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Decree Of The King Regarding Rhaegar

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[quote name='Prince Marvolo' date='08 June 2010 - 11:09 AM' timestamp='1276013377' post='61374']
For the record:

I have nothing to do with this all. Not has the Savelites Church.

For the time beeing, I took the lead of the Savelites Church.
I cannot speak for individuals tough, but as alliance, we do not want to get involved in this.. At least, not further.

It is a sad thing 3 members of the church were found traitors, But that does not mean we All are.
I hope this is understood.
The Savelite Church IS Loreroot, and STILL is Loreroot, wether individuals might like it or not.

Any questions about this matter should be adressed to me,

Thank you.


I applaud you Marvolo for taking over the reins of the Church of Savelites and publicly stating that the Alliance is keeping its name and original policies out of the muck. All Alliances are Lorerootians. Not just the Guardians of the Root or the Children of the Eclipse or the Church of Saveliites. ALL Are One. All citizens are under the King.

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  • Root Admin

The Savalite church has said they are not involved, Thats good for them.

[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='08 June 2010 - 12:40 PM' timestamp='1275997225' post='61352']
to be realistic, Firsanthalas is the king, but he doesn't have enough "army" to put me in jail, it's like a president of Mhmhmhmia who has no one around him, decides to imprison a general of the army. How da hell can he do that all by himself? (or a whole mob if you picture me as a villain)since I do have warriors with me,

Because i doubt Rhaegar will answer anything put to him, I will ask this question more generally? Who is his "warriors" Because so far i have only seen Blackthorn agreeing with him. That is hardly an army.

Everyone else has either been against him, or not wanted war. so, and i quote directly, "How da hell can he do that all by himself?" he has no army, And from what i have seen there are very few to none that support him. So How can you "take over" the king, and do what you want with your little "army"

You call Firsan a traitor Yet two can play at that game. I name you the traitor of loreroot, Seeking only to better your own position by making LR a place where you have more power. Seeking to make it a place that is suited to you yourself.

If you wanted the best for Loreroot you would clearly see the damage that is going to be done from your little fun. There are no benefits for you to be waging against the King. If you wanted to change something then you should have done it the proper way.

I dont disagree that Firsan probably didnt like you, But if this is how you have always treated him "kings need to gain respect" And other such sideward comments that i can easily see why he doesnt like you.

[b]I repeat again just for clarity. If you want to better Loreroot, talk to the public of LR and see what they think needs to be done, Dont just make sweeping statements and try to enforce your regime because "i think its the best for loreroot". Support the structure of Loreroot, if people want it changed then call an election, and be the king who will change the structure, and if you get in it would then show that LR wants the changes.[/b]

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Starting a new election, may it be pronounced from Rhaegar as example, will already put him as a traitor of his land, isn´t it? Because it might show other that he isn´t in agreement with the kings business. That makes him a traitor and that therefore the king will throw him into jail instantly and the person is no even able to start election preparations. Even though, a jail and called out "traitor" will already lose his reputation from the whole land and members, so he is not even able to gather his folks around.

Hopefully I can make myself clear.


I say, we should make a new king election.
Kings sees, stops it be throwing me into jail and out of land borders.
Landmembers see, oh he is jail, he must have done something bad, better not get involved anyhow with it.
Preparation for a possible election is therefore terminated even before started.
So I would have like not a chance at all to make up my mind.
Do I see this right? What is your opinion about this?

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Nelson Mandela was in prison for 27 years.
They'd have let him out after 21 years if he had given up his fight.

How long can you stand for your principles?

Mandela had to wait for the old government to die out, and needed support from Fred de Klerk to get anything done at all, before that he was captured as a terrorist, basically.

Whom of the powerful can you gather for your cause?

A revolution isn't carried by force, or a simple majority. What it takes is authority.
French revolution: 95% of all were poor peasants and wanted revolution in the early 1700s, they had to wait til 1789 for the priests to join them, from there onwards things ran.
American Revolution: All 13 states had been running independance movements since 1765, but only after the first national congress in 1774 there was enough authority to support an indepence war.
March Revolution: Working Class AND students were rebelling since 1815, but only when they joined forces in 1848 they gathered momentum.

