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Posts posted by Rex

  1. - you read page 1 in a book then go to page 3 because you think your going to get killed on page 2 and at the end of each page you decide which of the next three pages you want to go to

    - you go to a supermarket and see they still havnt got any new weapons

    - you go to 5 supermarkets to get all your items

    - you ask god when the next godzilla(creature) is coming along

    - you go to the statue of liberty and try and move it to get to the underground

    - you go into a gazeebo and tread on the floor only in certain places to see which part of the floor turn orange and which black

    - you set light to you parent/guardian because you think that the heat shall get yourself a few spells

  2. Can i vote for R ? and in numbers i think it would be 2,9 or 29 and in smilies it would be :P and in colour most likely blue or red favorite food would be cake favorite jumble of letters would be RX funniest encoded message 370H-SSV-IH (this message was sent to SmartAlekRJ) but he didnt know whta it meant so he sent it to the CIA can u figure it? :P (favorite smilie again)



    2,9 or 29






    oh i love randomness :)

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