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Metal Bunny

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Everything posted by Metal Bunny

  1. We don't like chocolate bunnies, they attract to much unwanted attention and are weak to women and heat. And why do you people dream about magicduel, are normal dreams not good enough anymore? ... is it me or is this topic getting more and more disturbing?
  2. Have you tried clearing cookies and clearing your cache yet?
  3. Heh, something big happened to biggie But I don't think I'm allowed to say it, lol. It's just something I noticed when looking at profile pages.
  4. forgot to put in:

    we're actually twins again, yet friends, and if it's possible we're as androgenous as possible, yet male and female at the same time... :P

  5. Based on your two incessant: 'we're twins, no wait male twins, nah we're friends, actually he is a she, no wait i'm a student and (s)he is a teacher, etc, etc...

  6. But is Akasha supposed to be aware of him? Maybe she doesn't get story mode in there, although she did leave after he left, but then again she doesn't know he, sorta, succeeded.
  7. It happens sometimes... you know, like that poem, it just vents out of me. Basically it says that school was a breeze for me till the start of the 5th year. The reason for that is because my government has people in it's parliament whom I suspect have serious delusions of adequacy with their below average intelligence and nihillistic wisdom. Then there was something about you people being underaged and that the legal year for alcohol is 21 in the US, while it's 16 here...Then some side effects of alcohol and how much hours I have to spend for the exam that is the hardest in my opinion. Then there was the almighty icecream college with awesome flavor. ***edit*** GRAND AND GLORIOUS DAY, My max xp has been reset to 0xp. First fight with ugauga gave me 40k xp, total of 9 attacks in 3 minutes gave me more than 188k xp, Bwahahahahhaa BWHAHAHAHHAAH. After almost 2 weeks, finally stat increase. BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA I feel like biggie now... BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Time to kill! Murder Death Kill! After I'm done with my studies ofcourse....
  8. 5 minutes of hard slavery and all you say is lol? 'snik snif' 'sob' 'baw' 'wail'.... well lol back to you
  9. o_O Mommy, the weird humans are scaring me... Why do they crawl in my mind? Why are they so scary? They are ever so unkind... Talking about a cute beary, While screaming for mercy, it's eviscerated! Their story in their vanity: Forced to watch, the bears family is devastated! They're molesting my sanity! Why are those helpless gummy bears so hated? Those people are a profanity! Their sugary bodies eaten, thus desecrated! It was like seeing a rolling wave of evil, like a tsunami. Oh gods, a cruel death for them to be fated! One worse than they propagate, I just want my mommy... Sicko's... what did those bears ever do to you?
  10. I saw your profile page, w00t I'm finally stronger :P Although, it does kinda suck :( I might not get another chance to fight it again

