made up of.. people who say one thing and do another thing entirely.

[i](This was written after I basically took a pretty long break away from the game.. about a week and a half I think.. It was refreshing actually.)[/i]

Lastly, I want to say this.. that yes, I was wrong to say that you were a horrible person Mur because the point is...you aren't. You are a human being just like the rest of us, and just like the rest of the world, you have issues too.

Edited by Amoran Kalamanira Kol
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stop this bullshit already

I've seen pissing contest from both sides this what I've seen

1. there has been NO twisting of words quit bitching about it

2. when your part of "the system" you can never say ANYTHING against it. your punishment was more then fair

3. mur has from what I've seen tried to give you your chance to speak you just don't have the guts to do so in the open

4. you and all the the rest with the "community" stuff is total bullshit we all know that, if ypou want credit for chating with friends on ym then how about just going to the mall, stop bullshiting us please. you don't give a damn about the community or you would have just shut up a long time ago

5. I'd be truely shocked if there has been 30 new avatars since a started a year ago I really doubt you made that many

6. newcomers mur is NOT a dictator, in fact he rarely does anything to affect the game community in less he must and when he does it nomally has little or nothing to do with nomal players like me or you

now once again just [spoiler]shut the fuck up [/spoiler]already about this you [spoiler]gutless bitch[/spoiler]. you claim to give a damn about the community but all your doing is trying to break things up cause you didn't get your way then when you start whining a going against things you got what was coming to you.

now let me make this clear I am saying this as a member of the community you claim you care about if you don't like it [spoiler]blow me[/spoiler]

p.s. to those of you this has nothing to do with I'm sorry you read that, please forgive me a understand this does NOT reflect the community

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May I suggest this thread be closed?

Everything that needs to said has been said.

Any new postings is just a rehashing of old points.

Nothing new to reveal, but just an outlet for negative feelings.

*sits in lotus postion and chants*

Peace be upon us all..........

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sorry about how that last post came out. I think my brain went haywire, I am short on sleep and stressed on real life at the moment and do dumb things when like that and should have known better then to post anything

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