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Rp Judges


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While I was posting the quest up I had a thought for another quest but what I need from all of you is to know who you all consider to be a good judge of Role Play, or who thinks themselves a good judge of role play.

By this I mean both the blue text actions and the acting out of their roles as close to believeable as possible without stepping over thier abilites.

If you understand what I'm asking for please post some names, if you need more clarifacation of what I'm looking for please ask. I'm basically looking for people that are a good judge of a charcters actions and abilities.

If you feel more comfortable I'm always around to answer a pm

Edited by Darigan
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There are a number of very good roleplayers in MD, but not all of them are necessarily good [i]judges[/i] of roleplay. I will not participate in a discussion of what makes good roleplay. That has been done without satisfying anyone.

Innocence - in all her various incarnations - is the best roleplayer I've ever known. She tends to be very opinionated, and is not what I would call the most impartial judge in the world, but her roleplaying skill is without equal, in my opinion.

As far as other good judges of roleplaying skill go, I would feel remiss if I did not mention Amoran and Peace. Love them, hate them, or be indifferent to them, they are strong roleplayers and know another one when they see one.

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Roleplaying judges?But roleplaying ratings may change depending on the conditions and facts so its not a spesific thingie.But to prevent GOD MODE roleplayers it should be nice.Cause if everyone acts like they are in their own world and not in MD then whats the point of roleplaying in MD world right?

Its like tons of freaked out characters out there,vampires,demons,angel winged weirdos,even dragons?.So how they keep it together in MBD or around without killing eachother its so annoying,this is my idea tho.Being nice to community is another thing,being nice to everyone when you have a background of evil necromancer or demon or vampire is another thing.People should think these thing before creating their backgrounds.

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Anatoli you believe the various darker characters should act as such? If I'm understanding you right from what I know (though I rarely read a persons papers unless theres something I don't understand) most characters save a few animal type are some form of human ish being. We have nice tigers but I can see your point unfortunately being evil in MD is sometimes hard to pull off well, without coming off as antagonistic and childish.

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[quote name='Darigan' date='18 July 2010 - 06:52 PM' timestamp='1279475532' post='64131']
Anatoli you believe the various darker characters should act as such? If I'm understanding you right from what I know (though I rarely read a persons papers unless theres something I don't understand) most characters save a few animal type are some form of human ish being. We have nice tigers but I can see your point unfortunately being evil in MD is sometimes hard to pull off well, without coming off as antagonistic and childish.

Hard to pull off if you are not a great roleplayer. But then again, If you are not a great roleplayer your "good" role will still be lacking, its just less obvious. Khal and Granos are a perfect example of how roleplaying as evil works really well.

Bad roleplay stands out, Just depending on what you do it stands out more or less. Evil characters tend to make more mistakes if they are a bad roleplayer due to the complexity of how you portray being evil without being annoying.

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[quote name='Darigan' date='18 July 2010 - 05:52 PM' timestamp='1279475532' post='64131']
Anatoli you believe the various darker characters should act as such? If I'm understanding you right from what I know (though I rarely read a persons papers unless theres something I don't understand) most characters save a few animal type are some form of human ish being. We have nice tigers but I can see your point unfortunately being evil in MD is sometimes hard to pull off well, without coming off as antagonistic and childish.

I didnt mean everyone should attack eachother just because they are evil.Its like playing pure sides like pure good and pure evil which is also called extremes,should be with some sense.Its has nothing to do with being childish.You just dont want to understand or have no idea about what i am saying.

Many people fills their papers just for the sake of filling them.Not a persistent roleplay of them seen much.Look at marble dale park,demons,vampires,undead and sort is having picnic together,read their papers and you see the master of darkness but in roleplay just nothing.(Not only demons vampires or undead of course).

For example i havent seen a single evil backgrounded lorerootian player yet.Maybe its just me...but i think nations shouldnt have aligments but characters who are making them should have.

If you still think its childish and such tell me why you think so please.

[quote name='Chewett' date='18 July 2010 - 06:00 PM' timestamp='1279476013' post='64133']
Hard to pull off if you are not a great roleplayer. But then again, If you are not a great roleplayer your "good" role will still be lacking, its just less obvious. Khal and Granos are a perfect example of how roleplaying as evil works really well.

Bad roleplay stands out, Just depending on what you do it stands out more or less. Evil characters tend to make more mistakes if they are a bad roleplayer due to the complexity of how you portray being evil without being annoying.

who is Khal?

And i agree with what you said. :P

Edited by dst
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Oh, how i love offtopicness...
but what i love even more are the stupid characters that put all kinds of magical stuff, evil darkness, badass background and whatnot on their papers, and then help little crying babies, or even joke around with the selfproclaimed demon hunters and the like.
And to spice things up a bit, they are incapable of casting any spells at all when asked to show their powers.

Judge people not by their papers, they never stick to them.
And if you try to judge them, don't let them know they are being judged.

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[quote]For example i havent seen a single evil backgrounded lorerootian player yet.Maybe its just me...but i think nations shouldnt have aligments but characters who are making them should have.

Anatoli, maybe you should take a closer look at Tarquinus then?

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Didn't mean to get offtopic but only sidetracked for a moment.

Anatoli: I was not calling you childish, I know a few characters that have tried to be "evil" and have come off to some as simply childish and antogonistic which is not what they were aiming for. Also Khal refers to Khalazdad the first human king of Necrovion. He was from everthing I've read and been told an exceptional roleplayer at being both good and evil.

Burns: You are awesome sometimes. that I believe is the clear version of what Anatoli was trying to point out, I think.

