Yar, this list will be updated with people i have recieved answers from and who has gained a reward out of them, for more details on the quest itself, look on the Quest tab in game, or on my Quest document (tab is more reliable and updated). Remember, i accept multiple entries, but only one is rewarded.
I would first of all like to thank you all for your responces, just because i didn't reward them, doesnt mean i didn't like them .
[b]Not rewarded[/b]
[indent]Anybody (173045)
*Burns* (53832)
Death Ray ( )
[attachment=1548:Death Ray.doc]
Fawe (140392)
I am Bored (38621)
[attachment=1163:I am Bored.txt]
Indyra Sirenias (164102)
[attachment=1167:Indyra Sirenias.txt]
Ladytwin (154584)
Laz (15096)
Ledah (5305)
MRAlyon (135726)
*Princ Rhaegar* (62639)
[attachment=1165:Princ Rhaegar.doc]
Redneck (151251)
Rockistah (164015)
Shadowseeker ( )
Tankfans (55675)
Thrain (16877)
Xavierson (170208)
[indent]Asterdai (10080)
Awiiya (95773) (rewarded)
[attachment=1131:What is MagicDuel.doc]
Emerald Arcanix (134826) (rewarded)
[attachment=1168:Emerald Arcanix.doc]
Karak (42094)
MRD (38385)
Read and assessed all*
*except dst who used Wix, and i cant find the link for...