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Posts posted by shadowice

  1. Think of this as a wishlist id love to see in the shop feel free to create your own items as well but please dont over power them keep it realistic, who knows muratus might take notice and implement a few of them. Try to create uses and tell why these would be effective.

    Experience Siphon:

    Cost 1$

    Available 50

    Requirements: 1000 honor 100 active days(made so high so that cant be abused by mp3/4 to become insanely strong)

    Use: Permantly removes 5m total xp from character profile.

    Why: At 25m xp the game becomes boring you have to lose on purpose and hope the opponent has regen or life drainers to take some of your xp. Basically for me game ended when i hit 25m i dun enjoy it being at max xp. I like to win and do serious fights not give freebies all day long hoping someone has a way to take my xp. You dont play games to lose on purpose you play to win



    Acailable 5

    Requirements: None

    Use: See an extra item in shop available for purchase. (Now you can see 4 types of item to buy with this you would see 5 youd be able to buy. Would allow you to purchase deeper in the catagories without buying some of the stuff you deem useless to you)

    Why: The extra features is my favorite section. My free credits almost always go to the extra creature slot. But of course its the last item in their, and new items always get placed infront of it forcing me to buy a feature just to get back to the creature slot. Would be nice to not have to buy new item to get back to what i was already purchasing before more items were added to store

    Hidden Action:

    Cost 1$

    Available 4

    Requirements none

    Use: Works like heat orbs, except stores action points. Each orb saves 50 action points for a later use.

    Why: Alliance members always need extra action points. 20 minute timer 8 actions per fight, 30 action regen per timer. We lose them incredibly quick my action is always empty

  2. quick question for how i vote to make sure im in rules. I click one link then alt tab to go back to the credit page and click 3 others so 4 links load at a time since my nets not always the fastest. This wont get me tagged for cheating will it?? Since my net loads slow this allows the credit page to have to be loaded fewer times and i still click on all the ones required.

  3. Muratus can you rehost the free credits and make them all worth 0 cash let us earn your trust back in them. With it being worth nothing there wont be any abuse issues, but theres no point in hurtning yourself as well. Many people found this game threw those top lists lets not deprive future md players of a chance to join us.

    Please spread the word to get everyone to come show support here

  4. Leader:


    Current Members


    .Wodin Ullr.

    .Metal Bunny.




    Dmik King



    Golemus Golemicarum

    Purpose of alliance: Wodin recruited many of us to help aid him in destroying the shade army. We are actively recruiting people for the alliance. If you feel you are strong enough, and active enough to join the cause pleace contact the recruiters listed above.

  5. Currently after a fight any of my creatures that die are staying dead i set the rituals up to use 100% and my regeneration is 166. The only possible thing i could think to cause this is somehow my value is -45k

  6. I just read it all today id like to make suggestions, currently it seems incredibly messy if you dont understand whats going on exactly. I got to about page 50-60 before i realized that the storyline wasnt 1 big storyline but looking in at different characters. So i have suggestions to maybe clean it up abit.

    1. Maybe color code the differnt lines. Say maybe all of smarts dragon storys are blue headings, and wodin ones are orange. Something like that to help people distinguish.

    2. Make sections for the storys. Give us options how wed like to read them, such as how it is now as they happen. But id much rather see all of a characters adventure in one place without scrolling threw, and having spoilers of the others happening. That will allow us to identify with 1 of the characters better, as we read their own adventure log.

    3. I wanna kill smart and be the dragon lord ^^ he got my favorite dragon killed trying to start trouble the real dragon lord should come get him now for being an imposter

  7. ya this sounds like a fun idea but do you mean temp or permenant. Id love to trade in my value points for vitality or ap. I have 31k value and its almost always full but my ap and vit are always 0. Id gladly trade value in 2 for 1 or something. It would add more strategy to the game. For movement it would have to be higer thou because i find like 100 coins at a time so it couldnt be 2 for 1 either because then youd have infintite AP

  8. I used to do head contest when they first came out and those were incredibly more fun then what they have become. Back then a win ment you got to take all the enemy head instead of just 1 if not victorious. If someone gathered heads and logged out you could attack them still and take their heads. Hiding in safezones didnt work if you had more then 10 heads. As a result they were more competitive, it was so hard to keep your heads but it was very fun.

    Some changes id love to see made during head contest time.

    1. Make a win where you attack them give you all heads instead of just 1. Victorious or win = all heads. Is so boring that i cant take peoples heads because they defend with lvl 1 creatures. I dont consider that strategy at all, whoever has heads is supposta be strongest, but instead weak rituals are being rewarded in this competition. Id even settle for them losing half their heads. You shouldnt lose just 1 head because you set up an incredibly weak ritual to prevent a victorious fight.