A single group doesn't make a revolution, ragardless of how big they are. Not even many groups that fight seperately make a revolution.
Revolution is the result of many groups working for one target. They don't need to be powerful for that, they just need a will, and enough visionaries so that executing 20 leaders would only result in 40 new leaders. Mandela had all the world supporting him, even.

While there's a single rouge group of three people, they are terrorists, much like No one and Lightsage in GGG. When they have enough support from another group to move things, they are heroes.

Where's your support, terrorists?

<Yep, it is, Dari. You may calm things down your way, i prefer to provoke brain activity.>

Edited by Burns
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In my opinion it would not be an act of treason it would simply be that you are unhappy with the king and wish for change, if you are able to rally enough support form the citizens of the land who believe their king is unjust and unfair perhaps by petition or such then you can hold an election. that is of course just my opinion and I am unsure if you would get the required support from loreroot citizens to hold an election but you are welcome to try i suppose. Though things could simply be worked out a whole lot easier if everyone put their egos and past grievances aside and discussed in a calm fashion their concerns. We all want to strengthen Loreroot we all have our own ideas of how to do that some may be better then others and they have the right to be voiced in a calm and collective manner. Firs is the king he was voted in by people before my time. I respect him, I may not always agree with him or everything he does or doesn't do but I've never had the issue of not being able to talk to him about things. I don't know why this has become such a fiasco when all that is truly needed is for people to calm their tempers deflate their egos and talk to each other in a calm respectful tone.

edit:(because i was typing this at the time of burns post) Can we please refrain from calling people terrorists, imo its as bad as calling someone a nazi or anything else, while I do agree with most your points, Burns. Is the terrorist thing really needed?/end edit

Edited by Darigan
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  • Root Admin

Do you really think that each time a citizen gets excommunicated from his land, he should be able to call for new elections? Where is the authority of the king then? I won't randomly allow people challenge the king, they need to get enough supporters for that to happen. A king will be challenged only if his throne becomes a danger to his land, not to an individual. The moment a king will be afraid to apply his laws in his land, that moment he will become a puppet, and puppet kings are much worse than riots.

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I am not a terrorist nor I want to be called that way! We all are not! This is simple flaming and not productive and only makes our reputation bad. Our actions will declare us what we are, since we haven´t done anything, don´t judge over us outstanding there.

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lot of people that have not a trace of relation to them post here talking like they know something.
I'll make few things clear and ask my own questions.

Since he became a king, I let go of my opinions of his possible motives and reasons for previous acts, it wasn't important now, we have to work together in rebuilding Loreroot.

His candidacy was good, I liked what it was [u]said[/u] there.

[quote name='Firsanthalas' date='16 October 2009 - 05:22 PM']
I suppose I should post my proposal/application here for all to see. I know it will go up for voting, but I guess this will give people a little more time to see it and quiz me on it too.

Application for King of Loreroot .Firsanthalas. ID: 28728 Days: 551

Concerning rulership:

• Title of king to be changed to that of ‘Speaker for the Forest’.

That happened right? :P

[quote name='Firsanthalas' date='16 October 2009 - 05:22 PM']
• As Speaker, I would pledge to work in consultation with the other groups within Loreroot and agree to listen to and respect their ideas, views and concerns. To facilitate this, I would instate a court. This court would consist of the leaders of the Savelites, COE, Creators and any other alliance/guild that would be residents of Loreroot. The Second of the Guardians would also be entitled to attend to ensure that the Guardians’ interests where adhered to and that the King was in no way overstepping his mark.

My ideas, views and concerns weren't respected. Court wasn't made, unless you call a meeting of 3-5 people once on every 4 months a Court of Loreroot.

[quote name='Firsanthalas' date='16 October 2009 - 05:22 PM']
Should a sizable body of citizens that are not within an alliance or guild be evident, then these would be treated as a guild of sorts, in that they would be allowed a representative at court.
• While the Speaker would have the final say in matters, listening to and accepting the views of the others concerned would be important. Indeed, should the other groups be unhappy with his decisions it would be incumbent on them to question the ability of the Speaker to continue in his post.

