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Everything posted by Grido

  1. oddly enough, confirmed thought it wouldve been person issue, seems not
  2. Greetings and welcome May you enjoy every second, and do lots of quests!
  3. Grido


    A president is a face for things, other people make the decisions and then the president announces it, in some cases *cough*George Bush*cough* they don't know what they're on about either
  4. *notices there's now a twitter button on post options....* O.o. anywho, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHEWIE!!!!!! just noticed the forum apparently tells me you were born in the year -1
  5. Grido


    he has an egg, there's a difference, it has a name i think, i just can't recall it
  6. this is continuing to go offtopic....but anyway, the wizards were messing with the elements, something went wrong, big boom or whatever, Golemus formed, wasnt intentional far as i'm aware. Necro appeared immediately / soon after. EDIT: just as a reitteration, again dont know if this is true or Lore, dont take it as fact.
  7. i dont believe that the following is Lore, but it could be, like i said, think this next bit is actual Necro appeared as a reflection to Golemus being made/formed/whatever
  8. you can...if you get into Necro
  9. mirror and guardian (i think)both get cast on other people, how are you casting the spells? i believe it tells you that the path to beserkers charge is open, so it doesnt lie at all, as a note, this is the black tunnel visible in the Demented Path location in Necrovion
  10. Grido


    I vote for Jonn's egg
  11. and after you've done that, take a screen shot of it if it still occurs
  12. Gotta love topic sensitive adverts "Say it with love - Personalised gifts for Valentine's Day" (underwear btw) one of my issues with that would be how long until V day it is anywho, not that you're necceserily being serious with the Elmer Fudd idea, but if you were there'd be copyright issues
  13. YAY Eat lots of cake, and be merry on this day, Happy Birthday
  14. WP for good good ones, Joker for comical ones, if there's some that i think deserve something but not a WP i'll comeup with something P.S. thoughts by people if i shoud put up the ones that i didnt reward? you might be able to change my mind after all
  15. yea Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* have a good one, may you get everything you wish for *One ! for every year the forum says you've lived
  16. Yar, this list will be updated with people i have recieved answers from and who has gained a reward out of them, for more details on the quest itself, look on the Quest tab in game, or on my Quest document (tab is more reliable and updated). Remember, i accept multiple entries, but only one is rewarded. I would first of all like to thank you all for your responces, just because i didn't reward them, doesnt mean i didn't like them . [b]Not rewarded[/b] [indent]Anybody (173045) [attachment=1555:Anybody.txt] *Burns* (53832) [attachment=1164:Burns.txt] Death Ray ( ) [attachment=1548:Death Ray.doc] Fawe (140392) [attachment=1171:Fawe.txt] I am Bored (38621) [attachment=1163:I am Bored.txt] Indyra Sirenias (164102) [attachment=1167:Indyra Sirenias.txt] Ladytwin (154584) [attachment=1553:Ladytwin.txt] Laz (15096) [attachment=1547:Laz.txt] Ledah (5305) [attachment=1551:Ledah.txt] MRAlyon (135726) [attachment=1552:MRAlyon.txt] *Princ Rhaegar* (62639) [attachment=1165:Princ Rhaegar.doc] Redneck (151251) [attachment=1162:redneck.txt] Rockistah (164015) [attachment=1549:Rockistah.doc] Shadowseeker ( ) [attachment=1166:Shadowseeker.txt] Tankfans (55675) [attachment=1546:Tankfans.txt] Thrain (16877) [attachment=1550:Thrain.rtf] Xavierson (170208) [attachment=1554:Xavierson.txt] [/indent][b]Rewarded[/b] [indent]Asterdai (10080) [attachment=1545:Asterdai.txt] Awiiya (95773) (rewarded) [attachment=1131:What is MagicDuel.doc] Emerald Arcanix (134826) (rewarded) [attachment=1168:Emerald Arcanix.doc] Karak (42094) [attachment=1169:Karak.txt] MRD (38385) [attachment=1170:MRD..rtf] [/indent] --Fin-- Read and assessed all* *except dst who used Wix, and i cant find the link for...
  17. This section is not a place for you to post your quests, the place for that is on your papers in game, and it's not a place to advertise your quests either. It's if you want somewhere to place results of your quest, for all to view them.
  18. Mur would have done some sort of special ban, probably the original one, but the normal spell is the same as prison, yes
  19. and no, Aeo, cant get backed sacced critters, a while back i sacced a Soul Weaver after having only just bought it, was pissed at myself, but nothing can be done
  20. How about Grassy Roads? there's a hollow tree stump there You seem to be working out the other details, so i wont comment on anything else
  21. The upgrade costs for Vitality are a lot higher than is possible for that alt, therefore testing the angiens would not be possible on that account. As you can see these as soon as you purchase the Angien, it makes it a little hard to believe you, but that's just me. Mur rarely reads his pm's, so i dont rate the chances he'll read it as being likely i'm afraid. Also, as far as i'm aware, he's also the only person who can change player names.
  22. yeah, i'm on the forum a lot you're telling me that you dont have a single slot in your inventory for an Angien? / that you're going to wait over 4 months to be able to test something on an alt? besides which, i could loosely translate the testing Angiens on an alt to be benefitting your main, i'm not going to, i'm just not that harsh EDIT: Just seen your previous edit, i dont imagine that'd work, and i doubt even if he did read it, that he'd do it
  23. how is it possible to test anything with an Angien Egg which cant do anything?
  24. Well his profile says he logged on yesterday, so i rated the chances he'll see this as sort of likely so yeah, Happy Birthday Brai! have a good one, whereever you are
  25. right section confirmed result in FF
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