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A series of questions...


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I like to study people, I don't mean that in a dodgy way, but I just like to understand how peoples minds work, and the relationship between answers is a fairly nice one. I'll give an arbitrary sum of 2SC (rounds the amount of silver i have to a nice amount) to whoever's answers I think are the "best"....or better....most honest (after period of week/whenever(I will answer myself then), people can still say things after that ofc).
Try to keep answers less than 4/5 lines (for readability), but you can write as little as one word if you want, sometimes short answers hold more depth. Answers may be repeated, but originality is preferred.

What is good?

What is your best physical attribute?

What is your best non-physical attribute?

What do you value most?

What is 2 + 2?

What do you know?

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What is good?
- Everything.

What is your best physical attribute?
- My face or rather my looks. I have confidence. Is it too much? I don't know.

What is your best non-physical attribute?
- My "caring" towards everything.

What do you value most?
- Love

What is 2 + 2?
- It's an incomplete math problem. Just put an "=" at the end and it will be complete.

What do you know?
- To be honest I know what I do know and nothing else.

EDIT: Just fixed a typo. So excited to be the first poster I forgot my grammar. How embarrassing. x3

and I almost forgot.

May all of us be guided.


Edited by Luke27
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What is good?
-Good is a complimentive adjective to an action. I.e.: "You did good, Bob!"

What is your best physical attribute?
-My Eyes.

What is your best non-physical attribute?
-My creativity.

What do you value most?

What is 2 + 2?

What do you know?
-I know what I know, which surely, you would like to know.

Edited by Curiose
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What is good?
Anything that makes me happy.

What is your best physical attribute?
I'd say my entire body.. i'm happy to be how i am. But that isn't really an attribute is it?
I like my legs well because.. i can run around and do whatever i want with them. Without my legs..

What is your best non-physical attribute?
My brains. Ironic that i put this because i couldn't think of anything else :P heh

What do you value most?
The connections i share with my family, friends, and other loved ones. They are strong and keep my happy

What is 2 + 2?

What do you know?
Only the things that i've learned by myself. and then a bit..

Edited by adiomino
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What is good?
Good is the opposite of and reaction to bad

What is your best physical attribute?
My Ears

What is your best non-physical attribute?
My ability to listen and give advice

What do you value most?
Waking up everyday

What is 2 + 2?
An equation

What do you know?
I know that knowledge is highly underrated, The world is getting increasingly more stupid, and yet more intelligent. The axis of knowledge and how people take it and use it has become so adversely skewered. On one hand you have the intelligent, those who have embraced the gift of their Brains and use it to full capacity learning and taking in everything they can within every spectrum of the known experience. Then theres the opposite side, those who have squandered their minds using far less then even the 10% capacity that most scientists agree is the extent of our usage of the brain. The divide between the smart and the stupid is quite like that of the divide between the rich and the poor, thankfully knowledge in all it's glory and grandeur should for all intents and purposes should be easier to attain then the money it takes to live the successful dreams.

(also Grido you should add an r to the title of the thread.)

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What is good?
A subjective concept.

What is your best physical attribute?
My hands.

What is your best non-physical attribute?

What do you value most?
Forgiveness, at times.

What is 2 + 2?
Anything from a large range of choices; a math problem or a philosophical problem, 2 apple + 2 oranges or a cluster of shapes.

What do you know?
That I can know more.

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What is good?

Beauty, truth, honesty are the classic answers, but the words have become perverted over time and lack the purity they once embodied. What else is good - lack of apathy.

What is your best physical attribute?

What is your best non-physical attribute?

What do you value most?
My thoughts. If I lost those I'd be dead. Pardon the horrendous pun.

What is 2 + 2?
Fish, 4, a double date, or a horribly overused question (3 + 3 is the poor sister question, but no one ever asks).

What do you know?
I think therefore I at least exist in my head. So do you.


