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Everything posted by Rex

  1. aparently mur did say that if u could turn them all black aswell thats cool but turnng from orange to all blacks not too hard
  2. doen it :DDD
  3. Im not sure if mur needs anymore translators but give it a go. If you say you are new you may have to get those 20 activity days
  4. hey and welcome from me and the sain country of England
  5. but then if someting tradgic (hopefully this will neverhappen)like the person got seriously ill or had to go some where were they couldnt use a computer. Its going to be a bit harsh givign them a penalty for reasons like this
  6. If 1 person wrights it it stays smooth and on the same line of thought 2 people makes it akward but if the second person gives ideas to the first then it makes it better. The first person can include those ideas to fit in
  7. I speed type and so i sum times get spell stuff wrong . other wise im very good at spelang
  8. hello hope you enjoy the game and have fun. If you see me online just say h or ask a question i fyou are stuck
  9. The amin story has been ploted at the moment there just piecng it together
  10. I agrre with steno every one has there own ideas
  11. The story will follow the line of a film. At the begining of the film some thing big happens, then the hero goes out to explore. What movies do you no were the hero dances around happily while nothing bad or evil happens auntil the end of the movie. About the unbalanced balanced end of chapter 3 if every thing is unfairly played it means that everyone is at thta low or high point making it balanced. THere will be deferences but the general out come will effect everyone in basically thre same way
  12. At the moment i dont think that mur needs anyone to translate or spell check.
  13. no at the beginning as in the armour barren sol and gransan shop.
  14. I am taliking about wen they are just starting wen they can only buy 2 creatures. not when they are ou tof story mode
  15. same with the game but lately everyone has started drifting back in
  16. i go and try and find it
  17. was it where sheops was hiding out when he had loads of heads?
  18. i would like to help out not nesecerally a mod ( would be nice though ) but the paper cabin spell has gone and so now it makes it anoying to get to teh paper cabin. I do not understand wat you ment wen u said healing newbys. I go down there sometimes and say things like hey and click the scroll to begin then i go to liquid just house and say wat cominations of crits are good to use. Is this the right thing to say/do and is there anything else i should be doing
  19. yeah but there aers loads woh dont come on the forum
  20. marind room?
  21. losing at the begging is good as a balanced win loss ratio will get you more xp. SO set up a ritual that is likely t loss then only attack carefully
  22. glad u like the game and hopefully us. u goin to do anymmore sketches coz u are amaxinng
  23. thats not gd at all!
  24. yeah there a-some if you spent ur time on drawing lots yu could get loads of md cash. Expeciallly if u like drawin to
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