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MD Picture Contest!

Phear the Wolf

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Ever since I came to this strange realm, I have been curious to know the faces behind those even stranger characters (as if a talking wolf wasn`t weird...). because of that, the webcam thingy in the panel really amuse me, and I check on it daily to see any new faces :))
Some players, as Windy, Amoran, Sagewoman, among others (mostly gals, for some reason :P ) apear frequently, so I know their faces already. but (many) others I am still very much curious about. so, why don`t people show off more often? well, as for myself, I have never been there, because I haven`t got an webcam, and never remeber to get one also... and as for others, I have talked to people who didn`t even knew about that tiny button on the right panel, and there are also others in the same situation as mine, amongst other reasons.

So, making a long story a little shorter, I decided to open a contest on pictures! show your face to the community and you may even be awarded prizes!

[b][i]who decides who wins the prizes?[/i][/b] for starters, me. anyone may participate on that part, to apply you just need to post a picture of yourself and say you wish to be part of the judging group!(and also message me, please, so we can make it official =) buut, you will have to forfeit the prizes, somewhat ;)

[b][i]what is the parameter to decide it?[/i][/b] well, [s]for starters, there will be two groups[/s] [b]Updated![/b] There are now three groups:

[b]-first group:[/b] The most unexpected face! Show your face to the comunity, and those who can make the judges say "wow, that was unexpected!" win! it is important that the picture show your face clearly, keep that in mind!(already some runner-ups!)

[b]-second group:[/b] The most fun situation! surprise us with a strange situation, a wicked costume, whatever you think scores high on the fun-o-meter!(also some runner-ups showing!)

[b]-last but not least group:[/b] group picture! gather your friends and take a pic with the MD on it! A big group, that is what we are (okay, I am...) looking for! the picture with more people on it takes the prize! but remember, the MD must show somewhere, preferably with ya! (still no show... guess that [i]Sharptear[/i] will keep lying around in my army...)
(Edited! There may be other changes, but that is it for now :)) )

[b][i]what will be the prizes?[/i][/b] well, for starters I`ll throw in some coins and creatures, which include pimps, imps and even some more stuff ^_^ one way or another, any sponsorship is very much apreciated =D

To be really clear, this [u]is[/u] an raw idea ATM, any feedback is also very much apreciated (read: wanted =)

To start it up, here is a picture of me! The background is my (empty) beer bottles and cans collection!
okay, there is a pepsi in there... and coke... and smirnoff... but the concept is what matters!

[attachment=2724:Pedro Lucas.jpg]

Phear the Wolf

Edited by Phear the Wolf
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Hah! I got one to win both categories. Let me just scour Facebook for it...


I'm the one in the black shirt. I'm laughing my arse off because the friend that's "on the lookout" is reporting his count of the cannons on the pirate ship ahead of us. Also, for some strange reason, his count of chickens on the same ship.

This led us to the conclusion we're on a collision course with pirate chickens... So we proceeded to row backwards in order to escape the impending doom.

(Also: The pic is almost five years old x.x)

Edited by Ravenstrider
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/end pathetic screaming because she can't choose and brain is exploding.

Now... I know the pictures of the baby aren't of ME, but it's so fricken adorable, how in the bloody hell can you ever say no to that!?
As for the bottle picture.... young eyes, look away. : p
Halloween thing was awesome. Fear us, and an entire night of scaring peoples...

Edited by Curiose
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I can only re-direct you to the few small images in my gallery, while I try to find the camera dump CD with much more interesting pictures on it...


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You wanna know what I look like?

Here goes.......

Here is me smoking. The background is a HUGE no smoking sign! Its not clear coz its taken in the dark. Cant break the law with bright lights can we? :P


And this is what I look like when I dont win anything after joining a quest!!!!


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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#696969"]As someone once said...
When Shem says he is meditating under the tree...this is what he really meant:[/color][/font]


Edited by Shemhazaj
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So, so many options. I started looking for something good, and realized my photos are a virtual pantheon of jackassery.

This is from New Orleans, around Mardi Gras. We are on our way to march in a parade, which we never found. (We thought we did, and we marched around for a while, but we found out later we'd been in the wrong place. Yeah, I can't really explain it). We stopped because we saw this sign in front of a Baptist church, and felt like it really spoke to us. I'm on the right. We are trying to look scared about going to hell -- I know it didn't work, but it can be hard to pull off a good look of terror when it's 9.00 am and you're already drunk.

The previous picture in this series, which I can't show, is me crying in the shower with a bottle of vodka, still wearing a wig (different one). I was crying because we'd already been out for three days, I'd just gotten back to the house and I thought I couldn't deal with a parade. Obviously I eventually rallied, drank my breakfast, and put my paradin' tutu on.

Also the date is wrong by at least ten years, because camera settings are hard, I guess.

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  • Root Admin

its a nice idea but not original (was done in md before and its in general not an original idea). but again, it is however a nice topic, not original enough to win the aramor award, but quite nice.

Looking forward to see more pics

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really? hahaha, and here I was thinking I was walking new grounds =D well, I guess it is a common curiosity... anyways, I wanna remember allthat this is a in-construction idea, so I`ll be updating it periodicaly.

@ Raven: the idea of the group picture is that you gather some friends and take a pic with the MD logo. it could be a big paper writen MD, a board, whatever can hold a MD signal, symbol, or just the MD letters. =]

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One fine day I was making some drawing of a dragon, the body came fine..grr!! but the face not looking good, i rubbed it off drawn again..rubbed..drawn...rubbed..drawn...ah!! its not becoming good..I got frustrated..i jumped up from my seat and walked at the mirror..I looked at my face in mirror...Ah!! good beard let me try something on it ..here was the out come

I did some PS work on it and here is the incredible

I didnt stop...since I had a lot of beard..i tried some more on it and here is the result...my barber nearly offered me a job in his shop :))



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I've been debating about throwing up a few pictures, if not just for the fun of it. So.. here we go:

Mirror picture, complete with bathroom supplies and smudges on the mirror.

My second Ren-faire look. I stole someone's cloak in order to complete it.

Yes, that is Jon Schaffer of Iced Earth looking caffinated out of his mind. The band members are very laid back and 'chill' with everyone. I would highly recommend, if you get a chance, to see them in concert (even if Barlow isn't in the band anymore :( ).

Last: A very old picture from about.. 4 years ago. I was 16, and now I'm almost 21. I haven't changed much. Scary!!

@Curiose's bottle picture: Ho'snap! I can do that too! It's a lovely way to carry around a nice cold beverage on a hot day.

Edited by Amoran Kalamanira Kol
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The picture is of really bad quality, but still I think it's an interesting picture.
It's only about 3 weeks old and it's my costume for a theatre play.

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Hello !! here its me! ^-0


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Like I said before... Imma picture whore. So, can we put up more awesome pictures that aren't of us, but are awesome either way?

Cold bottle-- hot cleavage-- scorching day... Mmm... it feels nice.

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I shall spam my post with pictures! BWAHAHAHAHAHAH.. I mean.

I will be a good girl, and put them in an orderly fashion so the evil wookie does not come after me. <3

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