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1. "A conglomerate of shades, also known as the Summoned Army, assembled and started to attack all non-necrovion people close to the Stone. Not only that it was defeated repeatedly by Shadowseekers (GG fighter) army, even it had 80k attack and huge defence, but also it was attacked by Necrovion people it was trying to help."

So many things are wrong with that... Summoned Army attacked me, I did not attack Summoned Army. In fact, it attacked me 3 times in a row and drained stat points and over a million value points. Were my value points too high to stop Yrthilian? Otherwise I don't see how that's helping. None of the other Sentinels were attacked by Summoned Army, and none of them attacked it. If it was really trying to help the Necrovions, maybe it should have tried telling them instead of attacking the current leader of the Necrovion Sentinels?

2. "Hoping to get the attention of Necrovion and force them to give the ally back, Yrthilian started to burn sides of Khals cube in the fires of the Stone of Twisted Souls. Very little attempts were made to stop this process, most present Necrovian players looking at it as to a show they had nothing to do with, Yrthilian continued to burn pieces from the cube."

Yrthilian started burning the cube when the person with the GG alliance wasn't even there. If he thinks we can magically give his alliance back without actually having control of it, why didn't he just magically take it himself? Or do Necrovions have some sort of super powers in getting alliances that I'm unaware of?

Also, tackling a guy who's standing next to unbearable heat and messing with a cube that contains the soul of your former mentor, which he had for some reason, seems dangerous. I figured if Khalazdad trusted Yrthilian with it, there must have been a reason. Apparently I was wrong?

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[quote name='Yrthilian' date='22 September 2009 - 02:52 AM' timestamp='1253605925' post='42330']
Well played Peace

How a ghost should be able to do such hing is dont know
But as you have been told no i will not take this lying down.

I am for one not a coward and i will not run. The fact that there is now a centinal
trying to take a land allaince IS an attack on Golemus the land. By this i would
Hope the MR's will step.

I will admit i am supprised and i fear it might be time to bring some weapons to
to forfront and start destrying the land that decided to cause this damage.

I will also hunt down the spy and i will Kill them out right
Also Peace for do this i will also Kill you and trust me i have the meens
to do so i just choose to hold it close :(

I also think it time to cause your father a lot of pain remember who holds his

You now will feel the wrait of the King of Golemus for trying this and for
trying to bring war to the lands in the first place.

Ummm... Just thought I'd bring everyone back to the place where Yrthillian mentioned Khalazdad's soul. Apperantly I missed it, but I think it's reasonable since he didn't bother to write itl. The whole give me back my alliance now, this is your last chance before I burn your fathers soul, mostly destroying him and making him my slave is no where in this post. I will cause him pain, that's what I see. Rather different than destroying it, which is what he threatened/planned to do right after the war. More to the point, there was no claim that he would NOT do so if the alliance was returned. He does not in fact mention returning his alliance anywhere here.

This post LOOKS like a person promising revenge, not warning someone and giving them a way to avoid retribution. Oddly enough, demanding your alliance back from a person who isn't around to hear the demand sounds rather similar... So no, what Yrthillian did clearly had NOTHING to do with getting his alliance back. If he had wanted it, he would have made a time frame for his demand in which it would be POSSIBLE for his demands to be met. And, on top of that, would have taken a second hostage.

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Just trying to confirm storywise... Did Khal give the box to yrth? As far as I know, he gave the box to Wodin, and yrth came to possession of the box because he controlled wodin. At least that's what I always thought. I've been following Khal's story since the first war, but with all the secrecy at that time, I might have gotten the wrong info.

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i think initially it was given to Wodin so Khal could be amongst the shades, but I think Yrth came into possession of it during the meeting on Marind's balcony, I'm not sure exactly why, however. That is the story I have come to understand, though I don't think Khal gave me the whole story when I had asked him about it, so I could be wrong. Also, as a disclaimer, I got my information from various sources quite some time ago, and my memory may not be what it used to.

