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Everything posted by Tremir

  1. Tremir

    Help phrog

    Wodin does not control the entrance to Golemus. MRD does. I don't know if Wodin knows the codes to the pillars, and I still don't think that the pillars are our answer. I still believe it's the cave.
  2. Tremir

    Help phrog

    that's possible, but if it is then it's beyond our ability to help at the moment. There's no way to just start trying random combinations and accidentally hit on the one he needs
  3. Tremir

    Help phrog

    I've contacted RJ about it, but I haven't heard back from him yet, so I don't know if he's willing to help and if so what his price will be. We also need either MRD or Simply to gain access to Golemus, but none of them are around right now.
  4. Tremir

    Help phrog

    I don't think that a single drachorn, or even a group of them, will be enough. There were drachorns around him before we took him to Necrovion, and it was a temporary help at best. I think we need to get him to the cave itself.
  5. Tremir

    Help phrog

    phrog's ghost said: Can a spirit die? I feel weak. It pulls me so hard. They should be mine. He was also looking for a way to get to the Gates of Ages. This convinces me that he needs the Drachorns, and that the one keeping him away is indeed RJ.
  6. Tremir

    Help phrog

    After hearing phrog's words, this is what I believe: the fire that pulls him is that of Mt. Kelle'tha. HE is MRD, who controls access to Golemus, and who helped the Sentinels destroy phrog's body. Alternatively, he could be talking about the Drachorn's cave, in which case RJ is the one denying him access.
  7. Faraday, you can try my [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=2232"]diary[/url]. It's from my point of view, and contains only those parts that I was there to see, but it's a lot more detailed then the AL.
  8. Entry 11 The last period of time was rather... hectic As I was leaving Necrovion, I ran across Wodin Ullr, who told me that I have been accepted into the Guerrilla Golemicarum, and informed me of my duties. After that, my time was rather full. Between my search for the Documents, my research of the ones I already possessed, and my new duties to the Guerrilla, I was kept too busy for anything else. Events happened during that time that I only heard of by word of mouth. In fact, I was so busy with my work that for a time I missed the fact that Khalazdad has split. And then I was called by BlackThorn, my mentor, to the Aramory. A group of Lorerootian and Golemus warriors, under the leadership of GlorDamar and BlackThorn, gathered there, knowing that the Black would soon make his move. We have set lookouts to watch over the House of Liquid Dust, knowing that whatever was to take place would take place there, and the rest of us prepared for battle near the Aramory. BlackThorn and Calyx have finally manage to convince SageWoman to take refuge inside Golemus, and we could all breath more easily, knowing that the Black would not be able to touch her. After an interminable wait, we got word that the Black was on the move from Wind's Sanctuary to the House, and that the Sentinels were gathering and following him. I do not know how such things are measured, but it appears that the time was not yet right for a confrontation, and so the Black stood outside the House and lectured his followers, and everyone else who cared to listen. At this time, BlackThorn led a few of us to the House, to be there when the time for battle arrived. This, for me, was extremely fortunate. Khalazdad was still talking, telling stories to his listeners and asking them for their insights about those stories. I was able to answer him to his satisfaction, and his reward was another of the Documents that I am after. Soon after, the Archivist arrived, and told us that the time has come. Battle was joined, with the Sentinels attacking almost everyone in sight, and summoning shade armies to fight for them. Nevertheless, the tide of battle turned in our favor, and it wasn't long before the Black had to admit defeat. Beaten, he walked into the House to die. This was not to be, however. Soon after the Black walked into the House, the White arrived. SageWoman and Calyx were contacted, and they, too, came to the House of Liquid Dust. With the White serving as a conduit, SageWoman pleaded with the Black to come out and rejoin his other half. The Black, of course, refused. I will not repeat the following conversation. My memory is faulty, and I am bound to forget important parts. In the end, SageWoman offered herself as a sacrifice, and the White was allowed into the House. None but Khalazdad know what took place inside that terrible place, but the Khalazdad that came out of it was neither the Black nor the White. Whatever happened there, the man who walked out was Khalazdad Greymantle, whole again and in control of himself. I think... I think that all of us who stood there were torn between the happiness of seeing Khalazdad restored and the sorrow of SageWoman's death. All except Calyx, who told us to have faith and that SageWoman was not yet lost. The Priestess was right, of course. As soon as Khalazdad oriented himself, he walked over to SageWoman, and said that he revoked the Black's acceptance of her sacrifice. I was too far back to see what happened next, but we could all see clearly when SageWoman came back to life. After that, it was all over but the congratulations and partying.
  9. Tremir