    2. Logged out players can be attacked for heads like in old days if they have more then 10 heads. Like right now in current contest the player named noone has 943 heads or so logged out, but he doesnt stay logged in at all to rack up points and get us to rush round. He just logs in long enough to take heads then log back out.

    3. Safe zones dont exist if you have more then 10 heads. Havent looked in them today, but it still takes heads out of play.

    4. Instead of showing the top 8 people and their cords, instead show the top 8 most heads for each mind power. Top 8 havent had heads at all today and the ones that have heads in top 8 are logged out. Showing the top 8 heads online would encourage more gathering and thus progress us to the beserk 1 day of king of hill status faster. Not many heads are being gathered in mp5 biggest stack we have had besides one mentioned above was about 110. Then the person gets it and who knows where they are because they log out or osmething.

    These are some of the changes id love to see happen, if you disagree or have more to add please feel free to post, maybe muratus will take notice and make it fun again.

  9. sorry bunny at one point i had 20-30k but it was to get me threw the college day, i rather liked the fact you could have max heat all day expecially since at that point i had about 800 more wins then losses and i couldnt prepare to attack everyone unless i wanted -200 honor fights. Id quickly of lost all my honor and been extra negative.

  10. ive never liked the fight system from the start, to much reward was always placed on ones farming the losses i always felt people should always try to win. The new way though makes it so much harder to gain a win. I attacked 14 or so people the other day won all 14 but only 1 was victorious. I was trying to win and get a higher win count but only 1 out of 14 fights counted. Thats the real problem in itself of keeping things balanced. Its far to easy to gain losses, but incredibly hard to gain wins. I liked the old system alot more where a win is a win no certain vitality needed. To encourage people maybe change the bonus from xp to stats. As mp5 i want as much stats as possible xp i could care less about, id even be happy if i got a smaller xp reward for being balanced like half as much xp as normal. I sacrafice creatures all the time because their xp is high and i can lvl a new one just as fast because no one tries to win

  11. An… artistic version of a (well known?) riddle.

    Long, long ago, on a far away and forgotten island, already swept away by the smoothing salt sea waves, was a society undiscovered by the awesomeness of bunnies. On it ruled a primitive lame kitten king, unbeknownst to all of bunnykind, and he ruled with fluffy iron fist. One day a cool adventurous and wise bunny had to crash land into this island, because his plane was damaged by killer monkey’s that were mad at him for stealing their banana honey. He was captured after slaying thousands of kittens, by shrewdly setting the honey, which he couldn’t eat anymore, on fire. It was a glorious evening, but still, he got captured because even he had to go to sleep at some time… The king, afraid of his glorious masculinity, gave him an offer, because those foolish kittens thought he was, like this, awesomeness killer god of slaying, which he kind of was. The king said: ’L0lz, yuo are 1337, we sux0rz, we let yuo go if yuo proof to us yuo be the awesum, yuo have to dr4w a wite st0ne fr0m bag, 0ther b4g has black st0ne. Yuo dies if black st0ne, dr4w1ng will h4pen at meating.’ In his awesomeness the bunny understood the primitive language and knew what had to be done, but he also knew that the kittens were vile critters and would always try to cheat, placing black stones in both the bags.

    What did the bunny do in order to survive? And yes the bunny did survive.

    hopefully its still unsolved ill give it a shot though, didnt read threw all the posts.

    He let the kittens choose a bag and told them he would accept whatever wasnt in the bag as his own. Since both bags had the black stone he knew they would pick a black stone meaning the other bag would be a white stone.

  12. I think it would be cool if in our profile or something we had an achievement checklist, and there would be some different tasks in there so players have goals to work towards. Definetly include all the puzzles and such we have to solve, and include some fun ones like win head contest, beat some different high lvl players like wodin or maybe even your king char with super creatures. Obtain so many wins in a short period, ideas are endless and as you achieve these, you get a small reward maybe each one adds a diff permant stat to your character. It would add more variety to the game and i think it would be fun to have a task list full of goals to accomplish.

  13. Ive complained about this before, why should you have to farm losses just to get honor. Remove the fight balance from 100 more losses then wins. Make it so once you have more losses then wins you no longer receive the bonus. Or maybe make it so when your at more wins then losses you get a better regeneration rate or more vitality per tick. Its silly people still want losses after everyone was evened out we were supposta try to win not keep farming losses.

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