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About Selling Angien Eggs


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[quote name='Tarquinus' timestamp='1286580111' post='69949']
Since I can't reply in [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8117-poll/page__view__findpost__p__69944"]this thread[/url]...

Selling angien eggs is like selling the eggs found at Wind's Crossing. Asking for silver or credits for them is, in my opinion, absolutely absurd - and that is the politest way I can put it. An egg with age (a [u]lot[/u] of age) is another matter altogether.

Since there are people running around claiming to want to "help newbies", I wanted to state my objection to this idea right from the start. Taking advantage of other people's ignorance or innocence is not being helpful. Furthermore, if certain things in MD are hard to find/buy, there's a reason. Some things must be earned.

And you don't have to be a LHO to offer help without putting a price tag on it.
I do like to help players, and that was not to sell them what-so ever, i was just wondering how much they would fetch if they were sold, simply for wonder.

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[quote name='The Great Pashweetie' timestamp='1286675472' post='69991']
I do like to help players, and that was not to sell them what-so ever, i was just wondering how much they would fetch if they were sold, simply for wonder.

The problem with the poll was the writing. You didn't wrote concrete ideas. They need more sense and more organization.

Example of your poll, related to angiens, more organized.

1. Would you buy fresh, non tokened, angiens eggs? (If yes, how much would you pay for it?)

a. No, I would not buy a fresh angien egg.
b. Yes, I would pay 1 sc for it.
c. Yes, I would pay 2 sc for it.
d. Yes, I would pay 3 sc for it.

[Spoiler] No more than 3 sc and no credits. You should now that nobody will pay more for angien eggs. [/Spoiler]

2. Would you like to buy an aged (250+ days), non tokened angiens? (If yes, how much would you pay for it?)

a. No, I wouldn't buy an aged angien.
b. Yes, I would buy it for 4 sc
c. Yes, I would buy it for 5- 7 sc
c. Yes, I would buy it for 8-10 sc
d. Yes, I would pay more than 10 sc

[spoiler] I'm not including credits, but you could add a max of 5 credits for an aged angien. [/spoiler]

A little recommendation:

As Chewett and Tarquinus said, if you are unsure of something, please as to someone you trust (LHOs, vets).
I'm sure they will help you and point you in the right direction :P


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you know who id ask :P but seriously, i wasnt trying to sell it. I was just wondering,
The story behind the poll:
I asked fyrd: how much would a angien egg go for?
He said: i dont know...
I put a poll online to see how much they'd fetch for... end of story :D.

But thanks, i do realize that there were a few things left out.

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I do not like that you did not include "0 silver" in your poll for the unaged Angien eggs section of the poll. If they have a year or more of age, then sure, they're worth something because of the gathered age.
Usually they take about two months or so to even get to the point that you can include them in a battle, so of course they would be worth something with that much age.

As for eggs that are new, I would say that they should not cost anything. If they are new: you still have to wait a couple months for them to age and there is nothing generally 'special' about them (except for the fact that they are angiens) besides the fact that you spent over 100-200AP to get them.

So yes, I agree with what Tarquinus posted, no matter how harsh it may have sounded.

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