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Everything posted by Grido

  1. not sure why you put this in the resolved bugs area....but i've moved it now, anyway. Did you encounter the *Live Help*, Default Account, or Mur.. accounts when they were around? If so then that is the reason, the keys got mucked up.
  2. uhh, Death Ray? what?
  3. Thought This Was Good, So Wanted To Share; [media][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGLN2uZLje4"]http://www.youtube.c...h?v=XGLN2uZLje4[/url][/media]
  4. it doesnt happen to me at all, so it's not global
  5. It's the error which is the issue, not the combat never took place bit. It's 24 hours btw, wipes at 0000 every day. The error shouldnt happen ordinarily.
  6. Yeah, the stencil dragon would look good on a t-shirt, and agreed, advertising is way too small on them, have to be pretty close to read it, and by then they're running away cos you have a person killing a clown with a branch on it as well the Cookies one i think is a quote from somewhere else which we just all use also, [url="http://www.zazzle.co.uk/come_to_the_dark_side_we_have_cookies_tshirt-235623049494097373"]already some on that site with that slogan[/url] Please dont boost dst's ego even further....other ego's will suffer for it...
  7. Yeah, Mur commented a while back now, that if anyone knew of new or original games that he didnt mind us promoting them, and would seem like this would fit with that.
  8. of course it says Rudolf All awesome, i'm loving the blood dripping from the words on the first t-shirt. It's a bit of a shame they dont do reduced shipping rates for multiple different items, or they dont seem to, anyway.
  9. As a note on the price, on .com it's $24.90, converts(through google) to £14.85 on .co.uk it's £19.35.... oh that's the 444ml prices btw. Not sure why that is, unless they(Google/Zazzle) havent updated their currency converter in a while, but think i'll be using the .com if i get it. So long as the top price is the intended one, i think it's a reasonable price LE: btw, what's that written on the orange..collar?
  10. isnt the thing Bell is talking about referring to the uploaded image that Chad does? rather than something forum controlled (unless some maximum was put in). If when he uploads, he reduces the size of the picture before hand, then that would sort it out...so speak to him?
  11. [quote]No, your understanding of what spam is, is wrong. Spam is unsolicited [b]mail.[/b] In other words, mail that Isnt relevant.[/quote] No...that's the definition of spam MAIL. When the definition you use specifies "unsolicited mail" it doesnt cross your mind that it might not be the correct use when applied to a forum? Forum Spam has two meanings; The first being all those viagra ads etc. The second being useless or pointless replies to threads.
  12. Spam on the forum isnt just things that are offtopic, but also those posts which have no usefull content, posts for instance which just have "LOL " are spam.
  13. Gauisus natalis Neno Veliki, fui a bonus unus.
  14. LOL, that's awesome. Only suggestion i'd make, is to make the "Join the adventure...." bigger, want it readable, so people dont just think we're regular crazy people
  15. indeed, farewell and happy travels in whatever faces you, it was a pleasure knowing you, and i will always remember one word; ""SPLODGE!""
  16. "I'm an LHO and proud of it!" "I might talk to a tree, but i'm not crazy" "I went to Mt Kelle'tha and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" No others spring to mind There's that thread Sagewoman made ages ago though, which i think has some in
  17. Grido

    Odd Bug

    topic closed
  18. RE: other people having your cube / giving your cube away Well, this ~should~ mean that the player who has your cube has power over you, Khalazdad's cube for instance (not exactly the same thing, i know), meant that Yrth has power over that part of his soul.
  19. mwahahahahahahahaah
  20. *starts looking through some unsensored pics of the night he just got hold of*
  21. ooh, and then we can actually have the "I went to Mt Kelle'tha and all i got was this lousy t-shirt" etc
  22. the traitors are within your midst [spoiler]and you all better send be the unsensored pics [/spoiler]
  23. we can have them then? cos i'm thinking that there'd be a fair number of people wanting various MD related items.* *not quite sure how slippers work, though i have in my head the fluffy type, so...
  24. LOL sounds too awesome a night, got me looking online for flights last night after i heard some of what happened
  25. [quote]Don't say that I wasted your time because wasting time is obviously a part of your job, don't blame me for it.[/quote] Sorry...what? Wasting time is NOT part of my job, i dont appreciate other people wasting my time. So like i said, DONT DO IT. Issue is closed.
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