Darigan Posted August 2, 2010 Report Posted August 2, 2010 Last night something happened deep in the forest near the Oak Fort. A few people witnessed the events and I lay them out here for all to view. Something is wrong with my wife. A short outline of the events that occured by one Kyphis the bard: [log='Kyphis' outline of events']> Mya Celestia was surrounded by a magical aura of pulsating energy, crackling as electrical energy would but appearing to be composed of pure magic energy. > Mya's natural energies are pheonix (water) and angelic (unknown sphere of focus), however the balance of these energies has been disrupted four fold: 1: Mya's attempts to heal a Fairy, its energy accidentaly syncs with hers. Her energies begin to go out of balance. 2: Adam Icepheonix, Mya's earlier partner, attempts to help Mya discard her Angelic side to become fully pheonix. The Fay energies, which had previously had little impact, appear to have prevented this is some level, and also been agitated. As a foreign energy, the reaction is highly unpredictible. 3: Mya is tainted, her angelic side is further weakened and the negative to her angelic energy is polarised to manifestation as undeath. 4: Mya is killed, and her resurrection is prevented via normal means (pheonix). This weakens her pheonix aspect, which is being suppresed (method unknown, however necrovion has always made Mya feel ill, so likely due to the Necrovion magics), and with her angelic aspect already being suppressed this increases the foreing Fay energies influence on her even further. >After recieving this information, I performed an experiment to determin where the imbalance was occuring: 1: I gathered a wooden cup, and submerged it fully in the water. The cup needed to be a material alligned with living energies, such as clay or wood, to maintain the link to the spring. A water spring acts as an energy node for both water based pheonix energies, and many types of Fay energies. 2: I used a minor incantation to remove the cup and its contents from the planes of earth, air, mind, and any other natural energy spheres that would act upon it, leaving just the fay and water energies focused in it. 3: With Arion and Darigans consent, I slowly dripped the water onto Mya 4: The Fay and Water energies acted to increase the flare for a few seconds, however they also weakened the magical aura for a few hours, during which Mya should be back to her old self (although observation shows she is blind and deaf, this is most likely due to shock) > The magical Flare attracted a Fay Spirit. Darigan had been directly beside Mya when she flared, and made no attempt to resist the onslaught. As such, he became a living conduit for the Fay spirit to manifest, possessing him. It's intentions where unclear, however it did not seem more hostile than an average fay. > After being tricked into revealing itself, I used the Iron rim for a drum as a circlet, which I snapped around Darigans neck, forcing the Fay out. > Mya regained a semblances of conciouseness, although unable to see or hear she was able to sense Darigan and Arion. She only said one thing before falling asleep: *Mya Celestia*: *mumbles* book....[/log] The full log of events [log='Log from Oak Fort'][02/08/10 07:18] :*Mya Celestia* collapses near the water [02/08/10 07:27] :*Mya Celestia* 's eyes glaze over as she begins to glow with an eerie light [02/08/10 08:10] :Arion Ibruson lands beside Mya [02/08/10 08:10] Arion Ibruson: *growls* I knew something was wrong [02/08/10 08:11] :Arion Ibruson kneels beside Mya and gently lays her hand on her [02/08/10 08:12] :*Mya Celestia* glows brighter then flickers [02/08/10 08:12] :*Mya Celestia* crackles with energy [02/08/10 08:15] Arion Ibruson: *his face is a mix of anger and worry* Come on Mom you can come out of this. [02/08/10 08:16] :Arion Ibruson attempts to work the energy from her [02/08/10 08:17] :*Mya Celestia* bursts of energy surge into Arion explosively sending him flying against the fort [02/08/10 08:18] :Arion Ibruson hits the tree with a crunching thud [02/08/10 08:18] Arion Ibruson:Ouch! [02/08/10 08:19] Arion Ibruson: *glares at Darigan* What? [02/08/10 08:20] :Arion Ibruson returns to Mya's side [02/08/10 08:20] :[Spell] may the dragons touch rejuvinate your weary soul-*Mya Celestia* [02/08/10 08:22] :Darigan lays his hands lighty upon Myas fragile body slowly caressing her cold cheek [02/08/10 08:23] Arion Ibruson:Ever since she found that stupid fairy she hasn't been right. [02/08/10 08:23] Darigan:Fairy? [02/08/10 08:24] Arion Ibruson:Before you came here [02/08/10 08:24] Darigan:Rosewood? [02/08/10 08:24] Arion Ibruson:She tried to heal some fairy and it screwed up her energy [02/08/10 08:24] Arion Ibruson:Sounds right [02/08/10 08:25] Darigan:Could be the fact she still hasn't recovered from dieing either [02/08/10 08:25] Arion Ibruson:Probably hasn't helped [02/08/10 08:26] Darigan:Any idea where the fay went? [02/08/10 08:26] Arion Ibruson:I don't think I can synch the energy like Adam did [02/08/10 08:27] :Arion Ibruson draws his sword [02/08/10 08:28] :Darigan watches him carefully [02/08/10 08:28] Arion Ibruson:I'm gonna kill her and see if that helps. [02/08/10 08:29] :Darigan frowns [02/08/10 08:30] Darigan:Lets see if we can't reslove this without any bursting into flames [02/08/10 08:37] Darigan:Hello Kyphis Mojo [02/08/10 08:37] Kyphis:o.O [02/08/10 08:37] Darigan:perhaps you two can be of assistance [02/08/10 08:37] Kyphis:What with? [02/08/10 08:37] Mojomuppet:Hello. *she blinks* What i sgoing on? [02/08/10 08:37] Arion Ibruson: *growls* How else do you expect to fix this without killing her? [02/08/10 08:38] Kyphis:Are you speaking of Mya o.O [02/08/10 08:38] Darigan:mya apperently tried to heal a fairy at some point in the past and it went wrong and screwed up her natural energy [02/08/10 08:38] Mojomuppet:The fairy or Mya energy? [02/08/10 08:38] Kyphis:You, who was so upset when she died the first time, now advocate the death of your mother o.O? [02/08/10 08:38] Darigan:shes an engel closesly related to the pheonix killing her would essintially bring her back to life [02/08/10 08:38] Kyphis: (Mya's energies) [02/08/10 08:39] Darigan:as long as the progress is not halted [02/08/10 08:39] Darigan:as it was when she was stabbed [02/08/10 08:40] Darigan:But I'd like to see if we can't solve this with out the revivial [02/08/10 08:40] Arion Ibruson: *roars* Can't you feel her pain?!?! [02/08/10 08:41] Darigan:I feel something eminating from her in a lot of distorted signals [02/08/10 08:41] Darigan:Kyphis what do you know of natural energys [02/08/10 08:42] :Mojomuppet runs her hands through her hair looking utterly confused [02/08/10 08:42] Kyphis:A lot, but "natural" energies vary in certain instances [02/08/10 08:42] Kyphis:Regenerative energies that self-cycle are rather... complex... [02/08/10 08:43] :*Mya Celestia* crackles with energy as the eerie light pulses [02/08/10 08:43] Kyphis:I'd need to have more information about what caused the imbalance, or other manifestations of her natural energies to make an accurate guess as to how they might react [02/08/10 08:43] :Kyphis falls on his arse [02/08/10 08:44] Kyphis:THAT on the other hand, was bloody spectacular! [02/08/10 08:44] Kyphis:.. and not at all a good sign... [02/08/10 08:44] Darigan:Not usually no [02/08/10 08:45] Darigan:even my deeper understandings of magics and healing haven't done anything [02/08/10 08:46] Darigan:add to all this the fact shes been off balance even more so since she died [02/08/10 08:47] Kyphis:I have quite a very large wealth of knowledge on magical theory, if you can give me some more data on the behaviours of her energies, for example reactions around negative forms of her energy... [02/08/10 08:47] Kyphis:... then I can figure out a likely safe course of action [02/08/10 08:47] :Arion Ibruson takes deep breaths trying to contain himself [02/08/10 08:47] Kyphis:Anything you can tell me at all should help [02/08/10 08:47] Darigan:Hmm negative forms of her energy [02/08/10 08:48] :Kyphis looks around the place [02/08/10 08:48] Arion Ibruson:Going into Necro makes her sick [02/08/10 08:48] Kyphis:(what is her exact location on the scene, right now* [02/08/10 08:48] Kyphis: () [02/08/10 08:48] Arion Ibruson: (near the water) [02/08/10 08:49] Kyphis: (excellent) [02/08/10 08:49] Darigan:Hmm [02/08/10 08:50] Darigan:She was acting strange earlier [02/08/10 08:50] Arion Ibruson:She's been screwed up since Adam tried to make her full phoenix. [02/08/10 08:50] Kyphis:Arion, what can you tell me about how here energies imbalanced after the fay incident? for example, changed reactions to natural events, either physical or mental, and the same for light based magics? [02/08/10 08:52] Arion Ibruson:She tried to heal a fairy