This seemed like big trace of democracy in his future reign. So by pointing out my frustrations after being denied with a project that was regarded good as him as well, I got banished, along with my friends who talked with me after that. He was insulted by me... ok, but I stated I do not wish to overthrow him, I stated that I wish for him to acomplish what he told us he will do! where is that Court/council?

[quote name='Firsanthalas' date='16 October 2009 - 05:22 PM']
Concerning aims:
• As Speaker I would strive to improve Loreroot for all parties concerned. Therefore I would try to develop Loreroot in general, but also seek to improve things for the Savelites, COE and the Creators in particular. To develop and expand on the knowledge and feel of what Loreroot is, what it feels to be a Lorerootian and what makes Loreroot different from other lands.

I had ideas that would indeed improve things for all of us, something that would be a common project of us all, creating culture (as this is a game, you can classify it as RP, backgrounds) of Loreroot, but it wasn't respected by him.
I even asked him politely for 2 weeks in a row 4 months ago (!!!) to make a forums for whole of Loreroot, where we would be able to share our ideas between ourselves and establish a stabile contact of somesort, that didn't happen not even until now.

[quote name='Firsanthalas' date='16 October 2009 - 05:22 PM']
• To promote a greater sense of community and belonging in the land of Loreroot, while at the same time acknowledging and promoting the diversity within it.

I already mentioned in my posts how diversity was impossible with that kind of system of rule.

[quote name='Firsanthalas' date='16 October 2009 - 05:22 PM']
• I believe that I have the support of most of my peers and many beyond the borders of Loreroot. I have been constant in my allegiance to Loreroot for a very long time.
• Since becoming leader of the Guardians I have worked to rebuild the alliance. I have put a definitive structure in place and tried to make the goings on more transparent and open for all to see. I have tried to create more of a feel and idea for the Guardians. I would like to think that I have also worked with and helped the members of the alliance to grow and mature in the alliance and MD as a whole.
• I’ve worked to improve relations with the other groups in Loreroot and bring stability. I believe I have shown that I am patient and willing to listen to others. My plan has been to develop slowly and carefully so that they can flow into things and reduce any risk of disturbance to others and therefore create something that can last.
• I have requested and worked on items for Loreroot already, such as the clickables. Hopefully the position would help do more in the future and use things like clickables to develop quests and activities to provide some fun and challenges for people.

I won’t be so clichéd as to say that I want to make Loreroot the best or most powerful land. What I would like to do is to add to and create a sense of a land and its uniqueness from the others. And to do this with the aid and co-operation of the other people involved and passionate about the land too.
While some of my points may not go into detail, it is precisely because I wish to discuss things with others before implementing ideas and policies arbitrarily. I feel it would be wrong to have firm ideas and plans about things without consulting the members of the Court.

Firsanthalas as a king did only things that were related to things granted by Mur to all kings, and I admit that was totally done in fair fashion by him, no matter how opinion I have about him.

I was refused and not listened to at all. My "riot" started after I got banished, not before that, it is inconsidering by a king to his land to make such a damage to a diverse community he said he will preserve, of our land by banishing me and my friends, for voicing my opinion and criticism.
It seems that I wasn't important to him, and most important of all, that Loreroot wasn't important to him, Firsroot is.

Why haven't you worked on that system of diversity you told you want to make, Firsanthalas? Why you ignored me, why you haven't made the forums, why sabotaging my projects for the good of us all?

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Rhaegar, you really, really should have written such a post to firs itself of public in forum to discuss before turning whole things down. I know you are willing to do so much and got hold back and you temper exploded.
Just my opinion my friend. You are quite a splendid leader for the Savelites and I am hoping and waiting the day you get back there.

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  • Root Admin

Is no one reading my posts? or are they hidden? Because i still havent got answers from rather basic questions...

[quote name='Chewett' date='09 June 2010 - 06:55 AM' timestamp='1276062916' post='61412']
Because i doubt Rhaegar will answer anything put to him, I will ask this question more generally? Who is his "warriors" Because so far i have only seen Blackthorn agreeing with him. That is hardly an army.
Everyone else has either been against him, or not wanted war. so, and i quote directly, "How da hell can he do that all by himself?" he has no army, And from what i have seen there are very few to none that support him. So How can you "take over" the king, and do what you want with your little "army"

Who is supporting Rhaegar?!

