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Why Is This A 0 Xp Fight?

Fyrd Argentus

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Loading Fyrd Argentus creatures
Loading Ravenstrider creatures
COMBO: Adding 10126 combo vitality bonus for this ritual
Applying 30% of Fyrd Argentus's energetic influence
Applying 100% of Ravenstrider's energetic influence
Influences for Fyrd Argentus ######
Fyrd^s Fancy: poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze
Marind\"s Fancy: poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze
Gnarl^s Fancy: poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze
Influences for Ravenstrider ######
Feamor: skillvampire
skillvampire boosts allied creatures by -74 attack;56.4 defence;-4.4 initiative;-8 regeneration;-17.2 luck;-25.6 energeticimmun;-8 tradesense;-8 briskness;625.6 power;
Turambar: creatureboost
Applying Fyrd Argentus's Creature Tokens at 70%
Fyrd^s Fancy's creature tokens [claw1]
[claw1] Fyrd^s Fancy gets 1000 power based on Principles
Contralto's creature tokens [claw1]
[claw1] Contralto gets 1000 power based on Principles
Marind\"s Fancy's creature tokens [blackdiamonds]
Descant's creature tokens [antifreeze, claw1]
[claw1] Descant gets 1000 power based on Principles
Basso Profundo's creature tokens [claw1, blooddrop1]
[claw1] Basso Profundo gets 1000 power based on Principles
Gnarl^s Fancy's creature tokens [blackdiamonds]
Applying Ravenstrider's Creature Tokens at 0%
Huggin's creature tokens [darkshield, blacktear, blooddrop1]
[darkshield] Huggin gets 328 defence
[blooddrop1] Huggin gets 16 attack (10 percent) due to principles combination
Feamor's creature tokens [claw1, kellethafire, darksky]
[claw1] Feamor gets 905 power based on Principles
[kellethafire] Feamor gets +50% vitality due to missing Light and/or Element Principle
[darksky] Feamor gets 0 attack and defence due to Darkness Principle
Turambar's creature tokens [claw1, claw2, emeraldglare, osirisbelt, stardust, claw3]
[claw1] Turambar gets 905 power based on Principles
[claw2] Turambar gets 1218 attack and 0 regeneration based on Principles
[emeraldglare] Turambar gets 2 regeneration and 93 defence based on enemy creature skills
[osirisbelt] Turambar gets Max Vitality capacity increased by 1200
[stardust] Turambar gets 100 regeneration and power, 25 luck
[claw3] Turambar gets 186 attack, power and initiative based on Principles
Torondor's creature tokens [claw1, emeraldglare, stardust, blooddrop1, blooddrop2]
[claw1] Torondor gets 905 power based on Principles
[emeraldglare] Torondor gets 2 regeneration and 16 defence based on enemy creature skills
[blooddrop1] Torondor gets 16 attack (10 percent) due to principles combination
[blooddrop2] gets 1 initiative (10 percent)
Ravenstrider's Turambar does damage to all creature(s) of Fyrd Argentus and:
- Fyrd^s Fancy receives 1 damage
and remains with 12797 vitality
- Contralto receives 1 damage
and remains with 14097 vitality
- Marind\"s Fancy receives 49 damage
and remains with 12749 vitality
- Descant receives 1 damage
and remains with 14597 vitality
- Basso Profundo receives 1 damage
and remains with 14597 vitality
- Gnarl^s Fancy receives 32 damage
and remains with 12766 vitality
Fyrd Argentus's Descant does energyburn to strong creature(s) of Ravenstrider and:
- Turambar receives 36649 energy burn (attacking creature consumes 6153 Ve and remains with 8444 Ve)
creature DIES!
Ravenstrider's Feamor cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
Ravenstrider's Torondor remains frozen, skipping turn
Ravenstrider's Huggin remains frozen, skipping turn
Fyrd Argentus's Contralto does energyburn to strong creature(s) of Ravenstrider and:
- Huggin receives 25800 energy burn (attacking creature consumes 4351 Ve and remains with 9746 Ve)
creature DIES!
Fyrd Argentus's Basso Profundo does energyburn to strong creature(s) of Ravenstrider and:
- Feamor receives 36804 energy burn (attacking creature consumes 6153 Ve and remains with 8444 Ve)
creature DIES!
Fyrd Argentus's Fyrd^s Fancy cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
Fyrd Argentus's Gnarl^s Fancy cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
Fyrd Argentus's Marind\"s Fancy cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
###### START ROUND "1" ######
Fyrd Argentus's Descant does energyburn to strong creature(s) of Ravenstrider and:
- Torondor receives 21285 energy burn (attacking creature consumes 3559 Ve and remains with 4885 Ve)
creature DIES!
Fyrd Argentus's Contralto cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
... Fyrd Argentus WINS!
Creature Experience reward for Fyrd Argentus - Winning player
Fyrd^s Fancy gains 0 Xp and a won battle
Contralto gains 0 Xp and a won battle
Marind\"s Fancy gains 0 Xp and a won battle
Descant gains 0 Xp and a won battle
Basso Profundo gains 0 Xp and a won battle
Gnarl^s Fancy gains 0 Xp and a won battle
Creature Experience reward for Ravenstrider - Losing player
No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward
Winner gets won fights counter incremented!
Loser does not get a lost fight point

My battle log shows I won with a victory as follows:
OUT X Ravenstrider 20301 0 1 16-10-2010 03:51:17 replay

So it's like it's not counting the damage I did by energy burns.

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