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Everything posted by DARK DEMON

  1. Can't login either I guess I shouldn't have pressed that big red button behind Mur's Throne... Getting this: [b]Warning[/b]: array_merge() [[url="http://magicduel.com/function.array-merge"]function.array-merge[/url]]: Argument #1 is not an array in [b]/home/magicdue/public_html/authentication.php[/b] on line [b]46[/b] [b]Warning[/b]: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [b]/home/magicdue/public_html/sitegizmo/worldmap.php[/b] on line [b]25[/b] [b]Warning[/b]: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [b]/home/magicdue/public_html/sitegizmo/worldmap.php[/b] on line [b]41[/b] [b]Warning[/b]: implode() [[url="http://magicduel.com/function.implode"]function.implode[/url]]: Invalid arguments passed in [b]/home/magicdue/public_html/sitegizmo/worldmap.php[/b] on line [b]45[/b] Apologies. Will not be pressed again... maybe... EDIT : Greedo! Find the big green button! Might be under the Throne...
  2. I think it's meant to be 5 creds for one gold or something like that... So... is that a deal?
  3. [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1348839053' post='122520'] That would be lovely. Thank you. (I will not pull out notes from our conversations, as they were all destroyed.) [/quote] Done
  4. How many creds for 2 gold coins?
  5. [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1348799502' post='122506'] I consider it important that you realize how unfair it is to be giving your advice to this newbie and not to everyone who cares to listen. [/quote] Of course it is important to realize that, I agree But, by mentioning people who care to listen, you mean yourself? You never asked me anything about the combat system If you would like to know, I would be more than happy to send you a copy of the PM I sent to Quin. (Yes, that's what I'm gonna call him )
  6. [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1348758866' post='122495'] No fair. [/quote] Why not? (plus, your post is irrelevant)
  7. [quote name='Quinntius' timestamp='1348697870' post='122471'] I've been RPing practically my whole life, so I feel confident there. Then again, I'm self taught, so maybe it wouldn't hurt to gain knowledge from the experiences of others. [/quote] Have you gotten your papers yet from MDA (MagicDuel Archive Lands) ? You'll get two at first (Comments on Self and Personal Hate Page) and more later. In there, you can desribe your character. [quote name='Quintinntius' timestamp='1348697870' post='122471'] And DD, I would love to learn about combat, so any advice you have would be great! [/quote] Sent you a whole (and HUGE) PM describing everything you need to know about the basics of the combat system Of course, no spoilers!!!
  8. [quote name='VertuHonagan' timestamp='1348653655' post='122447'] I will only teach true roleplay. I will not teach any godmoding crap that you see most noobs using. Literacy, keeping an open mind, and long sequences are a must for great roleplay. [/quote] Definitely agreed (*has a little RP experience as well*)
  9. GO FOR IT! (I bet the crystal guardian will look AMAZING once you golden it )
  10. [quote name='Quinntius' timestamp='1348608228' post='122404'] Dark Demon, not sure if I should be intriged or scared, lol. [/quote] No way! Scared of Me? LOL Don't get intimidated by one's name (of course, except MUR!!!) I'm really nice... right, guys!? You can call me "DD" (and thank Fire Starter for devising that ) [quote name='Quinntius' timestamp='1348635060' post='122423'] Not a bat idea. I don't have a single one that you've listed, so I guess I ought to start my search for some tutors. Especially someone that can teach combat. I thought I had the fighting system in the bag back when I had to fight those shadowy creatures. Once I got into the real world, I realized that those shadows were just there to make newbies like me feel good about ourselves. [/quote] I'd love to teach you a thing or two about combat But keep in mind, we are ALL still learning, it just never stops! You can never learn enough!
  11. [quote name='Quinntius' timestamp='1348548737' post='122377'] Thanks for the advice! I'll try putting them into good use. Rhaegar, don't worry, I'm quite sure that I'll be sticking around. Peace, I love people that talk, or in this case write, with wisdom and are proverb-like. Fang, my life changes daily, or at least is always altered and adapts one way or another. So bring it on. [/quote] You show great promise I should like to converse with you in-game...
  12. Solved, thanks! (Print Screen removed due to ~obvious~ reasons ) The slider problem is still there though, but it doesn't happen all the time...
  13. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1348566938' post='122387'] Few things you can try: -get latest flash -clear cookies and cache -use another browser and see if you have the same issue [/quote] Already did the first 2, I'll try with another browser...
  14. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1348565936' post='122385'] Attach a print screen please. [/quote] Done
  15. The MagicDuel logo that appears in the middle of the scene (and then disappears) whenever you move is stuck. I can't click on anything between the scroll and the inbox (not even the arrows in-between them cause the logo image blocks it). And sometimes, I can't move the VE influence slider while attacking either. How can it be fixed? P.S: I have no internet connection problems.
  16. Hello, and welcome! And trust me, questions are not bad at all! They show an inquisitive mind
  17. [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1348332874' post='122263'] This doesn't mean you're leaving the game, does it? [/quote] Nope.
  18. Or Fang can at least have SOMEONE with him
  19. [quote name='Etluc' timestamp='1348002448' post='122084'] Why must you all down-vote Seigheart? [/quote] I agree He isn't as bad as I first thought he was, considering what people thought of him. In fact, he isn't bad at all in my opinion
  20. So you DO agree with this?
  21. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1347725377' post='121814'] I wasnt attempting to say you want to waste Murry's time, But what i was merely saying is that it can be spent on other features which need some improvement, rather than ones that are fairly "non-mission-critical" As you said, "its just a little something on the side" my point was that i dont think there is a reason to actually spend time on it, when other things are more urgent. [/quote] Alright, so I'm not saying that this is to happen at once. It can wait till the important problems requiring more attention can be solved. [quote name='Phantom Orchid' timestamp='1347725476' post='121815'] Bob's blooming is pretty, yes, but not a random feature. What you are suggestion seems to be a random function, at least symbolically. Now if there were a reason... I imagine you would have better luck being able to gather support for an idea such as this. [/quote] I don't want support really. What I wanted, was to let people know what I think. Whether to implement it or not is not up to me. I won't mind at all if this isn't considered.
  22. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1347724825' post='121810'] Personally i find the effect tacky, something of sites of the early 2000's. However thats just a personal opinion. There would be reasons against making it compulsory, giving the option to turn it off is a must. Also, is there a reason to waste Murry's time on features which are superfluous when other features are broken and need fixing? [/quote] Chew, you would know very well that I don't intend to waste "Murry's" time... so no, there's no reason as such It's just a little something on the side, that's all. And I am not at all against there being an option to turning it off.
  23. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1347724514' post='121808'] The snow option is turned on when it is december i believe, or closer to christmas. [/quote] So once a month for rain won't be so bad, now would it?
  24. Down for me too...
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