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Everything posted by Grido

  1. which is also coincidently, the phone number of a flat in islington where a young woman had just thought of how to save the earth from all this mess, before it was destroyed
  2. Yes, I have sent the petition to Mur to have Yrthilian deposed as king, the document will be made public (by him presumably), and there will be a vote on the matter, this will not happen before the 2nd October. [quote]I just hope there are enough of you who are loyal to the land and to GG to choose the right path. If i am removed by the vote then of corse this will happen. If i am not then i will know truly the people that were and always are loyal to the Land the the allaince.[/quote] I am loyal to the land, you have brought much pain upon it, which is why i do this, for the land. [quote]So i beleve the plan was to have this vote done while i am not around and there for happen again when i am not around to defend myself. So that is now twice this has been arranged. But still if it was me then of corse i am a tryant and shpuld be punished.[/quote] I would like to clarify that i did ask, and hoped, that this be done before you left, aparently it cant happen before the 2nd though, which is a shame, i wanted you present when the voting was happening so you would have a chance to defend your actions.
  3. it was not waiting till i was punished that did it, but the punishment, how to phrase....opened my eyes? to what he has done
  4. [quote]the community needs to be able to see what stats you would put on it, so that they can say if they think it's too strong / already implemented, or some other comment[/quote]
  5. [quote]This creature is brand new, it has never been thought of before and if it is created its abilities should be a suprise[/quote] I get what you're saying here, i do, but how would the crature being implemented if only you know the stats for it? the community needs to be able to see what stats you would put on it, so that they can say if they think it's too strong / already implemented, or some other comment
  6. right, Debug isnt a mouse, Debug would be a human, the mice are trying to discover the question by getting into the brain of Debug as Debug is 42...wait...no.....if Debug is 42....then he is the answer, and it means he lives on the place where the question is....so MagicDuel knows the question, and we have to pick apart someone's brain to find the question cos the program didnt finish....wait...the answer was never a person....it just was....so if Debug just knows, rather than is, the answer, that would mean he's a superduper computer (Deepthought) and he has to design the machine to state the answer.....we just have to find the thing Debug created....and then wait till it discovers the question...
  7. whichever reason it is...if it's not a new creature idea, then it's the wrong area, so i would like clarification so i know if to move it or not
  8. If you want the iventory item of a clockwork drachorn, then this is the wrong sectionand you should be finding out Udgard. If you want a creature (that you can fight with) of a clockwork drachorn, then you will have to come up with stats and abilities. Without any at least suggestions on either, the idea will not be considered. If you want neither of these, please elaborate more.
  9. well if you think about it, would you wish someone happy birthday you saw walking down the street with a birthday badge? cos it's essentially the same thing congratulate those you know, not the randoms
  10. generally the tradition also states that the players we're wishing Happy Bday to are active.... Kid is i think, but the others i dont remember at all... nevertheless, Happy Brithday
  11. i am not going to go into the details of what a king can or cannot do, but i will point out the title of the poll, to DEPOSE him Depose is to remove someone from power without killing them. A king does not control his population, they choose to follow him unless they have no choice, i am not stating he cannot do what he did to me, because as king he had every right to do whatever he likes to his people, until that is, they rebel, like they are now.
  12. Let me restate something, i do not wish to be king, i would not be capable of it at certain times, and yes, i also have other duties i must attend to. The me putting myself on the line is putting myself publicly in the light of what this thread stands for, i stood up and objected where others who have now also come forward and sided with me, did not. I believe that is what Pample refers to. Also, i would back the most suitable candidate for rule, if someone better suited than MB came forward then i would support them instead, and i am sure he would understand it, this is however not the place to discuss a future ruler when there is still the old one in place. The topic is to remove Yrth, not to install another leader just yet. I had seen the other reasons before, but what Yrth did to me by exiling was the thing that broke the camels back (or however the phrase is).
  13. as far as i'm aware, Shades also dont really have a temporal reasoning, so attacking after it attacked you,or attacking before it attacked you, it's all the same, it was still attacking back against you
  14. [quote]Yes Grido this was your plan and no i didnt not give you warning of what the out come would be you stood back brogt Peace to Golemus and happly trotted up to the capitiol with the enemy so what you say is a load of BS[/quote] err, i'd like to see where you did warn me? that was after i'd already stopped being involved that i was in Golemus with her, you said you'd kill her if she was there again, it didnt happen again....(note invited onto land, not alliance) and making it quicker for her is what i'm now being accused of? she couldve just walked through the Lab after all. And please elaborate on this BS you speak of, truly, i want to know in what way i acted against the land, Peace (who couldve gotton to Golemus without my help) and i, were literally just sitting on top of Kelle'tha, both idle. Again, you seem to be punishing me for ooc relations....being friends with people irl is a crime now? you asked for an ig one so i stated something quickly and lamely, in yim i might add. One rule for me and another for everyone else? Other people oppose something, and you do nothing, i do it and i get exiled? Inaction isnt the same as turning my back, you need a better dictionary. I may have phrased something badly in a previous post, but i don't believe i stated having an issue with what i was doing, my issues come from saying that i wont do it anymore and then you exiling me. I have shown nothing but loyalyy in the past, you know this. rl is SUPPOSED to be seperate from the game, but can i help it if i cannot seperate my feelings, or if another can't? You are punishing me for an inaction due to a rl reason which you asked for an rp reason for. i did not have one, so i offered that i was friends with her in game as well.
  15. plus..copyright anyone? costs of being allowed to use that piece of music?
  16. Grido

