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Pip For Marind Bell King!


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[quote name='dst' date='23 October 2009 - 03:24 AM' timestamp='1256232281' post='45483']
Ok. Stop arguing and vote for me! Yes, that's right. Vote for dst!! Shall I start with the "what I will do/wanna do" speech? I would rather not. You all know me: what I did, do, what are my opinions and so on. So...start voting :)) Oh wait...until Mur puts the voting link :P
Hell, you get MY vote ;)

Two reasons:
>1: dst is damn sexy! I mean seriously, just look at that clown outfit she sports... rahr!
>2: I like having my account. Oh god, please don't unleash your bugs upon me! Ruuuuuuun!


Seriously though, I have to say that so far, I don't like any of the candidates except Chewett (and dst, of course >.> please don't smite me!).
After the recent fiasco with Necrovion (read Observers post, then my next one, before you comment on Lifeline not being in the SoE), I question Lifelines ability to look out for the best interests of the land.
And Pip, as has already been expressed your connection with the land is questionable, so I question your ability to even KNOW what is best for the land.

As it stands, this may be the first vote I abstain from. You want my vote? You better have a very good argument in your application you sent to Mur. Because so far, I haven't seen much evidence of your worth. EITHER OF YOU.

Note: Not an attack on your policies, I think you both have good ones. I just don't see why those policies require you to be in that capacity to perform them. (A fact that Chewett has himself seemingly asserted, by saying that his and Lifelines plans, instigated initially by Mur, will go ahead regardless) Make MB more inviting and popular? Hell, I could do that!
Differentiate yourself from the Flock! Go earn those votes!

Edited by Kyphis the Bard
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[quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='23 October 2009 - 11:47 AM' timestamp='1256294833' post='45533']
After the recent fiasco with Necrovion, I question Lifelines ability to look out for the best interests of the land.

I think you should get your facts straight, Lifeline was not involved in that as it was the KoB that fought necro (and the KoB only) he was in SoE at the time.

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lemme get this straight Pip u never even tried to apply for SoE even tho u were interested because u THOUGHT u would get rejected? now u want to become king but had fear of rejection to only ask if u could join an alliance? is this how a king would act? does this show that u are even a little close to any of the 2 MB alliances? and u being in a lot of alliance has nothing to do with it. we never had problems with ppl who were in several alliances before the only problem was when those ppl decided to quickly jump into another alliance and then come back to SoE. only then they were rejected and not because they were in like 2 alliances before.

and Kyphis what do u mean with fiasco in necro. both me and chew totally stayed out of the whole thing. none of us supporter Lib and yrth in the war against necro. i even stated before the final battle in a public topic on forums that i wont participate no matter what because it was totally against my values. let me please remind u. i stayed out and as a consequence of the war with which i had nothing to do KoB was lost. a few days ago i managed to get KoB back and it fully belongs to MB again. or wasnt that in the best interest for the land? should i have better left KoB in the hands of necro and surrendered it?

and Pip who is this last co-leader u speak of who got kicked and demoted? i have no clue whom u are talking about ... if u mean Lib he wasnt co-leader he was a full leader. and he was never forced to leave the land. he lost his alliance to the sentinels in the war and deceived to leave.
...wait maybe u mean Fenrir. then i am just really disappointed about ur lag of information... Fenrir helped us recruiting for SoE. he was the recruiter and no co-leader. then there happened an incident and HE LEFT SoE. he was never kicked.

all i can see here is tons of misinformation. i am really happy that at least some of it could be cleared here. and i encourage everybody to ask if anything is unclear. so please if u have any questions, concerns, comments, whatever post them right here.

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[quote name='Observer' date='23 October 2009 - 09:05 PM' timestamp='1256295941' post='45534']
I think you should get your facts straight, Lifeline was not involved in that as it was the KoB that fought necro (and the KoB only) he was in SoE at the time.
I am in fact fully aware of that.

But thanks for pointing it out. If I hadn't already been fully aware of it, it would have interfered with my argument.

As it is, it doesn't.

(edited for clarity)

Edited by Kyphis the Bard
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[quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='23 October 2009 - 12:30 PM' timestamp='1256297421' post='45537']
I am in fact fully aware of that.

