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Posted (edited)

hmm, seems like I still have 2 hourish left.. I'm gonna try coming as well.

Edit: I;m there.. but it doesn't seem like it's starting soon..

Edited by Udgard
Posted (edited)

Apologies to all - the Tournament has been delayed yet again for Day 297, 18:00 - 20:00 server. There is flexibility in that time frame, so those who would like a different time, please say so ASAP.

Cryxus and I had a major failure of communication - mainly my fault - so we were not ready! Gaaah! Fortunately, these wish points are not going anywhere until some of you mighty fighters come to show us all how it is [u]really[/u] done!

I hope to post brackets and odds within the next few hours.

[b]Edit: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5394-tournament/page__view__findpost__p__45568"]List of participants[/url] updated.[/b]

Edited by Tarquinus

I think I can do 18:00-19:00 server time, but I won't be able to participate if it ends any later than 20:00 (I assume the contest will take 1 hour at least)


Additional rounds can be run [i]ad hoc[/i] for duelists who advance far in the Tournament. We [i]are[/i] trying to coordinate a world-wide event, here. :D

Posted (edited)

suggestion, couple hour earlier perhaps? maybe around 14:00-15:00 on day 299?

just wondering, what if the rit that contain untokened crit that i use got killed, and when someone attack me right after that got random rit containing tokened crit, will i automatically disqualified? because i might not be able to heal my untokened crit yet. (though i'm not sure how the battle going to be yet)

Edited by someone called H

I'll be doing bets based on participants and be rewarding the highest winner with a WP so make sure to show up and get your bets in... please try to show up a little early so i can start keeping track of everyone for the sake of ease and efficiency.


[quote name='someone called H' date='24 October 2009 - 09:08 PM' timestamp='1256436490' post='45681']
suggestion, couple hour earlier perhaps? maybe around 14:00-15:00 on day 299?

just wondering, what if the rit that contain untokened crit that i use got killed, and when someone attack me right after that got random rit containing tokened crit, will i automatically disqualified? because i might not be able to heal my untokened crit yet. (though i'm not sure how the battle going to be yet)
I'm reluctant to delay the contest any further, so day 299 is too late. 14:00 - 15:00 is 06:00 - 07:00 where I am, and if I didn't have young children I could swing it: but I do, so I can't.

There will be no automatic disqualifications for anything - all disqualifications will be given reasons, to the best of our ability. I do not like to entertain hypothetical scenarios. If someone breaks a ritual at the last moment, proof of this occurrence can be furnished and the situation resolved. It is likely to be very sticky, but the point is just to have fun playing MagicDuel. Cryxus and I will facilitate fun to the best of our ability. The idea is simple enough, eh? A tournament with no tokens: sounds like fun. Everyone likes fun.

There are often people who derive fun from ruining other people's fun, but that's just really sad, and the best we can do is to try to have fun anyway.

Posted (edited)

[b][u]MP3 Tournament Brackets, Round 1[/u][/b]

ansouinc vs. H
Vrag vs. algojo
familiar face vs. february
asahina - bye

[b][u]MP4 Tournament Brackets, Round 1[/u][/b]

Poppi Chulloz vs. Rendril Revant
Totenkopf vs. Poppi Chulloz
Rendril Revant vs. Totenkopf

[b][u]MP5 Tournament Brackets, Round 1[/u][/b]

MRV vs. Clock Master
Lifeline vs. Azrael Dark
Burns vs. Princ Rhaegar
eigger vs. No one
dst vs. Nex
Pipstickz vs. Ledah

These seedings were determined randomly, as was the attack/defense scheme. The character on the left is the attacker; the character on the right will defend.

[b]What to do if your opponent does not show: sit tight. We'll either match you with another partnerless duelist or give you a bye.[/b]

Edited by Tarquinus

[u]Tournament rules[/u]
[list][*] All tournament rituals must be entirely token-free.
[*] After each fight, the attacker must submit the detailed fight log to the judges. Defenders may, at their option, submit screencaps of won fights as proof they won.
[*] All Sword results count as victories; all Sheath results count as losses. Balance is irrelevant for the purposes of the tournament.
[*] No magic, burst effect, or shop booster effects.

Use common sense. If we think you are trying to trick us, we'll probably disqualify you.

Good luck, and may the best fighters win!


Can I compete with MRPip instead of Pipstickz? Pipstickz is my token farmer...so yeah...if you can't, then I just won't compete, because all of Pipstickz's creatures have tokens...

Posted (edited)

Yes, a bye is a pass to the next round. It's somewhat lucky, really, though purists might view it as a missed opportunity to prove themselves.

Pip - you may of course use MRPip. Is he MP5 also?

[b]Edit - yes, today at 18:00 server. Hope to see you all there![/b]

Edited by Tarquinus

MRPip is MP5 too, and isn't Princ Rhaegar MP6? Same with Lifeline...I know I'm not in an alliance, neither is Nex, or MRV, or eigger, or Ledah

Of course, they may have joined alliances since I saw them last.


Ah, yes, good point. I hadn't thought of that. MP6 players may necessarily be excluded from participating, unless we can throw together an "unlimited" division at the last minute for alliance fighters.


mp6 is no problem. i just cast holyarmy on cryxus for example and he attacks for me the mp5 who isnt in an alliance. this however only works ofc if i am the attacker and not the other way around. ...so lets just hope all none ally ppl get thrown out as the first xD


The No-Tokened Tournament in honour of Knator Commander is at least a partial success, not least because of the arrival of the old General himself.


[b][u]MP 3[/u][/b]
[b]First Place:[/b] february
[b]Second Place:[/b] H
[b]Third Place:[/b] Vrag

february's surprise win was an exciting turn of events. I am sorry to say that asahina appears to have "thrown" the 3rd-place fight against Vrag: very bad form, which would have invalidated all wish points sent to that player had Cryxus and I not been so ready to give them out. :)

[b][u]MP 4[/u][/b]
[b]First Place:[/b] Rendril Revant
[b]Second Place:[/b] Poppi Chulloz

The MP4 contest was a slight disappointment, as Totenkopf did not show. Rendril Revant and Poppi Chulloz received the listed awards.

[b][u]MP 5 Round II fights[/u][/b]
dst vs. Clock Master
Mya Celestia vs. Lifeline

Due to a dispute of the fairness of the MP5 draw, I decided on the fly to make MP5 contests the best of 3 matches: the players will attack and defend as listed above, and then the defenders will attack. If a deciding fight is needed, the attacker will be chosen randomly, as before.

Since the MP5 contest is for the best of three fights, and as all remaining contestants are in alliances, please allow about 2 hours for the Round II matches to be completed.

Round II will be held on Day 298. All remaining contestants, please post your availability here.

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