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Everything posted by Rex

  1. i want to have them as avatars 1 is awesoem so 2 but not sas i see khala as The Ninjunny said (love the name )
  2. Rex


    shh chewett ur ruining the fun VOTE B
  3. coz bob is near necro and so is khala but my animation rocks the most
  4. i am an lho but therent wernt wen i started but everyoen was still really helpful
  5. the old pictures / place are weird it has changed so much plus you could go anywhere no lore guards and that rubish
  6. Paradigma you havnt read my story then http://magicduel.com/players/*Rex_Umbrae_Killer*
  7. Rex

    PWD contest

    heres a list to make it easier to read Hope i didnt miss anyone: Shadowseeker *Rex Umbrae Killer* GlorDamar Braiton .Jonn. Savelfuser Suuljin *Raven* Eden Tarquinus Penelope LightMoon BlooddMoon Ariel the cruel Lloyd BlackThorn Envy of Endurance Sol MRD One question:why is Jonn competing? He is an RPC already.... dst Jonn why have you entered? Rex
  8. what will replace the idea of war then
  9. there are more possiblities of story then anything else in the game there are already so many roots you can take
  10. wat isthe peace thing about, i can see how you can affect war = you fight loads peopel adn try adn influence story but peace ad big gatherign just make more targets for those tha want war
  11. Rex

    PWD contest

    *Rex Umbrae Killer*
  12. Rex


    yh definatly B for A is to simple and sol went with B so sol's smart aswell
  13. i think manu shouldnt have the list up thouhg i would like to see a few docs i thin that this will put to much of a 'curse' on the players which posses them
  14. Rex

    Offtopic Forum

  15. very true and if no one fighted in the game then whats the point of the game p.s the cake is a lie yes it is because it isnt here - chewett the war cant be resisted opps soz everyoen the cake wasnt suposed to be that big menas theres more for everyone but then the cake is a lie All you need to make the war continue the war are 2 peopleunles you get to every single person the war will happen
  16. but then if they were going to be unique the ammount of power,attack,defense would have to change orrrr.... each weapon has a high but ismilar atack/defense/power/regen but it has 1 spell with it like 1 of 3 basic spells: heal boost stats temp curse stats temp thne it would be more individual with a player only being able to use the ability a few times a day great idea sol
  17. the docs will be given to rpcs and maybe a few other player to be given out as that rpc choses like manu said maybe simply out of friendship or a trade or you have to do a puzzle. and Gchick i think the Inner magic docs are finaly public. the word magic makes me think they may contain magic Rx
  18. and that would make it more fun how ? i want a war at MASSIVE SCALE but then there will eb peace at the end and not many loses btu loads of understandings
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