but it synched with her energy [02/08/10 08:53] Arion Ibruson:I guess it's like paralyzing her [02/08/10 08:53] Kyphis:Normally Fay natural energies are completely incompatible with Angelic energies, having different sources, nodes, and expressions [02/08/10 08:53] Kyphis:However her Pheonix side would have more similar energy conditions to a Fay [02/08/10 08:55] Kyphis:If it "synched" with her, it would have been via the more compatible pheonix aspect, hence why Adams actions made the situation worse [02/08/10 08:55] Arion Ibruson: *looks at Darigan* What do you mean about earlier? [02/08/10 08:56] Darigan:She was acting odd at the cabin almost zombieish trying to poke at Ectre with a nife and drooling speaking slurred [02/08/10 08:57] Arion Ibruson: *eyes go wide* ReallY? [02/08/10 08:57] Kyphis:Hmm... [02/08/10 08:57] Kyphis:That is in line with my hypothesis [02/08/10 08:57] Arion Ibruson:That's the way she acted when she was tainted. [02/08/10 08:57] Darigan: *nods* was a bit strange but she snapped out of it pretty quick when she wasn't getting anything accomplish [02/08/10 08:58] Darigan:O.o [02/08/10 08:58] Darigan:Now your both messing with my head [02/08/10 08:58] Darigan:whats your hypothisis and ....I wish i'd been around longer [02/08/10 08:59] Kyphis:For a being with a naturaly high rate of natural angelic based energies, such an imbalance would encourage the behaviours of a negatively based entity, for example, the undead [02/08/10 08:59] Arion Ibruson:Mom went insane when she was tainted. It ate a part of her brain and made her powers go crazy. [02/08/10 09:00] Darigan:Seems my wife is the barror of trouble times [02/08/10 09:00] Mojomuppet:Should she be standing so close to the water if she is sparking like that? *she takes a step back* [02/08/10 09:01] Arion Ibruson: *frowns* Her heart has caused more trouble than it's worth. [02/08/10 09:01] Kyphis:The discharges are magical in nature, not electrical, so it should be fine [02/08/10 09:01] Kyphis:However, the water may serve another purpose, I just need to review a few things [02/08/10 09:02] :Kyphis turns to Arion [02/08/10 09:02] Kyphis:What is the dominant element tied to her pheonix properties? [02/08/10 09:03] Arion Ibruson:Mom's mostly light and water oriented. [02/08/10 09:03] Kyphis:Hmm... [02/08/10 09:03] Kyphis:Does anyone have a cup? [02/08/10 09:03] Kyphis:Preferably wooden, I only have pewter [02/08/10 09:05] Darigan:hmmm *wanders into the fort bringing a wooden come back out with him* [02/08/10 09:05] Arion Ibruson:Why wood? [02/08/10 09:05] Darigan:they tend to have a few drinks during alliance meetings and other...rendevous in there [02/08/10 09:06] Kyphis:Because it will not cut the "life" energies like a metal would [02/08/10 09:06] Kyphis:A clay container would work as well, it just needs to be a "living" container [02/08/10 09:07] :*Mya Celestia* lurches as another burst of energy crackles across her [02/08/10 09:07] Kyphis:And I would suggest you Hurry in finding something, if you value your mothers safety, Arion! [02/08/10 09:08] Darigan:There isn't enough natural energy to be producing those kinds of results so you may be right about the magical aspect Kyphis [02/08/10 09:08] Mojomuppet: *steps back again* Huh maybe you should hurry? [02/08/10 09:08] Arion Ibruson: *points at Darigan* Give him the cup already! [02/08/10 09:09] Kyphis:"Magic" energy is still a type of "natural" energy in this real, just a different manifestation [02/08/10 09:09] Kyphis:*realm [02/08/10 09:09] :Darigan hands Kyphis the wooden cup [02/08/10 09:10] :Kyphis takes the cup and submerges it fully in the water, and then lifts it and whispers to it, watching as the outside of the cup dries rapidly [02/08/10 09:11] Kyphis:Arion, before I continue, I will explain the possibilities if I am correct so far [02/08/10 09:12] Kyphis:If the problem is in the pheonix aspect of her magic due to the similarities in fay energy, then this water, unsevered from its spring, will contain energies that complement both the native pheonix... [02/08/10 09:12] Kyphis:.. and the foreign pheonix energies [02/08/10 09:13] Kyphis:The result will be an incredibly short, slightly larger energy corona, or flare of magical energy [02/08/10 09:14] Kyphis:It will not do any harm, as the energies are not tainted. They will flow out as fast as they enter, and after the flare the bursts will almost certainly