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Posts posted by Sacosphilz

  1. I just realized that I have this same problem too. I can't add more friends beyond 5, even though I've bought all of the extra feature available in the shop.

    @Skyite: The friend list isn't always used for keeping friends. It is also used as a stalking list. ;)

  2. 41.14th 'what am i?' riddle

    I am a house of lies,

    A flimsy construction,

    Changing all the time,

    I am the world through different eyes,

    I am loss, pain, and regret,

    I am happiness, lust, and love,

    I am hard and soft, short and tall,

    I exist in many forms,

    I am what you see and know,

    I know all,

    I am truth,

    I am known to all.

    What am I?

    *bump* :P

  3. Is it possible that the player didn't get XP because he was at the XP cap, but that the notification is problematic and shows a "no creature survived" instead of the proper message?

    That always happens when a player is at XP cap. I think it is what happened here as well.

  4. I was loss farming, a lot. I also farmed losses a bit more after the win/loss counters had been reset, which is around the time I moved to MP5, because almost everyone was giving negative honor and because I was desperate for some items in the MD shop. Well, actually, it's probably not almost everyone, but those who stay idle online tend to get attacked a lot and have more losses than wins, so it would seem like a lot of people have more losses than wins.

    After managing to stop myself from being food for MP5, I started playing with the following goals:

    1. I wanted to horde a lot of skill points.

    2. I wanted to achieve fight balance again. Back then I had about 120 more losses than wins.

    So I arranged a ritual that could win a lot and started attacking like mad, learning how to pick only fights I can win. I managed to move to 40 more losses than wins before giving up, for the following reasons:

    1. I got from 5000 honor down to 3000 honor by going from 120 losses-wins to 40 losses-wins. There was no doubt that if I were to continue, I would reach negative honor before achieving fight balance. Of course, I could still choose to attack only targets with more wins than losses, but those targets are often hard to beat, not online very often, and otherwise few and far in between. I reasoned that if I was picky with my targets, then I won't be able to catch up with the older players.

    2. In the process of generating 80 victories for myself, I had generated more loss counts for other players. I regarded this as a futility on a macro scale to reach fights balance, thus giving up.

    Then, heads contest started. I didn't seriously try to win because I knew I couldn't, and I just kept the plan to horde stats, only this time I don't care about fight balance, so here's what I do.

    1. I still kept attacking like mad for stats, generating wins for myself, but generating more losses for other players.

    2. I keep a helpless defense ritual on all the time, because I want to lose the stolen heads as fast as possible, and because I want to protect my main creatures and vitality.

    And now I have 160 more losses than wins, still trying to win a lot, and without loss farming.

    My points are:

    1. With the current system, I don't see a point in trying to keep fight balance because it won't benefit me.

    2. With the current system, even if I try to achieve fights balance or just try to win a lot, the whole system would still be out of balance.

    I'm not complaining. I'm not praising. This is just how I learned to adapt to the game rules. I have a firm belief that if you don't like what the players are doing, you have to fix the rules, because players will always do what is in their best interests whether you like it or not.

    That said, even though the current win/loss system is still not perfect, part of the charm of this game is the fact that everyone needs losses as well as wins. As far as I'm concerned, it makes players much more amiable than in games that they try only to win.

  5. Yes, that's what spoiler tags are for, but people are going to read it all anyway. What I want to tell Yoric was a complete spoiler of sort, and since I wasn't the one who posted that riddle first, I don't think I should be the one to give it all away. Yoric, however, probably needs the explanation now because he's convinced that his answer is flawless (and I agree).

  6. @Trahern:

    Uh, huh. :angry:


    I totally agree with you in about riddles in general. A riddle can sometimes be logical, but at other times a very vague guessing game, at that's the part I don't like.

    As for your answer and your reasoning, I have no more valid counterpoints. More explanation cannot be safely posted here without spoiling, so I'll send you a PM instead. :blink:

  7. AP can go over 100 through normal means, like using the free credit links, going through some part of the story, or activating the 'secret feature' (Is it still considered a secret?) but I don't know what would cause it to raise to max int32. :( Probably either a bug or a spell.

