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The Perfect Artist 2011


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Standing at Awiiya's Way, Awiiya can be seen. This contest will be for anyone who can draw to try and commit an exacting likeness to this image/tree and create a picture for the purpose to be made into an avatar.

Rewards of gold and silver will be given for..

1. Original hand drawn black and white image made for the purpose of an avatar for this tree
2. Any unique artwork which impresses
3. Any help from any person to make the given picture into an avatar if chosen by Awiiya
4 Anyone who buys the avatar from the shop in the aim to give to awiiya, when the avatar is made
5. People who generally help in the process

by submitting a picture you do realise there is no garuntee to win a prize, but efforts are likely to be rewarded

This will help me redistribute some funds raised by selling avatars to help those who also help others by drawing and uploading them


(any help regarding specifications for avy drawing posted here will be appreciated)

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is no deadline.

im unure about the suitability of your picture for use as an any dragonrider7, but there has been a good responce from people in the game (unsure about the vine, too different from awiiya) notably Zleiphner who also values your drawing.
As first person to submit handrawn quality picture Dragonrider7 was rewarded with one gold.
My funds are running low. But a lot Less has been done for rewards for a lot better prize. It hard to put a value on drawing, becauase i cant do it whatseover.

The base of the tree is beautiful with well drawn flowers and a butterfly which helps suggest movemet in the picture, and a tranquility of sorts.
i like the movement of the leafs as they appears to meander to the floor.

The ivy i am unsure about, it looks too circular and not random enough :P but if you were going to do something you may as well do it right, and as a vine goes its leaves are well formed and help give a 3D ness to the tree bringing in elements of thought such as "at the mercy of others- bound" "Parasitism" and life (tree/leaves ground) giving life.

(yay now i am an art bullshitter! :P who say i couldnt do art at school! lol...) just my humble opinions. Thanks for time, and clear effort

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[quote name='Asterdai' timestamp='1296180361' post='78121']
There is no deadline.

im unure about the suitability of your picture for use as an any dragonrider7, but there has been a good responce from people in the game (unsure about the vine, too different from awiiya) notably Zleiphner who also values your drawing.
As first person to submit handrawn quality picture Dragonrider7 was rewarded with one gold.
My funds are running low. But a lot Less has been done for rewards for a lot better prize. It hard to put a value on drawing, becauase i cant do it whatseover.

The base of the tree is beautiful with well drawn flowers and a butterfly which helps suggest movemet in the picture, and a tranquility of sorts.
i like the movement of the leafs as they appears to meander to the floor.

The ivy i am unsure about, it looks too circular and not random enough :P but if you were going to do something you may as well do it right, and as a vine goes its leaves are well formed and help give a 3D ness to the tree bringing in elements of thought such as "at the mercy of others- bound" "Parasitism" and life (tree/leaves ground) giving life.

(yay now i am an art bullshitter! :P who say i couldnt do art at school! lol...) just my humble opinions. Thanks for time, and clear effort
Trying an upgraded version now......and thanks for the appreciation, it will surely boost me up :)


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[quote name='dragonrider7' timestamp='1296266384' post='78198']
Trying an upgraded version now......and thanks for the appreciation, it will surely boost me up :)

A different version...but not sure its better :), this time avatar form


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  • 3 weeks later...

I thought why not give it a try so here is my Awiiya:

And roughly how it will look as an avatar:

I tried to stick as close as possible to the original tree and I hope you like it :)

Edited by samon
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I gave it a shot... Not completely done, but if I get picked I'll finish it up... 6 am atm, don't have the strength.


Oh, and I drew this one before...


Edited by Ravenstrider
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Well, I attach below my attempt; it's a rescaled photo (would have to do some gimping to improve pic quality; do not know how much corrections are accepted - please let me know :-)); all I can say it's a da Vinci comparing with my other avy attempts :-P

UPDATE: finally managed to convert it to avy:

Edited by xrieg
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These are wonderful drawings. I can not compete. But if I may...

Who is Awiiya? He is more than what we see as the tree he has become.
He is very complex.

Perhaps think of Metaphors, or Philosophy.

Let go of the bounds of what you see, and draw what you feel
when you are visiting with him. Set your self free.

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I would love to give this an attempt, yet I have no ways of turning it into an avitar...I am not even sure how to :(. To all the other drawers, I am loving all your pictures, and I am sure it will be very hard to decide who is a winner, for they are all brilliant. I would like to perhaps give the drawers an idea of adding something that represents Awiiya even more, perhaps an open book beside the tree, or even one of his items, such as his PenSword(Which I realise is not his any more) I personally think that this will add more to the Avi, and make it more that just a tree.
I realise that this may not be listened to, which is fine seeing as I am not even doing it, but it is just another idea.

To all drawers, I wish you the best of luck!

~Sasha Lilias~

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[quote name='Kay Ingild' timestamp='1298314935' post='79229']
I liked the idea of the open book...

Here's my attempt:
Now to me....that is brilliant..it truely depicts part of Awiiya, but thats only my opinion :) Excellent drawing ^_^

~Sasha Lilias~

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[quote name='Kay Ingild' timestamp='1298314935' post='79229']
I liked the idea of the open book...

Here's my attempt:

Look guys, I'm sitting on my brothers grave! (Sorry, couldn't help it... Great work btw, love the book... Tree could be a bit better)

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Thank you all!

Ravenstrider, which parts do you think need most improvement? The base of the trunk being too thick, especially the root in front; the right edge of the trunk wobbling too much; the attachment points of the branches being slightly wonky; the lack of foliage in the upper right, making the tree look lopsided; the too-dark spots in the middle of the leaves... Are those what you meant? Or was there something else? The bark is just scribbles, I know, but if the image ever ends up being used as an avatar I think it would be too small for that to be noticeable, so that's one thing I think I can get away with leaving as is.

Handy Pockets, don't worry, erasers were invented for a purpose, and criticism leads to improvement :)

By the way, Ravenstrider, I'm envious of your second picture. I wanted to draw something along those lines but couldn't figure out how to make it work.

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I was sitting under a tree in the garden near my home and was drawing my avatars....suddenly..i thought..the tree....does it look similar to Awiya??.....i jumped from there went back a bit and took a frame and draw it in my mob...opps...i left my book there....



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