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Everything posted by smartalekrj

  1. lol an exact instance of PERSISTENT IMPATIENCE. you wait and when we feel like it we will let you know. so stop ASKING and leave mur alone about something as stupid as this, thats what SHOEPS is for hehe
  2. actually you know what would be cool, i know it's been done before where all the players go to their correct mp lvl i remember reading it in my noob days lol
  3. heh then explain the most recent pm from someone that had 58 heads saying i'm not supposed to attack in the dojo unless i ask. morons like this are the main reason i stress the issue to begin with. that area is not a sanctuary and during the heads contest there WILL be attacks there, and not just me i already know quite a few others, but you can't tell them not to because it's part of the contest. If you dont have heads you are safe, but if you do you're screwed and everyone else knows it. I almost feel sorry for the idiot that thinks he can get away with holding heads there.
  4. anyone is only allowed to win once, except me cause i'm an rpc and cant participate
  5. hmmm ok for one... the heads contest is unfair, everyone knows that and nothing will be done about it in general, 2 I AM RJ is a fairly weak character lol. 3 as far as mp3's go i do attack them for such reasons, and if they should be mp4 or mp4's that should be mp5's will be getting mass attacked for the simple reason that they want to try to god a lvl. if they have an issue with that put your complaint in the complaint box locationed right above the trash can. don't worry about the bottom of the complaint box, it isn't supposed to be there :-P
  6. haha i got 16 messages today alone concerning the inner document. Does anyone think they got it from me? nope. as far as putting quests up for it is concerned, i, for one, didn't find out about this until everyone else did pretty much. and i highly doubt anyone else knew about it. making a quest does take time to do. So for all you impatient people, try waiting instead of being impatient and persistant. i am keeping track of who sends me a pm about it, as i dont answer pm's about it anymore. and the annoying part thats stated above will become affective in my HATE list so everyone can know how annoying you are.
  7. i wanna be off topic so this looks like a good area. Dojo during head contest? i dont think so, so dont go there and think it is a sanctuary and then moan about being attacked. Even in sanctuaries you can get attacked during the heads contest, so dont send me or anyone else pm's about it during the head contest. I would expect that those controlling the dojo aren't sending messages saying that it's a no attack zone or whatever during the head contest as well.
  8. heh i always look out for cheating in the heads contest. They however, aren't breaking any rules. now if you see something like "simplyzero"simplyzero1"simplyzero2" etc that would be under suspicion. sry simply you make for a good example.
  9. with what i am saying it would mean that adepts wouldn't be a requirement for mp6
  10. i dont bully for one. i go by balance when attacking. number 2 i can't check my own fight logs after the fight is over never mind checking someone else's. You seem to think i have imaginary powers of being able to surf through peoples account, in which case if i did i would just check theirs creatures instead of checking fight logs. And this topic has obviously dragged out more than it should have, hence the joke.
  11. there is nothing wrong with cows. They make good burgers... i mean milk.
  12. for the record my attitude was the sam before as it is now lol
  13. all that accomplishes is making more things for me to do lol. Oh and BTW if you think mp3's are bad i just got a message from an MP5!!! "it's not right that you attacked me.......blah blah blah" If you are mp5 and are not bright enough to have a defensive ritual up by now then you deserve to lose that ritual. mp3's i can fully understand with ruining their 100 win rituals, but an mp5 complaining like an mp3. Maybe we should separate mind power lvls by intelligence. You have to pass a quiz to advance to the next mind power cause if you are an mp5 and play and complain like an mp3 then you should stay and mp3 and not be able to advance!!
  14. all it was before was a bonus for getting people to sign up. Now it seems it is starting to be used as Private LHO's
  15. well i suppose another way to look at it is massmessaging is a horrible idea for multiple reasons. One is you are sending the same exact message to everyone, which unless it's a notification of a quest is stupid. like the people i know on other games or yahoo that mass message "Hey what's up?" to see who responds. It also will present the interwhores into the game you know the ones that continuously make new screennames and send as many messages as they can at once to everyone advertising something gay before they get banned. Massmessaging to adepts is retarded overall. you should talk to adepts individually if you want to talk to them.
  16. mass messaging would be nice... the only problem with it is you can't message everyone in the game. Exampe is 1 you have to find the players location to message them 2 you have to have already sent them a message 3 they have to be on your friends list, or 4 they have to be an adept. there would have to be a box to select and deselect names. cause you cannot fill in names. on the other end of it the outgoing messages tend to bug me. I as well as others tend to forget who we sent messages to. and end up sending it again or not sending it at all because once the person reads the message it is no longer in the outbox.
  17. yea whatever it is i found out after attacking everyone in there... oops lol It does need a sign or something cause experienced players dont know about this.
  18. thanks morgana for making my name public!!! lol anyways, lord knows how many complaints i get about attacking everyone. It's been put in here a few times now and i'll even say it. IT JUST A GAME!!! if you are attacked by someone and killed and you have a good ritual i have seen this several times when i was mp3, dont message the person that attacked swearing your head off. it will only get you attacked more often. As for the person that started this topic and a few others that have been warned. Don't swear in the chat cause it will get you banned. provoking people in chat isn't a smart idea either. especially if you dont think you are gonna lose, cause you will. There are several reasons i attack mp3's. One is studying their rituals. Might sound stupid but i have helped several mp3's that way. 2 some mp3 accounts like *cough*ReaperDeathSeal*cough* shouldn't exist in mp3. The heads contests are one reason i look at accounts like that. If there weren't so many people that had accounts like that it would be godding mp3. Which happens to be something that i would like to prevent if i can. 3 some mp3 are actually fascinated with being attacked by a higher lvl as there are creatures that they have yet to see. I get lot's of pm's on all 3 things. And i get nastygrams alot too, sometimes i'm nice and return them back, other times i an see it's fustration and try to help them out with building their creatures up or something. I and just as nice as i am mean.
  19. newb protection sounds awesome... It also sounds like some experienced players should be in marble dale park to greet noobs out of tutorial mode... though i have noticed that some people are trying to make that area a non aggressional zone.
  20. lol this would definately add a new battle strategy every mp lvl. but at the same time alliances would somehow have to be segregated from this as they can attack any other alliance member. I think the creature amount should stay the same and instead focus on the balancing issue that there is.
  21. the original purpose of adepts was to get more people to play the game. Now that they are changeable i do not think that being more than one person's adept is suitable. Instead I think that is someone doesn't start with person of their choosing for an adept that they should be auto-assigned to an LHO. This way they will have someone to talk to about the game. And an introduction of depts could be added so they know.
  22. yea in between 11pm and 3am EST there are hardly ever lho's on. I hav been talking about this for a little while now with The LHO Inquisitor and maybe soon there will be something done about it... Anyone thaats on at those times should make themselves known to .Jonn.
  23. smartalekrj


    lol noone wants to be my adept... i think i lost 2 in the process somehow lol
  24. eastern standard time
  25. yea the losses are killer... just trying to figure a way to fix it.
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