  8. @Yoric:

    You're right, it just didn't match the answer I've heard, but I think I can bring up some points against it:

    If that guy was indeed her brother-in-law, you're right that there would be no need for them to trade numbers, but if that's the case, it also means that she had already known him beforehand, and this fails to explain why she had to kill him specifically after her mother's funeral. The tone of the line "meets the guy of her dreams" also suggests that they had just met for the first time.


    No offense, but I never realized you're a woman ;) probably because I keep assuming that people I meet in online games are male until the contrary becomes obvious. :( I already know you're a fellow puzzle lover though. :)

    Since your answer wasn't detailed, I'm not going to comment on it, for now. ;)

  9. Lol, no, I'm not obsessed with riddles. I don't like riddles much because I'm not very good at solving them, for I'm only good with my left brain and my right brain isn't trained enough. :) Puzzles, on the other hand, is what I'm obsessed with. :(

    Anyway, that has nothing to do with being obsessed or not either, because that riddle just now was brought up to me by my instructor just out of the blue during one of his classes (on creativity) a few years ago. I just have a good memory for these things. Really. ;)

    And, if Lan Manderagoran doesn't mind, 'no', that's not the right answer. ;)

  10. heres one for everybody.

    A woman at her mothers funeral meets the guy of her dreams they engage in pleasant conversation but never do swap numbers. A week later she kills her sister. why did she do this?

    Again, I already know the 'right' answer, and I didn't find it by myself. Knowing too much isn't good sometimes. :(

    Anyway, I'm asking that people who know the answer don't post it unless they came up with the explanation by themselves. Just this once, it is very important to know 'who' gets the answer. ;)

  11. 1) No system is fair for everyone - someone will always have more advantage over others under a given set of rules, but the current system at least gives the players with lower stats a chance at winning. If simply winning takes allows you to steal all heads, then the real competition will be limited to older, more active players at the cost of newer players. It's never a good idea for a game to forsake new players. :)

    2) This is a tough one. It's not fair for players who don't have a lot of time to play to still get attacked after they log off, but there are also players who exploit this loophole.

    Anyway, I just came up with a random idea. How about the following rules change:

    2.1) Scores are updated twice as often. (Intervals are shortened by half)

    2.2) If a player logs off and logs in again later, he/she won't gain any score during the first score update after he/she has logged in. Going idle does not count as logging off.

    This way, you barely suffer anything if you're just innocently logging off and taking care of more important things in real life, but if you log off as a way to avoid losing heads, your scores will accumulate slower than other players. :D

    3) As said by the other posters: 7 or more heads = no sanctuaries for you.

    4) I'm undecided on this one. Assuming the information about top scorers are shown as they are, I'm not sure which will make the contest more interesting, showing the information about who are holding the most heads or not. Personally, I consider stealing lots of heads and hiding in remote sanctuaries inn order to not accumulate scores and expose yourself earlier in the contest as a valid strategy, but on the other hand, it takes a lot of heads out of the environment, making the game a bit stale until later on. The players will be more on edge if they always know who has the most heads, but it might not be 'fair' to those who try to use the aforementioned strategy.

  12. Just a suggestion, it would be possible to do as Glaistig asks if there is a backup of old contest scores somewhere. All that needs to be done is to map the old "backup" values and new "current" values and subtract the backup from the current values, but there might still be too many hurdles. It's way easier to declare the current progress invalid and reset all values.

  13. Very nice drawing, Saki. :D I can only envy you since I can't draw. :)

    I'm seconding Morgana's suggestion. You should do the avatars, so we'll have more nice ones to choose from. (No offense to the other artists.) :)

    And Lulu... that's...... some effort. :D

    For some reason I think you sisters should seriously learn some programming, maybe Flash or something similar, so you can put your creativity to good use. :D

  14. No, it doesn't look like he's an RPC. His Online Profile page doesn't say anything special.

    By the way, a character at that age may or may not be able to reach MP5, but CA and Elemental V definitely takes much longer than that, and I'm questioning how this has happened.

