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Plix Plox

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  1. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Nimrodel in BMMO Silver Gifts   
    Just so that people know, you can get 1 silver box every three days by voting every 6hrs in browsermmorpg.com after creating an account there, logging in and voting for MD. 1 bbmmorpg gold coin per vote. 4 gold in 1 day. 10g in 3 days. 10g for 1 silver box.

    No intentions of hijacking the thread but it would be great if you could get the silver boxes via voting as well if you have plans to buy the boxes from fang. It'd be of help to MD
  2. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Fang Archbane in BMMO Silver Gifts   
    Thank you so much Tommy ( )

    Well, there ya have it folks. Let the bidding begin x3
  3. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Tom Pouce in BMMO Silver Gifts   
    [size=6][background=rgb(0, 255, 0)] [/background][/size]
    [indent=1][background=rgb(102, 255, 102)][b]its now improved[/b][/background][/indent][list]
    [*][background=#00FF00]- its now give bigger stat boost for low stat players[/background]
    [*][background=rgb(102, 255, 102)][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]- still an percentage for bigger stat players[/font][/background]
    [*][background=rgb(102, 255, 102)][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]- and one must remember that effect is additive (you can activate many at same time)[/font][/background]
    [*][background=rgb(102, 255, 102)][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]- and yes its an temporary boost[/font][/background]

    [hr][size=6][background=rgb(0, 255, 0)] [/background][/size]
  4. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Fang Archbane in BMMO Silver Gifts   
    *cough* it can still come on handy in a pinch *cough*

    (id put that in a spoiler, but i dont know how to :3)
  5. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to DARK DEMON in BMMO Silver Gifts   
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400][spoiler][/color][/font]
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]*cough* They only increase stats by a very minute amount temporarily *cough*[/color][/font]
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400][/spoiler][/color][/font]
  6. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Fang Archbane in BMMO Silver Gifts   
    Yo yo yo, Fangs in da house D:!

    *clears his throat*

    I mean im going to be selling 6 BMMO Silver Gifts just before the next Heads Contest to the highest bidder.

    Im told they give you a stat boost. Im not too sure on this. Its just what ive heard. If anyone else can give me more details on how these work, what they do, id be grateful.

    So until the next HC comes up, bidding can start here. The bidding will not end till just before the HC starts, for obvious reasons.

    Fang out ( o3o)^

    P.S. All 6 could be sold to one person if they pay enough, if not, 6 seperate BMMO SG can be sold to 6 separate people. Its up to the bidders. Enjoy~
  7. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Menhir in Do you realize ...   
    What about Gold gifts and will they be permanent "things" instead of time limited like the silver gift boxes?
  8. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Seigheart in Day of fear - Quest analysis   
    There will never be two of the same Days of Fear.

    All the mistakes I made during this event, will not happen in the second event.

    The waiting... I can't help but allow some downtime. I can't be on 24/h a day. Its impossible. Sorry.

    I can't entertain you like Mur can. I can only help you entertain yourselves.

    I will not be waiting 2 days in between stages again. And some other things will definitely be different.
  9. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Shemhazaj in Day of fear - Quest analysis   
    [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1364240285' post='134460']
    That i actually find quite nice, as it's based on one of the more popular fictions of today. Reminds me of good days

    [i][color=#808080]I find it even nicer based on even better (in my humble opinion) series of books.[/color][/i]
    [i][color=#808080]Mumintrolls (trolls named Moomins)[/color][/i]

  10. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Nimrodel in Day of fear - Quest analysis   
    How many times do i have to tell you chew, that unlike you, i am very rarely sarcastic? If you have time to say that the poll is biased, i'd suggest you explain what part of it is biased. Like what change said. That's how i learn. Forgive me, i'm too stupid to learn just by reading.
  11. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Nimrodel in Day of fear - Quest analysis   
    biased? Lol. Why do you think it is biased? Even the people who didnt join the quest say anything bout it being biased. I know why you found it biased. Becoz majority of the votes are against you.
  12. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Seigheart in Day of fear - Quest analysis   
    Love the COMPLETELY biased poll.
  13. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Nimrodel in Day of fear - Quest analysis   
    Please vote people. Many people seem to be dissastisfied with the quest procedings, I'd like to adress the council regarding the votes.