    Help phrog

    I have had a thought. We know that the fires of Mt. Kelle'tha have destroyed Alche's body, but left his spirit free to roam. Therefore, if we can bring phrog to the mountain, we might be able to reverse that process to give him a new body. We shall need to utilize the proper Principles for this to work, I think. The use of Syntropy to counter Entropy and allow the process to be reversed The use of Cyclicity to bring phrog back full circle to the place he started from (a physical body) The use of the Elements to create a physical body possibly more Principles and applications I haven't though of
  10. any idea how to place an image in the background?
  11. Last I checked, the MRs were not a part of the Guerrilla. They have their own goals, and their own agenda. I do not think that this treaty includes them.
  12. There are 2 ways to get spells. One is to become a Protector - an MP6 player. The other is to receive spells that fit the character you are playing. Both are not easy, and take a lot of time and effort.
  13. there are 2 ways to do that 1 is to save a message you got from them, and simply reply to it when you need to send something. The other is to buy the friends list feature at the MD shop and add the people you want to message frequently.
  14. Tremir

    Help phrog

    That's a good thought, but using the principles that way requires Inner Magic, and I don't think we have that capability right now. If only I still had the Elixir of Life...
  15. Since we're talking adept improvement, here's another idea: Layering adepts Basically, if I have adepts, and I become someone else's adept, I will count as myself, plus a certain percentage of my adepts, towards MY master. For example, if I have 10 adepts, I will count as 2 (myself+10%) or 3 (myself+20%). Don't know if this is even doable, but it's something to consider.
  16. Entry 10 This day... This day has not been good. Part of a large group, I came to the Gates of Ages, to help in one last effort to save the Firestarter, phrog. I cannot recall all who came to help him, and I will not try. But we made a fire. As large and powerful as we could, and it seemed to help. Arguments raged about the best way to return the heat to phrog, with Necromancer Mortis on one side, claiming that his elemental can give the heat needed, and stormrunner on the other, weary of the elemental's ability to steal life. Eventually, phrog began to stir, and uttered the word "necrov". Spurred by his voice, I went to Necrovion, to scout it and see what I could find. We did not know if he was begging to be taken there, or warning us that they are the ones responsible for his condition. In Necrovion, I came across a large bonfire, in the Way of Cleansing. I cannot say that I approve of that fire. Burning books has always been anathema to me. But it was a fire, and bigger then we could have made ourselves. I returned to phrog, and suggested that we take him there. With Granos scounting ahead of us, and with Renavoid and Junior assisting us, we got phrog to the Necrovion gates. From there, most of my companions could not continue, and Renavoid, Junior, MRD and I went on alone. We got phrog safely to the bonfire, and the heat from the flames seemed to be helping, when Renavoid had to leave us to return to his archives. In his absence, we were attacked by members of the Necrovion Sentinels, who came to take phrog prisoner. MRD and I stood our ground, and I was able to contact Renavoid, who came back to assist us, but in our battle, phrogs body was tossed into the flames and was burned to ashes. To me, it appeared that all of our efforts were in vain, and that the Firestarter died after all, in fire instead of ice, but the appearance of Azrael, the Silent Reaper gave me new hope. He claims that phrog's name does not appear in his book, and though I cannot say what that means, I can't help but be comforted. I will stand vigil at the fire today, for as long as I can sustain myself.
  17. I'm afraid that I'm no good at anything graphic. I'll just have to leave you with something I wrote a while ago: Attack of the Pink Fluffy Bunnies of Doom If you knew the things that I know you'd start running today, To escape the apocalypse that's coming this way, Cause there’s a threat on the horizon and it’s starting to loom, It’s the attack of the pink fluffy bunnies of doom! They bounce and hop their way from the abyssal deep, With their eyes red with madness and their teeth meant to reap, They are coming to visit, and they never mean well, It’s the attack of the evil killer bunnies from hell! They will spread death and madness, all over their path, They will catch all those trying, to flee from their wrath, You can even try to nuke them, but they’ll laugh at the boom, Because you cannot stop the pink fluffy bunnies of DOOM! Yes they are headed this way and they are coming real soon, Fear the attack of the pink fluffy bunnies of DOOM!
  18. Then hide it on the rest of the players.
  19. More like around 46,000 You can click on each pillar more then once.
  20. Entry 9 This has been an interesting... day? week? I don't know. Time is so hard to measure here. I have had a most enlightening conversation with the Celestial Observer. It seems that he has managed to find and ascertain the names and meanings of the 5 planets on our sky. Those planets, it seems, stand for Fire, Lake, Water, Mountain and Wind. These look very close to the classical 4 elements I was used to, but the addition of Lake confuses me. Could this be the reason my powers aren't working here? The addition of a fifth force? I will need to study that in further detail.
  21. One option would be to use the person's homeland. Like, someone from Golemus could graft Golem parts into his creatures, for example. This wouldn't have the same effect as the original idea, but it would offer some variety.