be slower for a while [02/08/10 09:15] Arion Ibruson:If it isn't phoenix related? [02/08/10 09:15] :Darigan mumbles something about stupid fairies [02/08/10 09:15] Kyphis:If the imbalance is due to her angelic energies being supressed by the foreign faye energies, there is the possibility of this being dangerouse, although it is incredibly slim [02/08/10 09:16] Kyphis:If it is the angelic energies, she will temporarily degenerate as Darigan saw earlier, however there is a slim chance that it will be for a prolonged period of time. [02/08/10 09:17] Darigan:so she might end up zombiefied for several days [02/08/10 09:17] Arion Ibruson:So she's either going to blow up or go insane? [02/08/10 09:17] Kyphis:Because of the very small increase in the fay energies, she would have to be at an extreme point already for this to have such a prolonged effect, but it is a possibility [02/08/10 09:17] Kyphis:Arion, as she is your mother I won't procede without your say so, but you need to decide fast [02/08/10 09:18] Kyphis:It looks like time is of the essence here [02/08/10 09:18] Arion Ibruson: *looks at Darigan* What do you think? [02/08/10 09:19] Darigan: *looks down at Mya and smiles* Kyphis I asked you hear because your the best I know in knowledge of these things do what you must [02/08/10 09:19] Darigan:here* [02/08/10 09:19] Kyphis:Arion? [02/08/10 09:20] Arion Ibruson:If Darigan thinks it's ok then go for it [02/08/10 09:20] Kyphis:Very well... [02/08/10 09:21] :Kyphis slowly lets the water drip from the cup down to Mya, watching for any change [02/08/10 09:21] :Darigan waits and watches in slow anticipation [02/08/10 09:22] :Mojomuppet watches looking terrified [02/08/10 09:22] :*Mya Celestia* crackles loudly before an enormous burst of energy explodes from her body [02/08/10 09:22] :Kyphis hurls the cup away from Mya as she flares, making sure no more water strikes her [02/08/10 09:22] :Mojomuppet covers her head and runs behind the tree, peeking out [02/08/10 09:23] :*Mya Celestia* cries out in agony [02/08/10 09:23] :Kyphis moves back from the corona [02/08/10 09:24] :Arion Ibruson tries to steel himself against the bombardment [02/08/10 09:24] :Kyphis begins whispering in an odd voice [02/08/10 09:24] :Darigan sits beside her closing his eyes as the energy washes over him and engulfs him [02/08/10 09:25] Arion Ibruson: *yells over the noise* How long is this going to last? [02/08/10 09:25] Kyphis: *pauses in his chanting* It should stop in a few seconds! [02/08/10 09:25] Mojomuppet:Dar?! [02/08/10 09:26] :Kyphis continues chanting as the energies are washed aside from him, and stream into the plants to either side [02/08/10 09:27] :*Mya Celestia* bursts a second time then everything suddenly goes silent [02/08/10 09:27] Kyphis: (I will be back in a moment, need to move a couch) [02/08/10 09:27] Darigan: (fun fun) [02/08/10 09:28] :Arion Ibruson looks from Mya to Darigan and back [02/08/10 09:29] :Arion Ibruson kneels beside Mya resting a hand on her head [02/08/10 09:30] Kyphis: (back) [02/08/10 09:30] Kyphis:Make sure he is fine, and himself [02/08/10 09:30] Kyphis:Fay energies are neither malignant or benign, they are a more wild form of "High" magic [02/08/10 09:31] :Darigan smiles slightly [02/08/10 09:31] Kyphis:They can do anything, but they have habits [02/08/10 09:31] Kyphis: *watches Darigans eyes, to see if they are the same color or shape* Darigan, look at me [02/08/10 09:32] :Darigan looks at kyphis with a sudden urge to play tricks on him [02/08/10 09:32] Kyphis:Open your mouth, Darigan [02/08/10 09:33] Darigan:ahhhh *opens his mouth waving his long dragon tongue at Kyphis* [02/08/10 09:33] Kyphis:Hmm... Darigan, say my name. [02/08/10 09:33] Darigan: (the last time you were this close to my mouth you ended up in my stomach) [02/08/10 09:34] Kyphis: (aye, I recall) [02/08/10 09:34] Darigan:your name why how could you forget your name silly duckky [02/08/10 09:34] Kyphis:None the less, say it [02/08/10 09:34] :Kyphis is suspiciouse at Darigans reluctance [02/08/10 09:35] Darigan:Kybuu [02/08/10 09:35] Darigan:Kybii [02/08/10 09:35] :Arion Ibruson raises an eyebrow [02/08/10 09:36] :Kyphis snaps an iron circlet around the dragons neck and watches it burn [02/08/10 09:36] Kyphis:He could not say my name, for he didn't know it [02/08/10 09:36] :Darigan twitches [02/08/10 09:36] Kyphis:A fay spirit was controlling him, they can