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Everything posted by gremlin

  1. I think you do a wonderful Job Grido and are a good LHO manager and no im not just saying this either
  2. I was thinking that maybe we should have another fair like the last one. Alot of interesting things happened and to make things even more interesting we could tweak things a bit and add our own special ordeals to it.
  3. My name is Gremlin, I am a Guardian Angel for those who are in need. I am also a Knight of the Half Moon sworn to Protect the Sybil and the Lorerootian Nation. Even though I ahve became half tainted and inflicted with a multipule personality I am still peoples Guardian angel and Protector of Loreroot, The Sybil of CoE and THE SISTERHOOD.
  4. I would lvoe t see a price list for creatures that way it can kinda sorta keep people from charging outrageouse prices for creatures
  5. My MD version of I am the Walrus by the Beatles am he as you are he as you are me And we are all together See how they run like Knators from a gun see how they fly I'm crying Sitting on the GoE waiting for the Mur to come Lorerootian teeshirt, stupid bloody Tuesday Man you been a naughty boy. You let your face grow long I am the Grasan, they are the Grasan I am the Drachorn, goo goo g'joob Mister City Live Help sitting, pretty little Live Helpers in a row See how they fly like Aramors in the sky, see how they fly I'm crying, I'm crying I'm crying, I'm crying Yellow matter custard dripping from a Master Bs eye Crabalocker fishwife pornographic priestess Boy you been a naughty girl, you let your knickers down I am the Grasan, they are the Grasan I am the Drachorn, goo goo g'joob Sitting in an Archive garden waiting for the sun If the sun don't come You get a tan from standing in the MD rain I am the Grasan, they are the Grasan I am the Drachorn, goo goo goo joob goo goo goo goo joob Expert textpert choking smokers Don't you think the joker laughs at you? (Ha ha ha! He he he! Ha ha ha!) See how they smile like Knators in a sty, see how they snied I'm crying Semolina pilchard climbing up the Grand Oak Tower Elementary Water Being singing Hare Krishna Man you should have seen them kicking Master B I am the Grasan, they are the Grasan I am the Drachorn, goo goo goo joob goo goo goo joob Goo goo goo joob goo goo goo joob Goo gooooooooooo jooba jooba jooba jooba jooba jooba Jooba jooba Jooba jooba Jooba jooba
  6. Due to Recent RL issues I had to speed up the judging process by a day. Anyways the winner of my Story contest is *drum rolls* Indyra. Congratulations Indyra. I also want to thank everyone ells that submitted A story for my contest, they were all interesting. I have posted her story here, with her permission of course, for all to read. The story will also be posted in the next issue of the MDNP. Also upon Indyras ok, as well as thoughs running the Lorerootian Festival, I will have Indyra read her story to everyone at Ravens Peace (or I may read it myself if RL keeps her from doing so and Indyra gives the ok). Thank you all again for participating that done so.
  7. My Quest is Over now...I will post the winning story here in a couple days
  8. The past few days I have been resting uneasily, I have had nightmares so terrifying that I have awoke from a deep sleep in cold sweats screaming in terror. Now this Quest is simple and easy I am looking for someone to write me a story that will once again bring me plesant dreams to my slumber once more. The Dead Line for ALL stories is day 329 or the 26th of this month Now for the rules of this quest: 1. The story must be atleast 1000 words long 2. the story must be a plesant one one that will bring even an innocent child plesant dreams in their slumber. 3. The story must be a fantasy that will make even an adults imagination respark. Good luck to you all and may the best writer win.
  9. My Halloween pic for the quest
  10. gremlin