  11. Lol... that's about 20 evil and 18 good... I love it when people follow the 'backstabber', it's a nice show of wisdom Is it ok to maniacally laugh and rant in an 'I'm evil and will take over the world, because I'm a megalomaniac' way now?
  12. Thanks , Bunny looks so much better now
  13. Hi, I like number 6 Anyway, welcome and hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions don't hesitate to pm or just ask.
  14. Lol... That is... Disturbingly freaky weird doesn't seem to describe you all that very well... .... oh gods.... Anyway... you can always pm and such, yada yada, I'm here to help
  15. Doh, once you said , I understood it...just like the coin problem and the geometrical solution to the stars, although that one was easier My mind is kind of not geared for mathematics yet, I have that exam on next week wednesday and I was going to start studying on thursday. So I haven't done anything math-like in 5 weeks...
  16. That's... I don't get it, how does that stop the 'you are not able to recognize the coins' problem? Also I meant Wednesday, it's the day off And of course there should be no limitation to the amount of riddles posted if you look it at that way, namely we get stuck with 5 hard riddles . But I do believe we know when an insane amount has been reached and we have to put a temporary stop, let's hope nobody spams riddles into the topic .
  17. Do you have to be online a lot? Because I'm only online for a total of 1-2 hours a day at most. Most of the time goes to studying . Also, I'd only be usefull after the xp reset. But if you still think I'm still usefull, put me in camp A, but only if you really think i'm usefull for the test.
  18. Well I'm starting to think she needs to 'do' something with the 2 missing pyramids, because there are 8 pyramids and 10 principles. Maybe she needs to figure out via logical way what two principles are governing the floating pyramids and then apply the same method to the hidden, ?under the ground?, pyramids. And then she could pair up the remaining pyramids by writing the principles on the pages. This is just me speculating of course.
  19. Lol, pressure is the thing that saved me, I cannot work without pressure, which is kinda cool, because I get to procrastinate some more So you need to finish math and spanish assignments, like right after you get them? That sucks, first 4 years were a breeze, like a real breeze. Math, latin, every single class, was easy. In the first class you are surprised at the word 'homework' and are actually enthousiastic about it, simply because you never had any in junior school. (Because we Gymnasium people are so damn awesome (translate to nerdlike smart)) That illusion luckily fades away fast and you simply stop doing homework till like the end of the 4th year or the start of the 5th. Every single class started with the entire class (that is the ones like me, who are going to make it in 6 years (keep believing bunny and it will come true ) and not the ones who were doomed to do the year over) of reading what we had to make, then answering out of our head, the correct answer. aah good times... Why is it so easy in the start you ask? Because our government is r*t*rd*d, that's why. They work from the nice socialistic/hippy (dang hippies) view that everybody is not just being equal in value, but that everybody should also be having the same chances and opportunities, so most classes, besides stuff like latin, was of the same level as it was in VMBO, except that we had less time to answer it and had some extra 'challenging' questions. Basically the first 3 years the schools work towards the average student, the HAVO student, which sucks for the VMBO student as it is to hard and it sucked for me because I had to learn how to learn at the start of the 5th year. Also, once you start 'partying' (you're like what 14? it'll be a long time untill for you in the US ) you'll start to recognize the smell of alcohol in the 'drainage' the 'regurgitation' and the overal average bar and/or alcoholic bum . So basically ice cream rules, my governments policy on the school system is ... well suffice it to say I'm still not convinced that the people in parliament have a basic highschool degree or that they are simply ataraxic. But I did get 4 years of fun (not that it's really hard now, the hardest class is latin and according to my planning it takes me about 30 hours to study it for my exams, and that means the entire grammar system, 500 lines of latin that I need to know out of my head, alongside the background story and philosophies.) Yeah... can't wait for ice cream college...
  20. I could do that, you know, edit some of my posts (as I have the first post , w00t f1rst p0st ), but it will have to wait till weekend, doing this post as a quickie before I'm getting back to my studies again
  21. Hubris biggie, hubris. And if you got honor from winning against the stronger player, wouldn't you end up with farming losses?
  22. Hi , enjoy your stay and don't be shy, and no question is stupid, except maybe 'how do you log in' or 'why are bunnies awesome?'
  23. I'm top 1% bwahaha, top 2-3% if I don't pass my exams. Lol, that's what I love about our system, because there is an illusion. You think you are procrastinating and being lazy, and are therefore satisfied (mmmh procrastination, it's like alcohol + icecream... oh wait you silly americans are not allowed to have lethal amounts of alcohol untill you are 21, 5 years later than us ) And you only do the right amount of work so you pass and go to the next year, while all the while, you're being a nerd... our government has lied to us the whole time! Noooo! Burn down the schools!!! Yeah... My exams start tomorrow... (I miss my alcoholic icecream with procrastination flavor)
  24. This is just me saying something about the beauty of the game, there is no need to go hyperactive thank you. At this moment, if you want to look at a player's profile, all you have to do is type in the url: http://magicduel.com/players/[playername] Your ingame 'Comments on self' also appear on that page. The box wherein those comments go are smaller than ingame and the enter button doesn't work. You can see a good example of what I mean by looking at my horribly mangled and mutilated Bunny Emperor . It's not a big deal (a.k.a. chill, relax, and do it later in a couple of years ), but it would be nice if the enter button worked in our new profile pages.
  25. If honor was based on strength instead of win/loss ratio, the strongest player would quit playing, most people would only attack weaker players, which would result in newbies being completely crushed, not defeated, but crushed, as in less than a bloody pulp. It would stop new players from advancing in the game and everything would come to a halt. If you would factor in creature vitality and/or player vitality in it, it would result into the same thing. As both are indicators and instruments for a strong player.
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