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Insulting Public Log Comments

Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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I am uncertain where to place this, but after I logged on earlier today, I noticed that a player known as Unholy funny has been spending his time going around and insulting people in their public logs.

I don't know the reason for him doing this, but I'm very certain that no one appreciates these comments.

Is there a way that these comments can be removed?

Edit: I have sent this player a message in game asking him politely to stop the comments, as he did insult my adept. He agreed that it wasn't very amusing, and stated that he would stop.

Edited by Amoran Kalamanira Kol
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I'm posting to make this clear to ALL players.

[size="4"]Magic Duel has some [color="#ff0000"]restrictions[/color] that every player should follow.[/size]

One of those restrictions says:

[size="4"][color="#ff0000"]You are not allowed to insult someone in his public logs, if you want to share a negative remark about that player you have to explain it in decent terms.[/color][/size]
[size="3"]Rules apply to all players and[/size] [size="5"]"IGNORANCE OF THE LAW IS NO EXCUSE."[/size]

[size="4"][url="http://magicduel.com/pages/info.rules.php"]MD RESTRICTIONS[/url][/size]

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that's still not eligible for censorship in the real world Shadow

well, the rules said public logs - if it wasn't there, no reason to even try censorhip

and please, don't act like little tyrants here, even if its just a game
your character shows how bad a leader you would be in the real world
power mad?
god complex?
lol. insecure people always does that with a bit of power gained.
a bit of a tap on the wrist, admonishment - and we're all good friends eh?

out in the real world, we value freedom of speech.
i may not agree with what you say, but i'll defend with my life your right to say it (that familiar to any of you?)
i stand by my first statement. nothing in those log posts can be considered "hate speech"
just because the words "i hate you" was said, already consist hate speech

well, i hate you too. go die now.
i'd like to keep MD world free from tyrants. so if you could please, go back to whatever fascist state you came from.

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Harion, this is an official warning from a mod now:

You're on the verge from getting a warn, if not worse from me.

This exact kind of speech is hateful..it isn't about an opinion of someone being good or bad, but there is a limit to it. You just crossed it for me as well.

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cross what? your sense of power?
lol. check your reasoning mate.
if you'd actually use calm reasoning, you wouldn't go there.
right now, your ego is egging you on.
why coz your sense of authority is being questioned?
try now and there will be a trial. because i will demand one.
we can't have a precedent for fascism in MD...
nor for any other plays of tyranny hiding under the veneer of flimsy authority

i pointed something quite clearly. in the real world, this wouldn't even warrant serious attention
but only because it was put in the rules could we remove the log post
without it, we have nothing to go on
freedom of speech is very much protected in the real world for a reason

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Freedom of speech is relatively new and tyrants are not per definition a bad thing, nor is a democracy per definition a good thing. Because it depends on the tyrant and/or the people who rule. Also quoting Voltaire like that, ouch, at least do him some real justice.
I don't know in what kind of real world you live in, but if you tell people to go, and I quote, 'die', whether it is in written form or in speech, it is still enough to prosecute someone on the charge of the threat of bodily harm.

Check your mouth and fingers now, before I sue you. Then brush up on your law and then your manners.

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I dislike comments like that as well.

Things like that are UNNECESSARY and plain rude.

The things you were spewing in the chat while Burns and myself were around should have been warning enough that it won't be tolerated, Harion. This is a community game, we get that.

But when someone like you and others like that are completely disrupting the rules that have been in place, including INSULTING people for upholding the rules is making you look nothing more like a complete bigot. You believe in no censorship? Well, sorry, but MD believes in less hateful relations between people and upholding the "real world" laws.

Freedom of speech does not abide by privately run forums/games. And even in the "real world" you can still get yourself in jail for saying certain things. Open your eyes. The world is not a fair place, and if you don't think MD is, then who cares as long as you keep your nasty little trap from insulting those who have a mind to be realistic?

Thank you for showing us that there are people like you out there. But now your comments are no longer neccesary.

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[quote name='Metal Bunny' timestamp='1286064714' post='69534']
it is still enough to prosecute someone on the charge of the threat of bodily harm.

Check your mouth and fingers now, before I sue you. Then brush up on your law and then your manners.
lol. bodily harm? do tell me where in those posts threat of bodily harm was mentioned?
and yes, do check my mouth and fingers now
coz the old boys club are closing ranks on each other :excl:
and just becaue i'm questioning authority im rude?
lol. are you people used to everyone kissing your ass in MD?
or can we have a debate without anyone pulling rank?

