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I've dropped mp6 due to too many inactive adepts which is fine with me I need to start training properly once more which is hard to do at mp6 I'm currently about 16 losses from stat damage so I need to work on that little problem.

My reason for this post is that I have about 29 active adepts and a few others that pop up every now and then. While I don't have any real say over what they do with their choice of who to be an adept of I am aware there are a few people trying to achieve mp6 and a few mp6 looking for more adepts and worshipers.

I admit I bit off more then I can chew going to mp6 when I was in the position i was in with as many losses as I had but while I was mp6 I tried my best to be around for my adepts and worshipers when they needed me or when I could be around as much as possible.

I do plan on going back to mp6 hopefully someday in the future, it's a fun and great experience and I'd like to do it again when I'm better situated to defend myself while in highly populated areas.

Anyway I'm done rambling I'd just like to know who is aspiring to be mp6 so that my adepts might have a wide choice of people to go to from me if they choose.

Edited by Darigan
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It's a huge leap to just simply say that 'none of the current mp6 are active in their duties'. I send PMs to my adepts and my worshipers often to check on their progress and provide them with an opportunity for questions, I also do daily rounds in the realm to heal or help any of those who are bound to me.

I often see Pamplemousse out and about quite often, healing and taking care of her worshipers and adepts as well.

We all have different methods of participating in this mind power, and not all of us have to be incredibly active in one area (such as the Marble Dale Park) for us to achieve the purpose of this mind power.

Before you went mp6, I did suggest to you that waiting may be a good idea, and it was simply because of the fact that you are young in the game and do not have a lot of experience.

However, for a newer player, you did do well and I'm sure your worshipers and adepts will understand.

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[quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1284431410' post='68364']
I'd just like to know who is aspiring to be mp6 so that my adepts might have a wide choice of people to go to from me if they choose.
I think this assumes much. That you think your adepts either:

[b]a.[/b] Cannot make decisions for themselves and wish for you to provide them with alternatives.


[b]b.[/b] Are so disloyal to you that they wish to change now that you no longer want to be MP6.

Hopefully, you have done a good enough job in bringing people to your side that they will wish to stay by it, and now not foist them on to someone else that you decide is right for them.

People have a way of finding who is right for them. It is a bit presumptuous for you to act like a facilitator of that process, even if it is under the guise of taking care of people.

I say let the people choose who they wish to be the adept of; be it you, someone well-known or someone yet to be well-known.

It is their choice.

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Just because you rarely see them about it doesn't make them any less active in there duties.

Amoran K Kol and Pamplemousse are great Protectors

Amoran K Kol makes multiple runs through the park during the day healing her worshipers and even ones that aren't her worshipers or adepts. I also see her answering questions that players ask in chat.

I send Pamplemousse between 2-800 messages a day and she answers everyone with a big evil grin.In return I get her hot, it's our little deal that works out well for the both of us. She rests at the howling gates almost everyday dropping Petrichors left and right on new players and old ones.

I would recommend choosing either of these ladies to protect you.

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other than those awesome great protectors that are everywhere, this old timer is available as well, where you will find honesty and a true friend.

and there's bound to be one more protector as well, yes? or it's just us 3?

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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It is my goal to achieve MP6. I have 20 adepts and 15 inactive, so it will be a bit longer. (I lost another half-dozen supporting Sage - another story).

I try to be helpful in the realm; most of my adepts have been collected by answering questions left on chat lines. The adepts I have do seem to appreciate my help.

I offer regen rituals and other help routinely to those around me. And of course my major effort is devoted to improving MD via creation of quests and games for others to enjoy. This has brought a few adepts to me.

I encourage those looking for a mentor to consider me.

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While I agree with wanting to leave MP6 for training, the other reasoning I do not agree with.

I do not agree with taking the lazy approach when dealing with your adepts. In some sense, I do find it a bit insulting when you call them inactive when they either:

A. Show independence from their Mp6
B. Are not around whenever the Mp6 is.

When I play the game, I don't always see Pample around, nor does that always mean I pester her a lot with questions. Players play as they will and you can't call them inactive when a good portion of them are possibly from the other end of the world. Would you find it easy to contact someone who is 10 + hours ahead of you for assistance?

I'm not here to chide, nor am I here to lecture. But rather, you might want to change how you look at the situation instead of saying things like your people are not active.

Even so, life does get in the way. Are you going to tell someone who has troubles outside of the game that they're inactivity is what has caused you to drop?

Perhaps it is all circumstantial, but even so you have to put these things into account. Adding adepts willy nilly just to get your goal whatever that may be, is silly and more or less selfish almost.

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Inactives refers to those who do not play for a few days or longer.

By your current actions, you are NOT one of those.

Think a bit more before you speak please, curiose.

As for those who then truly fall inactive..it is not their fault, but it isn't the protectors fault either for hoping they do continue being active. And if he cannot find enough new adepts, yes, then those dropping have caused him to drop..just like you may say it was because he didn't recruit enough.

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Inactive is a technical term given by the system when they have not logged on for 5 days. When the system designates them as inactive, they do not count towards the 30 needed to make MP6. So I have 35 adepts, but only 20 that are "active" and count towards the requirement for MP6. Actually, which ones of the 35 are active does vary from week to week a bit.

Edited by Fyrd Argentus
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[quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1284483332' post='68406']
Inactive is a technical term given by the system when they have not logged on for 5 days. When the system designates them as inactive, they do not count towards the 30 needed to make MP6. So I have 35 adepts, but only 20 that are "active" and count towards the requirement for MP6. Actually, which ones of the 35 are active does vary from week to week a bit.

Curiose's response made me laugh. Its kind of fun to see people scold others when they don't understand what they are talking about.

I haven't thought about adepts in a long time. TO me the adepts pages is kind of like a cemetery of players past. Looking at all of the inactive players who haven't logged on in 5 days (actually most more than a year) reminds me of my time as an MP6 (so long ago). ;)

Its funny how that seems like ancient history now. MD has changed so much since then.


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