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What is good? when i feel good about something, that feeling

What is your best physical attribute? my ability to go all out if needed to, im a powerhorse if you give me the right food(tools) :P

What is your best non-physical attribute? ability to make correlate data to help me make informed decisions, for nessecity or choice

What do you value most? being able to connect/talk with other people

What is 2 + 2? 4

What do you know? simple! what i have bothered to learn :)

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What is good?

something that is beneficial, whether to me, or to you.

What is your best physical attribute?

I dunno... shoulders?

What is your best non-physical attribute?

Dedication towards people.

What do you value most?


What is 2 + 2?

depends on what '2' is.

What do you know?

I know I'm answering these questions.

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  • Root Admin

What is good?

The perspective of relative betterness.

What is your best physical attribute?

My sight, Hideously bad, It gives you a perspective to value what you have.

What is your best non-physical attribute?

My Logic, Its very useful in what i do, and makes up for lack of remembered facts.

What do you value most?

My Sight, As said above i would be lost without it, After an uncle lost it i have seen his anguish.

What is 2 + 2?

2 + 2 is an expression, if you are looking for an answer then it is 4 in base 10.

What do you know?

Nothing to little. However what i do know is specialised in certain fields. There is little point trying to learn all.

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What is good?
[color="#2e8b57"][i]Nothing and everything. Within everything lies the seeds of good and evil - its how balance is kept. [/i][/color]

What is your best physical attribute?
[color="#2e8b57"][i]My eyes.[/i][/color]

What is your best non-physical attribute?
[color="#2e8b57"][i]My heart.[/i][/color]

What do you value most?

What is 2 + 2?

[color="#2e8b57"][i]A fish. 4. 100. 22 - depends on the method of processing the "equation"[/i][/color]

What do you know?
[color="#2e8b57"][i]That this set of questions is another random time killer, with no real benefit to anyone. That those answering want to put a piece of themselves out there, to show that their words and thoughts actually count for something and hope that the writer of this "quest" will find their answers worthy enough to win a handful of coins. I know that even though one may know every secret that there is in this world, without Love all that knowledge is meaningless.[/i][/color]

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[quote name='Grido' timestamp='1295155219' post='77482']
What is good?
An arbitrary label, variable depending on far to many factors for a proper definition.
[quote name='Grido' timestamp='1295155219' post='77482']
What is your best physical attribute?
My fiance
[quote name='Grido' timestamp='1295155219' post='77482']
What is your best non-physical attribute?
My marriage (well, engagement, but bleh! Bleh I say!)
[quote name='Grido' timestamp='1295155219' post='77482']
What do you value most?
My relationship with God
[quote name='Grido' timestamp='1295155219' post='77482']
What is 2 + 2?
I am not certain, but I know it tasted good when I tried to cook it.
[quote name='Grido' timestamp='1295155219' post='77482']
What do you know?
Very little.

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What is good? Something that has both functionality and estethic beauty

What is your best physical attribute? My hands - they create

What is your best non-physical attribute? my thoughts - they create :P

What do you value most? Honesty

What is 2 + 2? 4

What do you know? Less than I want to know

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[i]What is good?[/i]
Something which exists outside of our cave.

[i]What is your best physical attribute?[/i]
Being mostly in good health.
What is your best non-physical attribute?[/i]
Being smart.
What do you value most?[/i]
Self-consciousness and consistency.

[i]What is 2 + 2?[/i]
4, with a standard deviation of ~2, skewed to the right when talking to tax collectors.

[i]What do you know?[/i]
The laws of thermoquestionarics.
1. Only a trivial question can be answered without giving rise to new questions.
2. At least one new question produced when answering a non-trivial question, will be non-trivial.
3. A self-conscious entity will develop at least one non-trivial question in its life.

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What is good?

Good is a subjective matter, in which the term good itself have no meaning to the world around you other then you, yourself.

What is your best physical attribute?

A hard choice to decide, If i look at it towards myself, i would say my complex inner body systems. It tends to keep me alive, and therefore would be the best physical attribute.

What is your best non-physical attitude?

Being cold but caring, at times of need.

What is 2 + 2?

2 + 2 by itself proves no value, as the units are not specified.

What do you know?

I know what i want to know, and yet a bit more, then what i sought for.