    The quest feedback form isnt public. This one is. Hence the voting.
  14. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to BFH in Day of fear - Quest analysis   
    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1364216334' post='134448']
    I would agree that the poll is biased and would suggest you create one that is neutral and therefore may produce helpful responses for you and others. The only elements of this poll that are useful are actually the comments.

    It is biased. There is no argument about that fact. The poll is entirely prejudiced against Sieg and should be rewritten if you want any actual credibility. Either that or you believe the poll is neutral, and then you need to learn a little more about leading questions.

    Can't agree more. Totally biased.
  15. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Fire Starter in Day of fear - Quest analysis   
    Here some more feedback, provoked on Tom's:

    I've joined [b]despite[/b] the so called "[i]repercussions[/i]" - I knew there would be death involved, and I didn't had fear about that.
    I had no fear about [b]how [/b]Mur would choose to have mercy on me - exactly that part had me intrigued and I wanted to find out.

    I didn't joined about the spell docs, but for the big reward, that comes exactly from the so called "torturing", which in my opinion, never happened. I felt no fear, I wasn't amused by anything Seig did.

    It's real, that I had some fun with Mur but he can't be here 25/7 to entertain us, and either do we for him in return. And Seig didn't helped at all, making us waiting him what started to seem indefinitely.

    Bottom line - this Week of Fear is another great idea, which I'd gladly see developed further.
    Sadly I have to express my doubts, that Seig will be up to the job
  16. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Tarquinus in Day of fear - Quest analysis   
    I joined the quest because it sounded interesting, because of the spell doc, and because the CoE is focusing on dark emotions at this time, and at the heart of such emotions is fear.

    I think Seig over-committed to this quest, judging by how long we had to wait between his appearances. I have a great deal of personal freedom and sometimes can stay logged into MD for 24+ hours non-stop. Waiting for somebody to show up and provide direction for about 30 minutes at a more or less random time, and to do so for several days, taxes the patience. I was starting to get numb when the second challenge was issued, and by the time the third challenge came around I was too apathetic even to contribute a kind word to my fallen comrades.

    I don't think the second challenge was worded very well, because my response to it took the challenge at face value: roleplay a situation like this. I was well aware that my cursory treatment of the objects involved would not be satisfactory in terms of the strength of an essay, but I felt I wasn't really being asked for an essay - not clearly, anyway, and I wasn't too inclined to indulge elaborate hypotheses about something that is as wholly subjective as fear. I could have given Seigheart the benefit of the doubt and expounded upon the theories I exchanged with JadenDew, AmberRune, lashtal, Syrian, and Nava, but I chose to take the instructions literally. There is an element of grumpiness in that decision, I freely admit. What? I'm in a box? Hmm. Let's examine more carefully and then get out. Not going to do anything being stuck in a box. And this is where the disconnect hits me with respect to roleplaying and how some people in this game choose to view it: I didn't do what I would do. I didn't do what a scholar researching fear would do. I did what Tarq would do, and Tarq is arrogant and impatient (more so than I am, I think). But it's at best a simplification to say Tarq contributed little or nothing to the quest, since with lashtal's help I spearheaded the translation of the dog-Latin and prompted the rewording by JadenDew that Seigheart said was so dead-on. Seigh might not have noticed that I was around for the better part of the quest, but I was, constantly, mostly listening, but offering interjections when it seemed useful or appropriate.

    The third challenge really turned me off. Revive the dead people? Really? That felt like being invited to a party and then being told you needed to stay and help clean the house afterward. It is clear to me that both the second and third challenges demanded a great deal from the participants but represented very little preparation on the part of the quest "host". That seems lazy to me.

