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Everything posted by tacitamuta

  1. 10gc for angien
  2. Hi, I would like to have the following items: 2 x Item 10: 10 creature slots. Price: 100 plushies (limit: 3 p.p.) 1 x Item 12: Petrify Stone. Price 35 plushies Thank you!
  3. Because I didn't receive an answer from CHe, I would like to keep my promise and give the prize. CTC872267SEFEX54MDC256LIT313H60C So first come first "served".
  4. Dream, My heart rested late in the night, was so cold.. the pulse was so weak that I could barely tell if it was still beating, (a spider web covered all off my chest) The water of the well confessed of someone crying (The spider web continuied to grow up) it was an eerie sound of my sweetheart, which scream after of my name. Although I wanted to get up and go check it out the water of the well. (spider of silence, you've poisened my heart) My sweetheart slipped in the cold well. (spider of silence, I beg you to let me save my "heart") the water almost took her away, (the spider freed me from his web and let me go) But was so late, she is not there anymore. But almost immediately I woke up, (I realized it was a nightmare) When I looked near by me, my love, it was like a statue (I asked her what happened?) She replied twith a tone of fear in her voice. "I saw an enormous spider on your chest that watching you while you were asleep."
  5. Hi Che, Could you please select the winner? Thank you!
  6. Hi Che, I would like to have: Item 1: Anni creature 2021. Price: 15 plushies (limit: 1 p.p.) Item 10: Send to Gazebo - 15 plushies - it is only one time? or it is a tool to use when I need? If is the second one, then I choose it, if not I will choose another one ty!
  7. I have talked with Chewett , about a new quest. the discussion were related about a song quest . as you may know in capital of MB, it's a song on the background. I think that will be funny, interesting to have more scenes with the same thing. So to be more specify I've put below a name of a scene and the song that from my point of view are merge perfectly. Please also describe way do you think that these two (song and scene) are merged. Please, for those that love music or for those with imagination, merge another 10 scenes. Maybe the best merge will be voted. (Chewett ?) The prize from my side will be: Joker ID: 872267 Inside the Drachorn Lair Territory: Golemus GolemicarumCoord: 1_-4x-3_2 It is a dragon inside of lair that spit fire, from my point of view it is the same as added song .
  8. The witch doctor, Was the player that introducing me in this world. All begun for me at Gazebo of Equilibrium where he teach me how to fight in head conquest, the race that I won in that moment at MP3. He will remain in my thoughts forever.
  9. I would like to receive this money
  10. yes it would be most fair to be a lottery would not offend anyone: P
  11. 1 gold c
  12. tacitamuta


    fresh Rustgold drachom I offer 3gc
  13. I offer 1 gc on creature Elemental V(WON)
  14. tacitamuta


    What is it exactly? fresh Rustgold drachom min bid 4 gc 5 silvers not recognize the name
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