Root Admin Chewett Posted September 16, 2009 Root Admin Report Posted September 16, 2009 [quote name='Jester' date='16 September 2009 - 05:05 PM' timestamp='1253117117' post='41911'] I haven't gotten any information from Khalazdad or Mur, as Khalazdad left unexpectedly. Would you rather I go based on what he did, and not move forward? Khalazdad himself said that people must adapt and shift as the desert. I'll be managing this alliance my way instead of looking over my shoulder for Khalazdad's Ghost. [/quote] I wish you the best Jester and i know you will do a good job, I am just voicing what i think and reminiscing, BUT i would definitely ask people what K and his dynasty is about, If we do not know our past we cannot know our future.
dst Posted September 16, 2009 Report Posted September 16, 2009 Who the he** said I was neutral? Hey? Show him/her to me and I will, I will...I will see what I will do!
Liberty4life Posted September 16, 2009 Report Posted September 16, 2009 mur said in one of last announcements about which lands can go to war and which cant... underground is under ones that cant as for necro to be reflection... yeah, i agree but humans in necro arent reflection, while shades are
dst Posted September 16, 2009 Report Posted September 16, 2009 Mur said that about lands not alliances or players. That's a difference.
Liberty4life Posted September 16, 2009 Report Posted September 16, 2009 aha i see.... wanna ask him to verify that? becoz i dont see how that doesnt falls down on alliances, since only players in alliances are affiliated with land, and alliances are inside land, so ya cant refer to it that it doesnt falls down on individual players, becoz there are none, only players are players inside alliance, and in war when one player of some alliance get involved... opponents count that as whole ally got involved, and there is no excuse that will save that ally from war, and alliances are ones that represents lands, there is nothin else except them, when something is referred to specific land, that means it falls down to all players within all alliances that are inside that land if that up there isnt true, then tell me on what could mur refer when he mentions land/s if not on lands alliances and that then falls down to theirs members with all due respect dst i will compare your bs post to rl world example... if governing body of some country votes out new law for that land, can cities inside that country say that rulers didnt mentioned them in there, no they cant, can citizens of that country say that rulers didnt mentioned citizens, ofc they cant, they are part of that country and they are the ones who must respect that law, earth sand stone arent the one to follow law ppl are the ones to do it, same in md and same with you dst, ya are part of neutral land and that falls down on you as well, like it or not ya must face it that ya cant mess in war Watcher and dst 1 1
dst Posted September 16, 2009 Report Posted September 16, 2009 Oh my, Lib! You really are afraid of me. I didn't know it was that bad. I literally freaked out! Now, calm down, drink a cup of tea (ask Chew to make one for you) and think again cause it seems adrenaline has blinded you Watcher 1
Guybrush Threepwood Posted September 16, 2009 Report Posted September 16, 2009 Necrovion is a hunk of dirt, covered in something or other. Necrovion is not a reflection of the land, never has been, never will be. One could claim that the shades are, but who the heck cares about them? I have heard way to much BS about shades. I would love some actual facts on the critters, but I don't really have any. I have been told that shades bring balance, they aren't a reflection, but an opposition. Everyone in the realm is lazy and peaceful right now, there are no other warmongering alliances. It would make sense that in a time of peace Necro would try to bring about war. Of course, the Sentinels are not shades, and they are not necro, so regardless of what shades would or wouldn't do, and regadless of whether people think Necro should be thrown into a giant blast furnace to turn it into a mirror this says nothing about the Sentinels. Sure, it is kinda sad to see Khalazdad's idea come to an end, but the dynasty has ended. Jester is of no relation. Tzaroth747, lashtal, Aysun and 1 other 4
Pipstickz Posted September 16, 2009 Report Posted September 16, 2009 This is what I think about this: Necro was CREATED in the reflection of all other lands, and was...normal (?), for the first little bit, then stuff happened and it turned into what it is now. I really don't know all my history, but I try and know enough
Guybrush Threepwood Posted September 16, 2009 Report Posted September 16, 2009 There is no history, we know nothing of when Necrovion was created, or if it was created. Could have been there forever for all we know.
Grido Posted September 17, 2009 Report Posted September 17, 2009 i dont believe that the following is Lore, but it could be, like i said, think this next bit is actual Necro appeared as a reflection to Golemus being made/formed/whatever
Pipstickz Posted September 17, 2009 Report Posted September 17, 2009 I thought GG was made when the wizard guys needed the four elements, and didn't have the fourth, so then GG was created, and then Necro was created in reflection to ALL lands, not just GG (I think I'm just repeating the same thing over and over xD)
Grido Posted September 17, 2009 Report Posted September 17, 2009 (edited) this is continuing to go offtopic....but anyway, the wizards were messing with the elements, something went wrong, big boom or whatever, Golemus formed, wasnt intentional far as i'm aware. Necro appeared immediately / soon after. EDIT: just as a reitteration, again dont know if this is true or Lore, dont take it as fact. Edited September 17, 2009 by Grido
Assira the Black Posted September 17, 2009 Report Posted September 17, 2009 I think this new idea for the Sentinels will be interesting. I am just going to wait and see what happens, and see how I can participate in it. This idea may not be widely accepted but everything has a lesson that could be learned from if one pays attention. Small wars happen in rl everyday whether it be between two people, an internal war within yourself, or between alliance like in the game; this all holds a lesson that could be used in other situations.