But thanks for pointing it out. If I hadn't already been fully aware of it, it would have interfered with my argument.

As it is, it doesn't.

(edited for clarity)

Then why does it have a freaking thing to do with lifeline's abilities to lead MB?

I just don't see why those policies require you to be in that capacity to perform them. (A fact that Chewett has himself seemingly asserted, by saying that his and Lifelines plans, instigated initially by Mur, will go ahead regardless) Make MB more inviting and popular? Hell, I could do that!
I presume your referring to this: [quote]We will move on. We will make Marind Bell Better. And We shall NOT rely on one person to help us do this.[/quote]

And it does say "us" and "we" why does that make YOU think you can do the same? If your not referring to this, please clarify.

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[quote name='Observer' date='23 October 2009 - 10:06 PM' timestamp='1256299608' post='45539']
Then why does it have a freaking thing to do with lifeline's abilities to lead MB?
I assure you it does, but as they are personal reasons I see no reason to explain them. I intentionally DIDN'T state them, a fact I was attempting to make plain to anyone who was reading it.

[quote name='Observer' date='23 October 2009 - 10:06 PM' timestamp='1256299608' post='45539']
I presume your referring to this:

And it does say "us" and "we" why does that make YOU think you can do the same? If your not referring to this, please clarify.
Look at EXACTLY what I say. I refer only to my ability to make MB more inviting and open, not the other things. However, I DO reference those other things when I say that OTHERS could do that just as easily.

Silly Observer, topics not for you ;)
(You gonna call yourself observer, try paying closer attention)

Edited by Kyphis the Bard
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This is getting off topic...

I say, let the day come for the judgment. I see good things in Pip even though he's a freakin' potato fries! XD
Even a single potato can make a difference... :P

And Kyphis, sorry for Observer, he's a really, really special child who loves to destroy rituals at GGG. He just needs to seek a professional help. ;);):))

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[quote name='Lifeline' date='23 October 2009 - 09:17 PM' timestamp='1256296653' post='45536']
and Kyphis what do u mean with fiasco in necro.
For clarification, I'm not talking about the War, and as I said when replying to Observer, they are personal reasons so I won't go into them (and no, I haven't explained them to ANYONE). If you will note, I state that because of these reasons I am considering not voting for either of you. I do not say they are reasons to vote against you, just that they are reasons for me not to vote for you.

[quote name='Lifeline' date='23 October 2009 - 09:17 PM' timestamp='1256296653' post='45536']
and Pip who is this last co-leader u speak of who got kicked and demoted? i have no clue whom u are talking about ... if u mean Lib he wasnt co-leader he was a full leader. and he was never forced to leave the land. he lost his alliance to the sentinels in the war and deceived to leave.
...wait maybe u mean Fenrir. then i am just really disappointed about ur lag of information... Fenrir helped us recruiting for SoE. he was the recruiter and no co-leader. then there happened an incident and HE LEFT SoE. he was never kicked.
I believe this refers to Grido >.>

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[quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='23 October 2009 - 01:45 PM' timestamp='1256301903' post='45540']
I assure you it does, but as they are personal reasons I see no reason to explain them. I intentionally DIDN'T state them, a fact I was attempting to make plain to anyone who was reading it.
There's not much point in posting unargumented statements is there? Actually in doing so, your the one polluting (you might call it spamming) this topic.

Look at EXACTLY what I say. I refer only to my ability to make MB more inviting and open, not the other things. However, I DO reference those other things when I say that OTHERS could do that just as easily.
I highly question your ability to do so due to your previous posts in this topic, you don't strike me as "inviting". And what makes you assume others can get the alliances behind them? What makes you assume they know the plans as to how to "rebuild" MB even?
Silly Observer, topics not for you :P
Topic is not for me? I consider myself a citizen of MB if I am not allowed to argument my opinion (or to point out why your statements are flawed). Who are you to post in this topic?
(You gonna call yourself observer, try paying closer attention)
I'm paying very close attention...


And Kyphis, sorry for Observer, he's a really, really special child who loves to destroy rituals at GGG. He just needs to seek a professional help. ;);):))

Destroying rits at GGG? Only rits that have ever been killed there were because I said "not set" and people decided they wanted to attack before I did set anyway.