    Name That Pub!

    yeah, iab already named it "BOB" - Born of Boredom
  17. Yrth, i quoted that because i wanted to show our brief convesation about you telling me what you did, at no previous point did you even hint that you will do this, if i recall when i gave you the rl explanation and you asked for the in game one i said "well i'm friends with her in game as well" which to me, is a loose reasoning, due, mainly to the fact i didnt really have an in game reason, and you wanted one off me. you then responded quite normally "guess it'll have to do" or something. Not interfering, isn't taking the other side, i think it's referred to as being neutral... I do not ask you to step down as King, Yrth, that is why it's called diposing, removing you as king. In fact, you know what? stay king. But be a king of no land, a king of no support, go look for other lands to rule. Golemus is not yours anymore. You're saying i let rl interfere because i didn't want the hassle of a friendship being messed up? I told you when i stopped my plans, well you started the yim to me, but within a few hours anyway, it was public, i at no point gave any information regarding anyone else's plans regards this, and if you dont know me well enough to believe me, ask anyone else i communicate with, i do not share information i havent been told i'm allowed to. I was being neutral, and in no way acted against you, it was my idea to take the alliance, which i told you about, it was my plan to end, which i did. Yrth, you're saying you wouldn't take it personally? because if you say that, you're a liar. Do you believe that i don't hold the land dear to me also? Why do you think i am doing this? I do it for the best interests of the land. Just because i appreciate ooc friendships? you would punish me for that? We might like to play our characters entirely in game or character, but the truth is, if you talk to people ooc then other things get involved, am i sorry for that? no. Did you at any point indicate this would happen? No. You gave me no warning or notification or anything else until i recieved that message, and then asked about it, you act too rashly that you would do this without even mentioning it to me. You ask for it, then we will see those who object you come forward, perhaps they didnt do it before because going against what you say can get them exiled? Let me be clear here, it was i who asked around about this, i asked the backer with regards to this, i asked their support, which they gave to me, irregardless of them becoming king or not. Regardless, this thread is to dipose you as king, not to elect a new one. @Peace, I am a Golemus lad, so i will have to decline your offer. @Mur, the thread here is to dipose Yrth, there will be another topic as regards whether there would be a new king, with regards to him being secret, he wouldnt be a secret leader, he is just secret for now and will reveal himself shortly due to such argument against the anonimity of him. Also, to re-itterate, this is not me wanting to be king, nor is this thread about a new king. A king is only king if the people accept him as king, without the people's backing they have no power and the title is meaningless.
  18. Lib, i believe i told you about my unique bug, if i didn;t or don't remember, just yim me
  19. [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Earlier today Yrthilian had my entire access to Golemus removed, including my spell to get there due to not taking over Sentinals before the battle due to friendship.[/font] [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]short yim convo with him;[/font] [font="Verdana, sans-serif"][spoiler]Yrthilian: Check you PM when you are online please. The action was taken i beleve for good reasion. Sorry[/font] [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Grido: the £$%^! i got that spell and access before getting second in command![/font] [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Yrthilian: I know but actions need to be taken[/font] [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Yrthilian: to safe guard Golemus and well you showed your loyalties to the enemy[/font] [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Grido: because my rl friendship means more to me than a game?!?[/font] [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Yrthilian: you said in game friendship was your reason too[/font] [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Grido: you said you wanted a role play reason[/font] [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Grido: so i said that one[/font] [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Yrthilian: i have to use what you said was as reasion in game[/font] [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Grido: if i knew you were gonna do this i woulda used a proper reason[/font] [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Grido: like a "the plans i had tried to achieve failed to go to fruition"[/font] [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Grido: you will regret this[/spoiler][/font] [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]I wish for him, as ruler of Golemus Golemicarum to be diposed in favor of another person. A powerful backer, who isn’t me and speaks for himself below. [/font] [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]I do not have a lot of reasons, but they are very good reasons. [/font] [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]He is unworthy as king for he acts with poor judgement in the past. From attacking without full backing against the Sentinals, to in pure vengeance, giving a one hour deadline to Peace to give back the GG alliance, which wasn't possible to make, due to rl work for her.