Edited by cryxus
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I remember witnessing all sides of Khalazdad being emerged to one back in December. I never had any information about a cube being held by Wodin. And if indeed it was held by Wodin, why and how does Yrthilian have it? Khalazdad entrusted his soul to Wodin, not to Yrthilian. Is there a document somewhere that proves that Yrthilian took the cube? Something perhaps more than an inventory item that he has and Wodin never had? I never recall Wodin having that cube and voila! Yrthilian does.

And honestly... if Khalazdad knew that he gave his soul to the wrong Wodin (and you know what I mean) I do not believe he would have done such a thing.

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no, wodin had the cube, but before wodin's first vanishing he hid the cube and told yrth how to obtain it, end of story

oh almost forgot, yrth was supposed to totally destroy khal's soul, but things changed and he got control over khal the white, which was totally unexpected outcome

Edited by Liberty4life
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[quote name='DarkPriestess' date='26 September 2009 - 09:19 PM' timestamp='1253996366' post='42801']
If I recall, the moment he made that demand I was not present. Nor when he decided to burn Khalazdad's soul. He was impatient and selfish. And for that he is forever my enemy. Such thing will not go unpunished.

Let me see. Nope you were not online when i made that demand.
But you did know and i did say i had his soul andif the allaince was not
handed back i would harm him.

This was stated after i found you had TAKEN my Allaince
oh when was it? thats right while I was not online. so whats the problem
there is no diffrence. You take my allaince and strip wodin of creaturs
and i am suppose to sit there and be happy about it?

So in return after warning you if i do not get the allaince back befor
the war that i would carry out my treath. So i did!
As for Khals Cube/soul.

I sent you the clarification on this. Wodin did in deed have the cube first
but then during the time of wodin dissapering i obtained the cube to keep safe.
now what is done is done and we have our paths to travel.

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Your desperation will lead you to your own end. Taking an alliance is one thing and messing with the feelings a Daughter and the people have for Khalazdad is another. As long as you hold Khalazdad's soul, you will never get Guirrilla back and all those who loved Khalazdad will be your enemies.

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[quote name='Granos' date='26 September 2009 - 09:41 PM' timestamp='1254019262' post='42820']
Why is it that the [i][b]King of Golemus[/b][/i] had immunity from the shades, wouldn't the shades kill him for [i][b]invading Necrovion[/b][/i] rather then attacking the Sentinels whom were defending their land?
A question well worth answering. I had the misfortune to be in the pitiable state known as "at work" while this event was happening; I was apparently teleported to the Stone [i]from Wasp's Totem[/i]; and I had little or no chance to act. It was not clear to the Sentinels present that Yrthilian did not control the Summoned Army: yet they are to be lambasted for assailing it? I think not.

The burning of Khalazdad's cube is beyond doubt one of the ugliest episodes of the war, as its sequelae amply demonstrate: and it has not played itself out.

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[quote name='Akasha' date='27 September 2009 - 07:13 AM' timestamp='1254053607' post='42872']
Main question : who said Yrth had immunity to shades?

i must find my words regardless the 'yrth controlled summoned army' subject..that is a very unreal excuse
I was hardly there. I would, indeed, like to know why Tarquinus and Amoran (what consequence is Amoran, who doesn't even hold a rank in the CoE?) were teleported to the location at all, and by whom.

Jester reports above the Summoned Army attacked him: did it attack Yrthilian? Is it unreasonable to suppose the foreigner [u]who had declared war on Necrovion and who is destroying part of the soul of the [b]King of Necrovion[/b][/u] is in control of this monstrous army that appears if it does not seem to be harming him? Who is making excuses, and for what?

It would appear to be consistent with the Adventure Log for the Shades/Summoned Army to attack if someone were messing with the Stone, as Liberty fought shades to allow Handy Pockets to do, but it is not clear to me upon reading that chat log what, in fact, was going on. The leader of the Necrovion Sentinels would seem, at any rate, to be a lower-priority target than the numerous outsiders present. There is no clear evidence trail for a definitive conclusion about the behavior of Shades, so again I ask: how could the Sentinels have known what to do, and why ever would they not defend themselves?

