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Everything posted by Tissy

  1. If the vault status is 1/8 I think it should be a bug as no avatar is in your vault atm. if it was returned to the shop, should it be 0/8? @Chewett
  2. Great! I’ll send you the coin in game. Keep going????
  3. Hey what’s the cheat code. I want to refresh my inventory with 100000000 gc
  4. I don't remember... I didn't buy any role play items after got back to MD. It should be there for many years. add some items, will modify my previous reply also. wiiya - 1sc stone tablet - 1sc
  5. 3 fenths (free) 7 garbage - 1sc 35 lonsdaleite shares - 1sc 26 resin - 1sc 9 syntropic dust - 1sc 1 4 used rope -1sc 1 4 used rope -1sc wiiya - 1sc stone tablet - 1sc Heat stones (2 free per player) - 2 free and 6 extra at 1sc/each if possible 3 knators - 1 sc * 2 3 water guardians - 1 sc * 2 3 trees - 1 sc * 2 1 elemental 1 sc (if heated) 1 colored TS - 2 sc 1 Tamed Reaindrach xmas one (9gc minimum) 5 gc + 4 aged angiens (don't know if it's acceptable but just a shot) Thanks. It's weird I just found I have a drop of your blood @Blackshade Rider. I could shuffle another player's drop of blood in my shop?
  6. Tissy

    Ann. 4948

    I'm thinking if it's possible to assign LHO to a group of people other than just 1 player at a time. Or make it like a quest. The live help request would send to something like post or billboard in each land. The closest player who could help can claim it and be counted. It might be more effective.
  7. I would say in the first several pages of all the items, only avatar has the attraction for new players to make a purchasing decision. The first purchase in game is like a barrier which would possibly followed by more purchase once breached. If anyone wants to play longer will need an avatar, why dont put it earlier which could also increase the possibility to retain a new player even a slightly bit. I even got a new avatar for my alt and I'm lovin it's heart shaped butt! Besides I think I saved other players from drawing an ugly avatar by the chance of 1/435
  8. Sad. I got unstuck many times in the help of LHOs. I appreciated their effort. And...does that mean I would be stuck forever next time????? I could help in such kind of role if it doesn't require MP5.
  9. sorry to interrupt... Are these still in auction or for sale? Is Rustgold Madhorn different from Rustgold Drachorn?
  10. Yeah it’s not much. But it’s better the new player could find where to set the avatar more obviously to improve the experience.
  11. It costs about 15 credits to set an avatar. And there is also a theory said the currency in a game shouldn’t look/sound/feel like the real money so that players won’t aware how much they invested in the game in an obvious way.
  12. It doesn’t need to be so narrative. Just like: ve: -100 heat: +50 This format would be enough as people would know the reason gradually. and it could be positioned besides the chat log where is blank unless you want to interact at that scene
  13. I think the default should be unchecked. I transferred creature several times on the mobile and this check box was just hidden behind the compass. So I paid without necessities. It’s an extra service and extra should be optional by default.
  14. The root cause for prolonging the regen interval is for limiting the AP right? Why not just make the AP regenerating rate lower for each interval ?
  15. 80 cartography. good to know this effect by cartography. but still it's not that accurate...
  16. it consumed fewer than it shows on the arrow. from way of cleansing to demented path. It shows AP: 150+16-24 (142), but I lost just 58 AP (303-245 for my status). from way of cleansing to the well of tears. It shows AP: 80+12-24 (68), but I lost just 1 AP.
  17. Thanks and sorry for the fuss as they look totally different...
  18. some other issues on mobile: 1. cannot move the slider when choose the percentage of pray power. 2. in some locations the arrow is unable to click. as inside MB capital and some places I don't remember clearly. And the button of the fight result is hard to click on both PC and mobile.
  19. ohh I have 2 colored remains. Are they...that trees? It's been too long since I bought them so I may forget their look in the shop.
  20. no not the imp. I meant the black one in the bottom right corner in my first picture.
  21. I found this colored creature in an alt account under the permanent booster category. But my main account has never seen it even I went to the bottom under the same category. in the first picture you could see that burning man/soul in the alt account. in the second picture you could see I already reached the bottom.
  22. not until we all have 100 cups to stay awake through the whole anniversary
  23. yep I encountered the same today.
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