stand cold iron [02/08/10 09:36] Arion Ibruson:Dude, what's going on?! [02/08/10 09:37] Kyphis:*can't [02/08/10 09:37] :Darigan flails trying to release the circlet [02/08/10 09:37] Kyphis:He is a dragon, it won't burn him [02/08/10 09:37] Kyphis:But the spirit will be forced from him [02/08/10 09:37] Kyphis:Excorcised, if you will [02/08/10 09:38] Kyphis:Keep back from him until the circlet stop reacting, he won;t be able to remove it himself [02/08/10 09:39] :Kyphis watches the Dragon [02/08/10 09:39] :Darigan falls over to the side twitching and trying to remove the circelet from his neck and hissing [02/08/10 09:39] Darigan: (hello Kets glad you could join us) [02/08/10 09:40] Handy Pockets: ( *waves* ) [02/08/10 09:40] Kyphis: (hello Pockets >) [02/08/10 09:40] :Darigan suddenly stops twiching and lays still [02/08/10 09:41] :Kyphis moves to where he has a clear view of the circlet [02/08/10 09:41] Kyphis:Darigan? Are you with us? [02/08/10 09:42] Arion Ibruson:Come on, dude, mom needs you [02/08/10 09:42] Darigan: *looks up at Kyphis and the others* why am I laying on the ground? [02/08/10 09:42] Kyphis:You where posesed by a fay that was attacted by the flare [02/08/10 09:42] Kyphis:*attaracted [02/08/10 09:43] Kyphis:Darigan, can you say my name? [02/08/10 09:43] Darigan:duh your name is Kyphis and...I asked you here to help [02/08/10 09:43] :Kyphis smiles [02/08/10 09:43] Kyphis:Stay still for a moment... [02/08/10 09:44] Mojomuppet: *lets out a long sigh of relief* Ok where is it? [02/08/10 09:44] Darigan:whats this thing *pullls at the circulet* [02/08/10 09:44] Kyphis:Wait a moment, let me remove it... [02/08/10 09:44] :Darigan waits [02/08/10 09:45] :Kyphis carefully removes the circlet, making sure not to get it caught under Darigans Scales [02/08/10 09:45] Darigan: *looks up at Mojo* whatever "it" is I think its in this thing [02/08/10 09:45] Kyphis:The spirit is gone, back to where ever it came from [02/08/10 09:45] Handy Pockets:where did this fay come from? [02/08/10 09:45] Kyphis:It probably just wanted to play some games... but a Fay game can be deadly [02/08/10 09:46] Kyphis:It was attracted when Mya Flared [02/08/10 09:46] Arion Ibruson:What about mom? [02/08/10 09:46] Darigan: *sits up looking around* how is she? [02/08/10 09:46] :Kyphis dusts off the drum ring, and clips it back onto his backpack [02/08/10 09:47] Kyphis:She should be less active for a few hours, but I would NOT suggest repeating that process [02/08/10 09:47] :Darigan crawls over to Mya's side looking her over and caressing her cheek [02/08/10 09:48] :*Mya Celestia* moves her head slightly at his touch [02/08/10 09:48] Kyphis:She is in a lot of danger right now [02/08/10 09:48] Kyphis:You will need to find some way to fix this imbalance soon, before it gets worse [02/08/10 09:48] Handy Pockets:Why did Mya flare and what is a fay? I am sorry for my ignorance. [02/08/10 09:50] Kyphis:Fay are beings tied to "high" magic energy in its wild form. Beings like Dryads, Nyads, pixies, and faeries, which favoure the Seelie cast, and Red Caps, bogarts, and Ghasts which favour the unseelie [02/08/10 09:50] Darigan:Mya tried to heal a fairy that was following her around but it went wrong and their energys synched together [02/08/10 09:51] Handy Pockets:That does not sound too good. [02/08/10 09:52] Kyphis: *stares at the magic energy emanating from Mya* No, it isnt [02/08/10 09:53] Handy Pockets:What do you suggest Kyphis [02/08/10 09:53] :Darigan sits beside Mya humming to her softly and caressing her cheek [02/08/10 09:54] :*Mya Celestia* breathes laborously as she tries to open her eyes [02/08/10 09:54] Kyphis:I don't know... I don't have enough information or history of Mya to progress further, but I can be almost certain she will NOT resurrect properly right now [02/08/10 09:54] Kyphis:She will be herself for a few hours at least, I suggest you make her comfortable while you can [02/08/10 09:55] :Kyphis begins drawing a diagram for Handy in the dirt with a stick [02/08/10 09:56] :Handy Pockets watches Kyphis closely [02/08/10 09:56] :*Mya Celestia* looks vacantly up at Darigan [02/08/10 09:56] Darigan:Hello my darling [02/08/10 09:57] Kyphis:Mya has two native natural energies within her, pheonix energies, which have sources of high consentration, like the stars for fire based pheonixs, or oceans like Mya, who is water based [02/08/10 09:57] *Mya Celestia*: *wheezes* D? Is that you? [02/08/10 09:57] Darigan: (Kyphis you do so well at sounding cryptic) [02/08/10 09:57] Kyphis: (Thankyou ) [02/08/10 09:58] Kyphis:The Spring that feeds these waters is a suitable node for her, and helps strengthen and renew her pheonix energies [02/08/10 09:58] Darigan: *holds her hand in his lightly* yes love it's me [02/08/10 09:58] :Kyphis watches Handy to make sure she is following [02/08/10 09:59] Handy Pockets:So she needs to be at this spring you speak of? [02/08/10 09:59] Kyphis:No, that's just an example [02/08/10 09:59] Darigan: (kets can you get this in your poetry book and copy it?) [02/08/10 10:00] Darigan: (or Kyphis have you got acoustic remains?) [02/08/10 10:00] Kyphis:It ties in with the energy spike, but I doubt it will have any lasting effects in this circumstance [02/08/10 10:00] Handy Pockets: (I needed to start it , it will not take from the ground) [02/08/10 10:00] Kyphis: (no, I don't have that spell, sadly. Certainly wish I did ) [02/08/10 10:01] Darigan: (can we find someone that does I'd really like to save this) [02/08/10 10:01] Kyphis:Now, Mya also has native natural angelic energies [02/08/10 10:01] Kyphis: (pamplemousse, or Grido, or any king) [02/08/10 10:02] Kyphis:They have often very abstract things that are their natural expression, and their nodes can come in all forms, but are generally very special places [02/08/10 10:03] *Mya Celestia*: *nervously* D? D, where are you? [02/08/10 10:03] Kyphis:For example, and angelic energy tied to destruction would have a natural expression of say, fire, and a node of a battle field [02/08/10 10:04] Darigan:I'm here my darling *squeezes her hand lightly looking into her eyes* [02/08/10 10:04] Kyphis:While one tied to healing might have a natural expressing of the sun or moon, and a node of a hospital [02/08/10 10:04] :Kyphis draws a complex geometric shape in the dirt [02/08/10 10:05] Kyphis:This represents an approximation of Mya's natural balance, when she is healthy [02/08/10 10:05] Handy Pockets: *blinks and looks at Kyphis* . I am getting lost [02/08/10 10:05] Darigan: (NO MORE GEOMETRY) [02/08/10 10:05] :Kyphis points the stick at where the lines touch [02/08/10 10:05] Handy Pockets: (i know.... made me think of mur) [02/08/10 10:05] *Mya Celestia*: (XD) [02/08/10 10:06] Darigan:um Kyphis [02/08/10 10:06] Kyphis: (nah, Mur uses simple geometric shapes. These symbols are meaningless, just a picture) [02/08/10 10:06] :Darigan waves a hand lightly in front of Myas faces slowly [02/08/10 10:06] Arion Ibruson: *frowns* Her brain is pretty scrambled [02/08/10 10:06] Darigan:face* [02/08/10 10:06] Kyphis: *looks up from what he was engrossed in* yes? [02/08/10 10:07] Darigan:I think shes blind [02/08/10 10:07] Kyphis:Hmm... I hope that is temporary... [02/08/10 10:08] Arion Ibruson:With the way she's fretting she may not be hearing you either. [02/08/10 10:08] Kyphis:From what we have seen, it would have the same cause as her earlier behaviour [02/08/10 10:08] Kyphis:That of having her angelic energies suppressed by the foreign fay energies [02/08/10 10:09] :*Mya Celestia* whimpers [02/08/10 10:09] :Darigan frowns [02/08/10 10:10] Handy Pockets: (I am sorry, but it is 3 for me. I need to go to bed, ) [02/08/10 10:10] Kyphis:Hold her shoulders firmly, both of you, and think safe thoughts. Try to remember the times she has comforted you, and see if she recognizes your touch [02/08/10 10:10] Kyphis: (g'night) [02/08/10 10:10] Darigan: (gnight Kets) [02/08/10 10:11] *Mya Celestia*: (g'night) [02/08/10 10:12] :Darigan lays a palm on her shoulder and closes his eyes thinking happy thoughts [02/08/10 10:13] :*Mya Celestia* instinctively glows a soft blue in reaction to his touch and seems to calm [02/08/10 10:14] :Kyphis breathes out in relief [02/08/10 10:15] :Darigan smiles and kisses her cheek [02/08/10 10:15] Kyphis:I don't know what is causeing the blindness and deafness, it may just be shock, but she doesn't appear to be imbalanced yet [02/08/10 10:15] Darigan:what kind of appearance would that be? [02/08/10 10:16] Kyphis:Hostile actions, loss of speech and motor functions, and similar traits associated with the undead [02/08/10 10:17] Darigan:hmmm [02/08/10 10:17] Kyphis:She has not had a fortunate few months, with the imbalance, then the taint, then the murder [02/08/10 10:18] Kyphis:However, I suspect that if she had not been