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What is good?
Good just depends upon something that is not bad, the two self define each other.
Both are abstract concepts, but I believe that I can say with absolute certainty that cake is good.

What is your best physical attribute?
My fingers

What is your best non-physical attribute?
My ability to understand

What do you value most?

What is 2 + 2?
A catch all and overused question that can either be answered seriously or in a silly manner in an attempt to display your wisdom.
I say it's 5, in reference to 1984.

What do you know?
I know only that which I have learned through the senses and by the senses. - Descartes
So, I know what I know. Which happens to be a tiny bit of a lot of things.

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What is good?
A commonly used word with many meanings. [url="http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/good"]Too many to to bother listing.[/url]

What is your best physical attribute?
Mental activity.

What is your best non-physical attribute?
Thick skin, stemming from social ineptitude (which is my worst non-physical attribute).

What do you value most?

What is 2 + 2?
An expression. If you are asking what it is equal to, technically, as is, there is not enough information to answer the question. But assuming standard conditions (base 10 number system, not a trick question, etc.), the answer is 4.

What do you know?
What I have experienced over time, and what I have deduced from my experiences.

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Q: What is good?
A: Pie.

Q: What is your best physical attribute?
A: Corporeality.

Q: What is your best non-physical attribute?
A: Awesomeness.

Q: What do you value most?
A: Value.

Q: What is 2 + 2?
A: 3, but only for extremely low values of 2.

Q: What do you know?
A: The answer to this question.

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I really love hearing answers to questions like these; great idea!

What is good?
In my opinion, "good" is word used to embody an idea held by a group or a person. I think that this idea depends greatly on the party to which the idea belongs. For example, in most Christian communities people share the belief that God is "good" in that He is all-loving. A different Christian group that came to protest at my university in 2010 believes that God hates certain people and does "good" by killing them. Generally, it seems that "good" has a connection with the idea of morality.

What is your best physical attribute?
My best physical attribute is probably this whole opposable thumb thing.

What is your best non-physical attribute?
I think that my best non-physical attribute is the ability to see issue/arguments/etc. from both my perspective and from other perspectives.

What do you value most?

What is 2 + 2?
"2 + 2" is a series of symbols used to represent an idea (much like words). "2" is commonly interpreted as the number two. The concept of numbers is something we created to make an organized system for manipulating patterns we see in the world. In mathematics, "+" denotes addition. Were we to add the integer two and the integer two in decimal system, we would arrive with the integer four. However, a variety of answers can be achieved depending on the system and whether or not fractions are used.

What do you know?
I must quote Plato here: "And how will you inquire, Socrates, into that which you do not know? What will you put forth as the subject of inquiry? And if you find what you want, how will you ever know that this is the thing which you did not know?" That is from Meno 80d.

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What is good?
A 4 letter word.

What is your best physical attribute?
My eyes I guess... or so I've been told...

What is your best non-physical attribute?
Uhhhmmm... I care too much. It's like level 70.

What do you value most?
Friendships I guess.

What is 2 + 2?
5. duh.

What do you know?
Uh, a little about a lot.

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What is good?

Good is relative,what is good for me may be bad for another and the other way around

What is your best physical attribute?
My mouth

What is your best non-physical attribute?
My conscience

What do you value most?

people who believe in their selves

What is 2 + 2?

What do you know?
I know far to little since i forget to much .

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What is good?
Good is the same as bad. They are two sides to a pendulum, at which contentment is the center and action is the at the far ends. Ultimately, a meaningless adjective as it describes no specific thing, but rather a necessarily subjective preference.

What is your best physical attribute?
I value so many attributes, especially my ears, nose, and mouth, and my heart and lungs, but I have to say my hands and feet seem to stand out for me. In addition to being sensual organs, they define my primary interaction with the physical world.

What is your best non-physical attribute?

What do you value most?

What is 2 + 2?
Within the framework of base 10 mathematics, 2+2=4. Within the framework of base 3 mathematics, 2+2=11.

What do you know?
A more appropriate question would be 'How do you learn?'

Edited by Rumi
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