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Md Coder - After 5 Years

Muratus del Mur

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In five years of MagicDuel, i trusted only once someone to work on some of MD code, and that wasnt even the game itself but a separate admin :).

I am proud to announce you that finally there is someone that will actively work on MD to finish
features and add new, later fix bugs and even more, i hope. This will allow me to plan things better, but also to manage things better, or work on other features (...and why not maybe later also play yey!).

This person is Rendril, rumors already spread long before, i know. He managed to fulfill the requirements
needed, and they go beyond being just a programmer, programmers i can find anywhere.

Please understand that you should not send him requests, "friendly" favors, questions, bugs, problems, issues,
NOTHING. This will only make him lose precious time and he wont be able to help you, since, paranoid as i am, i will be keeping an eye on what he does. He is forbidden to do anything in favor of any of you, or even fix anything without me aproving first, regardless how obvious the issue is.

It is a delicate role he has. His programmer role in MD world should not interfere with his social role
gained through his efforts. Consider me cruel or ungreatfull, but working on md code doesnt mean he has authority or decision power other than the limits that his own character gained. He will however benefit from different things he works on or tests, thats a big advantage in its own, but its a well deserved one, same as other players have from time to time. For example those that test new features, items etc.

If his social role will be matching his administrative role in md, that should be entirely his merit, so he still enjoys md as what it started.

I will update next on changelog the first MAJOR feature he finished. You will love it. Please remember these are his first steps in messing around with md code so have some understanding if things will go wrong (i dont think they will).

Please... bugs and issues go to forum or me, as usual, unless I say otherwise, or he will end up flooded with such messages and he will crush same way i do sometimes. Respect that request please.

I will write in annoucnements a " - R " to features done by him, and later he will add his own announcements signed also.

Applause go to Rendril :D

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Finally ! I have been waiting for this for a LOONG TIME!

And I'm still w8ing for another person to take over some other part of MD.

All of this will make MD evolution fly like the wind !

Hurrraaayy !!

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Congratz Rendril!
And congratz Mur! You finally found someone worthy and I think it's the best possible choice. He's an old player, he's dedicated so I am sure he will be perfect.

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ah rendril finally made it, it was about a time, when i first time met him and saw some of his work i thought he would take up rpc position mur offered for players papers coder but that position was never taken, also i expected to see him as a major bugfinder ingame, but in the end he passed a way beyond of mine expectations and thats just great

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