Sasha Lilias Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 (edited) Well today has really made up my mind about leaving. Im pretty sure now that I will be leaving next week. Im tired of people being rude, abnoxious, down putting and stubborn. It is as if it is becoming the new language of MD. For instance today I had an arguement with someone at the GGG, we were both in the wrong, and someone else decided to butt in. I then posted a message on the Mood Panel: [color="#0000FF"][size="3"]"sasha lilias - Rudeness and stubborness seems to be the new language in MD..."[/size] [/color] This was the response of the person that decided to poke his nose into something that did not bother him: [color="#0000FF"][size="3"]"phantasm - that and whining women" [/size][/color] I was hoping that this week would make me want to change my mind and stay but if anything it has made me want to do the exact opposite. To those that make MD enjoyable for me I thankyou and wish you all the best of luck in whatever you do here and in RL. [size="4"][color="#FF0000"]I will miss you all![/color][/size] To those that made MD a sad and angry place for me then I still wish you the best of luck but I also hope that you try to change your ways so that you won't push more people out from the game. [size="4"][color="#FF0000"]I'm sad to say I WON'T be missing you few.[/color][/size] Though of course it is not all MD that has made my mind up, but it HAS had a [size="3"]big[/size] place in my thoughts. Edited May 18, 2010 by Sasha Lilias Darigan and Chewett 1 1
Root Admin Chewett Posted May 18, 2010 Root Admin Report Posted May 18, 2010 To be fair to Phantasm, While Sasha and i were... talking, he believed that her comment was aimed at me (which i think it probably was lol), And because of that he made a comment of a similar nature. Goodbye Sasha, I hope you dont leave, Because i still have no idea who the hell you are. And on the topic of you disliking my nature, well you cant like everyone, and i suppose being blunt is just one way so everyone understands me.
Sasha Lilias Posted May 18, 2010 Author Report Posted May 18, 2010 [quote name='Chewett' date='18 May 2010 - 07:49 PM' timestamp='1274212190' post='59999'] To be fair to Phantasm, While Sasha and i were... talking, he believed that her comment was aimed at me (which i think it probably was lol), And because of that he made a comment of a similar nature. Goodbye Sasha, I hope you dont leave, Because i still have no idea who the hell you are. And on the topic of you disliking my nature, well you cant like everyone, and i suppose being blunt is just one way so everyone understands me. [/quote] I was not aiming the main part at you at fact you would still make it into the "I will miss you" section...
Asterdai Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 (edited) Sascha you have created a good character within MD, if you feel you have to leave, i would rather you strive and create something even beter, or a different personality, much like mur had his knator commander. Lets see a different side of Sascha, but do one thing, dont tell us who you are! look forward to seeing you in a different form! there was a time, when i first met you that we didnt get on, and there is a lot of history between you and me, with a lot of feelings. That however means a lot more for me than a lot of other people i have barely interacted with in MD, i know that one day you or i will create a character where we can finally get on. And i look forward to it Edited May 18, 2010 by Asterdai Kyphis the Bard 1
phantasm Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 Another prime example of excuses for immature actions. Also another example of 10% of the conversation making the impact and notice, instead of the other 90%. Since most were not at the GGG when Sasha attacked Chewett for being closed minded, stubborn, and rude I'm sure this comes strange. Let us expand upon this little tid-bit of information, though i doubt it has any bearing on Sasha's leaving. After her asking to buy one of Chewett's items, and publicly declaring he his response was rude, their private discussion turned public. Since I, as well as many love public displays of affection, it was at first distressing. At which time I told her that many times text comes across differently to different people since you can't tell what true emotion lays behind the text. This had little change in her attitude and as her conversation of Chewett's attitude continued, I then said "Give Chewett a six-pack of beer and some lube and hes your friend forever". I thought an obvious jest in order to lighten the mood, but apparently only served her leaving the GGG. No more then a few minutes later her