tainted, her nature when the angelic aspect is suppressed would be far more dangerouse [02/08/10 10:18] :Darigan sighs [02/08/10 10:19] Kyphis:I don;t know how much further I can help you, my expertise is in theory, I am no mage such as the likes of yrthilian, or even Burns [02/08/10 10:19] Kyphis: (I am moving house tomorrow and may not have internet ) [02/08/10 10:20] Darigan:You've done a great deal more then I could have dreamed of Kyphis [02/08/10 10:20] :Kyphis sighs [02/08/10 10:20] *Mya Celestia*: (sounds like you get a workout) [02/08/10 10:21] Kyphis:Sadly, all I have done is identify that the imbalance is her angelic aspect being suppressed, and that she almost definetly won't resurrect normally right now [02/08/10 10:21] Kyphis: (I have a busy lifestyle My fiance sees to that ) [02/08/10 10:21] Kyphis: (Wedding plans, moving house, and doing a little contract work ) [02/08/10 10:22] Arion Ibruson: *frowns* Mom hasn't had any real peace since dad left. [02/08/10 10:22] Kyphis:We are no closer to solving this calamity, even though we are closer to its cause... [02/08/10 10:23] Darigan:Kyphis could you do me a favor when you get the chance [02/08/10 10:23] Kyphis:Aye? [02/08/10 10:24] Darigan:write up your knowledge of whats happening here and what you know of the events along with the urgancy for a need to find a possible solution and either send me a note or post it in the forum realm [02/08/10 10:24] Darigan:We need all the expertise we can get [02/08/10 10:25] Kyphis:I have a little while, I shall see what I recall... [02/08/10 10:25] Darigan:thank you my friend [02/08/10 10:25] Darigan:for everything you've done so far [02/08/10 10:25] Kyphis:I'll write up some of the rules almost all fay follow, they should help you if there are any more manifestations, but I doubt there will be [02/08/10 10:27] :*Mya Celestia* closes her eyes again [02/08/10 10:27] Darigan:we just need to find a way to balance her energies [02/08/10 10:29] *Mya Celestia*: *mumbles* book.... [02/08/10 10:32] :*Mya Celestia* slips into unconsciousness [02/08/10 10:33] :Darigan lays Mya beside the lake and watches over her [02/08/10 10:34] Kyphis: *looks up from his note taking* You needn't worry about the water, When I was whispering at the cup I was seperating all the other energies from it, that was why that reaction was possible [02/08/10 10:34] Kyphis:She should be able to drink and bath as normal [02/08/10 10:38] Darigan:Shes fallen asleep for now [02/08/10 10:42] Darigan: (all my knowledge of fairies comes from wiccans and artimis fowl) [02/08/10 10:42] Kyphis: (Haha, Artemis fowl is pretty good ) [02/08/10 10:51] :Kyphis tears the page from his notebook, and hands it to Darigan [02/08/10 10:52] Kyphis:Those are the events I observed, and my conclusions, as best and clear as I can record right now [02/08/10 10:52] :Kyphis returns to writing [02/08/10 11:11] :Kyphis tears out another page [02/08/10 11:12] Kyphis:See to it that those who need it get that information, Darigan [02/08/10 11:12] Kyphis:I doubt you will need it, but if you do it may save lives [02/08/10 11:12] :Darigan nods [02/08/10 11:16] Darigan:Thank you Kybii.... *twitchs* Kyphis [02/08/10 11:19] :Marvolo nods to all present[/log] Tarquinus, dst, Kyphis the Bard and 2 others 3 2
Curiose Posted August 2, 2010 Report Posted August 2, 2010 Considering that you're dealing with a Fae: I would suggest that you either A. Find the faerie, and interrogate it in any means that you can so as to find a way to reverse what happened. B. Kill the faerie if that tactic doesn't work / or threaten it in such a case C. Torture it by tossing it in GG, and see if that would work. You can't trust faeries, really, and seeing as how it tried to manipulate Darigan in the first place, I wouldn't suggest trying to cooperate with that thing. It's not known if what it did was intentional, or if it was accidental. When speaking with the Fae, I would also suggest to be careful, for they lie under their tongue better than any fox. dst, Darigan, Amoran Kalamanira Kol and 1 other 2 2
