He should wonder about who he has become, as it has now manifested. The split in his personality I mean. The original simplyzero is still out there, but the wild savage that was created by necrovion as well...
He went into the dark tranquil water, so I think it's a metaphore for him being lost yet finding peace, of course metaphores are real in MD... lol. Anyway in this tranquil state, which is real btw, he finally has a chance to rest, but the savageness of him wants to continue and go wild (the boat is faster). So the river, which is real and not just a metaphore, creates an image of the nevrovion peasant who wants to continue, whereas the swimming and tired original simplyzero (notice how he isn't so wild and savage anymore?) wants to rest and just quit (he really isn't strong enough for anything).
So he asks himself next: 'Is he the savage one? Is everything lost? Is he the one swimming as a dog? Or is this a chance for him to kill the one in the boat, after it proves to be the wild necrovion one, and thus be saved? So that after the killing and the struggle, he is in control of the boat (metaphor for his body) and he may find peace again.' But what if that killing makes him the savage one? But res cogitans (thinking about himself as an object and subject) is a common thing amongst rational beings, not savage ones, how can he think? Is killing a viable option, could he not just enslave the savage beast inside him?
Then again (yes my mind works like that) what if killing is inherent in simplyzero? He is a peasant after all. Maybe the savage beast was simply a part of him coming out, maybe he in reality was a dulled murdering beast. If so, he would have no scrupules about killing the guy in the boat, take control and revel in the fact that, now sane again (or at least, no struggle in his mind) he has become an agent of destruction.
Tune in next time to find out.
lol... I like schizo's
I forgot shades cannot stand water, so of course he is the original simplyzero. The one in the boat (still the same metaphores about control of the body and the savage one, still the same questions, if he is not meant to be an agent of destruction) isn't touching the water, he may indeed be the savage one. This just adds up to my speculating. Yay Internal monologue battle ensue!
Tune in next time, again, to find out.