Edited by Observer
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[quote name='Observer' date='23 October 2009 - 01:13 PM' timestamp='1256303626' post='45544']
There's not much point in posting unargumented statements is there? Actually in doing so, your the one polluting (you might call it spamming) this topic.

I highly question your ability to do so due to your previous posts in this topic, you don't strike me as "inviting". And what makes you assume others can get the alliances behind them? What makes you assume they know the plans as to how to "rebuild" MB even?

Topic is not for me? I consider myself a citizen of MB if I am not allowed to argument my opinion (or to point out why your statements are flawed). Who are you to post in this topic?

I'm paying very close attention...


Destroying rits at GGG? Only rits that have ever been killed there were because I said "not set" and people decided they wanted to attack before I did set anyway.

I have some evidence, you did it just earlier, hit and run type? Wanna see it? ;)

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No... Your (maybe I have myself as well) getting offtopic by far. If you really insist on showing me your Photoshop skills sent me a PM.

EDIT: @Kyphis, maybe if you really wanted that to happen you could try not to insult me (or anyone else) next time?

Edited by Observer
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[quote name='Observer' date='23 October 2009 - 11:13 PM' timestamp='1256303626' post='45544']
@Kyphis, maybe if you really wanted that to happen you could try not to insult me (or anyone else) next time?
Try not to earn it then ;)

[quote name='Observer' date='23 October 2009 - 11:13 PM' timestamp='1256303626' post='45544']
There's not much point in posting unargumented statements is there? Actually in doing so, your the one polluting (you might call it spamming) this topic.
Since I was replying to the candidates, not you, in that initial post, and the focus was that they hadn't as yet given any real incentive to vote for them above most other candidates, so no, perfectly valid post (unlike this one, which is completly off topic and I would appreciate if you would let it die rather than dreadging it up again and again, as I don't feel like reply again if you're going to keep making the same mistakes)

[quote name='Observer' date='23 October 2009 - 11:13 PM' timestamp='1256303626' post='45544']
I highly question your ability to do so due to your previous posts in this topic, you don't strike me as "inviting". And what makes you assume others can get the alliances behind them? What makes you assume they know the plans as to how to "rebuild" MB even?
You just ignored the part were THAT'S NOT THE FOCUS OF THAT STATEMENT
Once again, going off topic so let it died.

[quote name='Observer' date='23 October 2009 - 11:13 PM' timestamp='1256303626' post='45544']
Topic is not for me? I consider myself a citizen of MB if I am not allowed to argument my opinion (or to point out why your statements are flawed). Who are you to post in this topic?

I'm paying very close attention...
Trix's cereal ad, look it up.
Completly off topic, let it died.

Whats that, all three things off topic?

And my initial post is still completely relevant.

Edited by Kyphis the Bard
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eh yes... to refer back to chews post, yeah that was deal for soe at that meeting and that meeting decided that soe will become just like chew said it while other part of ex soe would get second ally, military based, KOB, that happened but only partially... still mur promised new logo for it as current one was just temporal, in fact mur asked if i want to wait for new logo or to get ally with temporal and i said give me ally with temporal logo, well and i actually pushed him a bit on dsts advice ;) but nvm... well mine point in here is that we could do somethin more about mb (without touchin soe) at that point, but since we were focused on supposed soe event we havent done anythin

and well... i also question lifelines view on loyalties to land, becoz he is too much neutral in most cases or he picks side he thinks is in best interest of realm, so its possible situation that he goes against mb, now question is would he put his personal principals on which he build his role in front of mb, or will he stick to interests of mb

