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Metal Bunny

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Everything posted by Metal Bunny

  1. Isn't this supposed to be placed in the 'local legends' topic? Just ctrl c and ctrl v, lol... I'm sure some mod will remove this topic...
  2. Chickens? Pfah. They are food, nothing more, nothing less, we bunnies rule supreme!
  3. Indeed, you stick to your empirically unverifiable 'morals', whatever those are, and I'll just enjoy my show of blood and gore . (lol, not in real life btw, it's a game :D)
  4. Yea I know that saco, but I never said watching a man go insane isn't fun to watch. If you haven't noticed I'm kinda hoping for another rampant rpc (albeit he is weaker than the other rpc) as I mentioned him as a cool agent of destruction So I'm hoping for your options 2 or 3 . I know it's cruel, but it's also awesome and the process and end result is b/funny.
  5. Mmmmmh.. what is happening with him now? He is still stuck in the dreamworld right? If the wizard transported him there, he should be back now. Then again Morpheus works in mysterious ways...
  6. Well the mage did say the book is unfindable, maybe it will remain a riddle for later, for the future ruler of golemus....
  7. He should wonder about who he has become, as it has now manifested. The split in his personality I mean. The original simplyzero is still out there, but the wild savage that was created by necrovion as well... He went into the dark tranquil water, so I think it's a metaphore for him being lost yet finding peace, of course metaphores are real in MD... lol. Anyway in this tranquil state, which is real btw, he finally has a chance to rest, but the savageness of him wants to continue and go wild (the boat is faster). So the river, which is real and not just a metaphore, creates an image of the nevrovion peasant who wants to continue, whereas the swimming and tired original simplyzero (notice how he isn't so wild and savage anymore?) wants to rest and just quit (he really isn't strong enough for anything). So he asks himself next: 'Is he the savage one? Is everything lost? Is he the one swimming as a dog? Or is this a chance for him to kill the one in the boat, after it proves to be the wild necrovion one, and thus be saved? So that after the killing and the struggle, he is in control of the boat (metaphor for his body) and he may find peace again.' But what if that killing makes him the savage one? But res cogitans (thinking about himself as an object and subject) is a common thing amongst rational beings, not savage ones, how can he think? Is killing a viable option, could he not just enslave the savage beast inside him? Then again (yes my mind works like that) what if killing is inherent in simplyzero? He is a peasant after all. Maybe the savage beast was simply a part of him coming out, maybe he in reality was a dulled murdering beast. If so, he would have no scrupules about killing the guy in the boat, take control and revel in the fact that, now sane again (or at least, no struggle in his mind) he has become an agent of destruction. Tune in next time to find out. lol... I like schizo's ***edit*** I forgot shades cannot stand water, so of course he is the original simplyzero. The one in the boat (still the same metaphores about control of the body and the savage one, still the same questions, if he is not meant to be an agent of destruction) isn't touching the water, he may indeed be the savage one. This just adds up to my speculating. Yay Internal monologue battle ensue! Tune in next time, again, to find out.
  8. Bunny worshippers? True and faithfull loyalists? Minions I use for a meatshield?

    All of the above? :D

    All hail the Bunny Lord!




    All hail the Bunny Empire!

  9. Well, my riddle has two kinds of answers. The first one No one had right. If you take the religious tour, then it would be
  10. I'm pretty sure never married Anyway, is it that hard to put in some spoiler bars?
  11. No, lol... It's an easy one, c'mon.
  12. ⊂( ゚ ヮ゚)⊃ Aaaaaah All hail the Bunny Lord! (\/) <(--<) <(--<) <(--<) :worship: (-.-) <(--<) <(--<) <(--<) :worship: (..)(..) <(--<) <(--<) <(--<) :worship: All hail the Bunny Empire! To the rest who do not worship the Bunny Emperor entirely! t(^.^t) Lol... beat that
  13. Correct phlegm, but my name is MB, not MD Another quicky one. I once was on a wedding, seeing a man toasting on the groom. He starts his speech with: 'I have no Brother's or Sisters. But This Man's Father is my Father's Son.' Who is this man?
  14. Oh sweet, just had this quicky... (no you pervert, although I surely wouldn't mind... What is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the start of every end, and the end of every race? What am I? Go nuts.
  15. Yay, the server is moving. I assume the issue is resolved then?
  16. I love that one... Join the darkside!
  17. Well it wasn't, I felt like venting my dadaist alter ego... don't ask. It was the closest thing coming to something poetic or of literary value in these forums, with the big exception of the self-proclaimed epic poem about poor gummy bears. And yes it did came after WWI, as most modern literary movements are .
  18. wo te shang di.... cool emoticon who cares anyway if it's spam, it's only the hello section "ahem" not that spam is allowed or anything like that...
  19. Well I bet she is going to go back with some nonsense written on the empty pages. She will try and find the wizard and seeing as she was supposed to stop the wizard, she 'might' side with us, the cool guys
  20. You do know what dadaism is right? You just copied a dadaist work, which automaticly makes it... well... not so dadaist... I could explain my work if you wanted me to, but that would have to wait till after my last exam on wednesday Besides that I find your... elaborate copying... 'quite' "complimenting".... thanks... I guess........ '....'
  21. One of the goals a dadaist sets for himself Not a real dadaist btw...
  22. We had a lengthy discussion at live chat today... the point was that there is no evil or good... yada yada, don't feel like typing it here But I like the idea of evil, even if it is, or maybe because it is, all a matter of perspective Yay for evil, join the darkside everyone! And I do remember me accusing omegaweapon being the assassin somewhere in the beginning of the 'support group for biggie' topic
  23. Not really, was just typing it, then select what I wanted and chose it's effect. Took me no more then the gummy bear poem
  24. Yay, omegaweapon finally revealed himself, I was right So it's us (evil) and omega, against wodin (and good) Join the darkside, you know you want to
  25. That is because there is a difference between your total xp and creature xp, else everybody could stay in mp3 forever. You are supposed to go to mp4 with 280k xp and 100 wins, you can gain more wins, but you won't gain anything at all once you are at max xp, besides losses and wins. If you meet both criteria, you should finish the story mode, because only then are you allowed to mp4. Make sure though that you use the 24hours bonus, as it is very handy in the start.
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