  22. With the addition of new RPCs and the giving out of titles and descriptions to other players, the fact that the description overrides the player's stats (VP, creature vitality, vitlality, etc.) is becoming a bit of a problem. I'd like to request that those stats be returned to those player's chat panels. The description can be moved to below the avatar on the first "page", and the stats returned to their normal place
  23. Entry 8 I have made a new discovery. It seems that not all of my knowledge is worthless here. The baser knowledge, the more mundane applications, are still working. It is hard to work with the festivities going on. There are more people around then I've ever seen outside the sanctuaries at any given time, and the noise is deafening. I guess I could go and find some place more secluded to study in, but there is pleasure to be had in good company, good drinks, and a good smoke. My studies will wait for another day. It's not like I am pressed for time.
  24. Memory is a fleeting thing. I’ve lost my library, and I wouldn’t be able to hold a normal book or scroll even if I still had them, but this scroll is truly amazing. It has no substance, and I cannot hold it, yet it is always with me, and when I want it to it can record my thoughts. I will use it to prevent forgetfulness. Day one I remember how I got here. The trapped book in the castle, the portal. I don’t know where I am, and it seems that I no longer have a body. And yet, I am not dead. At least, I do not think that I am dead. This place is unlike every afterlife I ever heard of.* I will explore this new land, and see what I can find. Day two This place is amazing. With a single thought, I can conjure a creature to fight for me against the hostile beings that seem to live in this land. Back home, only the greatest of sorcerers can manage such a feat! I cannot wait to get to a place of safety, where I can see how my old skills work in this place. Day three? Or is it still day two? Time is so hard to measure in a land with no night I do not understand this. My skills, the skills I have worked for years to perfect, are useless here. I can summon creatures and warriors to fight for me, but the simplest transmutation of one base metal to another is beyond me. There is magic in this world, but all of my knowledge seems useless in controlling it. I can’t keep track of time any more. I do not need sleep, and the sun does not set. I will keep numbering these entries, for the sake of keeping it organized. Entry 4 I still cannot use my magic. It’s not the lack of power that stops me. I can sense the power all around me, and it seems that I can use it almost instinctively, but I can’t consciously direct it. The elements are strange here. Acting almost of their own will, and the reagents I am used to working with do not exist in this place. I have found some Nightshade, but that’s the only reagent I can recognize. In a way, this land is fascinating. In another, it is frustration incarnate. I will learn about this place all I can before seeking a way back home. There’s no telling what useful knowledge I can find here. Entry 5 I think that it is a long time since I’ve last written in this scroll. The days are endless and never changing, but it feels like a long time. I have talked to many of the inhabitants of this world, and a lot of them have interesting tales. It seems that only a small number is native to this place, and that most are travelers from other realms, not unlike myself. I have made few breakthroughs in understanding this world. I have found new creatures to summon to my aid, and have increased the power of the ones I had before, but I am no closer to regaining my old power then I was when I first came here. It also seems like there are places in this world that are blocked to me. Entire lands that I cannot enter. It is frustrating to think that the answers I seek may be in one of those places, beyond my reach. Entry 6 This world is rife with rumors. Along with the war that seems to be brewing here, it seems that the knowledge I seek is within reach. There have been tales of ancient documents explaining the ways of magic. I must seek the people who possess those documents. This could be the key that I’ve been waiting for. Entry 7 I have managed to gain access to the documents, and it sees that this scroll can keep copies of them for me. How quickly have I grown accustomed to the convenience of having it. But having the documents is proving as frustrating as knowing nothing. Fragments. All I have are fragments. The fragments seem to contain information about how to control the elements, and even how to control light and darkness. But I cannot make sense of these fragments. I must have the complete documents. * This place is, in fact, similar to one afterlife I know off. I don’t know how much time have passed since I wrote that first entry, but I’ve learned about this place since then. People fight all day long, and yet they do not die. This bears resemblance to that old Nordic myth of Valhalla. The pub that has started to appear lately seems to reinforce that observation.
  25. My tag: the Alchemist. The Alchemist is a sage from a far away realm. His knowledge is that of the elements, the knowledge of transmuting one substance into another. Long past the search for the elixir of life, The Alchemist was an immortal even before coming to this strange new land, and has found upon reaching it that his knowledge is no longer quite true, due to the strange laws of nature governing it. He now seeks to understand the laws of nature of this strange new realm, and regain his lost abilities.
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