[/font] [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]He is unworthy as king for he acts without consideration for his people. If he truly wanted the alliance back, he would have given a longer time frame of, say 24 hours. [/size][/font][/color] [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]He stated the threat to her 4 days previous, and she responded that the alliance would be given back to the land after the battle, just not to him. [/size][/font][/color] [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]And what is better for the land? The land getting an alliance back, or the king getting a puppet to control? A good king would choose for his people and his land, a dictator would choose for more consolidated power.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]If he as king was so considerate of his people, then I think he should have tried to keep the war that Jester was just talking about, outside his own borders. By directly invading him, all promise for diplomacy was flushed away and it made his people look like the real enemies, while in fact they were suffering for being forced to leave their homes and invade. Some of which were friends.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]He is unworthy as king for he is now acting without legitimacy and without loyal support from those who are acting for the good of the people. A king suspicious of his second in command is nothing but paranoid and quite frankly, crazy. A king so paranoid he would allow for his allies, the knights of the bell, to enslave the necrovions, just to have a better chance at winning a war. [/size][/font][/color] [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]*Powerful backer*: [/size][/font][/color] [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]I will remain hidden for now. But let me make this clear. Yrthilian, for all the reasons stated above and for many more secret reasons, has proved to me in my own eyes that he is unworthy as a king. Support me or Grido and I promise you, the people of GG will no longer suffer. [/size][/font][/color] [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]No more shall they be faced with the hard choice of having to fight friends or desert their army.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]No more shall they be faced with calls to war they do not agree with. [/size][/font][/color] [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]No more shall they be faced with a man enthralled with his desire for power, even willing to destroy a legendary man’s soul, a loved man’s soul, his good human and innocent part even, just to regain control over his alliance. Was this cube not given to Yrthilian in the promise of good behavior and safe keeping? Instead the madman destroys it and enslaves the last part left, increasing the suffering.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]And for what? To continue a war that has been lost already?[/size][/font][/color] [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]A just king would have seen his mistake and would not have allowed the unjust behavior of capturing prince Marvolo. How was this man an enemy?[/size][/font][/color] [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]A just king would not have said to liberty that taking slaves from necrovion would be allowed. How is this a righteous pre-emptive war?[/size][/font][/color] [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]A just king would not play with his loyal subordinates and then sever ties so easily, under the guise of it being for the good of the land. I could have believed that after the words of Jester, a pre-emptive war, might have been justified. But such unjust treatment of innocents, own subordinates and even allowing the taking of slaves, that is not the behavior of a good king.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]This king is no longer king in my eyes. This man is a dictator and has to be overthrown![/size][/font][/color]
  20. Grido


    closed per request
  21. closed as per request
  22. must've done, i havent tried sending an item to a player that doesnt exist, so maybe he spelt your name wrong?
  23. Grido


    [attachment=1145:minesweeper1.jpg] where the red circle should be a mine because the 2 to the top left of it has to be near 2mines and that's the only other option or the green circle should be because the 3 to the bottom left means it has to be touching 3 mines, and the only other place, on the 3's right, it cant go because the 3 and 2 bottom and to the right of the space, both have all the mines near them found. eh...teaching someone how to play misesweeper isnt something to do at 3am...
  24. the me getting special favors isnt in contention, i just dont get them if anyone who sacced a shop critter which cost more than $20 to get and said they did it accidently, well that'd still be a problem, cos it'd have to be worked out if the stats gained from saccing the creature affected stat gains in fights directly afterwards....it gets confusing anyway, if you let people get back the creatures after they've sacced them there's all sorts of issues and complications, even if it would only be 15 mins or whatever
  25. Grido


    ..i have no words...well ok a few, yeah there's a logic to it, you know those numbers you see, they mean something EDIT: yeah....i'm gonna play minesweeper now...
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