post appeared in the mood panel. Not only is it an insult to the people of MD in general, I took it as a more direct assault to Chewett and I. This when I made the mood panel post I did. It's a hard part of the internet when you can't see someone's face, eyes, body features, when they talk it's hard to tell what they truly mean. People's writing styles vary as much as people's personality. Sometimes the two never really meet. Then instead of confronting and discussing the issue further, you get what happens here. People (not only women) go whining and crying about their feelings being hurt instead. Most can tell you I am not racist, prejudice, or sexist. Just because me, or Chewett's, or anyone's typing style comes across blunt, abrasive, vague, or any other manner of style you wish to insert, doesn't mean the people behind the computer feel that way. A strong reason why OOC was invented in games like these in the first place. If you decide to leave Sasha, it is unfortunate. If anything a game where so many different cultures and ideals come together, it should teach us to be inquisitive and try and figure out why such ideals are there. I feel running away "when you don't like what you hear" is indeed a sad sight to see. If that were the case most all of us here would have been gone long ago. Instead, most of the old MDers you see not only withstand such things, but embrace it as exciting, and a reason to keep on playing. If you think items, creatures, and stats are the only things to play this game, it is your own to think so. I personally play this game to interact with people such as Redneck (Phantasm hates him, but i love the guy and his antics), Granos (hes canadian, what more do ya want), DST (my favorite headless horsewoman), I Am Bored (he eats whole buildings for Mur sake), and an endless count more of people who go against the grain. Coming across people who don't wield to you whims because you don't like it most of the times don't actually hate you, they play the character to make the game interesting. Myself included. Totenkopf, Asterdai, Sasha Lilias and 4 others 4 3
Amoran Kalamanira Kol Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 I am sorry to hear this but.. after speaking with you in YIM about your situation, I do not blame you. I only hope that things will turn out well for you and your family in the end. Sasha Lilias 1
aaront222 Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 What will you do with your creatures? <.< Give them away? Sell them?(what with the money then?) I'm not greedy only curious! Ledah, Sasha Lilias, Amoran Kalamanira Kol and 3 others 1 5
dst Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 It's interesting how people react. Sasha, you are a naive person which is not necessarily a bad thing (it is if you ask me but I am just one person expressing an opinion). You sometimes put too much hart into what you do. I have always imagined you as a person with really big eyes and with tears in the corners of your big dark (yeah, I can't imagine you with blue eyes ) eyes. MD is a battle field. You have to be vicious sometimes. Nobody cares about your feelings (or maybe some do but there are others to compensate for that). If you wish to leave no problem: do it. But please! don't use such reasons. You have been playing for quite a while. You knew what to expect. I agree: there are straws that break the camel's back but don't point at that straw and blame it for everything. It's just a tiny innocent straw. If you wish to leave no problem: do it. But please! spear the drama. The ones that will miss you will miss you. The ones that will not will not. Also blaming anyone for your leaving is useless (except maybe for using it to point fingers:X made Y leave! - which btw:I respect X for doing that; X was more powerful then Y, good for him!). I've seen people come and leave. The ones leaving with a simple "good bye, farewell and maybe a swear" won some of my respect (I don't care if you care about it or not ). The ones leaving with tears, pointing fingers, firecrackers and all the drama just made me glad they did (another drama queen or king left the building!). I will stop now. Maybe you'll take your time and read my post and think about it. If not then...oh goes on. Take care and have fun! ps: aaront: reading your post made me laugh this time which is bad (for me ) Watcher, Sasha Lilias, Ivorak and 1 other 2 2
CrazyMike Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 It is always distressing when one reads of another's departure for whatever reason. I just started to get to know you and was looking forward to getting to know you better. Hopefully our paths will cross again. Good luck in your future endevours.