[quote name='Rhaegar' date='09 June 2010 - 08:01 AM' timestamp='1276066889' post='61413']
We, and there are many of us Firsan, do not bring war upon Loreroot, or its people, or any of it's alliances. We are coming for you.

Wow, yeah, i can see ALL your supporters. Sounds like Granos BS, but unlike Granos it seems to be BS. There isnt even someone who will openly say i support you. And your alliance has already said they are non involved.

[quote name='Blackwoodforest' date='09 June 2010 - 08:01 AM' timestamp='1276066889' post='61413']
Starting a new election, may it be pronounced from Rhaegar as example, will already put him as a traitor of his land, isn´t it? Because it might show other that he isn´t in agreement with the kings business. That makes him a traitor and that therefore the king will throw him into jail instantly and the person is no even able to start election preparations. Even though, a jail and called out "traitor" will already lose his reputation from the whole land and members, so he is not even able to gather his folks around.Hopefully I can make myself clear.Example.I say, we should make a new king election.Kings sees, stops it be throwing me into jail and out of land borders.Landmembers see, oh he is jail, he must have done something bad, better not get involved anyhow with it.Preparation for a possible election is therefore terminated even before started.So I would have like not a chance at all to make up my mind.Do I see this right? What is your opinion about this?

An election could only really be called if Said member managed to get a lot of public support (which from what i have seen Rhaegars support is non existant), And then if that did happen do you think the king could get away with saying they are causing an issue is the PUBLIC want an election? Its obvious that if anyone managed to get support for an election, and where then banned there would be huge public outrage. Which would only cause more to join the side of the banned because of sympathy.

A King will never be able to stop a land if the land wants change via Election, But this is not the case now as there is no one who will openly say they support Rhaegar.

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I just count your posts as annoying.
You obviously know nothing about the issue, nor you read at all, and as most important, you have nothing to do with this issue. Not to mention you have don't know how to think here at all (I certainly won't explain things to you), are you overloaded with emotions over this (and why would that be?) or you are trying to provoke with that behavior, I don't know nor I care.
You deserve no reply.

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Rhaegar, honestly.
If you have support, you don't need any war. You simply show that you have a sizable group of people in Loreroot that wish me gone. Then you have grounds for an election. You keep talking about wars and duels and payback, but not elections. You wanted Mur to give you the kingship. This really sounds like you know best and you want to lead regardless.
Speaker of the Forest. That was my intention. Mur decided it would detract from the king idea and make it less recognisable. I did ask him about changing it. You can ask him yourself. My title description, was also created by Mur, not by me.
On the Court. I have already stated that meeting with people is difficult due to differing schedules. You know this only too well yourself, so come on now. I still try to do it and I still talk to people beyond more formal meetings. There are about 3 maybe 4 non alliance citizens in Loreroot presently. That is hardly enough to warrant a place on any court. It is also my belief that one or more of them may choose an alliance. And nobody has ever brought it up as an issue at all.
I have turned you down on things. Big whoop. I have also allowed you to go ahead with things too. Maybe I turn down a lot more requests than consider approving, but what does that mean? We are keeping a score? A tally? If I don't approve of every second or third one of a person's ideas I am an evil monarch?

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[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='09 June 2010 - 06:06 PM' timestamp='1276099598' post='61473']
I just count your posts as annoying.You obviously know nothing about the issue, nor you read at all, and as most important, you have nothing to do with this issue. Not to mention you have don't know how to think here at all (I certainly won't explain things to you), are you overloaded with emotions over this (and why would that be?) or you are trying to provoke with that behavior, I don't know nor I care.You deserve no reply.
And yet, you replied.
Let's keep it on topic shall we? I so dislike seeing another flame war.

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  • Root Admin

Well you do continue to state that and i quote you directly "We, and there are many of us Firsan, do not bring war upon Loreroot, or its people, or any of it's alliances. We are coming for you."

I just want to see that you do have support. Because then its a simple action, you have a lot of support, you can then just call an election

The only reason i can see you are not doing this, is that you are lieing about your "many" and that wouldnt be very wise.