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[quote name='Liberty4life' date='23 October 2009 - 04:19 PM' timestamp='1256307541' post='45550']
eh yes... to refer back to chews post, yeah that was deal for soe at that meeting and that meeting decided that soe will become just like chew said it while other part of ex soe would get second ally, military based, KOB, that happened but only partially... still mur promised new logo for it as current one was just temporal, in fact mur asked if i want to wait for new logo or to get ally with temporal and i said give me ally with temporal logo, well and i actually pushed him a bit on dsts advice ;) but nvm... well mine point in here is that we could do somethin more about mb (without touchin soe) at that point, but since we were focused on supposed soe event we havent done anythin

and well... i also question lifelines view on loyalties to land, becoz he is too much neutral in most cases or he picks side he thinks is in best interest of realm, so its possible situation that he goes against mb, now question is would he put his personal principals on which he build his role in front of mb, or will he stick to interests of mb

heh what do u want to hear now? a nice speech about how i love MB and would give my life fighting for it?
i think everybody is well aware of how i stand. i might have been "too much neutral" so far but is that necessarily a bad thing? u did the extreme other course of action. u waged a war against necro what cost MB a lot and was completely unsuccessful. was betting 1 of MB alliance in the best interest of the land?

and were does MB stand right now? u keep saying it is in ruins... so if that is true what is needed is not some leader who is totally obsessed about his love towards the land and willing to wage war against every possible threat but a rebuilder. somebody to restore MB to its former glory and even more. when that is accomplished there might arise issues about being to neutral. but even then there is a balance in the realm between the 4 main lands that should be respected. and what is the only situation when being to neutral is bad? yes in times of war only. when MB is under attack or wants to engage in war, that is the only point of time when being neutral or not affects anything. if MB is under attack i (if i become king) would honor my duties and do everything possible to defend it.
now the only case of an offensive strike against another land is left... is that what u are looking for? another war?

i understand very well that being king of one land is different from the role i had so far. of course it is. if i do become king i will have another tag for sure and with that tag will act according to that role. i will suffer a loss of neutrality i am aware of that and willing to accept it

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ofc it was worth it, to risk whole army in order to try to take down lands natural enemy, ofc its worth it

balance maintains itself, we can freely do wot ever we want, there is no reason to keep things as they are now, that will bring no change, if ya change things, old things are no more, new things come in place

so when ya gain power ya are ready to act differently from your role, but ya was unable to do same thing when close friend asked for help?

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then what about me being at the stone of twisted souls and fighting the summoned army for the east quest? why did i do that even when i say i am neutral? because i want change and had the feeling it will bring change. why did i not help u in the necro war? because ur desired outcome would have brought stagnation. u would have destroyed the sentinels completely and removed an interesting part of the game. if u devastate necro what is left to fight for? there needs to be a counterpart, u have to embrace it. its the same with a "paradise" there cant be a real one if its not tainted by evil deeds. nobody would be able to appreciate life if there wasnt pain and a dark side to make them cherish the good moments even more. its a balance both needs to be present in order to assure real living. imagen a "heaven" with only good things in it to happen... that would be the real hell. there would be no purpose nothing to live for and all the joy would become dull very quickly. u get used to it, take it for granted, would have no troubles ... u would decay and stagnate because in order to really feel fulfilled u have to accomplish it urself and not get it served on a golden plate without lifting a finger. but enough of this now i cant explain it well anyway.
it had nothing to do with friendship or anything. i think the sentinels and necro are a very important part of the game. they bring more facets to the game. i help and support my friends but surely not assist them in a task that goes completely against my values.

but anyway enough with this philosophical stuff. i will stop arguing here now and wont engage in any argumentation anymore. there has been by far enough arguing in this topic that didnt go anywhere and i dont want to keep this more off topic

PS: if anybody wants to comment on my philosophies above please pm me i failed to explain it properly here.

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[quote name='Pipstickz' date='23 October 2009 - 07:36 PM' timestamp='1256340996' post='45576']
Wow, politics is sure fun...spam topics and yelling at each other ^^

See: The Republican Party (United States of America)

That pretty much sums it up

Edited by Azrael Dark
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So here's some stuff about me:

Pipstickz is a gentleman and a man of honor. When he puts his mind to a project he finds a way to finish it, and he tries to see both sides of an issue. His knowledge of fighting and what is needed to succeed against a given ritual is outstanding.
Handy Pockets

A good, if frequently absent, friend.

.Envy of Endurance.
Seems like a happy sort

Very Friendly =3

I m so proud of my Pip
also Pip DOMINATES!!!

A good friend who is a great sparring partner.

*smiles* A great guy, always willing to help.

Rendril Revant
Pipstickz. FTW.

