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Everything posted by Grido

  1. As far as i'm aware the status on Chapter 3 is that the story is all done, but images are needed. Also, what with the issues there were surrounding that ""[Ancient Lore NOT TO BE REFERED in Realm or any research. It is just a story NOT a myth, NOT history of Magic Duel. ]"", not sure what Murs feelings on Story Mode is anymore
  2. Grido

    Who Is Right?

    shhh, there's still time for all the unbribed people to vote for me
  3. err...yeah...not really a bug, but still.. Can a cap be imposed upon the length of the line in the mood panel? i keep getting fed up with people (atm IaB) who use continuous letters and break the panel, meaning other peoples actual moods are unreadable cos half is off the screen, make sense?
  4. that sounds good, please do
  5. don't play it much anymore, but got pretty far in a couple of tournaments when i was younger. love it
  6. When is this happening / starting? cos i want to play as well, but i want to make sure there's a time i can do it
  7. I think that you (Mur) agreed with something i said in the Kings thread, about not having to obey the leader of the land, but pledging to the land rather than the leader of said land.... but you've put at the bottom of the tab; "By submiting this form you agree to obey the laws of the land you selected and obey its ruler." I don't agree to "obey" the leader, and i think you agreed with the point i made about it in the other thread, so could this be changed please? As a side note, since this is work in progress section, anyone else with comments/issues, post here?
  8. as i believe someone has already stated in responce to your status a bit back you should look to see what quests you can actually do, rather than just concentrating on the WP ones
  9. Grido

    Who Is Right?

    but i'm real too!!! i'll prove it when i gather enough monies and time to come over
  10. yeah you need something like 20 posts for an album loving the pics and the captions
  11. The time is flexible, i just set that time cos it sounds good The only disallowed spells are teleportation ones and ban ones (not that any of you have that spell). I could arrange a chat log
  12. Whilst i think the removal of RPC's is a big enough change to start the next Alpha step, i think there are too many unfinished things currently...i don't know what you're working on currently, but i would think, that rather than trying to implement new things (and i know you love this ) that the unfinished, or broken things get fixed first. And with it being a big step, i would say finishing off the old things increases the symbolism of the stage, and shows how far the game has progressed. With the tokens, i believe Shadowseeker sent something to you, which he believes would balence them out, at least for now, so possibly implementing that? Unless you have another idea which would work. Wish Shop, i have no idea what else you're wanting to put in there, but there's the quest rating thing? That could help with the new WP distribution thing as well possibly? You made a list of things you'd stopped doing in the other thread, maybe you could work on those? finish them off? I figure it'd help with closure on the previous stage(s), and make it more appropriate moving onto the new stage. Again, absolutely no clue about how long it'd take to do all that stuff , but if it co-incided with the King accounts starting to be used (which i suppose is entirely up to you when it happens), then that would be a good point to start Alpha 10 i think.
  13. Granos and Me held an impromptu Spell Fight tonight, and we were thinking, why not have a regular one. The contests will be held the night before the spell counters reset, so you dont have to worry about using them all up So on the 4th and 18th of every month, at 00:00 server time (spells reset on the same day at 07:00), outside Sage's Keep People will be marked on their inventive titling of their spells(where this can be discovered ), and how many spells they manage to cast. And the person who gains the most points gains a GG Drachorn with lots of tokens on it.* [size="1"]Sponsored by G & G Entertainment Ltd. *This is a lie. Winner won't actually be rewarded anything. G & G cannot be held liable for any loss of limbs, voice, or basic bodily functions. [/size]
  14. Grido

    Who Is Right?

    *'s are actions, and thus enacting a role yeah yeah, after the fact covering up you being nice
  15. Grido

    Who Is Right?

    proof? here you go dst: i'm evil ... dst: I never roleplay ... dst: c'mon Z! be a sweety dst: for me *batteling eyelashes and puppy eyes* If the purpose of an argument is to change the nature of truth, and you're saying that the purpose of argument is to convince me that you're always right....then the nature of truth would be that you're not always right, and visa-ve I am
  16. Grido

    New ideas

    First, i think you mean VE. Second, there's a reason that they don't gain it automatically, it means you have to actually pay attention to what's happening with your creatures
  17. Grido

    Who Is Right?

    *tries to remind certain LHO's where their loyalties are meant to lay* I also have proof of various occaisions where dst has NOT been correct
  18. Grido

    Who Is Right?

    pfff, they get packs of cookies from me, the cabin is always well stocked
  19. Noooo! No censoring the bad pics
  20. and i was asking what you were on about, udgard is talking about what the topic is about, to refresh your memory; [quote]I can see problems arising in the future with people having permanent access into LR through the back entrance.. The back entrance is an RPC clickable item, meaning it can be used to put quest information on it. If someone buys the perma access Wish from the shop then they will not be able to use the clickable as they would just go through into LR when they click it, this would then stop them from being able to complete any quests using that item without help of some form... Could simply say "well don't use it as a clickable" then in which case why is it one? umm, yeah Any thoughts on that at all? ~1am Ramblings of a Crazy man.[/quote] and your comment seemed to have no relevance to it
  21. ditto for me? I havent played in a while
  22. err, Bell, did you read what the topic was about? because if you did, your responce makes no sense
  23. that is not the reason i still have my dots, i should not still have my dots, account is just a bit buggy but yes, i still have my administrative spells, because i am still the LHO manager
  24. At the very least, i belive Firsanthelas and Princ Rhaegar have also publicly applied
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