    Halloween pics

  11. *laughs histerically* Kamisha...Ruler of Loreroot *laughs harder* now thats funny...I couldnt think of a worse candidate for the election. Not only are you against nature but hardly anyone knows who you are....I think you running as candidate is just a power hungry attempt to gain control over a land which I dont think will happen.
  12. I know this to be a big step but I chose myself to be candidate for King of Loreroot. Many think that a King is ruler of people and lands I ahve a different out look. The King should honor and listen to his people and do what is best suited not only for the land he protects but the citizens within it. If I am elected King by my people I ahve many plans to unite loreroot into the great nation it once was.My plans to better loreroot and draw forth more peaceful and tranquil attention to the lands, plans to allow others of the world to learn and enjoy the forest and its people as well. I have been asked many things and my main concern for loreroot is uniting its people and bringing more life and joy to the lands.
  13. Just my thoughts and feelings of MagicDuel.
  14. heres a possability for an idea as far as coins and items go.......Texas Hold em.
  15. I support the idea...sounds rather interesting plus easier to keep track of rituals
  16. Happy Birth Day Lib *hands Lib an exploding birth day cake* enjoy
  17. hello Madalina...if your ever in loreroot I am usually inside the Defensive Qarters or Winds Sanctuary if you ever want to talk

  18. now that gives me an idea lets mix one thing from RL with MD and have a MONDAY NIGHT RAW lol
  19. Fenrir Greycloth (ID:86191)Is the human race essentially good, or evil? What makes us good, or evil? What is Good? What is evil? How did we come to a conclusion that these are a way of behaving? This is MY answer to Fenrirs question...Like Mur said "Good and Evil is the obersvation of a third party...." if you really stop and think about it there is really no true sense of good and evil for everyone in the world does what the must to servive. For example some people live the way of the law bide by it and work like slaves every day where as you have those who rob abd kill people. Is the robber and murder wrong or is he doing what he knows to do in order to servive? Tzaroth747 (ID:101892)Why do you seek knowledge? my answer: I go with Mur on this one...I acknowledge you as in everyone.People seek knowledge because people in general have a curiouse nature. If you dont understand something your curiousity runs wild there for you seek the knowledge to understand it. Cless (ID:45711)Do our dreams define us? My Answer: Dreams do NOT define who we are. What defines us is our actions and reactions through life. Dreams are nothing more than things in our subconciouse mind that take form. For example....if you go to bed at night and you have the thought of war on your mind you are going to dream of wars. The dream may be of acient wars that ahve passed or wars that are yet to come, our dreams reflect what is in our mind at that givin time. [color=purple]Feel free to edit into your post to save mods from Merging them for you..... - Grido[/color]
  20. I am sure that there is a way for champions dome to be used for the events when ever they are to happen if Mur will allow it. ALso I like the ideas of having different sections though I was trying to limit the excessive amount of work for the time being and if the Coleseum is a sucess add different stages of competitions. Also this idea did not come from the idea of whos the strongest its an idea concieved of this single thought "I bet 5 silver that Ailith could stomp Raven". also to add a twist to things...perhaps there is a way for those watching the coloseum to watch the battles them selves.
  21. *pushes his bottom jaw up* you look very beautiful Pamp.

  22. the reason for the divsion of regular players, and atleast RPCs is because unless I am mistaken RPCs ahve obtained ecessive stat boost from their promotion plus it adds more sections to the Coleseum there for making it more interesting. Its one thing to see an RPC like Raven go toe to toe with myself but a whole new ball game to see Raven go toe to toe with Ailith. The division of players based on MP lvl is a must...it wouldnt be fair for a MP5 to be able to take on an MP3 or MP4. Also spells would ahve to be banned during for those people who ahve them during the Colesuem battles
  23. I know this idea isnt originally mine so Credit for the main part of the Soloseum goes to Master Wodin but heres my idea for taking it to the next level. Havin a Coloseum Tounement once every six months at Champions Dome. During the torniment we ahve specific rules, only people of the same Mind power lvl are able to fight one another (meaning MP3s can only compeat with other MP3s and so on), regular players can only fight regular players, PWRs are only able to fight PWRs and RPCS are only able to fight RPCS. now this is where the whoel new level comes in...have an area where people can bet items, coins, creatures and credits on who they think will win during each fight and each fight will consist of three round best out of the three rounds wins. each round will consist of one attack ritual from each person and 1 def ritual. if def ritual holds up from the attack...attacker loses.
  24. I would give my condolences but this in not a matter in which they are needed...instead I leave these wrods to ease everyones mind. "What lives must die and what Dies must Live."
  25. gremlin

    Heat Bug

    my briskness is 95 and I ahve done that walking around without sacing and still my heat never goes up just keeps goin down. The only time it goes up is when I sac creatures
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