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For Those That Want To Be Honest...


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[quote name='Grido' date='04 November 2009 - 04:57 PM' timestamp='1257353865' post='46600']
If due to the recent changes to the Archers you have more than the appropriate amount of principles, please put your name down here with which principles you gained.

Bare in mind that Mur can remove them anyway, so best you say which ones to lose rather than them being picked for you.


I gained Darkness and Light... ~~MalichiW of the Grigori

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[quote name='apophys' date='05 November 2009 - 02:30 AM' timestamp='1257388203' post='46658']
I presume not participating means not playing at all for the duration of the test, because I had managed to successfully remove charge from an idler (haven't tested whether this still works). That's a bit harsh, because the test will supposedly last a while.Now that I think about it, I have yet to see an instance where draining principles actually increases charge on an existing principle. Charge can be destroyed only, as far as I've seen (this makes sense, because Mur stated in the announcement that this draining is an alternative to a reset of all charges). I personally quite like it, but would prefer a new creature for it, and I think it should do more creature damage. :P

i agree it isnt fair but there were alternatives, we know atm its very buggy so you can lose a lot testing this. once its fully tested it will work as mur wants it and you will start to gain as well as lose principles

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I gained the following:

Element Principle = 235.61
Principle of Balance = 228.84
Time Principle = 141.48
Principle of Cyclicity = 111.23

Principle of Enthropy = 61.11

How in the **** can I gain so much prenciples? I wonder because i'm not doing anything special...

this is( as I remember correctly) what I have gained. enough to get me from mp4 to mp9...

Edited by Orlando Gardiner
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good day people, i feel sad about losing these though it's just a test, so i guess i knew it would happen anyway ;)

extra principles i got(i still hope i really understand how i got it :)))
Principle of Cyclicity Principle of Balance Principle of Imagination Principle of Syntropy Element Principle
same goes to Unknown Entity though it's not in the same order. thank you and again, have a good day :D

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[quote name='Totenkopf' date='05 November 2009 - 02:35 AM' timestamp='1257381324' post='46655']
i acquired a few more in the meanwhile :)

Element Principle = 30.77
Principle of Cyclicity = 17.01
Principle of Light = 101.75
Principle of Balance = 53.35
Principle of Syntropy = 21.6

Now I have all 10, however as of moving to MP5, I've additionally selected Light, even though it doesn't show up as the fifth in my list, so my real principles should be:
Principle of Imagination
Darkness Principle
Time Principle
Principle of Enthropy
Principle of Light

and the new ones:
Element Principle
Principle of Cyclicity
Principle of Balance
Principle of Syntropy
Transposition Principle

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Principle of Enthropy
Principle of Balance
Darkness Principle
Principle of Syntropy
Principle of Light

ummmmm yea i dont think i had principle of light before, though not entirely positive on that... judging by the numbers it's hard for me to tell. i name 4 of my drachorns after principles i had and that leaves Enthropy and Light as one of the 2 i didn't have before.... but they both have high numbers. eh i'll just become mp6 so i can have all principles lol.

Edited by Chewett
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[quote name='Udgard' date='22 November 2009 - 06:26 AM' timestamp='1258871198' post='48056']
Just wondering.. so will this be fixed or will they be counted as those irreparable damage done when testing? There's a bunch decisions waiting to be made based on this xD

The lost stats are your result of testing

the gained principles may be taken away later.

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