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Posts posted by Braiton

  1. I think making it random is a good idea. If we could choose what creature we put the tokens on, anyone with enough cash would have way overpowered creatures. Imagine an mp3 with a grasan with over 20 tokens.

    Unless there was a limit like 5 tokens per creature.

  2. [quote name='Udgard' post='29391' date='Apr 25 2009, 12:31 AM']DItto this again. You hit the hammer right on the spot, Ailith. Role-playing is [b]playing your ROLE[/b], doing what your character would do. It is not limited to doing a bunch of * * actions all day in the GoE, yet some people seem to confuse this and say that RPCs that doesn't regularly do * * actions as not playing their role.

    I do hope this topic will open the eyes of more people..[/quote]

    I got to agree there. For example, my role is not only based around drachorns, but my character is also kind of a mad scientist. And thats what i represent in the game, im not necessary talking about drachorns all the time. Tell me, when did someone have a normal conversation with me ;)? And i do not use *'s to talk like that. I just talk, and thats what comes out :)

  3. [quote name='MRD' post='28695' date='Apr 11 2009, 10:58 PM']What has happened is a true shame. this is probably the saddest day in MD i have yet to have seen. Knator Commander, sir, your name will never be forgetten as long as i shall live in these lands. You have been a great inspiration to me and many others, and it is a true loss to have you not in your true place. Rest well my dear friend, call on me anytime you desire


    Well it seems to me people think and adress the matter as if he was "gone" or dead...but he is just retired. He can jump back in action whenever he wants.

  4. The smell of war is in the air! We need a war :P!

    Be dead friend from above
    When darkness falls
    Descend into my sights
    Your fallen walls
    Spearhead break through the lines
    Flanked all around
    Soldiers of attrition
    Forward their ground
    Gregime prophetic age
    Old in its time
    Flowing veins run on through
    Deep in the rhine
    Center of the web
    All battles scored
    What is our war crimes
    (era forever more...)

  5. I agree with Logan. Its unfair. But its over already and you cant change that.
    Those who won the HC before the rewards got seriously upgraded didnt complain either.
    For example, i came 2nd long ago in a HC contest and i only got a fair ammount of credits as reward, but you dont see me complaining about it.

    In Response to Liberty below: That was a statement, not a complaint lol.

  6. You could do this. But Mur wont allow it anymore.
    Look in the announcements.

    [2008-12-21 01:41:01 - Alpha 8]
    Credit transfers between player accounts are not allowed for a while. Please do not request such a thing for the next period, your request will be ignored. Thank you for understanding.

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