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Everything posted by Tissy

  1. Angiens age above 1600. 20 sc for each or trade multiple for rarer creatures.
  2. Elemental - aged 1192 wanna change for creatures, depends on what creatures you have
  3. Got it. Thank you
  4. Still I cannot see the subforum. May anyone help?
  5. My forum ID is different from my game ID. Maybe I should fix it later -Tissy
  6. @Brulant: The points should be on the line of a circle. The center of a circle do exist but it is virtual. Draw a circle on the plane, and you will find no line pass through the center. Is the 'star' the forth gate?
  7. There are lives, there are deaths. There is light, there is death. There is inhale, there is exhale. Everything appears, followed by its disappearance. The cosmos is a vast void, lives and substance perish into the void eventually, as well as the sun. But at this moment, the sun is breeding lives, infusing paiticle with energy to create substance from the void. So there should be a sun of suns to breed the suns, and of course sun of suns of suns... At last, all bred by suns breed the void, and it comes to the BALANCE. And I'm thinking about the SoTISs. They have no weapons and cast no magic. How can such a soldier be a soldier? I suppose the absorb damage and magic in a mysterious way. Weapons and magic are energies origined from the sun. Too much energy floating in the world means our sun, among many others, are feeding the void too fast. Absorbing energy may help keep the balance forward at a rational pace, thus guard the sun from perishing too soon. But why INNER sun? I still have no idea. ps. I'm not good at English. I would apprieciate if anyone corrects my words or rephases my sentences in a rhythmic and literary way.
  8. I'm in. It's Year of the Rabbit in China Coincidence or Destiny! -Tissy
  9. I'm in. can't wait reveling.
  10. I think balance would be crucial when you encounter a oppo much stronger than you. Or I may put it like this:when weak versus strong,light versus darkness,syntropy versus enthropy,and maybe time versus cyclicity(like line versus circle),between two things opposite to each other,balance plays as a key factor. Sorry for my poor English and I'll be grateful when someone can rectify my thought as well as my English expression.
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