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Everything posted by Grido

  1. The Impossible Labyrinth opens in approximately 10 minutes. You can access it through the signpost at the start of the actual/realm labyrinth, in the astral plane. Good luck, and have fun
  2. arrrrrr, i even had several conversations with people that you'd "randomly" logged in your alts!!! and especially with the conversation we were having just before....ARRRGGGG *bangs head on table repeatedly*
  3. [quote]no need to yell though I think the coding for that would be a little difficult. Also so weaver only costs 9 credits including all levels of the shop. Rusty is 51 credits total I don't where you get off saying its cheaper.[/quote] I have a recently reset shop (and so know i havent bought anything in powerups area) and though i cant see where the SW is, i can count around $45 worth of items until i cant see anymore, the SW being beyond that, and so more expensive....
  4. I'm going to take a wild stab at he = Mur, the creator of the real, and the writer of the principles that i provided a link for...
  5. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='16 March 2010 - 10:42 AM' timestamp='1268736157' post='56490'] 4 for gold? You just had to get avatar level 2, which leaving the other items out is 2 $, and the first avatar you pick is for free then, so "almost" 1$ to unlock and 1$ for the avatar. [/quote] $4 to get a b/w avatar upgraded to a Gold one, not to buy an already Gold avatar
  6. The process got removed, because Mur has to, or at least did, do it himself, that obviously would consume his time if he recieved a lot of requests. It was previously $4 for Gold, i'm not sure if the price decrease you put is intentional for that or not.
  7. You should really take the time to read through the full articles, to make them more concise is to lose data, and that would mean you wouldnt understand them as well. http://md-archives.com/categories/archives-of-magic/principles.html The first two articles there arent the principles, but i believe the rest are.
  8. There are multiple issues with running MD through IE, that is just one of them. [quote]By the way, I've reported other puzzle bugs to Cutler, and he had the grace to fix them..[/quote]I don't want this to be a ganging up on you thread or whatever, but i am curious about this bit....had the "grace" to fix it? and Mur ....doesnt to sort the Broken Pattern/IE thing? Cos that sounds mildly insulting to me, but then it's late and i probably need to sleep at this point.
  9. Chewie knows how to fix it, as do I. Don't believe that works Yoshi, not that it isnt worth a try ofc. If everyone's happy to pm one of us, the topic will be closed?
  10. closed by request....
  11. bump
  12. If you view the Logs, the Silver and Gold transfers take up the majority of the list, would it be possible to perhaps collate the Silver and Gold? To make it clearer, and also consume less space? As got pointed out to me, someone would just need to get hold of 200 silver to wipe the logs whenever they wanted, getting 200 items is considerably harder as can be imagined. If Silver/Gold transfered from player A to player B in a single day got put into a single log i think it might tidy things up a little if it's possible
  13. To refresh everyone's memory; It is now the 12th, there is 7 days till the Labyrinth opens. That's 00:00 on the start of 19th March. I will state again on the 19th. Again any questions / queries people have please raise them here.
  14. Water Daimon with 93 age as of Day 68. has Kelle'tha Fire token on it pm me offers please
  15. Silly person removed their birthday from the forum pff, but we inquisitors have our way of finding out these things Happy Birthday Ailith!!!
  16. Happy Birthday Mya
  17. pooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  18. Grido


    I hit myself with a hammer, because it feels so good when i stop
  19. Grido


    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alSVzsWLVKE"]Deep Blue Something - Breakfast At Tiffany's (a cappella)[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=GB&hl=en-GB&v=c6MRYLWJb1o"]Amy MacDonald - This Is The Life[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5rhhQbyYV0"]Bright Eyes - First Day Of My Life[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oscaHJNw-xo"]Lee Evans - Philosophy On Life[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kryV3E4QKGk"]Semisonic - Secret Smile[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HE9OQ4FnkQ"](Parody Singer) - Take On Me (Literal Video Version)[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psuRGfAaju4&NR=1"]Owl City - Fireflies[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAmzHO06_c0"]Rufus Wainwright - Shrek Hallelujah[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qybUFnY7Y8w"]OK Go - This Too Shall Pass[/url] (Thanks for this one Awii ) I enjoy a random selection of music, in case you cant guess from that list. As for my views on music... "If music be the food of love, play on"
  20. @BFH, the "MD" has to be on a bit of paper for a reason, to prove it's your photo, those have it clearly photoshopped in, and from that i would think that they arent valid for the contest LE: Speaking of, submission end date was 1st March...
  21. the same CTC (havent taken the UP, i already have 6) is placed for all to see in a Clicky, there is no password, it is plain to see i set it up so i can see who views the page, so i can check who gets it LE: Pazur has activated the clickable, and has sent me a forum PM saying he got it
  22. you did treat your brain with cookies, right? you did remember to do that? and wb
  23. lol Ud, you'd then have to refresh that message every so often which you're trying to avoid having to do with the book
  24. 1, 8
  25. [size="7"]Happy Birthday Mur!!! [/size] May this year bring greater fortune than the last, and may the tomato rule supreme, may it's influence spread far and wide
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