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Everything posted by Tissy

  1. Could the realmshaper teleport to random room within one floor or cross floors? Basically the realmshaper cannot see Darvin unless he teleport to the room where Darvin is right?
  2. My account is Tissy. Sorry for the inconsistency and confusion I don’t know how to change the forum user name.
  3. Briskness:Briskness is the attribute that adds to each heat increase during your adventuring in the homeland and when you fight. For every time you move in the homeland, you would get extra heat seconds amount to a quarter of your briskness value.Having a high briskness value will let you gather heat faster.
  4. I didn’t notice the time shift already began. Then ST - 7hrs would be your time. For example ST 1:00 is your 18:00
  5. ST - 8 would be your time.
  6. ST 10:00 and 18:00 work better for me. no specification on date.
  7. How about the trade logs? could we put the unusable items deeper in the shop?
  8. It sounds like the mechanism of Bitcoin.
  9. when walking on the outland, briskness plays no roll. and on homeland, the multiplier on briskness is not 1. why visiting a location for the first time during a period will grant some extra heat seconds?
  10. they (me) may not be able to play at the time of start. But it would be an excellent quest
  11. I saw the same on Safari. But with Chrome it’s OK.
  12. Did you refresh or try a third purchase? I bought the same items several days ago and it seemed normal. What it increase is the base AP. I didn’t see anything said about extra AP other than the 20 it indicates.
  13. I think we are talking about a solution about how to identify a player from a crowded position. The problem is if it’s actually usable and if it needs to be fixed. how it looks like is just one option of many. it is usually not a big deal for the current amount of online players. But if there would be incoming more players it would be a problem. The simplest way without changing the current look is to return a full list of players in that position when clicking on that bunch of dots.
  14. I keep in MP3 for some other reason though, a thorough plan was also made in preparation for a huge stats boosting when the time come. And it includes investing an amount of credits to maximize that effect. it would still be frustrating to get nothing from it by even knowing stats are not that important. But I would be gladder to see the fight be more about strategy and art of spell other than stats accumulation.
  15. Yes exactly. and there was the error: maybe if I used up the cast it would work.
  16. three or four times I don't remember. No bother. just take it on the note, we will clear it in the future.
  17. I used a heat stone just now. Previously I used another heat stone and casted twice heat spell. So I had one cast left. So after using this second heat stone, I should have 4 cast right? But the magic page shows I still have only one cast. Is it a bug or intended to be this way?
  18. Sorry I’m not arguing. Just sometimes I cannot capture the full meaning of the post because of my English level. ????
  19. I prefer showing the MP. it’s easier to find peers especially for fight. MP doesn’t stand for power. And players of different mp won’t have the chance to feel the difference usually except during the alliances war. But most of the time it stands for lore. So fight or lore, people could choose by the map.
  20. That's what I'm saying, interaction on the location. the dots are just mark there, but when you hover the map, the location responds with the name of the location and the list of players. As the resolution of the map is not high enough, sometimes it's hard to recognize the location. It also helps on identify the location.
  21. Agree. The interface interaction could be based on the location other than players.
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