Udgard Posted September 17, 2009 Report Posted September 17, 2009 [quote name='Guybrush Threepwood' date='17 September 2009 - 04:42 AM' timestamp='1253137343' post='41942'] Necrovion is a hunk of dirt, covered in something or other. [b]Necrovion is not a reflection of the land, never has been, never will be. One could claim that the shades are, but who the heck cares about them?[/b] I have heard way to much BS about shades. I would love some actual facts on the critters, but I don't really have any. I have been told that shades bring balance, they aren't a reflection, but an opposition. Everyone in the realm is lazy and peaceful right now, there are no other warmongering alliances. It would make sense that in a time of peace Necro would try to bring about war. Of course, the Sentinels are not shades, and they are not necro, so regardless of what shades would or wouldn't do, and regadless of whether people think Necro should be thrown into a giant blast furnace to turn it into a mirror this says nothing about the Sentinels. Sure, it is kinda sad to see Khalazdad's idea come to an end, but the dynasty has ended. Jester is of no relation. [/quote] If you look closely, Necrovion IS a reflection of the other lands. Check akasha's posts for pictures.
Metal Bunny Posted September 18, 2009 Report Posted September 18, 2009 No Jester, I completely got what you meant, but to call that war is a bit too much, no? To fight without the intention of actually inflicting serious harm or taking over things cannot justifiably called war. It's more like... skirmish or competition.
Guybrush Threepwood Posted September 18, 2009 Report Posted September 18, 2009 Necrovion looks like other lands, it does not think, it does not feel. If others war, it does not want peace, if others make pancakes it does not get hungry. It may contain some things that do think, but the land is nothing but land.
Jester Posted September 18, 2009 Author Report Posted September 18, 2009 [quote name='Metal Bunny' date='17 September 2009 - 07:18 PM' timestamp='1253236721' post='42030'] No Jester, I completely got what you meant, but to call that war is a bit too much, no? To fight without the intention of actually inflicting serious harm or taking over things cannot justifiably called war. It's more like... skirmish or competition. [/quote] Dying in a place where you just come back to life isn't really dying, but people still call it that. And my intention is to kill people, but according to this places laws that won't really cause much harm. Fighting a politically separate group with the intention of killing them, is that a skirmish to you?
Metal Bunny Posted September 18, 2009 Report Posted September 18, 2009 Yes, because the harm implied is low. Chewett 1
Nex Posted September 18, 2009 Report Posted September 18, 2009 (edited) most threats outlive themselve quickly, but you can always come up with modifications or something new. i don't think we should dismiss jesters approach for war because the threats a war poses to you aren't (taken) serious enough anymore. some random ideas: creatures dying is only a issue early on, but becomes nearly meaningless once you got trees/ enough VE. -> if creatures that died during a war would take some effort (small quest) or time to regenerate, it would restore its threattening potential. skill damage was the way to show that losing does come with a price, now it's a matter of minutes to get those stats back tenfold (or ignore stats and go for priciples...) [i'm not referring to the stat damage for too many lost fights, but the stat *skill damage] -> %-based skill damage would really hurt. if you'd treat skill damage as 'wounds', which decrease your performance seriously, but could heal over time (taking x minutes/hours to grow back to the original value), it would be taken serious without screwing people up permanently. of course there is still dying as in during the land war test, but that would remove players from the war, which i think is not what jester had in mind. Edited September 18, 2009 by Nex
Guybrush Threepwood Posted September 19, 2009 Report Posted September 19, 2009 Fighting a war in a game with the intention of actually hurting people behind the game is incredibly childish. If that is the only way in a game to have any meaningful effect on a CHARACTER, then the game is seriously broken and needs to change. Sparrhawk, lashtal, Watcher and 1 other 1 3
Yrthilian Posted September 20, 2009 Report Posted September 20, 2009 (edited) Hmm it would appear many have lost site of what the land really are. It would seem many need to research there history and ask the right questions. Anyways from what i have read and see Necro allaince is calling for a WAR unless this is explaind in any other way it is still a war and that meen they want something to happen or chamhe. War can be fun and i beleve if done right it can cover all area of RP and fighting ok the rp bit some people dont like but it can be intresting. Tehe fighting bit others also dont like but can be equaly fun. When a leader of an allaince decided he/she wants war normaly there is some good reasion. yes yes we all know of the last 2 wars and why and how they happened and all that stuff and yet not much really happened. So a war is nothing but a fight without any end result. no reward for the fight or anything like that. so why have this war when it is just the same as doing the HC or torch comp. There is no sence in it just to fight. Yes i am somewhat biast as i am an RP type player more so than a combat player. I beleve for a proper war there needs to be both element to is. One beeing that some of