    In all, I think the concept of the week of fear was and is a good one, but I don't think it was well presented. If the quest cannot "run itself" based on clues, clickies, and what-have-you, the host should be prepared to be accessible and prompt in responding to participants' requests. I would like to see a bit more imagination used for the challenges: fear is a rich subject, and I don't think this quest went any further than ankle-deep into the water in terms of exploring it. If you want people to roleplay around the concept of fear, [i]you must give them a storyline[/i]. No story, no (or bad) roleplay.

    I feel I've been nothing but harsh in this analysis, and that is not my intent. I was very encouraged to see sparks of interest among players, participants and non-participants alike, and I think it says a great deal that the DoF questers were able to stay together and keep discussion alive as long as they did. Seigh deserves credit for giving that impulse a chance to be acted on, and I would try to characterize my remarks in the spirit of "lessons learned".
  17. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Tom Pouce in Day of fear - Quest analysis   
    There is my feedback, if its usefull ....

    I [b]did not participate[/b] because

    1: Those of you who pass, will be rewarded a special Spell Document, Black Water (from Mur).
    [Big reward, but usually in MD those quest mean "torturing" participant]

    2:Those of you who fail... May Mur have Mercy on your Soul!

    (There are real repercussions to failing, so be prepared to complete the examination. I will not reveal the repercussions until they are handed out.)
    [[b]reading that warning did confirm my idea of point 1[/b]]

    3:I am please to have chosen to not participate, [b]for me any quest with that >MD killing fun is not fun ....[/b]

    4: [b]I am happy for any who participate and may have had fun with that quest ...[/b] its just that that quest was not for me.

    5: [b]I am thanking Seigheart[/b], to have provide an [b]fair warning[/b] and description of his quest
  18. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to dst in Day of fear - Quest analysis   
    Why create a poll? Wouldn't it be easier if involved players (and also the "watchers" ) would just post their feedback?
    This way players are not bound by questions with few options and they can express themselves better.

    Just my 3 cents.
  19. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Zyrxae in Day of fear - Quest analysis   
    [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1364196394' post='134404']
    The quest feedback form isnt public. This one is. Hence the voting.
    Then why not just copy the current quest voting form, Likert scale and all? That would solve the following issues in one fell swoop, but would be much vaguer. Besides, I can’t think of a good way to convert the reasons for joining/not joining questions onto a straight five-point metric.

    Perhaps this poll is unsalvageable or doomed by its very nature, but I’ll take a shot. Chew and others please poke holes in this where constructive.

    1) Why did you join the quest?
    > “Because Mur sponsored the spell doc” has undertones of “I thought Mur would protect me”. Something like “The potential reward outweighed the potential consequences” is perhaps almost overly biased in the opposite direction, so maybe “For the reward” would be preferable.
    > “Because I thought since someone big was sponsoring, the quest might not be a troll quest like the ones before”
    Equally unbiased would be “In my greed for the spelldoc I didn’t look before I leapt”.
    Redundant though this option is, it’s a specific opinion that several people seem to hold. Possibly: “The sponsorship allayed my concerns.” Those who chose this option could detail their concerns below.

    2) Why did you not join the quest?
    > “I didnt want to be trolled participating in seig's quests like before” could be split in two (these are checkboxes and not radio buttons so this should provide more information): Change’s “I feared the consequences of joining” and a Seig-specific “I was wary of the organizer”.
    > Add “I didn’t have time”.

    3) How was your quest experience?
    > Copy the Quest Voting page for this one.
    Troll is an offensive word, and name-calling does your own image no kindness.

    4) What all did you find good in the quest? (tick the ones you think were done well)
    > “None - Did nothing at all about this quest impress you? (please check this option if you think the quest didnt deserve any kudos at all)” to “None - I disliked every aspect of the quest.”
    I think this rephrasing more accurately reflects the harshness of the respondent’s stating that they disliked the event from start to finish.
    > If you’re really interested in fairness then I suggest having people rate organization, adherence to theme, quality of challenges, aptitude of reward, judging, and enjoyment EACH on three- or five-point scales. You may wish to combine some of these positives to keep down the length.