Sir Blut
I really like him. His actions are unexpected and he\'s very precise in what people actually ask him to do. That is part of his intelligance. A great friend overall.

*Je Suis Oeufs Fous*
Pip is one of my best friends. I\'d do anything in the world for him. He is, and always will be, a brother. Thanks for everything, Tater.

treats others like you want others treats you.
hello Pip :D

Pippy is one of the nicest people I have met in these lands. :D

Penelope LightMoon
Capable of being tolerable.
He\'s growing on me.

Silver Renard
a true odd ball, but that\'s why we get along :D

I guess since I consider Eggy my brother and he considers you his brother.. we\'re brothers too. Welcome to the family. :D

Canadian. Nothing more needed.

Sandra Klien
Pip is a funny and good friend...do not mess with his fries. *hands him choco fries specially made with Mir chocolate*
PS: He hates snow fries

Robin Mea
I think he is a great loony :D Chatty one and noisy ^^
Realy funny too.

Would give ya a medal for that but can\'t find it... *rides pockets* Nope next time.


Pipstickz would make a great king. He's trustworthy, loyal and hardworking. He's very active in MD and also owns my corn. He'd also make a great king because of his ability to lead a group to victory.

To me, you have always been the joking around type, the type to have a good silly conversation, and that's good, but not exactly the type I would see as being a King.

I am not saying that you would be a bad King, because honestly I don't think I know you well enough to say that. And, compared to the other candidates (Lifeline, Liberty to my knowledge are the only others? I could be wrong), you are just as good.

I'm not sure who I'm going to vote for, but you are definitely a candidate. You are also active, which will go into my decision.


Pipstickz is a natural born leader, he has helped me many times, with many a dilemma, under his supervision I was able to accomplish much in my creature quests and other personal goals.

pip is at times evil and at times a real dear those thing are needed in a king he must be hard and soft but also fair

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After reading three pages of spam and the tearing down of each others role play, I really do hope that there are other candidates who have bid privately for King of Marind Bell. Out of the whole realm there HAS to be another choice. Pip and Lifeline, I have read your arguments and I have to tell you that your not making my vote choice easy. I would hate to have to vote for the Lesser of two Weevils...er I mean Evils.


Any candidates who want to be King write a new thread of WHY you want to be King, and WHAT you plan to do. Qualifications are of no interest to me now. I, along with other players, want to know what YOU, the Candidate, really want to do for Marind Bell and the Realm of Magic Duel. The Past is History. The Present is a Gift. The Future may be planned but is yet to unfold.

Forum Moderators, will you monitor any new threads for King or Queen of Marind Bell and move or delete any postings that obsecure the the original topic?

Voters and fellow residents of Magic Duel. Will you be objective and keep the flaming down to a minimum?

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errr i thought pip already wrote what he was gonna do for marind bell...

[quote]As King I would ensure that Marind Bell remains the open land to all and peaceful, Also when given the authority I would ensure and Unbiased reward system for people who do participate in the torch competition as it is not only those of the alliances of Marind Bell whom do so. As King I would work to keep all political ties peaceful and ensure that there are no rash, shameful actions such as with the last war against Necrovion. I would fully support the researching and defense as those are the alliance's goals, but keep things flowing in such a way that there will, hopefully, not be a need for defense other than for the sake of friendly competition.

I would also use the power given to me as king to offer full support to the sparring grounds as they have been always been a crucial part of Marind Bell.

My diplomatic goal for Marind Bell is to be friendly to all lands, but then again, most public doesn't necessarily mean most defenseless. I would like to try a competition for most stats gained in a week, running once per month, perhaps at the same time as heads contest.

Also, I promise to put a Canadian flag on top of Winds Sanctuary :D

PS: I don't really promise to plant a Canadian flag on Winds, or anywhere in MD, but it can't hurt to try!

Key Points:

-Keeping Marind Bell Peaceful by improving diplomatic relations with other lands
-Fair Rewards to those supporting the Land
-Encouraging Defense of Marind Bell
-Support for the Sparring Grounds
-Fair decisions with in Mind with all the citizens of Marind Bell

i was too lazy to look for life line's :D sorry buddy :D

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