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Everything posted by smartalekrj

  1. I gotta agree on this with curiose... And gotta agree with mb lol... This is at least the 4th time this has been broughten up. I brought it up myself like 3 years ago... In the end there's not much to be done about it as everyone has semi-free will to do as they please when they please. As that is the main point of md it seems... to see how much you can get away with until you get banned or in jail, that is... lol What is a lil catch is can you really say that what you do is best for newer players at all times?
  2. Not sure if it is just my computer being lame, but I added a lvl4 DracHorn to my bestiary and the picture doesn't fit inside the space like the lvl5 and lvl3 does. Can anyone confirm? I'm in the paper cabin and will stay there for a while until confirmed
  3. Firstly, I'm not tripping on shrooms or acid while bringing this up.(just drinking as usual) It has never really occured to me until this very moment. Do you think it is a coincidence or deliberate? You start off md ON the pc. You also start off md IN the pc!!!
  4. od the votes count cause it's a different ip address would be my question... i think they do count
  5. Well while we are at it I might as well donate something.... hmmm what do I have to donate to this.... hmmm ok I guess it's all I got... One of my DracHorns. Untokened and never traded before... Age 925 as of right now.
  6. You can figure out your ip address by going to ipaddress.com?
  7. so your selling a specific wish meant for those to be earned in trade for coinage or items... I believe i got in trouble for doing the same thing if i'm not mistaken....
  8. i thought selling wp's wasn't allowed?
  9. any other reason I would gain loyalty besides donating heat and logging in daily?(besides if i were in an alliance)
  10. do we still get 1 loyalty point per active day?(not in an alliance)
  11. Is there a different way of looking up how much heat you donated to your protector other than through your protector directly?
  12. very interesting change indeed... What caused this change to happen? This makes a huge difference and coincides with the recent viscosity so i'm just curious as to what prompted the great mastermind to this ingenius ideal.
  13. add me forum name: smartalekrj ingame name: SmartAlekRJ
  14. lol i got it long before md

  15. This sounds like fun!!! I'll join in on it also. You can pm me and i'll send you one!
  16. didn't realize i drank that much til i sobered up and woke up here lol
  17. smartalekrj

    New Ggg?

    @yrth, The people i did ask said you had no access there. I was around when the recruitment of dracs was taken away and i know why. Again i will state I did ask about my access to the cave and never got a response. @Chewett: Sorry, the topic shouldve been closed a while ago.
  18. smartalekrj

    New Ggg?

    Well the point was those rules are clearly stated, whereas the one that was made up was in a post i never read. Therefore was unaware of it not being allowed. I dont like argueing with brick walls. So either learn to make sense, or learn to understand what you read. Your choice. You are clearly just looking for a reason to argue. Whether you make sense or not... And that is shown several times throughout this topic.
  19. smartalekrj

    New Ggg?