So my innocent question is who is these people? Is that so wrong?

and in case you wondered, i have read every little post everyone has made, and it was YOUR posts that have made me post on these topics. I did orginally think i would stay out of it.

Edited by Chewett
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agreed Metal Bunny.

no Firsanthalas, I didn't ask for Mur to give me kingship, I was asking for a realistic feedback on my rebellion, since you can imprison the whole world just like that (while the population is 100).
and in that case, why wouldn't be the player be allowed to escape if that player has the ability to? the both abilities have limited casts... so why is a spell of another player more valueable when activated then a spell of another player? (since kings are just other players with roles.)

I'm just saying that the concept is really unrealistic for me at the moment, but nevermind, it has little importance, I'll just do the time.

Ok, I know that time difference is a big trouble.... [b]But that's why the forums[/b] , that would go perfectly for a council if not for the whole land! so why not making forums 4 months ago like we agreed you will?

edit: sure Chewett. Maybe you want me to draw a map for you too, to show you what are my exact plans, what weakness what strengths... how smart of you :P

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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Oh and I forgot to mention that I have my puppet installed in the Church. Good man Marvolo, keep up the good work. (By the way, that was sarcasm, unless of course you actually feel taht Marvolo is actually a puppet?)
You held an alliance, off you go and get your loyal followers to demand an election. The only thing that I will say to them, is to ask them read for themselves what is going on and decide if I am being unreasonable and unjust. I have restored Blackwood his citizenship and Marvolo said he will return him to the Savelites. And I have done this knowing full well that Blackwood is unhappy with me. So he may well opt to ask for me to go, but I have done this anyway. I don't think it can be said that I am out to remove people for simply disagreeing with me. I have been true to my word. I have not sought to destroy or corrupt the Savelite Church and I have respected their wishes.

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you did not respond to my question which is important cause it is the main issue of your reign.

You say you couldn't create the Court of Loreroot due to time differences. Ok, there are plenty of options to make it happen. Such us creating forums for people to talk as soon as they get online, if they can't gather at same time.
But no, you haven't bothered to check something like that? you just went for, what, 8 months of soloing, but officially you have a court?

How can you expect me to follow all the procedures when you can't follow the ones you put to yourself?

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The main issue of my reign is whatever you decide it is and whatever you feel is a weak point for you to beat me with.
If there are 100 items and I have done 99 correct and 1 incorrect, you will focus on the 1 incorrect one and claim that as justification. I am sure I have made mistakes. I do not claim not to have.
I am done answering your questions and playing your little game. I don't answer to you. I am done answering you.

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the main issue from the very start was your lack of will/desire to create the court (or in my previous posts Council - it is one and the same).
you just showed what tyranny is, and how much you care about that diversity... I find it very hard to believe that that supposed "most" of Lorerootians support your autocracy (like I said, autocracy itself isn't the problem, but Loreroot is supposed to be more oligarchic) [b]edit: not even the autocracy in Loreroot can be that of a problem, but lying most certainly is. especially of a king who lies about the whole basis of the land's structure [/b]

you have done almost nothing if not nothing in total of what you said you will do at the very starting point of your leadership.

But you don't have to justify to me... who am I? just a leader of one of three alliances of Loreroot? or now I am regarded as I never been in Loreroot?

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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You are not a leader, you were one. And for the record you are not behaving like one either.
There is a court, just not one that is good enough for you. You know I discuss things with leaders in LR. You were at the meetings. And we discussed things out of meetings. Although it appears that you decided what you should and shouldn't discuss with me.

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tell me a one thing that you took effort to do, that wasn't based on Mur's additions to Kings (like item suggestions) on those meetings?

mention me one time when you approached me for a random chatter, or for some ideas of yours, perhaps an advice or a decision to make, if it isn't based on //someone doing something wrong// (which we both did, but I'm pointing out that you aren't true to what you are saying).
Or you decided I am not good enough to talk with you, or to be part of your thoughts? and then you ask, why am i discontent?