Darigan Posted August 2, 2010 Author Report Posted August 2, 2010 ah thank you Curiose that reminds me, I was given these details. Fay Behaviour Rules Fay will not lie. They will not necessarily tell the truth, but they won't lie. That's NOT to say they can't. They just won't, ever. However, they place high value on being able to answer a question in such a way that it misleads or means nothing while seeming to. This is a good way to earn their respect, however it encourages them to be more tricky. Never, EVER accept food or water from a Fay. Never accept gifts, and never make deals. Be careful what you say, they will take it as literal truth. You say something is one way, it damn well better be. If you lie, they WILL take revenge, and that is almost exclusively death or worse. Fay hate Iron. It burns them. While they can often hear or see anything they want, if you are touching pure, cold iron, you are essentially invisible. The purer the iron, the stronger the effect. Note: iron heated enough to glow has no effect for interfering with their senses, but it will still hurt them just as bad. Bells drive the LESSER Fay away, and ANGER the greater. Silver is as disruptive as iron, but neither are much better than any other metal. Bells also disrupt Fay magic that relies on music, but not speech (singing counts as music) for MOST Fay. The stronger Fay magics will be weakened by bells, but you will piss off whatever is trying to use the magic, and that will be worse. No Fay are evil, but by the same token none are good. Unseelie (traditionally regarded as the evil court) will basically hunt you down, while Seelie (the traditional Good court) won't. Unseelie are more direct and to the point, Seelie play more games. Beyond that, they are almost the same in actual motives and conduct. It is rude to offer a gift, you must always take something in return. However, as said before, never take anything they can refer to, in any way, from them. Never, ever, EVER tell them your name. However, never lie either. If they ask you your name, state: "you can call me...". Do not say it is your name, but do not ignore the question. A true name allows a Fay being to have complete control over you, and is the greatest gift and sign of trust. However, if you find the Fay's true name, then you have it at your will as well. Mya Celestia, dst, Prince Marvolo and 1 other 2 2
Grido Posted August 2, 2010 Report Posted August 2, 2010 I apologise for not reading the logs at the top, but just to add about the fay; You should also on no account accept a dance from them, the music and the dance lead you to dance for all time, never being able to leave it, this can be perilous. Your feet would turn to bone, raw with dancing, and yet you would dance on... Kyphis the Bard 1
Amoran Kalamanira Kol Posted August 3, 2010 Report Posted August 3, 2010 First, I must ask which Faerie creature this applies to. Second I must ask specifically where you got your information from. It is not entirely true, not all of it...however that also depends on which Fae you are dealing with.
Seigheart Posted August 3, 2010 Report Posted August 3, 2010 How can you say what is true and isn't true about a fictional being that was not created by a single person? Look at the recent renditions of vampires, and werewolves in the Twilight Saga. Darigan, Amoran Kalamanira Kol, Chewett and 1 other 2 2
Tarquinus Posted August 3, 2010 Report Posted August 3, 2010 One of the paths at the Howling Gates once said, "Yog-Sohoth" when clicked. This was a clear reference to an entity called Yog-Sothoth from the writings of H.P. Lovecraft, just as the symbol on that path is associated by some with Lovecraft's fictitious but now-published-as-real evil tome, the [i]Necronomicon[/i]. That reference has been removed. I encourage all involved with the events described this thread to consider why. Amoran Kalamanira Kol and dst 1 1
Darigan Posted August 3, 2010 Author Report Posted August 3, 2010 Mya based this event off of the list of things that have happened to her in game through out her time here. We aren't allowed to talk about or debate anicent lore of the lands and what not, and were encouraged to use history that had actually happened. All of the events that are listed in Kyphis' outline actually happened to Mya during her time in game, some of it put into her pages for people to read. The current happenings with Mya are a result of all the previous calamities that have befallen her combined. We intened at some point to make some sort of small quest out of this event in the near future, but if this is all frowned upon then by all means close this topic and we will go back to being our normal quiet selves.
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