@curiose, no my comments are still necessary
and yes, there are people like me out here
sorry to burst your bubble
but there do exist some people who are more tolerant than most of you here

a drop soap and a bit of bow, oh sorry venerable folks of MD
so sorry i refuse to bow unblindly to your egos
oh. is that a god complex parading under the guise of protecting wee simple folk from coarse and offensive language?
we can't have any of the wee bit children going out in the world and hearing stuff like that
christ almighty - what about the movies? and TV? and god forbid - this is a game for crying out loud!
children are playing here!

i love being hated :D
i hate you too. :D
i want you out of my way.
get out of MD and return to your pathetic Sparta.

any of those posts can be construed as non-threatening and non-insulting depending on the context. any of you consider that?
notice that 3 of the players whose logs were commented on came from one country. idk abt spartiatis but i'm guessing Unholy funny knows him too
if you imagine this was a friendly banter, how would you react?

nadrolski: gawd, you're annoying. i hate you
Unholy funny: i love being hated (smile) :D
manny villar: hey, you stole my cookie! i hate you *pouts*
Unholy funny: i hate you too (smile) :D
Epi Quizon: get out of the great Epi Quizon's way puny mortal!
Unholy funny: yeah, i want you out of my way too.

IMO, it was only his log posts to spartiatis which is bordering on offensive
but even then
"i don't like you" nothing wrong with this
"why don't you die?" nothing wrong with this. (we can't know if he's asking about rits or just death in general)
get out of MD and return to your pathetic sparta (i think this was the only passage wrong. but still. i'm not gonna go all ballistic and go Hitler on this)

edit: i will quote jursiprudence now
[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_speech#The_Internet_and_Information_Society"]Reno vs. ACLU[/url]

you may disagree with what i'm saying
but you cannot threaten me with banning for saying my opinion
now, anyone wanna swing the ban hammer?

and prudes walking about unwilling to hear offensive language on the net
did you read the decision? ^_^

Edited by Harion
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[quote name='Harion' timestamp='1286084482' post='69540']
or can we have a debate without anyone pulling rank?
If you want a debate, at least attempt to be tolerable. Being a jerk and spamming for a few giggles won't help you.

RL examples are hardly good evidence when you're talking about the laws in the game. You want to win a court case in RL? Use RL examples. We're talking about infractions of the GAME law, not law outside of the game.

"but you cannot threaten me with banning for saying my opinion"
It's legal to ban people from your own website. So yes, they can do more than threaten you, they can actually do it.

Edited by Pipstickz
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[quote name='Harion' timestamp='1286084482' post='69540']
and just becaue i'm questioning authority im rude?
No, you are rude because of your insults to others.

[quote name='Harion' timestamp='1286084482' post='69540']
or can we have a debate without anyone pulling rank?
Where was it said that Unholy funny would get banned for these comments?
It is only your insults that brought about the warnings.

You might not find the comments offensive but others do. You speak of tolerance, yet why should your freedom to say anything be tolerated when you can't tolerate others? That is why there are rules.
And it is why the rules are presented upfront.

As far as I am aware, movies, TV, games, do have censorship in RL.

[quote name='Harion' timestamp='1286084482' post='69540']
we can't have any of the wee bit children going out in the world and hearing stuff like that
christ almighty - what about the movies? and TV? and god forbid - this is a game for crying out loud!
children are playing here!
Perhaps then they can appreciate MD for not just being another festering cesspit.

I do not feel that Unholy funny's public log entries were offensive, but I have seen many entries that are.

Edited by Rendril
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Harion, if you choose to spam ridiculous comments in my thread that have little to nothing to do with the actual reason I posted this, then please.. by all means, continue. It merely goes to show how little you understand the difference between the game and reality.

First of all.. I will not tolerate one my adepts, worshipers, or otherwise being insulted in that kind of way. Even if the insulted was not my adept or someone I have reason to care for, I would have reported the comments to someone. Those minor insignificant insults as what are posted could escalate into an even greater problem. No I do not want to censor anyone's opinion, but we can keep the bloody opinions pleasant.

As stated, and I will repeat this in bold so that you, Harion, and everyone else is aware:
[b]Edit: I have sent this player a message in game asking him politely to stop the comments, as he did insult my adept. He agreed that it wasn't very amusing, and stated that he would stop.[/b]

Since the issue has been resolved, can we please lock this thread? I'm sure the forum mods have more interesting things to do with themselves.

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