[b]Edited for clarity[/b]

Edited by Tarquinus
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[quote name='Death Bell' date='27 September 2009 - 09:48 AM' timestamp='1254059305' post='42892']
what happened to wodin was worse.. stealing his creatures like that is worse than whats happening to you. why do u keep forgetting to mention that in your posts.. about how u stole his creatures.

I believe that is what we call a grey area, and is being discussed amongst the RPC's as is it technically stealing if it is your account? But that is a matter for the RPC's to discuss, not us, hence why we do not drag it back into this thread.

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Let's drop the stealing creatures from conversation for now, shall we? It is being discussed by RPCs and is still a grey area. More discussion will just cause it to snowball and IMO it's better to wait and see than making a big scene out of it. Just rest assured that the issue has been brought up.

After all, everything that happened afterwards (burning of Khal's soul would be the most significant event) would still have happened without the taking of Wodin's creatures. I think there has been enough reason for both sides to do everything they have done now with the siege on Necrovion and the takeover of Guerillas. Everything that happens afterwards would still have happened anyways.

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[quote name='Liberty4life' date='27 September 2009 - 10:47 AM' timestamp='1254062829' post='42904']
stone to avange drachs still havent been fired from catapult ^_^ so if ya wish to drop it, dont complain later

But the catapults are facing out to sea.. not the main land... What did the sea ever do to you?

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[quote name='Yrthilian' date='27 September 2009 - 06:00 AM' timestamp='1254049210' post='42862']
Let me see. Nope you were not online when i made that demand.
But you did know and i did say i had his soul andif the allaince was not
handed back i would harm him.

This was stated after i found you had TAKEN my Allaince
oh when was it? thats right while I was not online. so whats the problem
there is no diffrence. You take my allaince and strip wodin of creaturs
and i am suppose to sit there and be happy about it?

So in return after warning you if i do not get the allaince back befor
the war that i would carry out my treath. So i did!
As for Khals Cube/soul.

I sent you the clarification on this. Wodin did in deed have the cube first
but then during the time of wodin dissapering i obtained the cube to keep safe.
now what is done is done and we have our paths to travel.

Seriously, if you say that Peace took your alliance without you being there and that justifies you making demands of her while she can't respond ONE MORE TIME I don't know what I'm going to do. There is only one thing in this world that I CAN'T stand, and that's being illogical. I have explained this before, at the stone while the summoned army was beating my face in. (At the time the only people I knew it had attacked were Shadowseeker myself and Jester, neither Yrthillian or the summoned army made any sort of RP indication that there was any fighting between them.)

Stealing something from someone, you don't need permission, you don't need to give warning. In fact, it makes it a LOT harder to steal if you give warning. Making demands for something you supposedly desire, well that does in fact require warning. In fact, it is IMPOSSIBLE to get your demands met by a person who can't hear you. See the difference?

Don't call it a warning when it's not, don't call it a demand when it is not. Clearly you didn't want your alliance back, you wanted revenge. Is that ok? Sure, whatever, a different argument. But really, it would help your case if you stopped pretending to have done something that everyone knows is not the case.

Now if you claim that you warned Peace ahead of time, I suppose this is a different story. However please please please do not claim that her stealing your alliance while you weren't around is the same as you "giving her a chance to save her father's soul" while she was not around.

Edited by Guybrush Threepwood
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[quote name='Guybrush Threepwood' date='27 September 2009 - 06:40 PM' timestamp='1254073245' post='42968']
Now if you claim that you warned Peace ahead of time, I suppose this is a different story. However please please please do not claim that her stealing your alliance while you weren't around is the same as you "giving her a chance to save her father's soul" while she was not around.

As i said many time
I warnd her i would do damage to her fathers soul
this was done many days bofore the war.
I said it severial time i even said i would kill her
if she harmend wodin. so yes i did give plently of warning
of the act.

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