  15. Today, I just encountered a player with this strange profile:

    - His age symbols consist of 7 dark grey ones and 3 light grey ones, indicating that his account is around 24 days old. (Correct me if I'm wrong, I didn't answer Jonn's quest question ;) )

    - He is in MP5

    - He has an Elemental V and a few Chaos Archers


    I'm not sure if it's a good idea to post the player's name here. I can PM you his name or post it if it is okay...

  16. @40

    Spinning off of shadowice's response a bit...

    The bunny takes out a stone and refuses to show it to them, insisting that they remove the other stone to see which stone the bunny does not have.

    @44?, The Desert Race

    Take your brother's camel.

    I wouldn't say that



    "totally American-ish"

    . Given your exposure to


    I think you'd have to admit to it being

    part of their modern culture as well,

    though most likely due to

    American influence

    - I'll give you that much. :)

    Yes, it is indeed

    part of Japanese modern culture

    , but it is not the part which I'm exposed to or interested in. :D And besides, my point wasn't that it is

    exclusive to Americans

    , but rather

    being a proud aspect of American culture, while being limited in popularity only to Americans and few other cultures, which was the undertone I felt from Phlegm's post. American football is the other category I was guessing, although rugby is also quite popular elsewhere and is quite similar. (but I barely know anything about either of them anyway :()

  17. Hmm... He does have a point there, but on the other hand, doesn't this correctly reflect the fact that losing makes you humble? :( Being humble is a good, so justified humiliation isn't entirely negative, it can be a good thing. :)

    And is there even a way of describing the reason for getting a loss count while telling you that it's sometimes preferred?

    "The loser is in masochistic ecstasy over the spectacular defeat and gets a loss counter"? What?! :D

  18. MB, can I give a hint to your black&(lack of)white stones riddle? It's no fun to answer myself since I already know the answer and I didn't come up with it.

    Here goes anyway :)

    The bunny couldn't sneak white stones in, because he was taken by surprise like MB said, and because the kittens would catch him doing so anyway since they were the ones who put black stones in there. But there is still a way to use this crooked setup against the kittens...... in a way that they cannot deny.

  19. Ok then where is the fun of BATTLE? I love huge battles, that's why I gathered so much xp...

    If everybody get some losses by spaming you with single creature attacks and then hide in sanctuary?

    Afraid of getting out and getting character xp for loss...

    I think you just nailed one major complaint with the game's current state. :P

    But the thing is, the max XP limit only feels so restrictive in MP3, and you have the choice of advancing to MP4 without any significant disadvantage, and when you reach the highest available MP level, the game (as of now) allows you to reset your character XP and keep collecting more.

    And most players don't even know or care about this anyway, so you can still occasionally find the big battles you seek. (Note that even if no one plays coward, big battles are still not easy to come by, as one such battle will deplete two players in one go.)

  20. Here's how I understand it. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    When a creature gains XP through fights, it only gains XP in fights which it survives, and it gains the exact amounts shown in the fight log. Those amounts are (usually) proportionate to Vitality damage done to enemy creatures.

    When a player gains XP through fights, he gains XP relative to enemy's lost Vitality the same way creatures do. However, he always gain those XP regardless of surviving creatures or battle results.

    For example, in a battle where you lose all creatures but still manage to severely damage your opponent, your creatures will gain nothing, but you, the player, will still gain a lot of XP.

    These two XP values (creatures' and players') are counted separately. Change to one value doesn't directly affect the other value. This means sacrificing creatures will not affect player XP.

    If all this is true, then what you should do to avoid the downside of max XP is to make sure that your creatures survive battles as often as possible, and when you lose, you do as little damage to the opponent as possible.

  21. I am most often 6-4-3 and 4-6-3. Sometimes I am 5-4-3, 3-6-4, 3-6-3, and several others. I am never 5-6-3. Why, and what am I?

    Lol, ok, I cheated, and there was no way I would know what it is by myself, but at least it falls under one of the two categories I was expecting. :)

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