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Everything posted by smartalekrj

  1. omg i saw this in my dream, i was working on my quest and everythign was going good, but there was a loophole in it. and i saw that loophole in my dream. if someone has the key to acces the storyline with choices, they can go back and make a choice again by starting from the beginning... How do i prevent this from happening? when making the choices to do do i leave the key there and make it so you cant get another key if they have that one? or is there a better way... am i making sense? maybe. idk. glad all i do is dream of md. lol
  2. it wasn't reported... i got pm's that old to prove you wrong. and there's only one way to know the bug wasn't reported so who do you think i talked to?
  3. [quote]regardless how much i try to secure things, there will always be something to abuse or exploit[/quote] This is true not just in MD but all games. There is always a way to find an exploit, or coincidently run into a bug. The vets of the game have accidently run into bugs in the past. I'm not much of a bug finder, but, like for instance there was the dead bird bug. I knew something was off when dst attacked me so i looked at it again and figured it out. I asked dst if it was reported at the time and she said yes. Couple days later i found out it wasn't. Another instance ummm heads contest. Shoeps(back in the day when points were first implemented) found that if you didn't have any living cheatures then you couldn't lose heads. That was reported but alot of people didn't know it was at the time. Thats just 2 examples of bugs in the past. Both problems were handled in different ways. The ruling used to be "If you find a bug you have to report it right away, THEN afterwards you could use that bug until it is fixed" But for this that ruling shouldn't be the same. scripting is delicate(as i'm finding out) honestly if i were to find a bug in scripting i would report it, not on here, directly to mur's pm, so others can't use it, and then DELETE it. My topic would be Script Bug, so Mur knows it's about scripting. I would suggest if anyone finds themself in that situation they would take that action. I hate making long posts.
  4. is there a delete button lets say when you are done using the clickable? so it deletes everything you put into it automatically
  5. [quote]Remember that @content[0] will always be placed on the page, regardless of whether you echo it or not. It will also appear after your code output. To avoid this, do not give any @content[0], start your content section from @content[1] instead [/quote] thnks content[0] was the issue... also i HAVE to have echo there otherwise i end up with an error
  6. sure lol
  7. yea... i know what i have, am i supposed to announce it to you or something?
  8. echo @content[0] echo @content[1] i used both on the same content at different times and the font size was bigger with 0 than 1. Thought it was odd if it's not then why?
  9. @ Mur's last post. Can you make it so, like the quest log kinda(where it resets after 7 days) but instead of resetting after a time limit reset when the key has been activated. Meaning the quest maker has to go back and reset the key. not sure if that makes much sense. Since the idea is to make quests automatic why have the questmaker still have to do work after it's complete lol. Also i'm reading up on php... should be up to speed on all php codes by thanksgiving(Nov 26th) and thnks for those that offered to help me a bit
  10. i'm having issues with "default_content" as i'm trying to make it just so the content shows up in 3 clickables i have in goe... because they are a lead in to what i am working on. if i use the content seperator the content doesn't show up when the activation word is entered, but if i dont use the content seperator the i get a parse or sysntax error on line 2(default_content) but the content shows up. i'm not going to pretend i know a heck of a lot about scripting(cause i haven't read up on php) i suppose i need to start reading up on it. if i'm reading this correctly(i hope) i should be able to make it so someone can't skip in between clickables like it has been done in the past? (ex. you cannot get to part 2 of my story without first getting part 1.) And yes i am having fun trying to learn something new. oh and your supposed to enter as such?(the first part is a general and would require no activating things other than the activating word) IF ... DO default_content:1 END On a side not i want to utilize every new feature into The DracHorn Story one way or another. With the stories current start taking several paths is optionalable(yea not a real word, i know) and it could be used for informative purposes to others learning scripting(like a real working example to go by) And i do have the next part ready but i wanna get the first 3 working properly first.
  11. ooo chess is fun, and i pwn at it lol
  12. hehe bow down to me grido :-P Also i think i read somewhere's that your iq doesn't change(if it was done correctly) Though i find that hard to believe as i've seen earth's natural elements(weed,coke,other mind altering substances) cause some major differences in a persons thinking ability. But do note that beer makes you smarter so drink up
  13. my iq is 152... my iq drunk is 164... does that make sense? and yes i'm being serious. I was professionally tested both sober and drunk a couple months apart from each other. Gotta love science lol
  14. smartalekrj

    super freak

    he's a super freak.. SUPER FREAK!!!
  15. so then it's a bug?
  16. the x's were solved and are filled in silly :-P
  17. Post opinions of the story so far in here.... It is still in the Epilogue stage and i'm hoping to make at least 60 parts with several sidequests to it The first 3 parts are all in goe and the Words to Speak to get them are drachorn1, drachorn2, drachorn3
  18. Action reported, you do not have access to this document. If you feel it is an error please report on the bug section. #rpcdoc22 #:6 this is when trying to edit my questpage... viewing is fine and the first part is normal.
  19. lol i'm the king of drinking so lets see if i can come up with some names for my second home hmmm lamest name: Junior's Pub Funniest Name: Minor's Dreamland: A Place That Doesn't Card. Scariest Name: SmartAlekRJ's Home hehe
  20. this woud allowed waaaaay too many bugs to be exploited all over again... and almost all the bugs are just getting fixed :-P
  21. i have to agree with mur on that... I had some impossible questions in one of my quests and yet at least 50 people were able to find the answers quickly.
  22. yay someone else from Florida *can i get a forum mod to edit the topic to spell Florida correctly*
  23. lol so questions like "Why does Wodin still exist?" aren't goods one huh? wow 4 drachorns, going from trying to make them rare to overpopulating them again i see. Always wondered who the culprits were that overpopulated the place was.
  24. Just seeing how many people are from Florida i know 3 people now and would like to know more. Post in here if you live in Florida.
  25. i can assure you when I say YOU it means YOU, i dont know who ya'll is. Is there more than one of you? You shouldn't assume so much. I have read every single announcement twice which is why i am posting such things. you say i'm losing touch well thats hard to say either way, the fact that i'm posting about this would technically prove otherwise... My rl issues are keeping me from being on the computer, but that doesn't mean i am losing touch with anything. Calling me a fossil what does that make you? the Big Bang Theory? And you let enough people abuse MD so i'm not suprised about you walking away from it :-P
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