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[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='09 June 2010 - 10:40 PM' timestamp='1276083639' post='61442']
My ideas, views and concerns weren't respected. Court wasn't made, unless you call a meeting of 3-5 people once on every 4 months a Court of Loreroot.
[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='09 June 2010 - 10:40 PM' timestamp='1276083639' post='61442']
where is that Court/council?
[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='09 June 2010 - 10:40 PM' timestamp='1276083639' post='61442']
I even asked him politely for 2 weeks in a row 4 months ago (!!!) to make a forums for whole of Loreroot, where we would be able to share our ideas between ourselves and establish a stabile contact of somesort, that didn't happen not even until now.
[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='09 June 2010 - 10:40 PM' timestamp='1276083639' post='61442']
why you haven't made the forums
[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='10 June 2010 - 04:06 AM' timestamp='1276103219' post='61480']
Ok, I know that time difference is a big trouble.... [b]But that's why the forums[/b] , that would go perfectly for a council if not for the whole land! so why not making forums 4 months ago like we agreed you will?
[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='10 June 2010 - 05:42 AM' timestamp='1276108969' post='61487']
You say you couldn't create the Court of Loreroot due to time differences. Ok, there are plenty of options to make it happen. Such us creating forums for people to talk as soon as they get online, if they can't gather at same time.
But no, you haven't bothered to check something like that? you just went for, what, 8 months of soloing, but officially you have a court?
[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='10 June 2010 - 06:09 AM' timestamp='1276110589' post='61489']
the main issue from the very start was your lack of will/desire to create the court (or in my previous posts Council - it is one and the same).


(Yes, I know that both can be spied on, but so could any other if someone really wanted to. The point is clear: You not only have a forum, you have [u][i][b]two[/b][/i][/u])

Edited by Kyphis the Bard
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Just a note that the admins of the first forum you're referring to is no longer active (as in, Nelya).
If the admin was active, it would be pretty effective against spying as they have hidden subforums. As it is now though, probably only 3 or 4 active players has access to it.

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='09 June 2010 - 06:06 PM' timestamp='1276103219' post='61480']
edit: sure Chewett. Maybe you want me to draw a map for you too, to show you what are my exact plans, what weakness what strengths... how smart of you :D

Oh i dont need that, its blindingly obvious your weakness is a lack of support.

[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='09 June 2010 - 07:42 PM' timestamp='1276108969' post='61487']
But no, you haven't bothered to check something like that? you just went for, what, 8 months of soloing, but officially you have a court?

Do you know what a KING means? You are lucky he decided to talk to you.

[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='09 June 2010 - 07:42 PM' timestamp='1276108969' post='61487']
How can you expect me to follow all the procedures when you can't follow the ones you put to yourself?

With you reacting like this, i can tell you very easily why he is now following your ideas.

[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='09 June 2010 - 08:09 PM' timestamp='1276110589' post='61489']
I find it very hard to believe that that supposed "most" of Lorerootians support your autocracy

And i find it very hard to believe you have any people that believe what you are doing is good for Loreroot, and i am sure most Lorerootianns support him. But i suppose you will go "you are wrong, being annoying and sticking your nose in so can have no opinion whatsoever.

[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='09 June 2010 - 08:51 PM' timestamp='1276113100' post='61499']
tell me a one thing that you took effort to do, that wasn't based on Mur's additions to Kings (like item suggestions) on those meetings?mention me one time when you approached me for a random chatter, or for some ideas of yours, perhaps an advice or a decision to make, if it isn't based on //someone doing something wrong// (which we both did, but I'm pointing out that you aren't true to what you are saying).Or you decided I am not good enough to talk with you, or to be part of your thoughts? and then you ask, why am i discontent?

Please name me 2 things every other king has done that Firsan hasnt. If you didnt realise all the kings have done prettymuch nothing (not that i blame them)


Rhaegar. If you want the best for loreroot then you should stop before you lose all the reputation you have. Loreroot does not need someone who is going to continue to say that the King is a traitor and needs to go. If you want "the best" for loreroot you should TALK to some of them, See what they think about you Dragging Loreroots good name through the mud on this. If you really want to see the peoples opinion, you could put up a poll? But then i suppose you will complain that Non LR people will vote, and they will be against you. If you object to that then think WHY they would be against you. All the truma you have caused, All this useless fighting, All for something that is mindless because you dont like the current king.

This is the reason you got jailed, For all this forum crap. Well done, You are doing a *Great* job to improve loreroot.

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