    5) Do you expect some sort of intervention for higher powers regarding the various issues faced in the quest?
    > What you consider “various issues” others might view as simply part of the quest. “Did you expect higher powers to intervene in the running of this quest?” should suffice.
    > Those that didn’t join the quest probably also have an opinion about this. How about:
    - Yes, and I joined
    - No, and I joined
    - Yes, and I didn’t join
    - No, and I didn’t join

    Even with these modifications, the whole idea of this poll being public feels somewhat ‘off’ or cruel, and the criticisms leveled so far seem less than focused on constructiveness. We won’t “all have our chances winning the same prize from better, proper quests in the future” if people are scared off creating them or participating based on the negative feedback that this quest received.
    — —
    Q4, “Other”: I liked
    - that this quest got people talking and thinking in a way that I haven’t seen happen publicly in recent times—in a very “MD” way.
    - the twist of killing those people voted to save.
    - seeing a new location.
    - the question posed in Stage 2.
    - the challenge of reviving myself and attempting to help resurrect others.
    - that Stage Four was kept a secret. I consider this also to be a clever twist.

    I disliked waiting, although waiting is for better or for worse very present in this realm.

    I’m very curious to see others’ entries and for some insight into the scoring mechanism involved.
  20. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to BFH in Do you realize ...   
    [quote name='Menhir' timestamp='1364197543' post='134405']
    ... how many credits you will get in 1 year only by voting?

    [color=#ff0000][size=6]You will receive 69 CREDITS !!![/size][/color]

    for investing only 3 Minutes of your time everyday and with this helping MD to be more known out there.

    I found MD through such a voting side and today I´m happy that you all voted for MD back in those days ...

    Thank you and all the best.


    Not only that. We provide multiple ingame items on random times to those that vote. Over the past years we provided credits, creatures, spell stones, gold, silver, and many many more things. Not to mention that new things are to be realeased on those sites very very soon.
  21. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Fang Archbane in Redacted   
  22. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to DARK DEMON in You know you've been on MD too much when...   
    [quote name='Nava' timestamp='1364226795' post='134455']
    When you hear the noise of a message in the chat box when you are offline. (Help me, I'm scared!!)

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]When you've seen this be repeated so many times in this thread! [/color][/font]
  23. Downvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Seigheart in Day of Fear - March 13th 2013   
    A few things;

    1. Nimrodel was an HONOURABLE mention. She was mentioned because of her Stage 2 submission which pointed out something no one else did. She didn't get a higher score because her lack of involvement for the other parts.

    2. The participants were graded based on the performance, attendance, and ability to actually understand what was going on.

    3. Fire Starter. You were nothing but a troll from the beginning. You joined purely to cause problems. Immediately, from the get go, you purposely ignored instructions. You left the GoC. Did not help with ANY of the tasks. There is NO fear in an online text based game. If you actually get scared, you should probably see a psychiatrist.

    This quest was designed to have more than 10 active participants. Of the 33 that signed up, I only saw a small handful actually try to work things out, discuss things, and ask questions. I admit the waiting game is not fun. Period. The next day of fear will be a faster paced event.

    The waiting was to ensure there wasnt any complaining about not having time to catch up. Sorry for thinking of those of you not in my time zone.

    Submissions will be posted when I have a chance.
  24. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to dst in Day of Fear - March 13th 2013   
    Just a small question: how did you know who did what what when you were online around 1 hour each day?
  25. Upvote
    Plix Plox reacted to Change in Day of fear - Quest analysis   
    I also agree that it's biased. I didn't join the quest because I was told to expect the worst and I trusted Seigheart to keep his word on that part. Mind you, depending on how things go, maybe I should have joined--but that's another story.

    The closest option (that's not 'other') to this reason (ie. 'Didn't join because of the potential consequences') is 'I didnt want to be trolled participating in seig's quests like before' and that is definitely biased. It would be better to put 'feared the consequences of joining' and leave it up to people to say why they feared the consequences.

    Clarification: I chose 'other' since 'didn't want to be trolled' wasn't accurate.
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