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Metal Bunny

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Everything posted by Metal Bunny

  1. Well that wouldn't make sense, as the champion's dome is not just far away in reality, but also in the dreamworld... I was thinking, maybe we could just spam words into it, and let morpheus take out the correct one
  2. Ok, last hint So all answers on my riddle are wrong so far, but you are really close with the turtle and lizard stuff
  3. Lol Ruin, women do not live in uh... what they are... "coughemotionalbeingsgettingannoyedatmenreadmoifordoingsomethingtheyarenota wareofcough"... Yeah... great memories of my last girfriend, not saying that every women is like that... "coughcough" And Grido that's not it either, though I can say that
  4. Congrats, I just figured out that I reached the mp5 xp limit and mur won't change stuff till the server is moved and optimized. No fights for days to come
  5. @Ruin, well I found the riddle like that, but without the God and Devil thing. Then I changed it a bit and made it rhyme . It happens sometimes, that riddles change, so that it becomes harder or easier, or just nicer It's not life And @ thrall, you are pretty close, except for the fact that a does not live in what he is. And the first answer is wrong , it has been given already
  6. Mmmh, I did think of the dream/nightmare possibility, but it seemed to obvious to me. And as I can see so far, The 'close yet far' thing we all agree upon, it's intangible and easy to guess, but we can't since we don't know the meaning of the 2nd sentence. Also, there is no need to put in spoilers, this isn't my riddle topic . Death seems possible, but the 'war' thing seems a bit far away from it. Sure in a war there is a lot death, but it doesn't relate to the 'fear'. One may fear death, but how does the opposite, namely the foresight or acknowledgement of death, create war? Unless you're a 'live fast and die young' kinda guy, and you can see your death coming, and therefore create a war, because you have nothing to lose... It seems farfetched to me, but it's still a lot better than my guess
  7. Anyway, it's obvious STF needs help as well. So close but yet so far, One's fear is the other one's war. ? :'( ? I guessed freedom, but it doesn't fit right with the last sentence. I do think it is intangible, like a concept, but I can't seem to place a good link between fear and war. Anyway, maybe we can all try and solve it. Wouldn't want a man to lose his leg right?
  8. Lol, backtracker. This would be a completely useless post if I didn't put in anymore info, so I'll just say that I watched reaper, ep16 (Teh Awesumm, that devil guy is funneh) and after that National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets. (Also Teh Awesumm, Just longer and less jokes, but still more excitement and intrigue and witty banter ) So.... Gonna watch Forbidden Kingdom tomorrow... hehe I love streaming stuff. Can't wait to see Sun Wu Kong (King of the Monkey's, or Victorious Fighting Buddha (that is after his enlightenment) for you heathens! ) Goodnight, lol, I feel as if this is Twitters, even though I don't use it.
  9. Their page on nihilism is wonderfull, masterwork. Also I just noticed, that just the three of us, made this topic hot. We're HAWT
  10. You'd be surprised at how many girls rooms I've seen (and no it's not 0, har har) And every single one of them is ugly and/or dirty. Also, check www.wikia.com, which is the umbrella site for all things wiki. We could (not me, I'm not that zealous... yet) make a Magicduel wiki, lol. Also, Uncyclopedia is kinda funny, it's the mocking and satirical version of wikipedia. ***edit*** LOL, I just saw your 2nd post, people usually edit their posts, and I'm not naughty, I was just over stating my hermit hardcoreness...
  11. Lol, we kids in the Netherlands (I am sure everybody else does it as well) go out at night when we went binge drinking (I'm not an alcholic, lol, I don't do it often ), we always take 'for sale' sign and other loose stuff paid for by rich wealthy people or companies Also BatF*ckCrazy = Weeeirrdoooo As SickF*ck = pervert Etcetera, check urban dictionary(.com) , It's the only way I'm learning new and 'hip' forms of 'decent' language use of the 'great' American 'language' :P:P Did I use to much "?
  12. Well it seems there is an assassin quest going on, we should not just mount a rescue attempt, we should also lynch and eviscerate that dude(tte) old fashion style.
  13. No grido, that would be the opposite of it, lol
  14. I have an insane amount of quotes, from civ IV, school, especially philosophy class, Wikiquote.com, and discovery/history books Also, I' m studying as well for my endexam, but I study real hardcore, like true (wo)men! I go batf***crazy and lock myself up in my room, wherein everything is clean and neat, so that there is no distraction. I have a small sign that reminds me of work hard, so that I can mess around longer, and a pc, which is really old and has no internet, besides that the keyboard sometimes doesn't work and the sound is messed up. I'm like a hardcore hermit.
  15. I saw it too, some time ago , shucks that's an awfull far away place... At least he's kinda safe for now.. as his adventure is on some weird form of hiatus.
  16. Well sorry Saki, it's not that either. But seeing as how it's already taking you guys a couple of days, I'll give you a hint
  17. Hi there and welcome to the game And yes you may use yourself as a referrer.
  18. Oh dear lords, you two are such ... uh... stalkers? forum stalkers? post stalkers? waiting for that one moment when the other replies and then "Bam" you post it right afterwards... Ahem... _-=^"|!FREAKS!|"^=-_ Hehe... Naw I'm just kiddin', you're not freaks, just people who seriously need to stop posting after each other and get some more activity in the game and other topics
  19. Nope, school is like an elemental, the older it gets, the stronger her power, and therefore less life left in you. I only hope college will liberate me as much as I hope it will
  20. Chocobo ranch? Really? lol...

    Words fail me, and it's not due to a lack of vast vocabulary, it's because you make me feel weird.... :P

  21. Welcome and enjoy everything, including me
  22. Heya, enjoy your staya.
  23. Hi Saki I'm bouncy too, because I'm a bunny , but... , hot cocoa seriously? lol Uhu... (I know it gets lame real soon ) It's probably because it's hard to find a treasure, so no wonder you're surprised. Good luck with that, lol AAAAAGH MY EYES!!!!! IT HURTS MY EYES JUST LIEK TEH CAPZ!!21!@@!@111onelol!1! Naw just kiddin', you like purple, I like green, we all have our flaws.
  24. Yea I know about the per click option, but if we implemented that, I'd so spam it 20 times a day, lol.
  25. That would make the ads worth almost nothing, and some companies also want to be seen the entire time.
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