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New Ggg?


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if a player reacts in a similer way, or enables them to be identified as another alt then they must have been something wrong, so many times ive seen characters of your Fenrir act in the same way as your other alts and its dissapointing to see, you dont need DST to tell everyone but in this instance you trying to act like young newbie characters, for exavple that Vicarious character, which you posed as when trying to buy an avatar off me cheaper, which annoyed me actually because i like to do things to help people and making conversation with people, and people like you ruin that for everyone

The trouble with all this is, is that i agree with everyone, about everything to do with GGG.
About how hard it is to gain wins for angiens and victorys in mp5, without setting up a"system" between you and friends. I DO consider it elitist to use it in a location such as the Balcony, whose location could possibly be given out as a reward not just plain speak.
i have been to other set ritual sites and partaken in them to lose Experience so i dont know where i stand on the subject. I do think that anyone should be allowed to destroy rites or attack people. there are spells and such to keep those people at bay.
However that doesnt mean that those people who attack such rites should be victimised or bullied out of locations as happened to me when i first arrived on Golemus and i was politely asked not to attack (i was stuck there, i had to!)
this is where acoustic remains really helped me, and the bully stopped the abuse.

i also agree that DST or anyone has Every right to do what she wishes with Acoustic remains, and by the amount of conversation and really valid points being raised in this topic im pretty pleased. If DST displays something it stimulates heated debates and it is generally about something which affects us all, as a community.

half of me wants to vote that the code for the balcony be changed, but i know its not really possible

i did also think there may be a way to gain enhanced skill reward or heat reward(burst) for attacking lots of different people, say 0-4 people 100%, 5-8 people 120% 9-14 130%. If something was possible it would stimulate a person to "balance" his attacks on people and not go for small gatherings (just a silly idea to make this comment here worthwhile, rather then just agreeing with what everyone says)

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Ok, seems the problem is this:

People want a GGG .

dst forces them to disolve it .

Now, dst, please tell us MORE ACCURATELY, what will you agree with? What rules and location must a GGG location have for you to agree with it ?

Once we can meet those requirements, everybody will be happy, right ? So, tell the people what you want, they will meet the requirements, and everybody will be happy !

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[quote]Public place where everyone can get access to. No rules on how players should attack. If you wish to set a tree, do it without screaming if someone breaks your rit. [/quote]

[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#696969"]I agree with dst on that one.
I was never against GGG, was a "regular" in fact tho never abused it. Also took part in some less popular versions of training meetings GGG or other styles.
There are a lot of places less popular tho accessible by anyone where people can train quietly. And if someone comes and starts "breaking" people? Well there's a reason we can set multiple def rits.

Plus, it's more fun that way :D

[color="#C0C0C0"][size="1"]edit - grammar[/size][/color]

Edited by Shemhazaj
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Well now that i have the time to get through all the information i have been given/gathered

First off my point of view on the GGG or other training grounds

I have no issues with them i dont really care what sort of training is beeing done.
I have used the GGG before in the past and i even set rits up for people to loose xp.
the diffrence is i dont set rules in thoes location if the rits all get wiped out so what
it was good while it lasted. (this is in refrence to the libs i let others use to loose xp)


I do have an issue with the choosen location. The drac cave is a closed location and as DST pointed out
Mur has made that statment. I am anoyed at how this was done and how the GGG in the cave was beeing set up.
Now i dont care if RJ does not like me or will listen to the rules of the land. HE steped down as RPC and there for
lost his right to access the cave. Now i will make sure he has the access removed. RJ is not down as a Golemus citizen
as far as i could see but if he is he wont be and will be marked as a trator in my eye to the land of Golemus.
I also have the logs regarding players involved and what was said by whom at the PC.

@ RJ the Drac cave is on Golemus land and there for under the rule of the king of the land. In this case me. I may not have access
to the cave but that does not meen i cant find out what is happining in the cave. What you have done as far as i am concerned
is abuse a gift you have and have turned your back on the land in the actions you chose to take.

I am also disapointed to find that another king was involved in this and now have to think on matter very seriously
in regards to his actions of useing a Golemus land location that is closed off to the public for his little training ground
without asking first. This is a serious matter in deed and needs to be talked about with the other land leaders.


Normaly i am one to go agenst the actions of DST in what she normaly does but since this affects the land of Golemus
I am happy that she did it. I for one cannot be online 24/7 to catch all thies issues. Now that this has been brought up
I am going to push for proper punishments to happen for the breaking of the rules and i know the players involved
have said they will risk it well remember your word when the hammer falls.

Now i have said what i can for now i have to admit i am in a really bad mood over this and in the actions that have been taken
This whole issue may cause a rift within MD and now we know who to point the finger at.

King Of Golemus
Golemus Technomage

Edited by Yrthilian
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The thing is, we didn't have a problem with dst braking our rits, we did have a problem with her calling us rats and what not. And you know, I don't come to MD just for my character to be insulted without reason. (other than trying to do something that wouldn't be bad for the community...)