On the subject of how well someone rp's. The reason I'm asking for judges is because of a quest I'm thinking up in my head aside and yet partially related to the tournament I'm trying to get up and running, however I am not a great roleplayer, I play Darigan pretty much as myself with the added characteristics of being a scaly dragon. I have another character that some know about and others don't that has attempted to pull off being evil and has not done so well at it at least from the view of the community. So thus I ask for those that know the value and merit of what makes a good roleplayer and are fair judges of the talent

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Pfff...here we go again....
RP can't be measured! You have no tools for that.You like an RP or you don't. It sucks (and that is seen in the first moment) or it is great (you don't hate it from the first seconds :P).

I see that the names that have been brought up are the names of the people who are considered great RP-ers. News flash people! You don't need to be a painter to be able to value a painting. Besides, usually specialists (in this case the "great" RP-ers) tend to miss obvious things due to their high specialization aka cannot see the trees because of the forest.And a 3rd point:what the "great" RP-ers consider to be great RP could be considered "dirt" by masses. It's a matter of taste. And of education.

So my advice is not to look for the "big" Rp-ers but to try to form an heterogeneous group of people (this in case you really want judges).But honestly I don't think you can measure RP. It's like measuring Fenrir's IQ. You can't cause he has none.

LE:kafuuka is right. It was heterogeneous not the other one.

Edited by dst
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Technically I think you would want a heterogeneous group, tailored to fit all the opinions on RP. With a homogeneous group you would keep the subjectivity.

There's also two aspects, good character creation and good role play.

As for what I consider good role play, stay in character and no 'bunnying'. It's tempting to attack the evil overlord who's pretending to be your character's best friend, except that your character doesn't realize it, even though you do as a player. Besides, your character doesn't have to 'win' for the player to have fun. Would [i]The Green Mile[/i] have been a better movie if [spoiler]the innocent guy who cured the warden's wife of her terminal illness, didn't get the electric chair[/spoiler]? It actually is possible to just count the number of times people make mistakes, provided they all participate evenly and they all have decent papers.

And then there's decent papers and character creation... which would get me horribly off topic.

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Thank you all for your input thus far and your suggestions. From my knowledge and the list here if I wanted to create a panel of rp judges in all fairness to all parties I've considered 3 characters and would like input on my consideration and any other thoughts, comments, ideas anyone has.

My current consideration for rp judges


and before anyone asks no this is not a final decision or anything just a consideration with insistence on input from the community

Edited by Darigan
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being a bug tester in my opinion cannot qualify as a role of an MD character (cause it has to due with RL things, finding bugs and fixing a website) nor I believe dst's role would be based only on hating Bob :))
but she definitely is a roleplayer.


btw, wanted to mention this: a grinder who made his affiliation with a land, like Leixer for example, has a role, warrior of Necrovion - the essence, he can call it however he wants. (some people who have their own, wrong in my opinion, definitions of roleplay would say that grinders don't do roleplay, cause they don't emote their behaviors with blue text, but by having a role in the realm, they are doing roleplay)

so if you want to make RP judges made of just good roleplayers, get Clock Master/Leixer/Shadowseeker in it for example, but if you requirements of an RP judge to be different... then post new requirements :))
being a "good RP judge" is subjective, due to many definitions of roleplay by different individuals.

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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You make a decent point Rhaegar, I've read Shadows papers and while never seen him talk very much in game I've also read of the things he's done in the past fulfilling his role as a Knight.

(note to self:check up on CM and Lexiers roles)

Thank you for the input Rhaegar and I'm curious if bugtesting is not a role/though that was what her tag labled her as for a long while, and i'll agree that her role isn't based on just hating the squiggle..I mean tree. Then what is her role in your opinion...and what is her role in her opinion...if shes still reading this.

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yeah but tags often show some kind of moderator status of a person (game manager, bug tester, live support)
things like Live Support aren't roles, but roles can be made based on helping others with LHO status as an addition and/or confirmation of that, if you know what I mean.

MD is an alternate world that copies reality in many things. Master Spy is one of the most important roles of a kingdom, but it is important that that role is not known, so if someone doesn't have a public role, doesn't mean that the same doesn't have a role in the world.
for Dst specifically, since you asked, I wouldn't be able to say with certainty what is her role (meaning that it evolves around something concrete) but if you look at her, she has an alliance, basically her own land, and always has her nose interfered with important things (:))).

She tries hard to exploit things and find holes in the rules, but she also tries hard to maintain the same system of rules. Why? cause it isn't fun if she is doing things that are allowed for everyone, nothing special in that :)).
I'm not completely sure but I think that's what her alliance is supposed to be about. Fact is that she is a factor in MD world, and by that she is a roleplayer of MD.
roleplayer doesn't necessarily have to have a concrete role, a mission, to be a roleplayer. We are all roleplayers in RL but half of us don't know what is our purpose (or better, haven't created our purpose) meaning role.

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Heck! I'm a mod! I have to read all the cr*cough* stuff on the forum.

My role? I don't have a role if you apply the common RP rules.
But people say I have/had several roles: villain, bug tester, abuser and even lab rat (this is the reason, according to Mur, that saved me from a ban when I started a big scandal related to the first and only GM MD had).

Tree hater started as a joke and since I had tons of fun with Z and then Blacky I continued it. And you know what the scary part is? I really want the tree gone! I even had a plan to replace it with a statue of Metal Bunny. Good thing Mur ignored me back then.

Right now I am sure I have a role...but I don't know what it is yet :))

Ok...this is getting offtopic. More info here:
It's an old topic but my ideas haven't changed. I still believe what I wrote there.

ps:let me know if you want me to split the topic.

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Hmmm alrighty I think that covers dst. As per your request I'll take you off the list of possibles. (I got a headache trying to read through all the code in your posted topic):blush:

Back on topic then. What is the difference between people like Sage/Windy whom have their roles as hostess and bar keep, and people like Shadow and others that made their role as Fighters?

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