it is RP and the second bit is a battle. Both of witch reflect the current going on between the battle and the roleplayers. something along the like of RP bit to get the fight going. then a fight for something like 24 hours. then roleplay to reflect the winning/lossing sides. Then another fight and so on untill a clear winner is seen. This is just my opinion on this. I know many have diffrent views on what they believe and want things done difrent. But at the end of the day for a war to happen and last longer then 5 min there needs to be co-operation from all involved so maxamum time can be given to the WAR as a whole. If jester want to be more clear in what he meen to have a war then by all meen be clearer. but currently under what was posted i can only see it as a cry for current war system. this system currently does not work in a way that is benifical to all involved. Edited September 20, 2009 by Yrthilian Watcher, Tarquinus and Chewett 2 1
Phantom Orchid Posted September 20, 2009 Report Posted September 20, 2009 [quote name='Jester' date='13 September 2009 - 04:48 PM' timestamp='1252885726' post='41705'] The peace that has been covering this realm like a plague has caused the inhabitants to become stagnant. Instead of learning and progressing, people have become secure with their ineptitude and do not work or grow. We plan on teaching them the folly of their ways. Khalazdad said that people must adapt and change in order to survive, and I plan on enforcing this lesson in the most brutal way possible. Do not misunderstand us, our purpose is not to cause pain and misery. We merely desire combat, true combat, not combat without meaning or purpose. Among our ranks there may be people who desire only to inflict suffering, but they are not representative of the views of the Sentinels as a whole. [/quote] I am compelled to ask: What is your definition of war? In the homeland of my previous life, in the land of Druids, people did not frequently die in wars - they fought with (mostly) non-lethal means in order to settle differences. It was 'clean', clear cut - the victor was the one who either gained new hunting grounds, rode off on the opponent's horses, and/or settled in the more fertile lands, etc. It was ritualistic; there were ceremonies of blessing which celebrated the tangled dance of life and death. War was _not_ annihilation, neither destroyed nor decimated populations as a whole - suffering was never its purpose. And my second, and more important question is: Who are you fighting? Perhaps the purpose of combating stagnation (which equals death) is truly your ends, and we will just have to wait and see the answer to this question, but I do wonder who is responsible - in your opinion - for the peace and stagnation that plagues this realm. And my third, and even more important question is: What does the mighty land of Necrovian have to say when it speaks to you? May your sword ever remain as sharp as your wits, Priestess Orchid - Knight of the Full Moon Children of the Eclipse dst, (Zl-eye-f)-nea, Watcher and 1 other 2 2
Jester Posted September 21, 2009 Author Report Posted September 21, 2009 It is time to clarify a few things. The previous statement was intentionally worded in a misleading way to draw out those are power hungry or blinded by hate, and it worked exactly as I had desired. The reason that "Instead of being a peaceful college and fighting to prevent war, we now desire war above all else" is because I want to fight these people. Don't misinterpret that, my motives are not unselfish. I mainly want a war, but as long as I can fight anyone it would be best in my mind if those were the ones I fought. "Our primary task remains the same: to guard Necrovion from all who seek to do it ill, and to learn as much as we can about the mysteries of this place, our homeland." I personally found it amusing how people seemed to completely skip over that part of my statement. The Sentinels are just that, Sentinels. We guard Necrovion. My enemies have obligingly brought the war to me, the Sentinels don't even need to leave home. "Do not misunderstand us, our purpose is not to cause pain and misery. We merely desire combat, true combat, not combat without meaning or purpose. Among our ranks there may be people who desire only to inflict suffering, but they are not representative of the views of the Sentinels as a whole." I had fun with this part, I told you right in that paragraph not to misunderstand what I was saying. In addition, right there I pointed out that I wanted "combat, true combat, not combat without meaning or purpose" and people still insist that I'm going to be declaring war randomly and for no purpose. The reason I claimed not to need a reason was because I knew my enemies would graciously provide me one. "For now we shall prepare, but soon you will be hearing more of this. Very soon. My reign may be brief, but I am prepared to follow through with my cause even at the cost of my death. As long as I live, there will be WAR!" Another bit of irony, I said that you would be hearing more of this soon because I anticipated that my enemies wouldn't wait very long before playing their hand. While I'm still here its very likely these invaders will not cease to invade my homeland, whether it be the land or the shade's death that they desire. If I were to lose, Yrthilian will add another land to those under his control, and Liberty will get one step closer to attacking the shades. As long as they are in power, I will fight. If Necrovion falls, who will be next? Watcher, Aysun, Nex and 7 others 9 1
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