Now, as most of you know, I have a decent collection of creatures, with some tokens and I can make a decent ritual. The reason why I was training was to get some VE/stats, so I don't have to rely on tokens as much... And because I can't train normaly because I have a terible connection which makes heat really hard to keep (that and the fact my briskness is 100 or so...), so I can't really loose xp that fast (without heat and beeing in an ally, which I don't want to leave every 2-3 days)... Just wanted to make this clear... Because part of dst's insulting was based on us "being too stupid and weak to train the normal way". I won't take that kind of talk from anyone.

About the Drach cave: I logged in today and I was there... I was like: What the hell? I don't really like the idea of the training grounds being there just because of dst. Or anyone else for that matter...

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Raven: I did not call you rats. If I remember correctly (and I do since I watch my language in MD) I said: bla bla (why)are you hiding in here like rats. I never ONCE called you stupid. Weak? Yes, I did. I am waiting for you to explain to me how weak is an insult.
Also, I expect to see PRINT SCREENS or logs of what I have said. If you don't know by now, I have proofs when I make accusations.

And you run away to that cave cause of me? O_O Something is wrong here! Very wrong! I am one, you are many!! You can't deal with so you have to hide? Are you for real?

LE:ok, you re-branded it :D Good for you. But in essence it's the same. So stop it.

Edited by dst
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It's quite different... If you want GGG type rituals out of the game, go to Mur or Rendril... I believe the 0% vs 0% outcome can be easily changed not to give wins for creatures.

I explained the reason for it not being public...

You insulted us. I didn't take a screenshot... ( Unfortunately my internet went out shortly after) I'll make sure that I do that in the future.

@Indyra: I don't know your definition of private, but yes, that seemed as good a location as any. I don't see why that is an issue... (I can see the Drach cave being an issue, the balcony- not so much)

Edited by Ravenstrider
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btw in response to dst, how come telling someone that he/she is stupid is an insult, but telling weak isn't? (even if you didn't call anyone stupid nor naming people rats, but I'll stick to that weak then)

both degrade the person that it is aimed at

edit: I was pointing out that you were planting desinformations, that's not offtopic (if it is, than it is a response to your offtopic statements). That applies only to me, or you forgot the rules you're supposed to maintain, again?

I'm having troubles adapting to your variable definitions of insulting, since you insult people all the time on forums, having fictional limits, and breaking them whenever you get insulted in the same way.

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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Again: I did not say anywhere I have an issue with GGG rits.Don't try to twist my words cause I know very well what I a saying. Read my posts again if you did not understand from the first read. I have an issue with the GGG rules! And with the fact that you hide to do the training!! Shish...

@Princ: what you asked me is offtopic. Be on topic or remove it. Or I will ask another mod to remove it.

Edited by dst
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Dst why exactly don't you like people training together? I may have missed it somewhere amongst all the other stuff but I see no problem in a couple people getting together to train every so often. No one said they were going to live in the training location again like previously and the fact that they are trying to hide from you just means they fear you because you insist on bragging about destroying training groups just for whatever your reasons are.

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then leave the people of it alone... Nobody asked you to join anyways... The only reason you are hunting it down is because you have a PERSONAL problem with Seigheart. You shouldn't be allowed to abuse your modding priviledges because of your PERSONAL issues with other players.

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You have issues with following the rules they set or you just simply enjoy grinding off of them to prove a point? The reason they hide from you is because while no one asks for your opinion on the training you see fit to inject your thoughts and opinions on them anyway

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[quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1290114198' post='72493']
You have issues with following the rules they set or you just simply enjoy grinding off of them to prove a point? The reason they hide from you is because while no one asks for your opinion on the training you see fit to inject your thoughts and opinions on them anyway

Darigan this is what DST, already wrote (3rd post of the page): [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8408-new-ggg/page__st__20"]link.[/url]

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[quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1290089272' post='72436']
If it's in a public place, we just come back to mp3s and mp4s using it again, and we face the same issue the old GGG had. Running in circles... Besides, it isn't the "New GGG". It was a private training group that used GGG-type rituals.

[quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1290090132' post='72441']
It's quite different... If you want GGG type rituals out of the game, go to Mur or Rendril... I believe the 0% vs 0% outcome can be easily changed not to give wins for creatures.

I explained the reason for it not being public...

If 0% vs 0% became tecnically impossible, then they will gather to do rituals VERY close to it. If the problem is too much VE and skills at mp3/mp4 stages, then just set a limit for the number of wins that creatures can have (different creatures with different limits and the limit above what the creature need to be in maximum level, of course). It will force people to sacrifice creatures more often and get more personal XP.

Edited by Novato
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Which just proves my point nobody asks her for her opinion she just feels free to have her way and get away with it. I wish we could all just be on the same level fighting wise but not all of us are grinders and honestly we've had this discussion before and its done nothing you are who you are and you'll get away with everything you do. So there is no point in arguing with you.

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