    [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1290239051' post='72631'] You're technically allowed to swear all the time, abuse alts, abuse silence spell, abuse bugs, give out free WP, etc. You are free to do these things; but you will be punished nonetheless. Besides, if you really believed that you could do anything technically allowed and get away fine and dandy, you wouldn't be yelling about dst's "godmodding". As another point, how are people supposed to warn you beforehand if they don't know what you're going to do? Do you expect people to read your mind? I'll put it this way; how often did you take people to the drach lair to train while you were RPC? Not very often, I'll bet. Don't assume the rules are different. [/quote] Who said anything about the rules not changing? They always change to benefit whoever mur likes at the moment. And you are taking things out of context. Here let me call a few of those CAN DO's you just posted out: Chat flood, Spam links in chat or repeated spam in PM Abusing bugs without reporting them You are allowed to talk about other games but obsesivly advertising something or flooding the chat with link to a site will get you banned without warning Spoiling quests or posting puzzle solutions / walkthrous on the forum is not allowed. You can help individual players but don't hand them the solution, just give them all the clues they need and let them figure it out..you can even give them more cluse than they need , just do not make it a boring click to advance type of game by spoiling it. Posting story spoilers / story structure / walkthrous on the forum or anywhere else will get you a warning, refusing to delete them will have your account permanently closed. Exchanging WishPoints between you. WP should be rewarded only for good reasons. Impersonating an other player pretending you are him or using very similar playername to do that Using playernames like "MagicDuel" or a creature name or combinations that could cause confusion Any attempt to cheat the system by directly altering page variables and such gets you permanent ip ban as well. Proxy use might not always help you. Any repeated complain from multiple unique users will get some kind of unwanted action on you, try not to offend people, or to cause a mess in general Keeping multiple browsers with multiple game accounts open at the same time will trigger a firewall rule that will get you banned from accessing the site, you better don't try that. You should be especialy carefull if you are in a network that exits on same IP with many others. Repeated harrassment without reason of other players will not be tolerated. If you have a reason for that, that reason should be discussed with a moderator and if that moderator is unable to solve the issue then put up for voting on the forum. By harrasment we understand constant verbal abuse and moking. Repeated attacks or other ways are not considered punishable harrasment but can be brought up for judging if you think they should. You are not allowed to insult someone in his public logs, if you want to share a negative remark about that player you have to explain it in decent terms. Using personal informations about a players "real life" to offend/affect/destroy his MD Character will be investigated based on complains and will be punished according to the damage caused to that character. If you have something _personal_ about someone use ways outside MD to settle the conflict. In MD you are facing the character that person created and not the person itself. Players are asked not to provoke anyone to break these rules, please keep your sexual orientations personal as they should be. Scriptable items should be scripted according to their name and description. You should not script items in a way that has nothing to do with their name like for example making a ctc verification item out of a sword or a healing item (probably possible with the new features i am planning) out of a chest. Players that use their editing abilities in such a way will lose their editing ability together with the wp spent for it. Players that persist in using scriptable items in a wrong way can get baned . Pretty sure a few of them are in that cannot do list. As far as dst's godmodding how come the only time i see that stupid spell she has being used is when she is being made fun of? Coincidence? I think not. And when I was an RPC I couldve taken a bunch of people in there, but then they wouldve taken a bunch of dracs. Now someone going in there and getting dracs out of it would be abusive. But thats not the case cause dracs cant be bought anymore. Well unless you could somehow find a way to bug the system into getting one which i believe is in the list of CANNOT DO's.
  20. smartalekrj

    New Ggg?

    As far as the drac cave goes, I wasn't warned about it until after the fact. As it does state in the GAME. You are free to do anything in the game that is tehnicaly allowed. I was and have been in and out of the drachorn cave a long time. I brought it up before i went inactive last year after I dropped rpc that i still had access. Never got a repsonse on that so i figured it was allowed. So from the time I went inactive to the time I came back i'm supposed to sift through 1300+ announcements and over 30,000 posts on the forum to see one little oneliner post saying the cave has been restricted? If the cave was restricted why wasn't my access taken away, its not like i was debugging the system or whatever. As most people know i have very little knowledge about how to abuse the game lol. And as dst pointed out i was warned in the paper cabin. Lifeline was already offline by that point. I did say in the cave that there was question as to whether the cave is an allowed area or not and everyone should leave prolly. Lifeline got on in the morning(mytime) and sent me a pm saying he teleported everyone on the list out and to the capital. Everyone that was taken there didn't know beforehand they were going there. And btw i dont like nor hate the ggg, i've been known to have gone there and screw people up once in a while, but to go there right when it starts just to harass players is too much. And harassing the same player over and over gets annoying after a while. Oh and you cant count warning someone several times before doing it if the person was warned after the fact!... that goes out to several people saying i was warned by several people beforehand.
  21. smartalekrj

    New Ggg?

    then leave the people of it alone... Nobody asked you to join anyways... The only reason you are hunting it down is because you have a PERSONAL problem with Seigheart. You shouldn't be allowed to abuse your modding priviledges because of your PERSONAL issues with other players.
  22. smartalekrj

    New Ggg?

    Just cause i'm curious, what the hell does GGG have to do with fenrir or seigheart? Are you that paranoid that you need to make up alter egos against other people and cause problems? There should only be one topic here and thats GGG so your secondary statement should be deleted for stupidity oh by the way, that logs shows nothing other than you are stalking people in game and people should call you an std. So thanks for blowing your own spot up stalker, you should be thrown in jail for abusing powers and stalking people for no reason.
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