Pipstickz Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 I expect to see you back...or else MD lied to me, because it told me that it's addictive and possibly hallucinogenic Oo [quote name='phantasm' date='18 May 2010 - 02:40 PM' timestamp='1274215250' post='60002'] No more then a few minutes later her post appeared in the mood panel. Not only is it an insult to the people of MD in general [/quote] It's true, in a way, but not just for MD, for people in general, and it is more of an observation than an insult. Besides, since when should an insult be met with an insult? >>
Kyphis the Bard Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 I will be sad to see you go In my opinion, you were a fun person to be with, who was inquisitive and creative, and always tried their best to be at least reasonable, if not friendly. While you had issues with following instructions, that was more out of excitement and good intent than desire to annoy or cause harm.
freelancer Posted May 19, 2010 Report Posted May 19, 2010 Although i dont know you, its sad to know anyone is leaving because of other peoples actions. There are always going to be people who can't live up to our expectations, but theres gotta be some1 whos worth it for you to stay. Stay for those that will miss you and stay because this game is unique and fun... if not, gl and gb
Manda Posted May 19, 2010 Report Posted May 19, 2010 come on you only need to ignore them, as you say some people its great fight for them, dont leave rude person take MD, the best way to convivence its tolerance (and put in the shoes of them)
redneck Posted May 19, 2010 Report Posted May 19, 2010 bye sasha my love i hope you come back for visits
Fenrir Greycloth Posted May 19, 2010 Report Posted May 19, 2010 Sasha, you know you won't leave as well as I do. You have FAR FAR FAR to many alts. Sasha may be gone, but what about the countless alts you have? I doubt they will be gone. Kyphis the Bard, Sparrhawk, Asterdai and 4 others 2 5
Sasha Lilias Posted May 19, 2010 Author Report Posted May 19, 2010 (edited) [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth'] Sasha, you know you won't leave as well as I do. You have FAR FAR FAR to many alts. Sasha may be gone, but what about the countless alts you have? I doubt they will be gone. [/quote] Fenrir, trust me... The way that I am thinking now all shall be gone, as much as it is saddening for me to say. [quote name='Aaront222'] What will you do with your creatures? <.< Give them away? Sell them?(what with the money then?) I'm not greedy only curious! [/quote] As I said I [size="4"]am thinking[/size] seriously of leaving MD. If I do I will make sure I still come on just to see people and see what is happening. My items shall be given to Amoran k Kol. Some of my creatures shall be given to Ectremere, Grido and Pamplemousse. They may do as they wish with them.(yes this includes my drachorn) The silver/gold shall be split between Burns and Tarquinus. If I decide to leave semi-permanently I thought carefully about all of this and so my mind shall not be changed by people asking for my things. Thankyou ~Sasha~ Edited May 19, 2010 by Sasha Lilias Asterdai and Kyphis the Bard 1 1
Poppi Chullo Posted May 19, 2010 Report Posted May 19, 2010 Happened to me once.. But now? i'm here (again).. Its a honour to know u.. See u in the future dear..
Windy Posted May 20, 2010 Report Posted May 20, 2010 My dear sister....don't make such a hasty decision made on need to change your way of thinking and change the rules that you have made for yourself. You will not leave will be back and often. There are too many pple that you will miss....LIKE ME! LOL[img][/img]
Totenkopf Posted May 21, 2010 Report Posted May 21, 2010 (edited) [quote name='phantasm' date='18 May 2010 - 11:40 PM' timestamp='1274215250' post='60002'] I then said "Give Chewett a six-pack of beer and some lube and hes your friend forever".[/quote] almost spilled my beer on the laptop when i read this *hands one interwebz IOU valid for one free beer to phantasm* i knew asterisks were good for something on topic - ummm, yeah, i'm sorry to see one less person in GGG, but i've always adhered to the SubGenius motto of "**** 'em if they can't take a joke!" (and joke 'em if they can't take a **** ) Edited May 21, 2010 by Totenkopf Tarquinus, apophys, Sasha Lilias and 1 other 2 2
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